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Redden 1

Diamond Redden

28 March 2022


1. If you had to rank the items in the architecture checklist, from most important to least

important, what would your list look like?

2. What are the three functions that every business information system must carry out,

irrespective of system architecture?

Manage applications, handle data storage/access, and provide an interface.

3. What is client/server architecture?

It is a computing model where the server delivers, hosts, and manages most of the content.

4. What has been the impact of the Internet on system architecture?

It has allowed servers to provide data/application logic and produce interfaces for consumer use.

5. What are the differences between in-house e-commerce development with packaged

solutions and service providers?

In-house development and service providers are both ways of e-commerce. The difference

between the two is the amount of changes that are made to the business policies, the difference

Focus levels of meeting criteria, price, and the use of external resources.

6. What are the advantages of online and batch processing, respectively?

Advantages of online and batch processing include the convenience, greater market synergy,

greater sales, timeliness, etc.

7. Explain the five main network models.

Redden 2

Hierarchical network where there is a main server that controls subdivisions of servers

(departments). Bus network is a single communication port that connects to ALL workstations

of a network. The more networks, the poorer the performance. Ring network where networks

flows in one direction at a time, if one workstation fails the rest will decline. Star network

where there is a central network that individual workstations branch off from, failure of a single

workstation does not affect the others. Mash network where workstations are connected, but do

not bring each other down.

8. What functions do routers, gateways, and proxy servers serve in a network?

The connect workstations and other hardware to a network.

9. What role do standards play in wireless networking?

Standards are set services that explain how the wifi is functioning and decrease adding costs.

10. List the sections of a system design specification and describe the contents.

System design specification is a document that describes complete design for a system.

Management summary provides status reports and reviews. System components contains the

complete design for the new system. System environment explains the systems conditions.

Implementation requirements specifies the initial data entry and what is expected for the start up

process. Time and cost estimates provides a detailed estimation of what the project will cost.

Additional material is optional and contains documents from earlier phases.

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