Farflung - Character Sheet (Letter)

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common moves

To assault another target, state your weapon’s tier, and roll +Strange.
7-9,become exposed and choose one: either charge into range and +3
forward, or hit a lesser target. 10-12,choose one: stay covered & hit
lesser target, or become exposed & hit equal target, or charge and +3
forward. 13+,choose one:stay covered & hit lesser target, or become
exposed & hit greater target, or charge and +3 forward.
To avoid danger till your next move, roll +Bottom. 7-9,weak enemies
overlook you and -1 harm. 10-12,the strong overlook you and -2
harm. 13+,the grand overlook you and -3 harm.
To block something till your next move, roll +Top. 7-9,weak enemies target
you first, +1 forward to respond to them. 10-12,the strong target you first,
+3 forward to respond. 13+,the grand target you first, +6 to respond.
To know casual stuff, just ask. To know obscure lore, roll +Down.
7-9,MCtells you something. 10+, MC may give you +1 connection.
To reveal something from your inventory, ante 1 Fx and roll
+Connection. 7-9,move ante to Hx and you have weak stuff.
10-12,move ante to Hx and you have strong stuff. 13+,set aside
ante as inventory and you have grand stuff.
To talk to people who are already friendly with you, no roll is needed.
To schmooze unfriendly people, roll +Charm. 7-9,they’re open to talk,
ask the MC how to proceed. 10+,the target makes a counter-offer,
accept it or move on to something else (MC’s choice).
To observe the obvious, ask your MC. To scope a situation or person,
roll+Up. 7-9,ask one question and +1 forward to deal with answers.
10+, ask three questions and +1 forward on those answers. (Does this
person have something I need? How could I get past these people to
leave me alone? Who’s really in control here? Is this person trying to
deceive me? What happened here recently? What here is useful or
valuable to me? What is about to happen? Is there anything here that
isn’t supposed to be here? What should I be on the lookout for? Whattier
are these people? What’s the best way to deal with these people?)

support moves
Don’t like your last roll? To get inspiration from a friend, ask them to
ante 1 or more Hx and roll +connection. 7+,add their +ante to your
last roll; your friend moves their ante to their Fx.
To prepare a friend for rolling, roll and add something (usually the
same attribute). 7+, you give them +1 forward.
To order a follower to do something, ante 1 Fx and roll +connection
instead of what you’d usually roll. Either you suffer the response
for your follower, or lose 1 point of connection permanently. Move
ante to Hx.

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