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SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. ,b21 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 1 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024


The provision of academic policies and procedures in educational institutions

allows students/learners to clearly understand their rights and responsibilities, be
informed of institutional guidelines affecting their learning, and guide the school's
personnel in dealing with and handling the students/learners' needs properly. In
the same manner, the institution's goal of institutionalizing a quality system that
includes academic policies is imperative to promote quality assurance and
strengthen the smooth operations and delivery of quality TVET programs without
prejudice to institutional academic freedom.

Academic policies include the adoption of an academic calendar, admission and

enrollment, dropping and withdrawal of course(s), grading system, academic
retention and promotion to the next semester, conferment of academic honors,
awards and recognition, and other academic procedures.

In 2017, TESDA issued Circular No. 38, the implementing guidelines for the PQF
Level 5 (Diploma) program pilot implementation that aimed to support the
government and the private sector in enhancing the Philippines' global
competitiveness through the development of a highly competitive and innovative
Filipino workforce.

As part of continuous improvement, TESDA Circular No. 119, s. 2020 or the

Omnibus Guidelines on Packaging Rules of PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs for
the TVET sector was issued superseding TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2017. This
Circular focused on the framework, packaging principles and rules, learner and
faculty requirements, and program. Memorandum Circular No. 001, Series of
2022, was issued to defer pertinent provisions of TESDA Circular 119, s 2020,
particularly the mandatory requirement of a Memorandum of Agreement with
Higher Educational Institutions and the faculty requirement in teaching General
Education courses.

However, specific concerns on the academic calendar, admission, and

enrollment, dropping and withdrawal of course(s), grading system, academic
retention and promotion to the next semester, conferment of academic honors,
awards and recognition, and other academic procedures were not covered in the
previous policy guidelines issuances. While the formulation of academic policies
is an institutional function, the absence of agency policy guidelines has left the
technical and higher education institutions to develop their respective academic
policies resulting in variable practices.
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 0 21 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 2 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

The previous guidelines did not provide for the minimum requirements for
technical and higher education institutions to be able to offer PQF Level 5
(Diploma) Programs. The provision of minimum requirements is an important
aspect of quality assurance to ensure that the said institutions/schools have the
capacity to offer the program.

Hence, the need to provide an agency guideline for reference of the technical
and higher education institutions in enhancing and institutionalizing their
respective academic policies and procedures.


This Circular shall apply to the technical and higher education institutions,
particularly, the TESDA Administered Schools (TAS), private Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Local Universities
and Colleges (LUCs), and private TVis (school) offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma)


These guidelines generally aim to provide the technical and higher education
institutions with general guidelines to enhance and institutionalize their respective
academic policies and procedures and adhere to the minimum requirements in
implementing the PQF Level 5 (Diploma) programs without encroaching on the
institution's practice of academic freedom.

Specifically, these guidelines will provide directions, mechanisms, and

parameters for the following:

1) Compliance to the minimum requirements for the technical and higher

education institutions offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) programs;
2) Standardization and institutionalization of the academic calendar aligned with
the school calendar of basic education and the academic calendar of higher
3) Admission and enrollment, academic retention and promotion to the next
semester, dropping and withdrawing from a course(s), conferring of academic
honors, awards, & recognition, and other activities in the implementation of
the diploma programs;
4) Grading and credit system for PQF Level 5 (Diploma) programs; and
5) Student Handbook development.
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 3 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024


1) Academic Calendar serves as an information source and planning

document for students, faculty, staff, and other TVET stakeholders. This
may include the schedule of all technical and higher education institutions'
events that occur in an academic year. These events may consist of
examination dates, the start of the semester, mid-year break, the last day of
the semester, dates of vacation, and holidays. (https://dictionary. university/)
2) Academic Policies and Procedures are documented guidelines to aid
students/learners in circumnavigating more common academic procedures,
such as admission, enrollment, withdrawal/dropping of courses, filing a
leave of absence, etc.
3) Academic Freedom is a right of a citizen to select a profession or course
of study, subject to fair, reasonable, and equitable admission and academic
requirements. (1987 Philippine Constitution)
4) Academic load refers to the total number of units a student/learner should
register for or enroll in a particular academic term, not counting co-
curriculum, basic and bridging courses. (Ateneo University/Loyola Schools)
5) Academic honors refer to the recognition of outstanding academic
achievement based on a certain grade point average (GPA) or marks in
coursework, which can vary by institution and semester.
6) Academic Year is the period during which students attend the programs
provided by technical and higher education institutions.
(https://dictionary. cambridge. org/dictionary/english/academic-year)

7) Admission is the act or procedure for accepting students/learners to study

at a college, university, school, or training institution. (Merriam-Webster

Re-admission is a process that students/learners undergo if they have

been on leave, absent without leave for a given period, withdrawn in good
academic standing, a second or subsequent admission, and are classified
with status as "returnee."
8) Conditional failure is a grade below the passing mark but may be made
up for by successful repetition of the course or by passing a reexamination.
9) Credit transfer refers to a credit conversion established to promote student
mobility by ensuring that units earned from different modalities are credited
by the institutions. (RA No. 10647, IRR of the Ladderized Education Act of 2014)
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 4 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

10) Cross-enrollment/Cross-registration is the process of allowing

students/learners from and outside the institution to enroll in another
institution upon the approval of the dean or any applicable
11) Course usually covers an individual subject, elective subject, entire
program, or academic course(s).
12) Dropping is officially disenrolling from one or more courses while remaining
enrolled in at least one course.
13) Dropout is withdrawal from an education or training program before its
completion. (CEDEFOP 2008, Europe)
- Temporary or permanent withdrawal from an education or training
program before its completion. May also refer to a person who has failed
to complete a course. (EU Commission AL 2010, Europe)
14) Enrolment is the registration of a person with an education or training
provider for the purpose of undertaking a course or module. (NCVER 2013,

15) Grading System is the process of applying consistent measurements of

varying levels of achievement in a course, with reference to the learning/
training delivery of the institution.
16) Incomplete (INC) is a mark that may be assigned at the discretion of the
instructor/training facilitator who believes that an extension of time is
warranted for a student/learner whose work is incomplete at the end of the
17) Midyear Term refers to a short-term and scheduled after the Second
Semester and before the First Semester of the succeeding academic year.
The Midyear term used to be referred to as the "Summer" term. (UP Cebu
University Office of the Registrar and Student Council)

18) Promotion means moving up one academic year level when all required
conditions are met.
19) RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) refers to the acknowledgment of a
person's skills and knowledge acquired through previous training, work, or
life experience, which may be used to grant status or credit. (IRR of RA No.
20) Retention means being held one academic year level behind when the
required final passing grade of a certain number of course(s) enrolled is not
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 5 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

21) Semestral System is a system that divides the academic year into two (2)
terms, often called the first and second semesters. Each term is
approximately 18 weeks long, with a semestral break after each term.
22) School credentials refer to academic credentials such as a degree or a
diploma, educational or completion certificates, or similar documents that
indicate completion or accumulation of credits from a program such as
transfer credentials, student academic records, and transcript of records.
23) Special Order (SO) refers to the authority granted to the TVI by the TESDA
Provincial Director to graduate a particular learner from a specified
registered program on a certain date, provided the learner has satisfied the
training requirements. (TESDA Circular No. 7, s. 2016)
24) TES or Tertiary Education Subsidy is a program established to benefit all
Filipino learners who shall enroll in post-secondary TVET programs
registered under TESDA-recognized privately-run institutions, subject to
prioritization and availability of funds, provided that they comply with the
admission and retention policies and existing residency rules of the
institution. (RA 10931)
25) UAQTEA or Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act, is a
program established through RA 10931 providing free tuition and other
school fees in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Local Universities
and Colleges (LUCs), and state-run Technical Vocational Institutions
(STVIs); establishing the Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) and Student
Loan Program (SLP), and strengthening the Unified Student Financial
Assistance System for Tertiary Education (UniFAST). (TESDA Circular No. 60,
s. 2018)

26) Withdrawal is officially disenrolling from all courses for the semester.



The technical and higher education institutions that offer PQF Level 5 (Diploma)
Program shall comply with the minimum requirements of an Institute or College
under the Typology of Private and Public TVIs as follows:

1. At least six (6) registered TR/qualification-based program;

2. At least one (1) industry partner per registered TR/qualification-based
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021- series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 6 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

3. At least one (1) qualified Technology Trainer per registered TR/

qualification-based program;
4. At least three (3) non-teaching support personnel:
a. Librarian
b. Career Guidance Officer or Registered Guidance Counselor
c. Registrar
5. Non-technology teaching personnel for general education or other
academic courses, including NSTP;
6. Established Guidance unit;
7. Established clinic or partnership with Health Centers/hospitals;
8. Established library or learning resource center with updated library holdings;
9. Established classroom for general education and other academic courses;
10. Established practical workshop area for technology courses with complete
tools and equipment;
11. Computer Laboratory for research, eLearning, and other related student
learning activities;
12. Established ICT infrastructure like internet connectivity, LMS for Flexible
Learning Delivery, and
13. Developed Diploma curriculum documents in compliance with the
requirements of TESDA Circular No. 119, series of 2020.


The technical and higher education institutions are directed to institutionalize

socially inclusive, program requirement compliant, aligned academic policies and
procedures in implementing PQF Level 5 (Diploma) programs based on the
following general guidelines:

A. Adoption of Academic Calendar

The technical and higher education institutions offering PQF Level 5

(Diploma) programs shall pattern and plan all academic events within the
scope of the approved academic calendar, which may include examination
dates, the start of the semester, midyear break, last day of the semester,
dates of vacation, and holidays, among others (see Annex 1).

The adoption of an academic calendar is hereby referenced thru these

pertinent policies and laws:
• RA No. 11480, "An Act Amending Section 3 of RA 7797, otherwise
known as An Act To Lengthen The School Calendar From Two Hundred
(200) Days To Not More Than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days",
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021- series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 7 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

provides for the school calendar that shall start on the first Monday of
June but not later than the last day of August;
• CHED Memorandum Circular No. 01, series of 2011 re Guidelines on
Adoption of School Calendar and CHED position on changing the
Academic Calendar; and
• DepEd Department Order (DO) No. 034 series of 2022, which provides
the formal opening of the School Year 2022-2023 on 22 August 2022
and shall end on 7 July 2023. It shall consist of 203 school days or as
may be determined by further issuance/s in case of changes in the
school calendar due to unforeseen circumstances.

A.1 Academic Calendar General Policies

A.1.1 The technical and higher education institutions shall adopt the
semestral system in the implementation of scholarships for
the PQF Level 5 (Diploma) program;
A.1.2 The PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Program Curriculum shall be
developed and implemented following an academic year that
starts in August of the current year to July of the succeeding
A.1.3 The total number of days on which regular learning sessions are
held shall not be less than two hundred (200) to not more than
two hundred twenty (220) per academic year;
A.1.4 A total of not less than seventeen (17) lecture hours in a term
shall be equivalent to one (1) unit of PQF Level 5 (Diploma)
program credit; a total of not less than thirty-five (35) hours of
laboratory or workshop in a term shall be equivalent to one (1)
unit of PQF Level 5 (Diploma) program credit;
A.1.5 The technical and higher education institutions shall prepare
and submit their respective academic calendar for the academic
year to the Provincial Office for the delivery of the PQF Level 5
or Diploma program. This shall include the minimum number of
learning hours and learning days as stipulated in the approved
curriculum using the prescribed template; and
A.1.6 Semestral break and midyear term break shall be the time for
pre and post-training activities, continuing professional
development of the faculty members, and other developmental
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 02t series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 8 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

A.2 Semestral System Specific Policies

A.2.1 The first semester for every academic year shall commence
every second Monday of August and ends within the second
week of December;
A.2.2 The second semester shall commence every second Monday
of January and ends within the second week of May of the
academic year;
A.2.3 One (1) academic year shall consist of not less than thirty-six
(36) weeks, or eighteen (18) weeks a semester, or it is
equivalent to normally five to six (5-6) school days each week,
exclusive of approved vacations and inclusive of legal and
special holidays and for special activities;
A.2.4 Midyear term shall commence every second Monday of June
and ends within the third week of July of the Academic Year;
A.2.5 A midyear term shall consist of five to six (5-6) weeks, and or it
is equivalent to normally five to six (5-6) school days each week,
exclusive of approved vacations and inclusive of legal and
special holidays and for special activities; and
A.2.6 Enrollment for the first semester shall commence after the end
of the midyear term until the opening of the semester.

A.3 Change of Schedule within the Academic Calendar

A.3.1 Change of schedule is allowed in the event that the technical

and higher education institutions cannot adhere to the opening
schedule of each term, as prescribed under the semestral
system provided in these guidelines. However, the concerned
technical and higher education institutions shall coordinate and
properly inform their respective TESDA Provincial Office in
writing of their particular schedules not later than fifteen (15)
days before the opening/start of the institution's term;
A.3.2 The proposed schedule submitted by the technical and higher
education institutions to the Provincial Office shall meet the
required minimum number of learning hours and learning days
as stipulated in the approved curriculum, and the relevant
TESDA Circulars and other issuances should be satisfied;
A.3.3 In justifiable cases, institute/school heads may authorize the
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 9 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

holding of classes on Saturdays to recover loss of learning due

to unforeseen events such as natural/man-made disasters and
declaration of special non-working holidays; and
A.3.4 For the implementation of the PQF Level 5 (Diploma) program
not funded by the Free TVET and TES under the Universal
Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act (UAQTEA) OF
2017, the trimester system may be allowed subject to the
approval of the Provincial Director.

B. Admission/Readmission

B.1 The minimum eligibility for admission of learner-applicants to the

PQF Level 5 (Diploma) program is as follows:
B.1.1 K to 12 graduates;
B.1.2 Graduates under the old basic education curriculum for 2017
and below; or
B.1.3 Students/learners who have acquired a Senior High School
Track equivalent under the Alternative Learning System.
B.2 The documentary requirements for admission of learners to the
technical and higher education institutions shall include the following,
such as but not limited to:
B.2.1 Duly accomplished Learner's Profile Application Form;
B.2.2 High School Form 138 or College Transcript of Record;
B.2.3 Certification of Good Moral Character issued by the institution
where the learner-applicant last attended;
B.3 All technical and higher education institutions shall administer and
document an aptitude or ability test and interest assessment with
the use of either the Youth Profiling for Starring Careers (YP4SC),
Multiple Assessment Test Battery (MATB), Power Test, Occupational
Interest Profiler (01P), NCAE result evaluation, or any available
profiling instrument of the institution. Thereafter, the learner-applicant
shall be provided with career guidance/ advising based on the result of
admission assessments;
Learner-applicants to the Free TVET and Tertiary Education
Subsidy (TES) under UAQTEA shall pass the aptitude or ability
test administered by the institution to qualify for the scholarship
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 10 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

B.4 Readmission or re-entry of students/learners shall be allowed subject

to the academic policy and requirements of the concerned
institutions; and
B.5 The Omnibus Guidelines for the Implementation of TESDA
Scholarship Programs (TESDA Circular No. 009, s. 2023) and the
IRR of RA 10931, specifically Rule III, Section 15 and Rule IV,
Section 25, shall serve as a reference regarding exemptions to Free
TVET and student prioritization for TES under the UAQTEA:

The following students are ineligible to avail of the Free TVET benefit:
B.5.1 learners who have obtained a bachelor's degree;
B.5.2 learners who are already holders of a certificate or diploma for
a technical-vocational course equivalent to National Certificate
Level III or higher, unless the trainee is enrolled in bundled
courses or programs in Level IV or Diploma;
B.5.3 learners who fail in any public TVET course since the effectivity
of the Act;
B.5.4 learners enrolled in TVET programs not registered under
TESDA; and
B.5.5 learners who voluntarily opt out of the free TVET provision.

Prioritization of learners shall be given to TES beneficiaries:

B.5.6 students included in the most recently updated DSWD Listahan,
if available; and
B.5.7 students not included in the updated DSWD Listahan and
ranked according to their estimated per capita household
income based on the submitted proof of income (e.g. Income
Tax Return or DSWD Certificate of Indigency)

C. Enrollment

C.1 All technical and higher education institutions shall establish/maintain

a clear online and/or face-to-face enrollment system that includes the
procedures on application/registration, assessment/evaluation of the
course(s), information regarding the academic calendar, list of
course(s), schedule of fees, penalty, etc. This information shall be
available and visible within the institution's premises/conspicuous
place to properly inform learner-applicants who qualify for enrollment;
C.2 The minimum academic load allowed in a semester shall be eighteen
(18) units, while the maximum academic load allowed is twenty-eight
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 11 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

(28) units, excluding the National Service Training Program (NSTP).

Graduating students/learners are exempted from this provision;
C.3 Credentialing mechanism that includes credit transfer, recognition of
prior learning, and cross-enrollment for graduating students shall form
part of the institution's enrollment policy to promote Lifelong Learning
and expedite the completion of academic requirements for graduation;
C.4 The technical and higher education institution shall evaluate the
transfer credentials and transcript of records of enrollees such as
transferees, cross-enrollees (if any), and/or college graduates/
undergraduates that avail of the PQF Level 5 (Diploma) program with
or without a scholarship. The recognition of course(s) shall be based
on the evaluation of course outcomes and prescribed academic load
of the specific PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Program of the institution.

D. Students/Learners Performance Evaluation and Grading System

D.1 Evaluation of students/learners' academic performance during a

semester by the technical and higher education institutions shall
include a modular assessment of knowledge, skills, and
D.2 All technical and higher education institutions shall adopt a grading
system which shall be in the form of either a grade point, letter grading,
or a percentage grading with corresponding adjectival ratings (see
Annex 2);
D.3 The grading system shall include parameters, particularly the
computation of raw scores/grades for the students/learner's academic
performance and the use of base 60 transmutation table (see Annex
3) to determine the final percentage grade and final grade equivalency;
D.4 A conditional or incomplete mark shall be settled by the students/
learners concerned with their respective institution within one
academic year; otherwise, failing marks shall be recorded.
However, in case the course with an incomplete mark is a requisite of
another course, the student/learner is not allowed to enroll in the latter
without completing the former course; and
D.5 All students/learners' final grades shall be properly validated and
reflected in the Transcript of Records. It shall only be issued at the
request of the student/learner or appropriate institutions where they are
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 12 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

currently enrolled for continuing professional development upon formal

request to the institution of origin.

E. Academic Retention and Eligibility for Promotion to the Next Semester

The following criteria shall be observed as regards the execution of

academic retention and promotion of students/learners to the next

E.1 For the Free TVET and TES under the UAQTEA, the scholars must
achieve an academic performance of passing 100% of the total
academic load enrolled and 80% general or grade point average
(GPA) of all courses to qualify for the next semester.
E.2 For the PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Program not covered by the Free
TVET and TES under the UAQTEA:
E.2.1 Students/learners with academic performance of below 50% of
the total academic loads enrolled shall become ineligible to
continue the program and shall be advised to enroll in other
PQF Level 5 (Diploma) or short-term TVET programs, except
for graduating learners/students;
E.2.2 A notice of probation allowing students/learners to continue to
the next semester shall be issued to students/learners who
achieved an academic performance of at least 50% and above
but below 75% of the total academic load enrolled, except for
graduating learners/students;
Students/learners are allowed only two (2) notices of probation;
otherwise, they become ineligible to continue the program
enrolled and shall be advised to enroll in other PQF Level 5 or
Diploma or short-term TVET programs, except for graduating
students; and
E.3. The conduct of mandatory assessment for the TR/qualification-based
courses of a PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Program is not a requirement for
the academic retention and promotion to the next semester. However,
based on the Diploma curriculum, the conduct of the national
assessment for the TR/qualification-based courses shall be within the
semesters or academic year. In conjunction with Article VI, item 15 of
TESDA Circular No. 119, s. 2020, there shall be at least six (6)
TR/qualification-based courses.
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 13 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

F. Withdrawal and Dropping of course(s)

F.1 For the Free TVET and TES under the UAQTEA, withdrawal from the
program and dropping courses shall result in the forfeiture of
scholarship grants;
F.2 Application to officially withdraw from the program enrolled shall be
allowed only before the start of classes and within two weeks from the
start of classes, subject to the approval of the institution;
F.3 Application for the official dropping of a course/courses of the Diploma
program enrolled shall be allowed within the first twenty (20) school
days of the semester, subject to the approval of the institution; and
F.4 Unofficial dropping of a course/courses shall result in a failed mark/
grade in the Transcript of Records.

G. Academic Honors, Awards, and Recognition

G.1 The technical and higher education institutions shall manage the
conferment procedures for academic honors to students/learners that
specifically meet the required academic performance (general
weighted average) of a program.
The adoption of the Academic Excellence Award best practice shall
cover the following categories upon completion of academic
requirements and achieving the required general weighted average of
a program:
G.1.1 With Highest Honors
G.1.2 With High Honors
G.1.3 With Honors
G.2 Implement an institutional system of awards and recognition with
regard to the demonstration of excellence in various human endeavors
such as community development, leadership, teamwork, loyalty,
diligent service, etc.

H. Release of School Credentials

H.1 The technical and higher education institutions shall institutionalize an

application and release system of school credentials upon completion
of institutional requirements that include the following:
H.1.1 Official Transcript of Records
H.1.2 Diploma or Certificate of Completion
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 14 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

H.1.3 Good Moral Character Certificate, Honorable Dismissal

H.1.4 Certifications
H.2 The Special Order (SO) number shall be applied by the technical and
higher education institutions offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) programs
at the Provincial Office; and
H.3 Proper filing and archiving system of students/learners' records/
credentials shall be practiced by the technical and higher education
institutions in compliance with the data privacy law.

I. Intervention relating to standards of conduct on campus

1.1 The technical and higher education institutions shall organize a school
discipline committee that shall be responsible for handling the
disciplinary cases involving a student/learner. The discipline
committee shall guarantee an appeal mechanism and proper
representation of the students/ learners.
1.2 The technical and higher education institutions shall ensure that the
provisions mandated by the following laws shall be instituted, observed,
and demonstrated properly:
1.2.1 Anti-Hazing Act of 2018 or Republic Act No. 11053, "An Act
Prohibiting Hazing and Regulating Other Forms of Initiation
Rites for Fraternities, Sororities, and Other Organizations, and
Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof, Amending for the
Purpose Republic Act No. 8049, entitled "An Act Regulating
Hazing and Other Forms of Initiation Rites in Fraternities,
Sororities, and Organizations and Providing Penalties Therefor,"
specifically, Sections 6, 7, and 8; and
1.2.2 The Safe Spaces Act or Republic Act No. 11313, "An Act
Defining Gender-Based Sexual Harassment in Streets, Public
Spaces, Online, Workplaces, and Educational or Training
Institutions, Providing Protective Measures and Prescribing
Penalties Therefor," specifically, Article V (Gender-Based
Sexual Harassment in Educational and Training Institutions).

J. Student/Learner's Handbook development

The technical and higher education institutions shall develop, update,

maintain, and disseminate its student/learner handbook containing all
institutional academic policies and procedures but not limited to those that
are defined in this circular.
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 15 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024


The concerned offices shall perform the following responsibilities to ensure that
these guidelines are complied with, resulting in the enhancement and
institutionalization of academic policies and procedures in implementing the
PQF Level 5 or Diploma programs among the technical and higher education

Regional Office
1. Organize region-wide dissemination of this Circular;
2. Monitor the region-wide implementation of the guidelines; and
3. Consolidate the provincial reports of compliance, issues/concerns, and
recommendations and submit said report to ROMO.

Provincial Offices
1. Disseminate and promote the institutionalization of academic policy for the
PQF Level 5 (Diploma) program among the technical and higher education
2. Review, approve, and monitor academic calendar submitted, including
requests for change of schedule and adoption of other academic calendar
systems for non-scholarship implementation of PQF Level 5 (Diploma)
3. Check/validate the compliance of the technical and higher education
institutions with registered Diploma programs on the existence of their
academic policies and student handbook; and
4. Document and submit issues/concerns and recommendations to the
Regional Office for consolidation and appropriate action.

Regional Operations Management Office

1. Monitor the implementation of this Circular at the technical and higher
education institutions' level through the Regional Offices;
2. Integrate the policy on the academic calendar in the scholarship program
for PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs; and
3. Provide NITESD with consolidated reports for policy improvement.

National Institute for Technical Education and Skills Development

1. Ensure deployment of the approved guidelines to the regions;
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the deployed guidelines for purposes of
continuous improvement; and
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 0/i series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 16 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

3. Facilitate the development of a career profiling instrument (interest and



When, for any reason, a provision of these guidelines is amended, declared

unconstitutional, or contrary to law, the other parts or provisions hereof which
are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.


The implementation of the guidelines on academic policies and procedures

shall commence starting the academic calendar year 2023-2024.

The technical and higher education institutions shall adopt the standard
academic calendar for new students effective AY 2023-2024. The existing
students/learners shall continue to implement the current academic calendar
until the students/learners have completed the PQF Level 5 (Diploma) program.

The implementation of the guidelines on the minimum requirements for

technical and higher education institutions to offer PQF Level 5 (Diploma)
programs shall be applied to the said institutions/schools applying to offer said

Existing technical and higher education institutions with issued Certificate of

Program Recognition shall be given one (1) year from effectivity of this Circular
to comply with the minimum requirements. Currently enrolled students/learners
in the respective institutions/schools shall be allowed to complete their Diploma
program. In cases of failure to comply with the minimum requirements, the
institution shall cease to accept new applicants and cease to operate until said
requirements have been satisfied.


This Circular shall take effect as indicated and remains in full force unless

C::::"1/4"-'11•14 111 veg

Director General
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 17 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

Technical and Higher Education Institution's Academic Training Calendar
2023 — 2024
August 2023 SEM ESTRAL SYSTEM February 2024
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 ENROLLMENT PERIOD 1 2 3
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 First Semester 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
13 In 15 16 17 18 19 July 24, 2023 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 August 11, 2023 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
27 28 29 30 31 Second Semester 25 26 27 28 29

December 18, 2023 to

January 05, 2024
September 2023 March 2024
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa PERIOD Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 First Semester 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 August 14, 2023 to 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 December 11-15, 2023 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Second Semester 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 08, 2024 to 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May 13-17, 2024 31
Christmas Vacation
October 2023 December 18, 2023 to April 2024
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa January 07, 2024 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
Midyear Break
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6
June 01, 2024 to
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 July 31, 2024 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Midyear Term Classes 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 June 10, 2024 to 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
29 30 31 July 15-1„, 2024 28 29 30
November 2023 OBSERVANCES May 2024
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa August 2023 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 29 National Heroes Day 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (Regular Holiday) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 25 TESDA Anniversary 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Celebration 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 November 2023 26 27 28 29 30 31
01 All Saints Day
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 071- series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 18 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

December 2023 (Special Non-working Holiday) June 2024

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 30 Bonifacio Day Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 (Regular Holiday) 1
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 December 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 25 Christmas Day 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 (Regular Holiday) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 Rizal Day 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
31 (Regular Holiday) 30
January 2024
January 2024 01 New Year's Day July 2024
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa (Regular Holiday) Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6 March 2024 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 28 Maundy Thursday 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
(Regular Holiday)
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
29 Good Friday 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(Regular Holiday)
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 April 2024 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 09 Araw ng Kagitingan 28 29 30 31
(Regular Holiday)
May 2024
01 Labor Day
(Regular Holiday)
June 2024
12 Independence Day
(Regular Holiday)
SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 19 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024


Table 1. Sample Grading Equivalence

Grade Point Percentage Letter Grading Adjectival

System' Grading System2 System3 Description

1.00 99 — 100% A+ Excellent

1.25 96 — 98% A Very Good

1.50 93 — 95% A- Very Good

1.75 90 — 92% B+ Good

2.00 87 — 89% B Good

2.25 84 — 86% B- Satisfactory

2.50 81 — 83% C+ Satisfactory

2.75 78 — 80% C Pass

3.00 75 — 77% C- Pass

4.00 74% and below - Conditional

5.00 Below 60% F Fail

INC Incomplete

1 Grade Point System is Final Equivalent Grade after the transmutation of raw scores or it is one of
the points assigned to each course credit in accordance with the letter grade earned in the course
2 Percentage Grade is a variation of a grading system that displays range of grades

3 Letter Grade is another variation for the grading system that can be adopted by the institution apart

from the grade point system and/or percentage grading system

SUBJECT: General Guidelines on the Minimum Requirements No. 021 series of 2023
and Provision of Academic Policies for Institutions/
Schools Offering PQF Level 5 (Diploma) Programs Page 20 of 20 pages

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersede/s:

May 12, 2023 Starting Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024

Table 2. Base 60 Transmutation Table

Transmuted Transmuted
Initial Grade Initial Grade
Grade Grade
100 100
98.40 - 99.99 99 66.40 - 67.99 79

96.80 - 98.39 98 64.80 - 66.39 78

95.20 - 96.79 97 63.20 - 64.79 77
93.60 - 95.19 96 61.60 - 63.19 76
92.00 - 93.59 95 60.00 - 61.59 75
90.40 - 91.99 94 56.00 - 59.99 74
88.80 - 90.39 93 52.00 - 55.99 73
87.20 - 88.79 92 48.00 - 51.99 72
85.60 - 87.19 91 44.00 - 47.99 71
84.00 - 85.59 90 40.00 - 43.99 70
82.40 - 83.99 89 36.00 - 39.99 69
80.80 - 82.39 88 32.00 - 35.99 68
79.20 - 80.79 87 28.00 - 31.99 67
77.60 - 79.19 86 24.00 - 27.99 66
76.00 - 77.59 85 20.00 - 23.99 65
74.40 - 75.99 84 16.00 - 19.99 64
72.80 - 74.39 83 12.00 - 15.99 63
71.20 - 72.79 82 8.00 - 11.99 62
69.60 - 71.19 81 4.00 - 7.99 61
68.00 - 69.59 80 0 - 3.99 60

Raw Scores wherein Highest Score is 100 and Lowest Score is 60, Passing
Grade is 75%

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