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Level 1

Parallel Colin Campbell

Before reading Chapter 2
1. Look at the front cover. Do you understand the 1. Complete the summary.
title, Parallel? If not, find it in your dictionary. Max ............ that someone was outside his
2. Read the blurb on the back cover. What does flat. He looked out of the window but there
Max do? was ............ in the street. On the ............ , he
3. Match the chapter titles with the sentences from saw a man outside his front door. The man was
each chapter. ............ , and wore an ............ suit. Max put
Chapter 1 The first phone call his ............ inside his trousers and opened the
Chapter 2 A visitor door. The visitor’s name was ............ ......... . He
Chapter 3 Photographs said ‘I’ve got a ............ for you, Max. I can give
Chapter 4 The job you a lot of ........... .’ But Max said ‘No’. Then,
Chapter 5 Parallel world Fairhead said ‘I’ve got some ............ for you.’
a There was a man outside his front door – a Fairhead moved his hand to his ............. but
tall man in an expensive suit. Max ............ him hard.
b I know it’s difficult to understand, but there 2. Max asked: ‘Photographs of what?’ What do
are many, many worlds, not just this one. you think?
c ‘Dad. Where are you?’
‘I’m outside the station. I’m going to get him.’ Chapter 3
d ‘Don’t you know the face, Max? It’s you. It’s 1. Match the beginnings and endings.
your face.’ 1 Max put his hand in Fairhead’s pocket
e I want you to do something for me and I can 2 In the first photograph,
give you a lot of money. 3 The same man was in
4. If you have the recording, listen to the Prologue 4 Max hit Fairhead because
and Chapter 1. 5 The face in the photographs
a he thought Fairhead had a gun.
Check your reading b and found the photographs.
c was the other Max Holland.
Prologue d all four photographs.
e there was a priest outside a church.
1. Put these sentences in the order that they
happened. Chapter 4
a The train came into the station.
b The man pushed the woman. 1. Match Fairhead’s answers to Max’s questions.
c A woman walked down the platform. 1 What’s the job, Mr Fairhead?
d The man stood behind the woman. 2 What’s his name? The name of your
e The woman fell in front of the train. problem?
2. Why did the man push the woman under the 3 A woman?
train? 4 What does she know about you?
5 Why don’t you give her some money?
Chapter 1 6 You put my face in these photographs. Why?
7 Who is he? Why does he look like me?
1. ‘I’m outside the station. I’m going to get
him.’ – Who is ‘him’ do you think?
2. ‘We made our decision. We have to do this.’
What are Julie and her father going to do?
Cambridge English Readers © Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Level 1

Parallel Colin Campbell

a The photographs are real, Max. This is a real 2. Max said: ‘That’s very interesting. I like it. But
man. the question is: Are you right?’
b Yes. Is that a problem for you, Max? Do you think Fairhead is right?
c I can’t buy this woman, Max. But I can buy
you. Chapter 7
d Your usual kind of job, Max. You see, I have 1. Look at the words in italics. Who or what are
a problem. me, we, it, she, you ?
e Good questions, Max. I can answer them, but a Take me to this other world.
it’s going to be difficult to understand. b We’re going to a parallel world by train!
f Her name. c It went down and down. For three minutes,
g I’m a careful man too, Max. I’m not going to four minutes, five minutes.
tell you that. d Did she fall in front of the train or did you
2. Fairhead said: ‘Well, Max. This man is you. But push her?
he doesn’t live in this world.’ e You know too much about me.
Which world is Fairhead talking about? f You do this job for me and I won’t tell anyone
about you.
Chapter 5
g It started slowly but then went faster.
1. The same but different. Complete the sentences.
The two Max Hollands ... Chapter 8
a live in .......... . 1. Complete the sentences with words from
b come from ............ . Chapter 8.
c had a father called .......... and a mother a The street lights were very .......... .
called ........ . b There was ............ on the streets, no cars or
d had a sister called .......... . buses.
But ... c People did not go out at night because the
e one Max Holland is a ............ city was not .......... .
f and the other Max Holland is a ......... . d All the bars, shops and restaurants were
............ .
Chapter 6
e A man in the street was ............ of Max.
1. Match the questions to the answers. f The police liked to ............ the streets, day
1 What makes a difference to our lives? and night.
2 What makes a difference to other people’s g It was a different London, a ............ world.
lives and the world we live in?
3 Where can we find different Max Hollands? Chapter 9
4 What do the other Max Hollands do? 1. Put the events in the right order.
5 Are the other Max Hollands the same? a Max asked: ‘Does she live with anyone?’
a They make different decisions. b Max wanted to know why he was different
b In parallel worlds. from the priest.
c Our decisions. c Max wanted to see the other Max Holland,
d They are the same, but different. and then talk about the job.
e Our decisions. d Fairhead didn’t want to talk about the job.
e Fairhead asked: ‘Are you going to do the job?’
f Fairhead took Max to the woman’s house.

Cambridge English Readers © Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Level 1

Parallel Colin Campbell

Chapter 10 3. What decision is Fairhead going to make?
1. What do you think Max is going to do? Write
YES, NO or ? after the sentences. Chapter 13
a He is going to talk to the priest. 1. What do you think?
b He is going to kill the priest. a The priest heard a voice in his head. Who
c He is going to change. spoke?
d He is going to do ‘the job’ for Fairhead. b Where did the voice come from? This world
e He is going to kill Fairhead. or a parallel world?
c Why did the priest not feel afraid any more?
Chapter 11
1. How did Max Holland, the priest, feel ... After reading
a after his family died?
b after he heard his mother’s voice? Choose some of these activities.
2. How did Max Holland, the killer, feel ...
1. Choose five pictures from the story. Write one
a after his family died?
sentence about each picture.
b after he killed the car driver?
2. Do you think there really are ‘parallel worlds’?
3. How does Max feel now?
3. The priest says: ‘It’s never too late to change.’
4. Do you think Max is going to change?
What do you think?
Chapter 12 4. Write a report on Parallel for the classroom notice
board. Say what you liked or didn’t like about the
1. Who said? story.
a ‘But how can you be here? You’re dead. I 5. What do you think Max is going to do after he
killed you.’ returns to his world?
b ‘You pushed a different Julie under a train in 6. Fairhead said: ‘Our decisions make a difference
your world.’ to our lives.’ What important decisions are you
c ‘I came here to tell Julie about you. I didn’t going to make in your life?
come here to kill her.’ 7. Make your own activities for other students to
d ‘Yes, but we’re not killers. ... We’re not him. do, e.g. put the events in the right order.
Dad, we can’t do this!’ 8. Here is the blurb from another book at this level.
e ‘It’s too late to change, Max.’
f ‘You have the gun. You decide. Are you
going to kill me?’ Inspector Logan
2. Complete the paragraph with these verbs from ‘When did your wife go out?’ asked Jenny
Chapter 12: Logan. She looked at the man across the table
did sleep feels leaves understand pushed from her.
go die feels died ‘Yesterday,’ he replied.
‘When you ........... the Julie in your world under ‘And she didn’t come home last night?’ said
the train, the Julie in my world felt her ............ . Logan.
And that feeling doesn’t .......... away. It never ‘That’s right,’ said the man.
.......... us. Julie still can’t .......... at night because It was Jenny Logan’s first day in her new job.
she ............ afraid. Do you ......... ? The Julie She was an inspector in the Edinburgh police.
in your world ........... . But my Julie still .......... It was also her first murder.
afraid. Because of you. Because of what
you ............. .’ Do you want to read Inspector Logan?
Cambridge English Readers © Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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