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jr: Good morning, I am interested in investing in a property. What options are available to you?


JP: Good morning! Of course, I have two interesting properties that could be adapted to your needs. The first

Interesting propiris tat culd bi adapted tu your nids. Te ferst

option is a house on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by nature and tranquility. It has three bedrooms, two

opción i sa oni autkhets of ti ciry sorraunden bai nicher en tranquirili

bathrooms, a modern kitchen and a beautiful garden.

Ena biuruful garden

jr: That sounds very tempting; I love the idea of living in a quiet place. What is the second option?

Sonds tenting adia clait pleis

jp: the second option is an apartment located in the heart of the city. close to shopping centers and restaurants.

Ti secon opshion is en apartement luquired in ti hart of ti ciry clos tu shaping centers

The apartment has two bedrooms, a modern kitchen and a living room with panoramic views of the city.

M ena living rum with pnoramic vius of ti ciry

jr: Both options sound attractive. I need a place where I can relax

pleiis wer relax

jp: Both properties are competitively priced, but the apartment in the city center has a slightly higher cost due

vv butf propiris ar comperidivi prais but ti apartment sailit jai er cost du

to its prime location.

Tu itis prain luquishon

jr: I see I think I'm going with the house on the outskirts. I like the idea of having my own quiet space.

jp: Excellent choice! The house on the outskirts is a good option

excelen chois te jaus oni autkhets is a

jr: Perfect, what are the next steps to proceed with the purchase?

jp: The next steps are to prepare the necessary documentation

te next estaps ar tu preper te nessaly dacumenteishon

jr: perfect let's continue with the negotiation

jp: of course! I will make the arrangements and contact you with all the details.

Of curs ai wii meik ti arrainmens en contact at ti ditails

jr: Thanks again for your help. See you soon!

JP: You're welcome! See you soon and have a great day.

Si sun and haf a grid dey

Do you have quetions

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