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P: hello jose romero

How are you

JR: hello jose

Excellent and you

jp: excellent
José I can ask you some questions about your daily routine.

JR: Yes, sure, ask.

JP: what time do you get up every day?


JP: what time do you leave for the university?


JP: What days do you have classes?


JP: you have lunch at the university


JP: what time do you leave

JP: What do you do in your free time after you leave university?

JR: José, I can ask you some questions about your daily routine.

JP: yes of course

JR: what time do you get up.

JP: I get up at six

JR: What time do you start college?

JP: I usually go in at eight in the morning.

JR: Ok, and what time do you leave?

JP: I leave at three in the afternoon

JR: have lunch there at the university

JP: yes, lunch at twelve at the university

JR: ok, and after leaving the university, what do you do?

JP: I do the tasks that I have pending and then I start listening to music and that's it

JR: done, thanks for answering

jp: see you later

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