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# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.

# (/tmp/crontab.RMzqW6 installed on Tue Sep 8 20:20:05 2020)

# (Cronie version 4.2)
05 4 * * 2 sh /home/andrei/wiki/ &>>
#45 4,16 * * * python3 /home/andrei/pywikibot-core/
/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/ &>> /home/andrei/cron/cron-imageboy.log
#30 0 25 * * python
-start:! -always &>> /home/andrei/cron/cron-diacritics.log
0 2 * * * python3
&>> /home/andrei/cron/cron-aniversari.log
30 5 * * 6 python3
/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/wikiro/robots/python/pwb/localitati/create_image_galler &>> /home/andrei/cron/cron-imagini-localitati.log
#12 12 1 * * python3 /home/andrei/pșnbot/
/home/andrei/pșnbot/wikiro/robots/python/pywikipedia/misc/ &>>
15 1 * * * python3
&>> /home/andrei/cron/revision_restore.log
0 20 8 * * python3
/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/wikiro/robots/python/pwb/aniversari/ &>>

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