On The Operator Action Analysis To Reduce Operational Risk in Research Reactors

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Process Safety and Environmental Protection 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 789–795

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On the operator action analysis to reduce

operational risk in research reactors

Ramin Barati ∗ , Saeed Setayeshi

Fars Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Fars, Iran

a b s t r a c t

Human errors during operation and the resulting increase in operational risk are major concerns for nuclear reactors,
just as they are for all industries. Additionally, human reliability analysis together with probabilistic risk analysis is a
key element in reducing operational risk. The purpose of this paper is to analyze human reliability using appropriate
methods for the probabilistic representation and calculation of human error to be used alongside probabilistic risk
analysis in order to reduce the operational risk of the reactor operation. We present a technique for human error rate
prediction and standardized plant analysis risk. Human reliability methods have been utilized to quantify different
categories of human errors, which have been applied extensively to nuclear power plants. The Tehran research
reactor is selected here as a case study, and after consultation with reactor operators and engineers human errors
have been identified and adequate performance shaping factors assigned in order to calculate accurate probabilities
of human failure.
© 2014 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Operational risk; Human reliability analysis; SPAR-H method; Tehran research reactor; Probabilistic risk

1. Introduction Although nuclear reactors are claimed to be very safe, there

have been significant failures in the nuclear industry, the
Human actions are necessary parts of the operation and most infamous of which are Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and
maintenance of a nuclear power plant, in both normal and Fukushima. Disasters clearly can and do happen, therefore,
abnormal operating situations. The Reactor Safety Study of and complacency must be avoided. Lessons have been learned
the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1975) revealed that by risk experts from these and other major disasters such as
more than 60% of the potential accidents in the nuclear indus- the NASA Challenger and Columbia events. Probabilistic risk
try are related to human error. Also, some references have analysis has been used as a powerful method for surveying
reported that the contribution of human error to probabilistic and reducing the operational risk of nuclear reactors. In PRA
risk analysis (PRA) results can be as high as 88% (see, for exam- we usually take the pessimistic view and use more conser-
ple, Hirschberg, 1990). (The accidents at Three Mile Island in vative values in order to avoid the problems associated with
1979 and at Chernobyl in 1986 have given us additional infor- taking the optimistic view, thereby avoiding the “elephant in
mation about the importance of human reliability; see Bello the room”. An example of applying PRA to an accident in the
and Colombari, 1980 and Drogaris, 1993.) So, human reliabil- aviation industry is shown in Fig. 1 in a simple and realiz-
ity analysis (HRA) is a key element in trying to enhance the able way; this demonstrates how this method can be used in
safety of nuclear power plants, but it can be more useful in a wide range of industries to enhance safety and reduce risk.
operational safety if it is used alongside PRA. In addition, any meaningful PRA needs to account for human

Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 912 1596746.
E-mail addresses: barati.ramin@aut.ac.ir (R. Barati), setayesh@aut.ac.ir (S. Setayeshi).
Received 20 May 2013; Received in revised form 22 October 2013; Accepted 12 February 2014
Available online 27 February 2014
0957-5820/© 2014 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
790 Process Safety and Environmental Protection 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 789–795


Event Tree
Top Events:
Main Reserve System needed to
Chute Chute prevent injury

System succeeds

Initiating Event: Main chute works, float to ground

Jump from
Airplane Reserve chute works, float to ground

Both chutes fail, jumper casually

System fails

Fault Tree


Chute Not
Deployed Chute

Rip Activation
Cord Device Fails


Malfun Battery
-ctions Is Dead

Fig. 1 – Sample event tree and fault tree.

actions (HAs) and their effects on both the probability of sig- result in the efficiency of the system being higher than that of
nificant risk events and their consequences. In fact, PRA can any single component or person. But because of the nature of
show us how HAs can be used to prevent accidents, and in the the industry, in many situations operators must diagnose the
case of the occurrence of accidents it can show us how they situation based on symptoms and decide what they should
can be used to mitigate the consequences and reduce opera- do in a reasoned manner. This means that, whether or not the
tional risk. Conversely, if HAs are not analyzed correctly and safety systems and protections that are in place are strong and
are assigned based on incorrect analyses, the situation can be redundancy and diversity are taken into account, the need for
made worse. operators to take the most appropriate actions under duress
The nuclear industry has a reputation for high standards of is still necessary in nuclear industries. We are able to gather
safety and reliability and it is often said that there are checks data and process it to generate information and design instru-
upon checks. If reactors are designed properly (including using mentation and control systems that work efficiently. But we
parallel controls or system redundancy and diversity), this can are still not able to design a controller that performs based
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 789–795 791

on its cognitive knowledge. The expertise that is accumu-

Table 1 – Procedural framework to perform HRA.
lated by a human after many years of training and experience
is knowledge that still cannot be transferred to robots and No. Phase Steps
other systems. It is only humans that can process informa- 1 Familiarization Collection of information
tion to generate knowledge and reach high enough levels of Plant visit
expertise to make decisions about complex systems with com- Review of written
plex behaviors, such as reactors. The actions of operator in a procedures
2 Qualitative Identification of potential
nuclear reactor are very cognitive.
analysis human errors
Research reactors are analyzed in this work because HAs Modeling of human errors
are more important in research reactors than in others, and in PRA
situations are often worse because humans play an even more 3 Quantification of Different methods in HRA
significant role in ensuring safety and reducing operational human failures (SPAR-H) in this research
risk at these reactors than in nuclear power plants. Many 4 Evaluation Sensitivity and
uncertainty analysis
safety functions that are performed automatically in power
plants must be performed manually in research reactors.
Human reliability analysis as part of PRA is defined as fol-
lows (Swain and Guttman, 1983). Human reliability means the
probability that a person: • Success Likelihood Index Method (Embrey, 1984).

(1) correctly performs an action required by the system in a

Among these methods, SPAR-H is utilized in this research
required time and
for HRA of the Tehran research reactor for the following rea-
(2) does not perform any extraneous activity that can degrade
the system.

• it is a well-documented and systematic HRA system,

Any method by which human reliability is assessed may be
• human performance choices are tabulated based on domain
called HRA (Swain, 1987).
experts’ opinions,
The analysis typically includes the following phases:
• performance-shaping factors are selected via tables,
• HA dependencies are accounted for, and
(1) identification of HAs,
• the method is well-designed for the intended use.
(2) modeling of important actions and
(3) assessment of the probabilities of HAs occurring.
Additionally, SPAR-H is one of the newest techniques devel-
oped for HRA and its base error rates are calibrated against
The identification and modeling of important HAs from
other HRA methods such as Technique for human error rate
a PRA point of view takes place most often as part of a sys-
prediction, and Human Error Assessment and Reduction Tech-
tem of accident sequence modeling (this is demonstrated, for
example, in International Atomic Energy Agency, 1992).
Section 2 describes HRA and a general framework in which
In general, there are three main approaches in HRA:
to conduct it. In Section 3, the SPAR-H method is addressed.
task-related discrete nodal models, task-related grouped
The methodology for performing HRA is discussed in Section
action models, and time reliability models. Based on these
4. Section 5 gives the HRA results for the Tehran research reac-
approaches, a wide range of various HRA models or techniques
tor. Section 6 is devoted to our conclusions.
is available (see the list below), each of which has their own
2. Human reliability analysis
• Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction (Swain and
Guttman, 1983); The most important performance measure of interest in PRA
• Cause-Based Decision Tree (Beare, 1983); when trying to reduce operational risk is human reliability. It
• Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique has long been recognized that human error has a substantial
(Williams, 1988); impact on the reliability of complex systems. To obtain a pre-
• Nuclear Action Reliability Assessment (Kirwan, 2005); cise and accurate measure of system reliability, human error
• Standardized Plant Analysis Risk–Human Reliability (SPAR- must be taken into account.
H) (Gertman et al., 2004); Regardless of the methods used, HRA must be performed
• Human Cognitive Reliability (Hannaman et al., 1984); according to a general framework that is almost the same
• Time Reliability Curve (Swain and Guttman, 1983); across all HRAs. In other words, to perform an HRA one has
• Operator Reliability Experiments/Human Cognitive Reliabil- to perform a number of tasks. To put these tasks in the right
ity Time Reliability Curve (Spurgin et al., 1989); order a procedural framework has been developed. There are
• Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (Hollnagel, four phases, each of which contains a number of steps; these
1998); steps are summarized in Table 1.
• Holistic Decision Tree (Bareith, 1996); To enable HAs to be standardized in operational risk assess-
• A Technique for Human Event Analysis (Forster, 2007). ment, they are classified as follows.
• Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method II
(Hollnagel, 1998); Category A: pre-initiating-event interactions (also called
• Réalisation des Missions Opérateurs pour la Sûreté (Pesme routine actions), e.g., maintenance errors, testing errors, cal-
et al., 2007); ibration errors.
792 Process Safety and Environmental Protection 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 789–795

Accident Initiating Type C Human Action Type CR Human

Event Action

Human Action Plant
Initiating event
Human Safe
Action Shutdown
Success Plant
System Plant
Altimeter Battery
Malfun Is Dead Safe
-ctions Shutdown

Type B Human Action

Malfun Battery
-ctions Is Dead

Type A Human Action

Fig. 2 – The location of human error types within the plant logic tree (Spurgin, 2010).

Category B: initiating-event-related interactions, e.g., human and dependency information for use in SPAR PRA models of US
errors causing system trip, human errors causing loss of nuclear power plants. SPAR-H has been applied to over seventy
power. US nuclear power plants. SPAR-H was originally developed as
Category C: post-initiating-event interactions (also called a screening methodology, but the method was later extended
emergency actions), e.g., actuating a manual safety system, to deal with full human error probability (HEP) quantifica-
backing up an automatic system. tion. Interested readers are referred to Gertman et al. (2004)
for a detailed explanation of each PSF along with Task Types,
Dependency Analysis, Uncertainty Analysis and Uncertainty
To put HAs into a PRA framework, some of them are
analysis in SPAR-H method.
accounted for within the plant logic tree, some are accounted
for in the event trees, and others are accounted for in the fault
3.1. SPAR-H method in quantification
trees, in the initiators and in some branches of the event trees.
Fig. 2 depicts the locations of the various HAs in a simplified
The final HEP values are arrived at by multiplying the nominal
logic tree. Category A and Category B HAs are accounted for
HEP by the weighting factors derived from tables in (Gertman
in fault tree analysis and can be similarly applied in generic
databases throughout the world (International Atomic Energy
Agency, 1997; Swain and Guttman, 1983). Basic human error Table 2 – Human actions in Tehran research reactor.
probability will then be modified with specific plant data using
No. Human actions
a Bayesian updating technique (Modarres, 2006). Almost all
software used for reliability and risk analysis contains a tool- 1 By-pass high radiation scram
box for updating data using a Bayesian approach. The SAPHIRE 2 Detection of fuel channel blockage
3 Detection of high pool level
software tool (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2000) is
4 Determination of LOCA 1 procedure
used for updating in our research. 5 Determination of LOCA 2 procedure
Category C HAs need to be accounted for completely and 6 Determination of LOCA 3 procedure
in a plant-specific manner. As stated before, in this research 7 Determination of LOCA 4 procedure
the SPAR-H method is used to account for HAs. 8 Detection of containment sealing
9 Detection of excess reactivity
3. SPAR-H method insertion
10 Detection of LOCA1
The SPAR-H method (Gertman et al., 2004) was a revision to, 11 Detection of LOCA2
and a replacement for, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commis- 12 Detection of LOCA3
13 Detection of LOCA4
sion’s Accident Sequence Precursor HRA screening method.
14 Detection of low pool level
The revisions were intended to make the characterization of
15 Forced circulation necessity
human performance in SPAR more realistic and to reflect new 16 Hold up tank high level
trends in HRA methods and data. Some of the goals of SPAR-H 17 Turning on generator
include ease of use and better representation of uncertainty
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 789–795 793

Table 3 – Results of HRA for the Tehran research reactor.

No. Initiating event Human action(s) Alphaw/od Betaw/od Pw/oda Pwdb
1 LOPS 17 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 N/Ac
15 4.98E+01 1.06E+02 4.70E−03 5.45E−02
8 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 1.46E−01
2 ERI 9 4.19E−01 1.26E+00 2.50E−01 N/A
1 4.68E−01 4.21E+00 1.00E−01 1.45E−01
17 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 1.46E−01
15 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 5.00E−01
8 4.98E+01 9.92E+01 5.00E−03 5.00E−01
3 LFFCA1 2 4.77E−01 6.34E+00 7.00E−02 N/A
17 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 5.38E−02
8 4.99E−01 1.33E+02 3.75E−03 1.46E−01
4 LFFCA2 17 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 N/A
8 4.98E+01 9.92E+01 5.00E−03 5.47E−02
5 LFFCA3 3 4.99E−01 1.66E+02 3.00E−03 N/A
17 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 5.38E−02
8 4.99E−01 1.27E+02 3.90E−03 1.46E−01
6 LFFCU1 14 4.99E−01 1.66E+02 3.00E−03 N/A
16 4.95E−01 3.25E+01 1.50E−02 6.42E−02
17 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 1.46E−01
8 4.99E−01 1.18E+02 4.20E−03 5.02E−01
7 LFFCU2 14 4.99E−01 1.42E+02 3.50E−03 N/A
17 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 5.38E−02
8 4.98E−01 1.04E+02 4.75E−03 1.46E−01
8 LOCA1 10 4.99E−01 1.66E+02 3.00E−03 N/A
16 4.97E−01 4.92E+01 1.00E−02 5.9E−02
17 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 1.46E−01
4 4.84E−01 9.19E+00 5.00E−02 5.25E−01
8 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 5.02E−01
9 LOCA2 11 4.99E−01 1.66E+02 3.00E−03 N/A
16 4.97E−01 4.92E+01 1.00E−02 5.9E−02
17 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 1.46E−01
5 4.84E−01 9.19E+00 5.00E−02 5.25E−01
8 4.99E−01 1.33E+02 3.75E−03 5.01E−01
10 LOCA3 12 4.99E−01 1.66E+02 3.00E−03 N/A
16 4.97E−01 4.92E+01 1.00E−02 5.9E−02
17 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 1.46E−01
6 4.19E−01 1.26E+00 2.50E−01 6.25E−01
8 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 5.02E−01
11 LOCA4 13 4.99E−01 1.66E+02 3.00E−03 N/A
16 4.97E−01 4.92E+01 1.00E−02 5.9E−02
17 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 1.46E−01
7 4.19E−01 1.26E+00 2.50E−01 6.25E−01
8 4.99E−01 1.24E+02 4.00E−03 5.02E−01

Without formal dependence.
With dependence.
Not applicable, first in sequence and zero dependency.

et al., 2004). This process is carried out for diagnosis and action (2) Otherwise, the action failure probability is:
items, and the overall value is given by the sum of the diag-
nosis and action contributions. However, because of concerns 1.0E−3 × time × stress or stressors × complexity × experience
about the correct modeling of the contributions, the following or training × procedures × ergonomics × fitness for
rule pertains. duty × processes.
Calculation the diagnosis failure probability For the case when the number of PSFs, for which the
weighting factors is greater than 1.0, is greater than or equal
(1) If all PSF ratings are nominal, then the diagnosis failure to 3, then the base HEP value is given by the following formula:
probability = 1.0E−2
(2) Otherwise, the diagnosis failure probability is PSFcomposite
[NHEP · (PSFcomposite − 1) + 1]
1.0E−2 × time × stress or stressors × complexity ×
experience or training × procedures × ergonomics or where NHEP is nominal human error probability.
HMI × fitness for duty × processes.
Calculation the action failure probability 4. Methodology

(1) If all PSF ratings are nominal, then the action failure prob- Based on what is stated in SPAR-H, the quantification of each
ability = 1.0E−3 task is performed according to the following steps.
794 Process Safety and Environmental Protection 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 789–795

(1) Evaluate PSFs for the diagnosis portion of the task, if any.
Table 4 – Importance of HAs.
(2) Calculate the diagnosis failure probability.
Core damage state Human action(s)
(3) Calculate the adjustment factor if negative multiple (>3)
CDS1 Detection of forced cooling necessity PSFs are present.
Turning on generator (4) Record the final diagnosis HEP.
CDS2 Detection of containment sealing (5) Evaluate PSFs for the action portion of the task, if any.
(6) Calculate the action failure probability.
CDS3 Determination of fuel channel blockage
(7) Calculate the adjustment factor if negative multiple (>3)
Detection of containment sealing
necessity PSFs are present.
CDS4 Detection of containment sealing (8) Record the final action HEP.
necessity (9) Calculate the task failure probability without formal
CDS5 Forced cooling necessity dependence (Pw = od).
Turning on generator (10) Perform dependency analysis.
CDS6 Determination of LOCA 3 Procedure
Determination of LOCA 4 Procedure
Determination of LOCA 2 Procedure 5. Human reliability analysis results for
Determination of LOCA 1 Procedure Tehran research reactor
Detection of containment sealing
The HAs of the Tehran research reactor are assigned numbers
Determination of LOCA 3 Procedure
Determination of LOCA 4 Procedure in Tables 2 and 3 shows the identified HAs for eleven initiating
Determination of LOCA 2 Procedure events along with a dependency analysis. In addition, the con-
Determination of LOCA 1 Procedure sequences for each of the most significant HAs are shown in
Detection of containment sealing Table 4. Detailed Specifications and probabilistic safety anal-
necessity ysis of the Tehran research Reactor about Tehran Research
CDS8 Detection of containment sealing
Reactor can be found in (Barati and Setayeshi, 2013a,b,c).
It is worth mentioning that after all minimal cutsets are
generated, the dependencies are analyzed based on an anal-
Table 5 – Results of tests to justify importance analysis ysis of minimal cutsets used for calculating consequences
(in each CDS the human action is set to failure and the culminating in CDSs for all initiating events. The probabili-
resultant CDS is derived). ties of all Category C HAs are set to 1. After that, the minimal
Core Human action CDS CDS cutsets containing two or more HAs are identified. If the fre-
damage due to due to quency of the minimal cutsets is more than 1.00E−08, it will
state success failure be analyzed for dependency.
CDS 1 Detection of forced cooling 1.4E−07 1.2E−06
6. Conclusion
Turning on generator 1.9E−07
CDS2 Detection of containment 8.3E−09 7.1E−08
sealing necessity This work is an important step in our quest to reduce the
CDS3 Determination of fuel 2.1E−06 2.0E−05 operational risk of the Tehran research reactor. In consultation
channel blockage with operators, a comprehensive study of HAs was performed
Detection of containment 1.9E−05 using SPAR-H as a systematic HRA method to give a true rep-
sealing necessity resentation of human errors in operational risk for the Tehran
CDS4 Detection of containment 2.7E−08 2.2E−07
research reactor. Also, importance analysis showed us the
sealing necessity
CDS5 Forced cooling necessity 2.6E−10 2.0E−09
most significant HAs that need to be taken into account in
Turning on generator 1.9E−09 the Tehran research reactor to improve safety. Some lessons
CDS6 Determination of LOCA 3 1.7E−05 2.3E−05 that can be learned from the results of this work are as follows.
procedure Performing importance analysis and highlighting impor-
Determination of LOCA 4 2.1E−05 tant HAs is not enough. It should be noted that based on
Fussell–Vesely importance measures, each HA with a large
Determination of LOCA 2 2.0E−05
Fussell–Vesely value should be performed in a shorter time in
Determination of LOCA 1 1.85E−05 order to reduce increasingly larger risks involved in extending
procedure the time. Based on reactor logs, it was checked and clarified
Detection of containment 1.77E−05 that some accidents have happened in the past because of
sealing necessity this. This point is therefore very important in assigning the
CDS7 Determination of LOCA 3 7.3E−11 7.7E−10 required time to each HA to reduce the risk involved in per-
forming the action.
Determination of LOCA 4 7.5E−10
Integrating HRA into PRA, a 2.12E−05 core damage fre-
Determination of LOCA 2 7.2E−10 quency was achieved, which shows a low level of operational
procedure risk for the Tehran research reactor.
Determination of LOCA 1 7.0E−10 According to the conducted HRA and our results, it is clear
procedure that humans play a crucial role in keeping the Tehran research
Detection of containment 6.5E−10 reactor operational. This is obvious when we see that the total
sealing necessity
core damage frequency for the plant increases to 1.8E−01 if
CDS8 Detection of containment 4.4E−07 4.8E−06
sealing necessity
we set all HAs to failure, compared with our core damage
frequency of 2.12E−05.
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 789–795 795

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