TOEFL Writing Templates

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Writing Template


Sentence 1 – The Hook

A candidate must try to hook the reader by incorporating an interesting sentence in the first
line. However, it must be in a way that introduces the topic. For example, ‘Most people don’t
know about the fact that’.

Sentence 2 – Opinion

The second line of the paragraph must contain one’s main point of argument. So, individuals
may start it with ‘According to my belief’.

Sentence 3 – Transition

Next, candidates must make a smooth transition to direct the reader to look into the next
section. It can be something like ‘There are many reasons behind this feeling which one can
uncover in the next section’.

Sentence 1 – Topic Sentence

First, one needs to summarise the supporting reason mentioned earlier. For this purpose, he or she
can use phrases like ‘To begin with’.

Sentence 2 & 3 – Explanation

Applicants must now justify their reason by providing a reasonable explanation without discussing
their personal experiences here. 

Sentence 4 – Transition 

Now, it is time to include a transition by mentioning, ‘Let’s refer to a chapter of my personal

experience to support this reason’.

Sentence 5 – Personal Example 

In the sixth sentence, candidates must provide an example of their real life experience to strengthen
their argument. 

Sentence 1 – Restatement of the Thesis

In conclusion, candidates must paraphrase their thesis mentioned earlier by starting the
sentence with ‘To sum up, I strongly believe’.

Sentence 2 – Summarise ideas

To summarise ideas, individuals can use the phrase ‘This is because of reasons like’

Writing Template

Sentence 1 – Context

Candidates must introduce the essay by explaining how the lecture relates to the passage.
For this purpose, they can start with a sentence like ‘We can see both lecture and passage
talks about’.

Sentence 2 – Topic Sentence

Here, applicants can provide a topic sentence starting with ‘According to the lecture’.

Sentence 3 – Agreement or Disagreement 

Next, individuals can continue by mentioning whether the lecture supports or refutes the
passage’s main point. They can simply use: 

If contradictory: ‘In contrast to the lecture, the author of the passage shares’.

If agreed: ‘Similar to the lecturer’s view, the author thinks’.

Sentence 1 – The point

In the body, the candidate must discuss each point individually. For example, if Body 1 explains the
first point, he or she should explain the second and third points in Body 2 and 3, respectively. The
starting note can be:

Body 1: According to the paper

Body 2: Furthermore

Body 3: Last of all

Sentences 2 to 4 – Agreement or Disagreement

At this point, one needs to discuss the points in detail and how the passage supports or refutes them.
For this purpose, he or she can use phrases like:

‘In this article, it is said that’.

‘Similarly, the author thinks that’.
‘The lecturer refutes it by saying’.  

Sentence 5 – Meaning

One must conclude by providing appropriate meaning to the similarity or dissimilarity mentioned. For
example, he or she can use sentences like ‘This similarity/difference means’.

Lastly, one may or may not include a conclusion. 

Sentence 1 – Restatement of the Thesis

In conclusion, candidates must paraphrase their thesis mentioned earlier by starting the
sentence with ‘To sum up, I strongly believe’.

Sentence 2 – Summarise ideas

To summarise ideas, individuals can use the phrase ‘This is because of reasons like’.

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