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Aerodynamic Analysis of Wind Turbines 227

T ¼ 2ρAUo2 að1− aÞ ½6

P ¼ uR T ¼ 2ρAUo2 að1− aÞ 2 ½7

Introducing the dimensionless thrust and power coefficient, respectively,

CT ≡ ; CP ≡ ½8
2 ρAUo 2 ρAUo
1 2 1 3

we get
CT ¼ 4að1− aÞ; CP ¼ 4a ð1 − a Þ 2 ½9
Differentiating the power coefficient with respect to the axial interference factor, the maximum obtainable power is obtained as
16 1
CPmax ¼ ¼ 0:593 for a¼ ½10
27 3
This result is usually referred to as the Betz limit or the ‘Lanchester–Betz–Joukowsky limit’, as recently proposed by van Kuik [7], and
states the upper maximum for power extraction which is no more than 59.3% of the kinetic energy contained in a stream tube
having the same cross-section as the disk area can be converted to useful work by the disk. However, it does not include the losses
due to rotation of the wake and therefore it represents a conservative upper maximum. The Optimum Rotor of Glauert

Utilizing general momentum theory, Glauert developed a simple model for the optimum rotor that included rotational velocities.
In this approach, Glauert treated the rotor as a rotating axisymmetric actuator disk, corresponding to a rotor with an infinite number
of blades. The main approximation in Glauert’s analysis was to ignore the influence of the azimuthal velocity and pressure in the
axial momentum equation. For a differential element of radial size Δr, eqn [2] then reads,

ΔT ¼ 4πρUo2 ð1− aÞarΔr ½11

Applying the Bernoulli equation in a rotating frame of reference across the rotor plane, we get the following equation for the
pressure drop over the rotor,
Δp ¼ ρΩruθ þ ρu2θ ½12
where Ω is the angular velocity.
Combining eqns [11] and [12], we get
ΔT ¼ Δp ⋅ 2πrΔr ¼ 2πρuθ Ωr þ uθ rΔr ½13
where uθ is the azimuthal velocity behind the rotor. Defining the azimuthal interference factor as,

a′¼ ½14
eqn [13] reads,

ΔT ¼ 4πρΩ2 ð1 þ a′Þa′r 3 Δr ½15

Combining eqns [11] and [15], we get
ð1− aÞa ¼ λ2 x2 ð1 þ a′Þa′ ½16
where x = r/R and λ = ΩR/Uo is the tip speed ratio. This equation can also be derived by letting the induced velocity be perpendicular
to the relative velocity in the rotor plane. Introducing Euler’s turbine equation on differential form, we get the following expression
for the useful power produced by the wind turbine,

P¼Ω 2πr ρuuθ dr ¼ 4πρΩ Uo
2 2
a′ð1− aÞx3 dx ½17
0 0

or in dimensionless form,

CP ¼ 8λ2 a′ð1− aÞx3 dx ½18

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