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April 7, 2010

Motivation is highly related to the second language learning. When students are

motivated, they can develop their second language learning more easily. They are willing to invest

effort in learning activities and to progress. It is well known that many people are intelligent enough

to learn the target language, but often the lack of motivation can make them to fail or to give up.

Sometimes, this lack of motivation is produced by some teachers’ methodologies, personal

problems or lack of incentives. Contrary to this, motivated students are well prepared to face the

different obstacles that could be present in the process of learning the second language. For this

reason, the instrumental motivation, the integrative motivation, and the good work of teachers in the

classroom, play an important role for the motivation of students, and consequently, their success.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the instrumental motivation is the desire to learn a

language because this could be very useful to get concrete goals, such as a good job, graduation, the

ability to read academic materials. When students know about the different achievements they can

get learning the second language, their interest and their desire increase. “With instrumental

motivation the purpose of language acquisition is more utilitarian, such as meeting the requirements

for school or university graduation, requesting higher pay based on language ability, translation

work or achieving higher social status” Norris(2002). If students know the application of the

second language, the most probably is that their motivation were higher, thus, they would invest

more effort to the learning. As a result, they could have more success in their process.

Integrative motivation has been identified as the desire to learn a language in order to

communicate with people from another culture that speaks that language. “It is thought that students
who are most successful when learning a target language are those who like the people that speak

the language, admire the culture and have a desire to become familiar with or even integrate into the

society in which the language is used” Falk (1978). If students are exposed to environments where

everybody speaks the target language, that would be a key component in assisting the learner to

develop some level of capacity in the language, it would be a necessity, in order to talk to the

others, to answer the questions, and to understand what the others say. “High level of integrative

motivation will be responsible for people choosing situations that will permit them to improve their

second language” Gardner (1985). Thus, students who have the opportunity to listen to and to talk

to native speakers or people who speak the foreign language, would increase their motivation, they

could practice as often as they want and consequently, would have more success.

The good work of teachers in classroom is fundamental for the motivation of students. In

language learning, teachers play the main role. In other words, teachers are the leaders, the

facilitators, who have the responsibility for creating a good environment and conditions conducive

to language learning success. “A good teacher should listen to his/her students with empathy, and to

support them” Gardner-Lambert (1959). If teachers provide their students with interesting, clear or

manageable topics, the classroom would be full of interested learners and with wishes to participate

in class. If teachers take into account the level, the age, and the common mistakes of the students,

they could help them in a better way. When teachers are aware of the process students are having in

the acquisition of the second language, and put in practice these advises, this could really motivate


As a conclusion, motivation is an important factor in language learning. Motivated students

can get success more easily than those who are demotivated. The process of learning the second
language is hard and students really need elements that can help them to increase their interest. It is

a big responsibility for teachers to do a good job with their learners, and to focus them into the

different fields in which they can develop this second language.


-Norris-Holt Jacquelin (2002). Motivation as a Factor in Second Language Acquisition.

-Gardner, R. C.(1985). Social Psychology and Language Learning: The Role of Attitudes and

Motivation. London: Edward Arnold (p.10).

-Gardner, R. C. & Lambert, W. E. (1959). Motivational Variables in Second Language Acquisition.

Canadian Journal of Psychology : 13.

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