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James Andrews 7/23

Welcome to 4th Grade

Hello families!

My name is Mr. James Andrews, and I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this school year. I’m
looking forward to an amazing year with your child and with you as well. Together, we’ll create an
amazing team to help your child learn, grow and become the best version of themselves.

I grew up in Channelview, TX, just on the east side of Houston with one twin brother and one older sister.
After high school, I moved to Lincoln, Nebraska to attend the University of Nebraska, where I studied
Business and Economics. My career path switched into education when I realized that I wanted to make
more of a difference in the world and leave a more direct, positive impact on the people around me.
That discovered passion to impact those around me led to where I am today, with an amazing career as
your child’s 4th grade teacher.

When I’m not teaching, I love traveling, cooking, being outdoors and staying active with my fiancée and
two dogs- Addie and Graham (our two cats prefer to catnap at home instead), trying new restaurants,
going to the movies, or just spending time with my family.

In the spirit of looking towards a wonderful school year together, I’d like to enclose some necessary and
helpful information:

Below are three high-priority procedures in my classroom:

1- All necessary notebooks and folders will be stored inside desk and ready for use before class
starts for the day. Prevents needing to get up and retrieve supplies during instruction or during
transitions, and eliminating disruption or delay of learning for your child and the class.
2- Transitions between subjects or activities are to happen silently with no talking. Voices off
ensures that students are focused on switching out materials and focusing back on instruction in
a timely manner.
3- Turning in completed assignments will be done to class-specific paper trays. Students will
silently get up, turn their assignment in to the correct place, and then silently return directly to
their desk.
All of these procedures are to prioritize making the most of every moment in the classroom for
themselves and others.

Well will be using a standard grading system in my classroom: A= 100-90, B=89-80, C=79-75, D=74-70,
Retakes of assessments for unsatisfactory scores will not be automatic. These will be handled on a case-
by-case basis, following a look into any extenuating circumstances surrounding your child’s performance.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns now and throughout the schoolyear at Requests for any physical meeting will need to be made through email,
and we should be able to coordinate a meeting within one week of email request.

Thank you for entrusting me with your child. I look forward to a wonderful year together.

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