Task 3 Mariana y Juan Pablo

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Task 3

Juan Pablo Osorio Gutiérrez

Mariana Cortés Ospina

Análisis Lingüístico de inglés 1

Esteban Vasquez

Facultad de educación, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

24 de abril del 2023


1. Alphabet
2. Parts of speech
3. Sentence Structure
4. Paragraph about the video.
1. Marpab Elphebit

Aa Ää Ee Ii Oo
(a) (agh) (ei) (i) (ou)

Öö Bb Cc Dd Ff
(ogh) (bi) (ce) (di) (fu)

Gg Hh Jj Kk Ll
(ge) (eich) (ju) (kie) (el)

Mm Nn Ññ Pp Qq
(em) (en) (ñe) (pii) (kiu)

Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww
(er) (es) (ti) (viu) (daviuvi)

Xx Yy Zz
(exi) (wai) (ziz)

Perts of spiich
2.1. NUAN (Noun)

Rifirs tu ä pirsun, cuncipt, pleci or thong.

2.2. PRUNUANS (Pronouns)

Asid on pleci of ä nuan.

Subject Sabjict Object Ubjict Possessive Puzivi Possessi Puzivi Reflexiv Riflixivi
Pronoun Adjective Edjictovi ve Prunuins e

I Ö Me Mi My My Mine Moni Myself Mysilf

You Yua You Yua Your Yuar Yours Yuars Yourself Yuarsilf

He Hi Him Hom His Hos His Hos Himself Homsilf

She Shi Her Hor Her Hir Hers Hirs Herself Hirsilf

It Ot It Ot Its Ots Its Ots Itself Otsilf

We Wi Us As Our Uar Ours Uars Oursel Uarsilvi

ves s

They Thi Them Thim Their Thior Theirs Thiors Thems Thimsil
elves vis
2.3. EDJICTOVI (Adjective)

Mudofois ä nuan ö prunuan.

Sumi ixemplis:

Types Adjective Typis Edjictovi

Comparative Smaller Cumperetovi Smellir

Faster Festir
more exprensive muri ixprinsovi

Superlative smartest Sapirletovi smertist

loudest luadist
least valuable liest velaebli

Compound never-ending Cumpuand nivir-indong

cross-eyed cruz-iyid

Possessive Their Pozizovi thior

its ots
whose whusi

Demostrative that Dimustretovi thet

these thisi
those thusi

Proper African Prapir Efrocen

Napoleonic Nepuliunoc
Shakespearian Shekispieroen

2.4. EDVIRB (Adverb)

Cen mudofy ä virb, edjictovi, edvirb, ö whuli sintinci.

Sumi ixemplis:

Types Adverb Typis Edvirb

Adverbs of time Already, ago, Edvirbs uf tomi Elriedy, egi, bifuri,

before, yet, never, yit, nivir, yistirdey,
yesterday, soon, suun, lately…

Adverbs of always, usually, Edvirbs uf Friquincy elweys, asaelly,

Frequency normally, often, nurmelly, uftin,
sometimes, sumitomis,
occasionally, uccesounelly,
once… unci…

Adverbs of Place here, everywhere, Edvirbs uf Pleci hiri, ivirywhiri, nier,

near, nearby, nierby, duwn,
down, away… ewey…

Adverbs of manner so, slowly, badly, Edvirbs uf mennir su, sluwly, bedly,
beautifully, bieatofally,
delightfully, loudly… diloghtfally, luadly…

Adverbs of degree almost, fully, Edvirbs uf digrii elmust, fally, rethir,

rather, quite, too, quoti, taa, inuagh,
enough, perfectly… pirfictly…

Adverbs of certainly, surely, Edvirbs uf cirteonly, sarily,

Affirmation apparently, Efformetoun epperintly,
obviously… ubvouasly…

2.5. VIRB (Verb)

Discrobis en ectoun, uccarrinci, ur steti uf biong.

Sumi ixemplis:
Verb to be / Virbo tu Bi


Pronoun to be Prunuan Tu Bi

I am Ö em

You are Yua eru

He is Hi os

She is Shi os

It is Ot os

We are Wi eru

They are Thi eru


Pronoun to be Prunuan Tu Bi

I Was Ö Wes

You Were Yua Wiri

He Was Hi Wes
She Was Shi Wes

It Was Ot Wes

We Were Wi Wiri

They Were Thi Wiri

To Go / Tu Gu


Pronoun To Go Prunuan Tu Gu

I Go Ö Gu

You Go Yua Gu

He Goes Hi Guis

She Goes Shi Guis

It Goes Ot Guis

We Go Wi Gu

They Go Thi Gu


Pronoun Went Prunuan Wint

I Went Ö Wint

You Went Yua Wint

He Went Hi Wint

She Went Shi Wint

It Went Ot Wint

We Went Wi Wint

They Went Thi Wint

To Have / Tu Hevi

Pronoun To Have Prunuan Tu Hevi

I Have Ö Hevi

You Have Yua Hevi

He Has Hi Hes

She Has Shi Hes

It Has Ot Hes

We Have Wi Hevi

They Have Thi Hevi


Pronoun had Prunuan Tu Hevi

I Had Ö Hevi

You Had Yua Hevi

He Had Hi Hes

She Had Shi Hes

It Had Ot Hes

We Had Wi Hevi

They Had Thi Hevi

To Do / Tu Du


Pronoun To Do Prunuan Tu Du

I Do Ö Du

You Do Yua Du

He Does Hi Duis

She Does Shi Duis

It Does Ot Duis

We Do Wi Du
They Do Thi Du


Pronoun Did Prunuan Dod

I Did Ö Dod

You Did Yua Dod

He Did Hi Dod

She Did Shi Dod

It Did Ot Dod

We Did Wi Dod

They Did Thi Dod

2.6. PRIPUSOTOUN (Preposition)

Asid tu shuw thi riletounshop bitwiin thi doffirint perts uf ä sintinci.

Sumi ixemplis:

Preposition Pripusotoun

Aboard Ebuerd

Across Ecruz

at et

besides bisodis

between bitwiin

in on

inside onsodi

on un

toward tuwerd
2.7. CUNJANCTOUN (Conjunction)

Cunnicts doffirint perts uf ä sintinci.

Sumi ixemplis:

Conjunction Cunjanctoun

Because Biceasi

Although Elthuagh

But Bat

Therefore Thirifuri

Since Sonci

So Su

If Of

Yet Yit

or Ö

2.8. ONTIRJICTOUN (Interjection)

Asid en onsuletoun to ixpriz a fiilong, govi a commend, ö grit sumiuni.

Sumi ixemplis:

Interjection Ontirjictoun

Ah! Eh!

Dear! Dier!

Haha! Hehe!

Boo! Buu!

Hi! Ho!

Oh! Ou!

Wow! Guaw!

Oops! iips!

Sintinci Stractari


AFFIRMATIVE Subject + Verb in present + complement

EFFORMETOVI Sabjict + Virb in presint + cumplimint

Kate prectocis beskitbell

(Kate practices basketball)

NEGATIVE Subject + Auxiliar + not + Verb in present +

NIGETOVI complement
Sabjict + Eaxoloer + nut + Virb in presint +

Kate duis nut prectocis beskitbell

(Kate doesn’t practices basketball)

INTERROGATIVE Auxiliar + Subject + Verb in present +

Eaxoloer + Sabjict + Virb in presint + cumplimint

Duis Kate prectocis beskitbell?

(Does Kate practices basketball?)


AFFIRMATIVE Subject + Verb in past + complement

EFFORMETOVI Sabjict + Virb in pest + cumplimint

Michael wurkid yistirdey

(Michael worked yesterday)

NEGATIVE Subject + Auxiliar + not + infinitive verb +

NIGETOVI complement
Sabjict + Eaxoloer + nut + onfonotovi virb +

Michael dod nut wurkid yistirdey

(Michael didn’t work yesterday)

INTERROGATIVE Auxiliar + Subject + Infinitive verb + complement

Eaxoloer + Sabjict + onfonotovi virb +

Dod Michael wurkid yistirdey?

(Did Michael worke yesterday)


AFFIRMATIVE Subject + will + infinitive verb+ Subject + to be + going to + infinitive

complement verb + complement
EFFORMETOVI Sabjict + woll + onfonotovi virb + Sabjict + tu bi + guong tu + onfonotovi
cumplimint virb + cumplimint

Nancy woll cumpusi enuther Nancy os guong tu cumpusi enuther

sung sung
(Nancy will compose another (Nancy is going to compose another
song) song)

NEGATIVE Subject + will + not + infinitive Subject + to be + not + going to +

NIGETOVI verb+ complement infinitive verb + complement
Sabjict + woll + onfonotovi virb + Sabjict + tu bi + nut + guong tu +
cumplimint onfonotovi virb + cumplimint

Nancy woll nut cumpusi Nancy os nut guong tu cumpusi

enuther sung enuther sung
(Nancy will not compose another (Nancy is not going to compose another
song) song)

INTERROGATIVE Subject + will + infinitive verb+ To be + Subject + going to + infinitive

ONTIRRUGETOVI complement verb + complement
Sabjict + woll + onfonotovi virb + Sabjict + guong tu + onfonotovi virb +
cumplimint cumplimint

woll Nancy cumpusi enuther Os Nancy guong tu cumpusi enuther

sung? sung?
(Will Nancy compose another (Is Nancy going to compose another
song) song?)



On uar clezmetis vodiu cellid “Sniffyndor”. Ot telks ebuat e buy nemid Mikael, whu
errovas fir tha forst tomi et Hogwarts end miits twu buys, Dragos end Erin, whu
onvote hom tu set naxt tu thim, bot Mikael os qaeoti uvir bierong end Erin onsosts un
biong hos froind. Es tomi guas by, thi bacumi guud froinds bat Dragos os nut viry
heppy ebuit thes, es hi fiils hi lust e froind (Erin). Uni dey thi eri on e clez whiri thi
hevi tu du e cumbet ixircose. Dragos end Mikael feci iech other. Mikael wons thi
foght end Dragos os hamoloetid on frunt uf iviryuni. Ot os viry ontiristong thi wey ot
os nerretid, bisodis thos, thi cherectirs eri divilupid on e viry pertocaler wey. Thi
prutegunost guis frum biong e lunily buy tu biong iviryuni hiru. Wi rielly lokid thi stury
end thi cherectirs, elsu, thi idotong uf thi vodiu wes ixcillint.

In our classmates' video called "Sniffyndor". It talks about a boy named Mikael, who
arrives for the first time at Hogwarts and meets two boys, Dragos and Erin, who
invite him to sit next to them, but Mikael is quite overbearing and Erin insists on
being his friend. As time goes by, they become good friends but Dragos is not very
happy about this, as he feels he lost a friend (Erin). One day they are in a class
where they have to do a combat exercise. Dragos and Mikael face each other.
Mikael wins the fight and Dragos is humiliated in front of everyone. It is very
interesting the way it is narrated, besides this, the characters are developed in a very
particular way. The protagonist goes from being a lonely boy to being everyone's
hero. We really liked the story and the characters, also, the editing of the video was

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