League of Nations Cheat Sheet

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League of Nations Cheat Sheet

by aj582 via cheatography.com/122058/cs/22549/

The aims/o​rigins of the League of The aims/o​rigins of the League of Organi​sation of LoN (cont)
Nations Nations (cont)
Role of the Council
When was it founded? Where was it How did people see the LoN and were The Council’s most important task was
founded? How many members did it they effect​ive? to settle intern​ational disputes. It met
have at its peak? Many looked to the League as a sense three times a year and reported back to
Founded on January 10th 1920 after the of stability to the world, however, the the Assembly annually. The Council
Paris Peace Conference that ended effect​iveness of the LoN in providing a consisted of four permanent members –
World War I (at its peak it had 58 stabil​ising influence over geopol​itics is Britain, France, Italy and Japan. The
members) very debatable United States was meant to be the fifth
member, but the US Senate blocked the
Who developed the LoN? What were the sanctions the LoN could
United States from becoming a member
US President Woodrow Wilson put into place when there were intern​‐
of the League. Germany was admitted
ational disput​es?
What was its principal mission? as a member when it was finally allowed
Moral sanctions: condem​nation of an
To Maintain world peace to join the League in 1926 (though it left
action undertaken by a member state. --
in 1935). The Soviet Union joined in
What was the primary goal? Economic sanctions: suspending trade
1934 (but left in 1937). There were 10
Prevent wars through collective security with an offending member state. --
non-pe​rmanent members who were
and disarm​ament and settling Military sanctions: raise an army to fight
elected for three-year terms. Australia
an offending member state (the League
What was the plan for the intera​ction served as a non-pe​rmanent member
did not have a military force, and there
between the members of the LoN? between 1933 and 1936.
was no obligation for member nations to
They were going to respect treaties and Role of the Secret​ariat
provide one, so this threat was often
maintain good relati​onships with other
rather empty - and most nations knew The Secret​ary​-Ge​neral of the League of
this) Nations was given the task of setting up
What other matters would the LoN be the mechanisms to encourage intern​‐
How would the sanctions be put into
concerned with? ational cooper​ation. The Secret​ariat
Labour condit​ions, Treatment of consisted of a large staff, which evolved
These sanctions would be put into place
indigenous popula​tions, Human and drug into an intern​ati​onally minded civil
in that order depending on upon the
traffi​cking, Arms dealing, Global health service that conducted the day-to-day
severity of the offence
and poverty, Protection of minori​ties, business of the League. The Secret​ariat
Prisoners of war was respon​sible for the admini​str​ative
Organi​sation of LoN
work of the League in the public​ation of
What did the member states supposedly
Role of the Assembly its activi​ties. Much of its work was
All nations that were member nations divided into 11 specia​lised commis​sions
A system of collective security as a that dealt with - politics, data collec​tion,
could have three delegates, but with one
means to prevent wars law, economics and finance, transport,
vote in the Assembly, which met in
How did they see an aggres​sor? September each year. The Assembly the rights of minori​ties, the oversight of
dealt with matters such as discussing the mandates, disarm​ament, health,
An aggressor against one member nation
issues relating to peace and security, the social problems, intern​ational associ​‐
would be considered and aggressor
admission of new members, electing ations.
against all member nations, thus (suppo​‐
sedly) acting as a deterrent non- permanent members to the
Council, determ​ining the budget and
making amendments to the Covenant.

By aj582 Not published yet. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com

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League of Nations Cheat Sheet
by aj582 via cheatography.com/122058/cs/22549/

Successes of the LoN Weaknesses of the LoN (cont) Diplomacy and Treaties (cont)

Czech Foreign Minister, Eduard Beneš (who Absence of Russia and withdrawal of Locarno Pact
was a strong supporter of the League) Germany as they were two hugely powerful German Foreign Minister Gustav
summed up what he thought were League countries that were not part of the negoti​‐ Stresemann pursued a liberal policy and
successes up to 1932: ations, limiting the power of the LoN was willing to cooperate with the
* The Permanent Court of Intern​ational Linked with the Treaty of Versailles (that League. In October 1925, the Locarno
Justice – in Beneš’ words, the World Court they created), and they were unable to Pact was signed by Britain, France,
had ‘achieved wonders’ and it had become maintain aspects of the treaty making the Belgium, Italy and Germany. This pact
a ‘living factor for peace’. LoN seem ineffe​ctive, invasive and confirmed the existing frontiers and
* Disputes solved – disputes over the uncaring Germany reaffirmed the demili​tar​isation
Aland Islands, Vilna, Upper Silesia, Albania of the Rhineland. Germany was admitted
The rise of dictators in several member
and Memel were settled, as well as more to the League of Nations in 1926.
countries weakened the effect​iveness of the
serious conflicts between Greece and Italy
LonN as there were ideolo​gically nation​alist Kell​ogg​-Briand Pact
(1923) and Greece and Bulgaria (1925).
and opposed intern​ational interv​ention in
These were settled either by the Court or by The Kellog​g–B​riand Pact is also known
their affairs (League was powerless to act
arbitr​ation. as the Pact of Paris. It was strongly
against their aggression - e.g. Japan left
* Huma​nit​arian work – Beneš believed that supported by French Foreign Minister
LoN when they opposed the invasion of
the League had made great progress in the Aristide Briand, who initially proposed a
care of refugees, dealing with epidemics, bilateral agreement between the United
Way it was organised - decisions had to be States and France to outlaw war
fighting drugs (espec​ially opium), and the
unanimous (which is hard when there are between them. However, US President
protection of children.
so many nations) or offending parties could Calvin Coolidge and US Secretary of
* Economic and financial cooper​ation –
resume hostil​ities for the next three months State Frank Kellogg suggested inviting
Beneš believed that the League had
until a decision could be reached other nations to join. They were later
achieved ‘remar​kable success’ in fostering
intern​ational cooper​ation in this area. All permanent members had a veto and the joined by another 62 nations, so that it
* Disa​rma​ment – Beneš believed that the Conference of Ambass​adors kept over was signed by most of the countries in
Intern​ational Disarm​ament Confer​ence, ruling the decisions of the council the world at that time. The two clauses
which had just commenced at the time of agreed to were - outlaw war as an
writing in 1932, had ‘achieved a partial yet Diplomacy and Treaties instrument of national policy and settle
important success’. disputes by peaceful means. The
Wash​ington Confer​ence
Kellog​g–B​riand Pact was of great
The world’s largest gathering of naval
Weaknesses of the LoN symbolic import​ance. However, there
powers convened in Washington
were no actual mechanisms to ensure
No guarantee of cooper​ation from other between 1921 and 1922 to conclude
that nations kept their word. In a time of
nation three major treaties. In the Five-Power
relative global prosperity in 1928, many
Unable to follow through with all sanctions Treaty, it was agreed that the United
people believed that the world had now
States, British and Japanese navies
Absence of the US (the most powerful finally shaken off the effects of World
should be in the ratio of 5:5:3. The
nation, blow to LoN’s prestige and intern​‐ War I and looked forward to intern​ational
Washington Conference was regarded
ational power) peace and security in the future.
as a success and had the effect of
Power was weakened when nations left
upholding the status quo in Europe.
(e.g. when Japan and Italy left)

By aj582 Not published yet. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com

cheatography.com/aj582/ Last updated 26th April, 2020. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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