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Volume: 10
Pages: 642-657
Document ID: 2023PEMJ888
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8132266
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-9-7
Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Instructional Practices Used by Secondary School Teachers in

Improving the Skills in English Language
Marvin T. Ballesteros*, Jeger P. Paragas
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study is concerned with the level of utilization of instructional practices and strategies used by
Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in English language in Fifth District of Pangasinan,
Pangasinan Schools Division II for SY 2022 – 2023.Specifically, this study determined the level of utilization of
instructional practices and strategies used by Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in English
language along reading comprehension, listening comprehension, viewing comprehension, vocabulary
development, literature and writing and composition. This study (1) looked into the profile of the respondents in
terms of age, sex, highest educational attainment, teaching position, number of years teaching English, and
number of related trainings attended. (2) it also looked into the public secondary school teachers level of
utilization of instructional practices and strategies used by Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in
English language. (3) the significant difference in the level of utilization of instructional practices and strategies
used by Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in English language across the profile variable. (4)
the significant relationships between the teacher’s level of utilization of instructional practices and strategies
used by Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in English language and the profile variables. To
address the foregoing problems raised in this study, statistical measures were used for data analysis and
interpretations. These are the frequency counts (f) and percentage (%), the average weighted means (AWM), the
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Pearson Product Moment of Coefficient Correlation were used.This study
found out that most of the respondent teachers belong to the age bracket 20 - 29 years old that is 20 or 37.7
percent, 67.9 percent of the respondents are female, there are 30 or 56.6 percent of the respondents have earned
their MA Units, most of the respondents occupy Teacher III position which is 31 or 58.8 percent. The level of
utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in improving the English language skills of students with a
grand overall weighted mean of 4.17 which is also described as “Utilized”The result of this study, the level of
utilization of instructional practices and strategies used by Secondary School Teachers in improving the skills in
English language had a GOWM of 4.17 which described as “Utilized”. This study recommends that the public
secondary school teacher respondents should take their own initiative to pursue the highest educational degree
which is the Graduate and Post Graduate degree and should undergo professional upgrading through higher level
of trainings and seminar workshops. Also recommended are using more appropriate and relevant variables
should be explored to better determine the level of utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in
improving the English language skills of students. The teachers should give more time on improving the reading
comprehension of the students by utilizing different instructional practices and strategies in teaching. Further
research may be conducted to determine the level of utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in
improving the English language skills of students from another perspective.

Keywords: instructional practices and strategies, language skills, interactive activities

strategies used in schools today? In the United States

Introduction of America (USA), Bouslog (2019) said that teaching
strategies play an important role in classroom
Effective teaching strategies and practices are the instruction. Without the use of a strategy, teachers
methods, procedures, or various processes that an would be aimlessly projecting information that doesn’t
educator uses during classroom instruction. These connect with learners or engage them. Strategies help
strategies and practices are the vehicle to learners participate, connect, and add excitement to the
which teachers drive their instruction to meet content being delivered. As students become familiar
standards and reach their students’ educational needs. with the various strategies teachers use, some can even
Teachers need to have a wealth of knowledge in apply those strategies independently as they learn new
various teaching strategies and a bucket of these material. Every student that comes into your classroom
strategies to choose from. This helps educators engage is unique. They enter with different background
their learners and keep their classrooms actively experiences, different beliefs, and different interests. It
participating in the learning process. What role do should then come as no surprise that students have
teaching strategies play in classroom instruction, different ways of learning new material. That is why
student learning, and what are some effective teaching differentiation is so important. Differentiation provides

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

personal learning strategies for every student. It gives Teaching English language skills as a foreign language
students the opportunity to learn content in the way to young learners is challenging. Teachers should
their brain learns best. In reading, this can mean consider many things in order to engage young
grouping students with others in the same ability level learners in learning. Oktavia (2021) identified two
It can also mean providing students with activities that main themes related to the challenges and the teachers’
best suit their learning styles. For example, some strategies in teaching English language skills to young
students may work on a word hunt while others are learners. Teachers in this study were challenged to
writing a summary, and still others may choose to teach the four English language skills to young
draw a picture to show what they learned. learners. Particularly, they were challenged not only to
teach language skills but also to motivate them in
Teaching is a dynamic and demanding profession. learning as their behaviors are unpredictable in the
Investing some time to take up professional classroom. In her study, it was found that four
development coursesis a great way to keep up with strategies were implemented in teaching English
new research and meth ods relevant to the language skills to young learners including playing
classroom. With educational practices and policies games, using songs, providing a lot of practices, and
constantly getting upgraded, such courses are perfect memorizing.Teachers are responsible for providing
to interact with like-minded teachers to share inputs stu d en ts an ap p ro p ria te ed u cation using
and ideas that can be used in teaching practice. Every effective instructional practices in the process. The
teacher is unique and so is their classroom. So, what right to be taught effectively shifts the focus
might work for your classroom may be entirely from where students learn, to how their instruction is
different than what may work for your colleagues. By actually provided. The Department of Education now
using a combination of teaching strategies and requires that professional development be made
changing the mix every once in a while, your available to teachers and administrators so they might
classroom is sure to become an enriching environment use practices proven to be effective with a variety of
for you and your students. Teaching strategies are your learners. In responding to students’ learning needs,
preferred choice to include in your practice. In today’s teachers have a responsibility to understand and
world, the global spread of English is “unprecedented properly implement educational practices based on the
and unparalleled” (Seidlhofer, 2011). English has latest research.
become the preferred language of choice for
international communication in a variety of domains, Instructional practice refers to how lessons are
thus gaining the status as a lingua franca. As such, delivered, received, and experienced by students. The
English language skills have been recognized in Korea multitude of instructional practices typically fall under
as essential skills to acquire in order to be successful in major categories such as “teacher directed” and
a globalized society. English is a core element of the “student centered. Instructional practices are
secondary school curriculum, and college students techniques that educators use to ensure that students
study English to find good jobs after graduation. From learn academic content. The goal of instructional
a young age, Korean children spend many hours every practices is to produce independent learners who are
week studying English and often go to private English able to apply what is learned and expand upon it as
academies and institutes to improve their English necessary.The best practices are the techniques and
language skills (Kang, 2014). Similar to Japan teaching aids. They are flexible and can be adapted to
(Takeuchi, 2013), books on how to study English are fit any kind of curriculum that is being taught. They
abundant in bookstores. In short, there is a keen focus on methods the teacher can use to improve the
interest in what it takes to be a successful language student experience and equip them with better
learner. knowledge of the language. The practices are not
associated with any specific curriculum type. And can
English as an international language has a big role in be changed to suit any class type and any level of
many aspects in Indonesia, such as international English teaching. The best practices are so called
relationships, economics, education, and etc. English is because they have been put to test many times and
also a significant requisite for gaining a good job have proved to be useful when applied. These
(Nunan, 2015). As a foreign language, English is practices are aimed at making the teaching more
easier to be learnt when learners are young as a child is effective and focused. These keep the student in mind
an active learner and thinker. So, children will be more and offer available solutions so that each student is
active in learning language than adults, and they will able to complete their learning objectives.
understand easier than adults. That is why we should
teach English as a foreign language especially to We teachers are always looking to innovate, it's
children who are between five and twelve years old in essential that we try new things to add to our
order that they are able to learn the language well. pedagogical bag of tricks. But it's important to focus

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

on purpose and intentionality -- and not on quantity. identified by their commitment to creative and
So, what really matters more than "always trying innovative classroom teaching strategies. They’re
something new" is the reason behind why we do what constantly trying new language teaching methods to
we do.Teachers’ practices and attitudes are important engage their students and experimenting with new
for understanding and improving educational teaching tools to improve learning outcomes. These
processes. They are closely linked to teachers’ language teachers understand that there’s no quick fix
strategies for coping with challenges in their daily that they can deploy to help students quickly become
professional life and to their general well-being, and fluent in their target language. Instead, there are some
they shape students’ learning environment and common, evidence-based teaching strategies and
influence student motivation and achievement. approaches which can help make a difference. There
Furthermore, they can be expected to mediate the are strategies and approaches to language teaching
effects of job-related policies – such as changes in which can support language educators looking for
curricula for teachers’ initial education or professional some inspiration to improve their teaching practice.
development – on student learning.
It’s worth noting that none of these strategies and
Alber (2015) suggested some of the best instructional approaches should be considered “the best” since
practices like, teacher clarity, when a teacher begins a every classroom, educator and student is different. Our
new lesson with students, clarifies the purpose and advice is rather that educators should try them out,
learning goals, and provides explicit criteria on how tailoring them to their specific context and reviewing
students can be successful. It's ideal to also present the impact they have. In United Kingdom they use the
models or examples to students so they can see what following strategies in teaching English, Teach the
the end product looks like. Another is classroom Vocabulary, Explicit Instruction, Effective
discussion that teachers need to frequently step Questioning Techniques, Differentiation,
offstage and facilitate entire class discussion. This Metacognition, Collaborative learning, Modelling and
allows students to learn from each other. It's also a Scaffolding. They also used in their classroomthe
great opportunity for teachers to formatively assess Communicative language teaching (CLT), Task-based
(through observation) how well students are grasping language teaching (TBLT), Content and language
new content and concepts.Instructional practices integrated learning (CLIL), Cooperative Language
include all approaches that a teacher may take to Learning (CLL), The Direct Method, Grammar-
engage students in the learning process actively. Translation, Total Physical Response, The Silent Way
These instructionalpractices drive a teacher's and The Natural approachTeaching English Language
instruction as they work to meet specific learning of the K to 12 Curriculum in the Philippines for junior
objectives and ensure that their students are equipped high school focused on Reading Comprehension,
with the tools they need to be successful. Effective Listening Comprehension, Viewing Comprehension,
instructional practices meet all learning styles and the Vocabulary Development, Literature, Writing and
developmental needs of all learners. Teachers must be Composition, Grammar Awareness and Oral Language
equipped with a well-rounded arsenal of effective and Fluency.Effective utilization of instructional
instructional practices to maximize their effectiveness practices are the methods, procedures, or various
and to increase student learning opportunities. processes that the teacher uses during classroom
instruction. These instructional practices are the
Teachers are best served when they utilize a variety of vehicle to which teachers drive their instruction to
instructional practices as opposed to one or two. meet standards and reach their students’ educational
Variety ensures that students are never bored. It also needs. Teachers need to have a wealth of knowledge in
ensures that students will likely be exposed to various instructional practices and a bucket of these
instructional practices that align with their preferred practices to choose from. This helps educators engage
individualized learning style. Students will enjoy being their learners and keep their classrooms actively
taught with a variety of instructional practices and are participating in the learning process.
likely to stay engaged longer. Ultimately, a teacher
should align the instructional practices they are using Instructional practices play an important role in
with the students they are serving and the content they classroom instruction. Without the use of these
are teaching. Not every instructional practice will be practices, teachers would be aimlessly projecting
the perfect fit for every situation, so teachers must information that doesn’t connect with learners or
become adept at evaluating which practices will be the engage them. The instructional practices of teachers
best fit.In United Kingdom, Anilkumar (2022) said help learners participate, connect, and add excitement
that the very best language educators can often be to the content being delivered. As students become

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

familiar with the various instructional practices of

teachers use, some can even apply those practices The goal was the acquisition of factual, accurate and
independently as they learn new material.Meador systematic data that can be used in averages,
(2019) said that educators who use effective frequencies and similar statistical calculations and to
instructional practices allow students to make answer the problems in this study. This determined the
meaningful connections between concepts learned in level of utilization of instructional practices in English
class and real-life situations. They offer an opportunity language teaching of public secondary school teachers.
for students to demonstrate their knowledge and The researcher employed this research method to gain
course correct on their own when needed. more realistic and valid information regarding the level
of utilization of instructional practices in English
Research Questions language teaching of public secondary school
teachersDescriptive survey method is a method of
This study determined the level of utilization of which surveys, describes and interprets what is; and
instructional practices and strategies in English reveals a condition of relationship that exists or do
language teaching of public secondary school teachers not exist, practices that prevail or do not prevail,
for school year 2022 – 2023. Specifically, this study beliefs or points of view. The word survey indicates
will answer the following questions: the gathering of data from place to place and from
group to group. Information is sought on current
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the conditions, communities, agencies and institutions. It
following: refers also to the characteristics, status, or practices of
1.1 Age; individuals or a particular group, Calmorin (1995).The
1.2 Sex; descriptive method of research was used in the study.
1.3 Highest educational attainment; Good and Scates (1991) defined the descriptive
1.4 Teaching position; method of research as a method for gathering evidence
1.5 Number of years teaching English 8; relating the current or present conditions concerning
1.6 Number of related trainings attended; and the nature of a group of persons, a number of subjects,
1.7 Instructional strategies used by teachers? or class of events and may involve the procedure of
2. What is the level of utilization of instructional introduction analysis, clarification, enumeration of
practices used in English language in improving measurement. Gay (1976) defined descriptive research
language skills along: as involving collection of data in order to answer
2.1 Reading Comprehension; questions concerning the current status of the subject
2.2 Listening Comprehension; of the study.Descriptive research is an observational
2.3 Viewing Comprehension; method that focuses on identifying patterns in data
2.4 Vocabulary Development; without making inferences about cause-and-effect
2.5 Literature; and relationshipsbetween variables.
2.6 Writing and Composition?
3. Are there significant relationship in the level of Population and Locale of the Study
utilization of instructional practices used in English
language in improving language skills across their The subjects of this study were the public secondary
profile variables? school teachers teaching English language in the Fifth
4. Are there significant differences in the level of District of Pangasinan, Pangasinan Division II for the
utilization of instructional practices used in English S.Y. 2022 – 2023. All mother high school public
language in improving language skills and their profile secondary school teachers teaching English language
variables? are respondents of this study in the Fifth District of
5. What interactive activities can be proposed to Pangasinan, Pangasinan Division II are the
improve the English language skills of learners? AC respondents in this study.

Data Gathering Tool

The researcher used questionnaire checklist instrument
specifically made for the study based on the K to 12
Research Design and Strategy Curriculum.The questionnaire-checklist was evaluated
by his adviser and other experts like Education
The researcher used the descriptive survey method of
research that is concerned with the description of data
and characteristics about a population.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Program Supervisor, Head Teacher, and Master

Teacher. The suggestions were be incorporated in the respondents in this study. In this study, the Secondary
final draft. The questionnaires finalized after its School Teachers of Fifth District of Pangasinan
approval by the examination committee.The main Division II were taken as respondents. They were
objective of the validation is to ascertain that every categorized according to certain variables.
question is clearly understood and within the
experience of the actual respondents of the study. The Table 1. Profile of the Respondents N = 53
questionnaire was validated by a Master teacher,
Principal, Program Specialist and Program Supervisor.
This will ensure that the respondents will not find
difficulty in answering the questionnaire and the data
to be gathered would be valid and reliable.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before administering the research instrument,

permission was secured from Schools Division
Superintendent of Pangasinan Division II, and the
School Heads. The researcher personally distributed
and administered the questionnaires to all public
secondary school teacher respondents in the Fifth
District of Pangasinan, Pangasinan Division
II. Likewise, the researcher personally retrieved the
same questionnaires. The responses and data obtained
will be kept confidential by the researcher to ensure
the highest degree of objectivity of responses.The
respective public secondary school teachers of the
institutions were informed and oriented by the
researchers regarding the purpose of the study.

Results and Discussion

Specifically, it presents the four significant parts of the

study through which the data gathered had been
discussed. These includes the profile variables of the Age. In terms of age, majority of the respondent public
respondents, level of utilization of instructional secondary school teachers belong to age bracket 20 -
practices used by Secondary School Teachers in 29 that is 20 or 37.7 percent, while the rest belong to
improving English language skills, the significant
age bracket 30 - 39, 15 or 28.3 percent, 40 - 49, 8 or
differences between the level of utilization of
15.1 percent, and 60 years and above is 10 or 18.9
instructional practices used by Secondary School
percent. This could mean that the respondent teachers
Teachers in improving English language skills across
are just in their prime age of maturity suited and
their profile variables and the significant relationship
capable for active and effective delivery of instruction
between the level utilization of instructional practices
to develop the English language skills of the learners.
used by Secondary School Teachers in improving
English language skills and their profile variables. Sex. The same table shows that the respondent
teachers are dominated by females that is 36 or 67.9
Profile of the Respondents
percent while 17 or 32.1 percent were males. This
means that the male group of respondents is
Some variables related to the profile of the respondent
outnumbered by the female group considering that
teachers in Pangasinan Division II are herein
teaching is a female dominated profession as observed
considered. Such variables included was age, sex,
highest educational attainment, teaching position, in the different public schools in the country as well as
number of years teaching English, number of related in other countries. According to Wood (2012), one of
training and instructional strategies used by the teacher

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the reason why there are more female is, female

teachers are more nurturing and sensitive to their
students’ needs than are their male colleagues.
Additionally, women teachers focus on a child's
holistic development. Women are naturally equipped
with skills to handle learners and better understand
their social and emotional needs. Level of Utilization of Instructional Practices and
Strategies Used by the Secondary School Teachers
Highest Educational Attainment. As reflected in the in Improving the English Language Skills
table, 30 or 56.6 percent earned their MA/MS Units,
16 or 30.2 percent are MA/MS Graduate, 4 or 7.5 The researcher utilized the different aspects such as
percent of the respondents have no MA/MS units , and Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension,
3 or 5.7 percent of the respondents have units in the Viewing Comprehension, Vocabulary Development,
post graduate. This could mean that the teacher Literature, and Writing and Composition, determined
respondents are very conscientious in pursuing their the level of utilization of instructional practices in
professional development. They also regard education English language teaching of public secondary school
as a continuous process of learning where they can teachers for School Year 2022 – 2023.
acquire knowledge and skills and competencies which
are essential for their professional growth. Reading Comprehension

Teaching Position. It can be gleaned in the table that The researcher utilized the indicators presented in
the majority of the teacher respondents are Teacher III, Table 2 in order to evaluate the level of utilization of
that is 31 or 58.5 percent, 13 or 24.5 percent of the instructional practices used in English language
respondents are Teacher I, 7 or 13.2 percent are teaching among the public secondary school teachers
Teacher II and there are 2 or 3.8 percent are Master in terms of reading comprehension.
Teacher I. For this aspect, teachers with higher
position are those in the service for a long period. As presented in the table, the indicators that the
Teaching position described the teachers who they are. teachers differentiate facts from opinions was rated
with the highest weighted mean of 4.17 (Rank 1) with
Number Trainings and Seminars. It can be seen in a descriptive equivalent of utilized. Further, the
the table that most of the teacher respondents have indicators such as explain visual-verbal relationships
attended 1 - 3 related trainings in the school, that is 32 illustrated in tables, graphs, utilize coping reading
or 60.4 percent, division, 34 or 64.2 percent, region, strategies to process information in a text, and identify
45 or 84.9 percent, national, 49 or 92.5 percent and details that support the topic sentence were rated with
international level 53 or 100 percent. The respondent a mean of 4.15 (Rank 3) with a descriptive equivalent
teachers also attended 4 – 6 times related trainings in of utilized. On the other hand, use text type knowledge
all level except international level wherein no one (narrative in literature, instructions, explanation,
attended more than three times related trainings. This factual and personal recount, persuasive, expository) to
would mean that the respondent teachers were given process information in a text was rated with a mean of
enough opportunities to attend in-service trainings in 4.06 (Rank 10) with a descriptive equivalent of
the different levels except the international trainings. utilized.
As a matter of fact, seminars, trainings and workshops
provides excellent avenues for continuing professional With a computed overall mean of 4.12 having a
education. descriptive equivalent of utilized, it goes to show that
the teachers extensively utilized the indicators used in
Instructional Strategies Used by Teachers. It can be reading comprehension.
seen in the table that 100 percent of the teacher
respondents are using the collaborative learning,
modelling and graphic organizer, 91% of the teacher
respondents used scaffolding strategy, 85% of them
used teach the vocabulary and the least strategy used
by the teacher respondents is metacognition which is
53% of the respondent teachers used in teaching

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Research Article

Table 2. Level of of Utilization of Instructional

Practices in Improving the English Language Skills in
Reading Comprehension N=53
engage with and learn from a text and, ultimately, if a
reader is to enjoy what they’re reading.

McDonnell (2021) stated that comprehension skills are

important to help students reach deeper meaning in the
text. There is surface level comprehension, which is
important, but going into deeper meaning is the
ultimate goal. There are four main types of
comprehension that students focus on: literal,
interpretive, critical and creative.

Moreover, Tierney (2018) also said that

comprehension, or extracting meaning from what you
read, is the ultimate goal of reading. Experienced
readers take this for granted and may not appreciate
the reading comprehension skills required. The process
of comprehension is both interactive and strategic.
Rather than passively reading text, readers must
analyze it, internalize it and make it their own. In order
to read with comprehension, developing readers must
be able to read with some proficiency and then receive
explicit instruction in reading comprehension

According to Brandon (2021), comprehension refers to Listening Comprehension

the ability to understand written words. It is different
from the ability to recognize words. Recognizing The researcher utilized the indicators presented in
words on a page but not knowing what they mean does Table 3 in order to evaluate the level of utilization of
not fulfill the purpose or goal of reading, which is instructional practices in English language teaching
comprehension. Imagine, for example, that a teacher among the public secondary school teachers in terms
gives a child a passage to read. The child can read the of listening comprehension.
entire passage, but he or she knows nothing when
asked to explain what was read. Comprehension adds As manifested in Table 4, the indicator that note the
meaning to what is read. Reading comprehension changes in volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
occurs when words on a page are not just mere words
juncture, and rate of speech that affect meaning with
but thoughts and ideas. Comprehension makes reading
the highest weighted mean of 4.36 (Rank 1) with a
enjoyable, fun, and informative. It is needed to
descriptive equivalent of utilized.
succeed in school, work, and life in general.

Furthermore, Hutchins (2019) also said that reading Moreover, indicators that determine how volume,
comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and projection, pitch, stress, intonation, juncture, and
un derstan d its m ean ing. It relies on two, speech rate serve as carriers of meaning and formulate
interconnected abilities: word reading (being able to predictions about the contents of the listening text
decode the symbols on the page) and language were rated with a mean of 4.17 (Rank 9.5). Having a
comprehension (being able to understand the meaning computed overall mean of 4.22 with a descriptive
of the words and sentences). When we make sense of a equivalent of utilized, among the Grade 8 English
text, however, we don’t just remember the exact words language teachers in the Fifth District of SDO
and phrases we read. Rather, we form a mental model Pangasinan II utilized thrice a week in terms of
of what the text describes by integrating the sense of listening comprehension.
the words and sentences into a meaningful whole, like
a film that plays in our head. Good comprehension is
vital if reading is to have a purpose, if a reader is to

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the components of listening, explain teachers’ role in

Table 3. Level of of Utilization of Instructional listening comprehension, and present the general
Practices in improving the English language skills
principles of listening comprehension. The literature
Along Listening Comprehension
review demonstrated that learners’ listening
comprehension skill can be improved by teachers’
assistance and the use of appropriate learning materials
and activities.

Moreover, Kurita (2012), said that learners may find

listening comprehension skill difficult to learn and this
requires teachers to change their listening exercises
into more effective ones. The development of listening
comprehension skill helps learners to succeed in
language learning and increase their comprehensible
input. Since learners’ self-confidence in listening
comprehension can be increased, they are motivated to
have access to spoken English like conversations with
native speakers.

Furthermore, Rost (2019) said that if learners want to

learn to speak, they should first learn to understand the
spoken language they hear. If learners want to
communicate with native speakers, they should first
learn to understand in real language situations to
comprehend the main pint of what native speakers are
telling. Therefore, listening is very important to which
teachers and learners should pay enough attention to
obtain communication aims. Listening is very
important in language learning because it provides
Ospina (2021) said that listening comprehension is input for learners and it has also an important role in
part of the communication skills such as the the development of learners’ language knowledge.
development of reading and writing comprehension.
Listening Comprehension has the multiple processes Hogan (2018), also said that the simple view of
of comprehension in language when it is understood, reading highlights the importance of two primary
interpreted and spoken. This communication skill is components which account for individual differences
connected to cognitive learning as it works with the in reading comprehension across development: word
development of memory, attention, vocabulary, recognition (i.e., decoding) and listening
grammar and comprehension monitoring. Listening comprehension. While assessments and interventions
then is the interpretation of spoken language and this for decoding have been the focus of pedagogy in the
includes the recognition of discourses of sounds, the past several decades, the importance of listening
understanding of the meaning of individual words or comprehension has received less attention. The paper
the understanding of the syntax of sentences that may Hogan (2018) showed that listening comprehension
arise in a dialogue or discourse. The importance of becomes the dominating influence on reading
recognizing context in listening means that the person comprehension starting even in the elementary grades.
can relate what they hear to the real world in which It also highlights a growing number of students who
they live as they can symbolically recognize concepts fail to develop adequate reading comprehension skills,
with language and link them together in order to primarily due to deficient listening comprehension
understand what they hear and give it a meaningful skills: poor comprehender.
And finally, Kabul, (2016) said that listening has an
According to Seyedeh (2016), many studies in
important role both in daily life and in academic
language learning have indicated that listening
contexts as it is crucial for people to sustain effective
comprehension plays an important role in the learning
communication. In spite of the importance of listening
process. In spite of its importance, listening has been
in the development of the communicative and
ignored in second language learning, research, and
cognitive skills, it did not start to take its place in
teaching. The purpose of his study is to define the
language teaching curriculum for long years. However,
terms listening and listening comprehension, review

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

in recent years, with the emphasis given in visuals. Viewing also helps students acquire
communication in language teaching, listening started information and appreciate ideas and experiences
to take its long deserved place in language programs. visually communicated by others. Undoubtedly,
Although there are different perspectives to teaching viewing will become part of English language
listening, the success of each perspective somewhat curricula in many more countries in the near future and
depends on addressing and minimizing the listening we, as teachers, need to be able to help our students
comprehension problems experienced by language become more effective viewers. To achieve this there
learners. needs to be specific multimodality and visual literacy
training on pre-service and in-service training courses.
The researcher utilized the indicators presented in
Table 4 in order to evaluate the level of utilization of Guieb (2017) said that today’s generation students find
instructional practices in English language teaching it unexciting to sit down and read literary texts in its
among the public secondary school teachers in terms entirety. Thus, students nowadays hardly understand
of viewing comprehension. and appreciate literature. This calls for additional
challenge to teachers who had been used to deliver
As manifested in Table 4, the indicator use context their lessons or any subject matter in traditional ways.
clues from the material viewed to determine the The study of Guieb (2017) used descriptive-
meaning of unfamiliar words, got with the highest correlational research design to unveil the most
weighted mean of 4.21 (Rank 1) with a descriptive effective viewing teaching techniques that will help
equivalent of utilized. develop the viewing comprehension skills of students.
Moreover, indicator that summarize information from Table 4. Level of of Utilization of Instructional
the text viewed were rated with a mean of 3.96 (Rank
Practices in Improving the English Language Skills
10). Having a computed overall mean of 4.10 with a
Along Viewing Comprehension N = 53
descriptive equivalent of utilized, among the Grade 8
English language teachers in the Fifth District of SDO
Pangasinan II utilized thrice a week in terms of
viewing comprehension.

Viewing Comprehension

Donaghy (2020) said that viewing helps students to

slow down, reflect and think about the images they are
seeing, and develop the knowledge and skills to
analyze and evaluate visual texts and multimedia texts
that use visuals. Viewing also helps students acquire
information and appreciate ideas and experiences
visually communicated by others. Undoubtedly,
viewing will become part of English language
curricula in many more countries in the near future and
we, as teachers, need to be able to help our students
become more effective viewers. To achieve this there
needs to be specific multimodality and visual literacy
training on pre-service and in-service training courses.

Furthermore, Brown (2021) said that an active process

of attending and comprehending visual media, such as
television, advertising images, films, diagrams,
symbols, photographs, videos, drama, drawings,
sculpture and paintings. So ‘viewing’ is about
‘reading’ – analyzing, evaluating and appreciating – Findings reveal how students perceive the use of
visual texts. Viewing is an active rather than a passive movies or videos as a powerful viewing teaching
process. Viewing helps students to slow down, reflect technique. Result of chi-square test of independence
and think about the images they are seeing, and indicates the viewing teaching techniques are not
develop the knowledge and skills to analyze and significantly related to students’ viewing
evaluate visual texts and multimedia texts that use

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Research Article

comprehension. This suggests that no single teaching development, or the initial forming of a vocabulary.
technique suits the learners’ interest and ability to Non-native speakers of a certain language will need to
learn. Therefore, teachers can make use of technology work on the formation of a vocabulary.
combined with other viewing techniques to ensure that
students will find a love for learning that will help A person’s vocabulary can be defined as the words
establish their academic success in the future. that he or she remembers the meanings of well enough
to use the word in the correct context. A vocabulary is
Along similar vein, Gray, points out that teachers can like an arsenal of words that can be sifted through to
draw from a dazzling array of technological devices to use for a given situation and slotted into a sentence at
enhance their classroom instruction. He also contends the correct point. A person with a wide vocabulary will
that today, besides textbooks, chalkboard and overhead be able to add in words that are rarely used but fit in
projectors, teachers and students use television, CD- better with the sentence or utterance it is being used.
ROM players, videodisc players, LCD projection
panels and the ever-more-powerful desktop and laptop Table 5. Level of of Utilization of Instructional
computers. The role of the teacher then is to help the Practices in Improving the English Language Skills
learners gain critical viewing skills and make them Along Vocabulary Development N = 53
deal with the complex and fast changing society.

Moreover, Corpuz (2017) said that using a variety of

media such as television and print to assess
comprehension assumes that viewing comprehension
skills transfer across these media. This transfer of
skills is plausible for several reasons. First, television
and print require similar cognitive processes to
comprehend (e.g., making connections, sequencing
events, generating inferences). Second, research
indicates that similar structure story factors predict
what students remember from both televised and
written narratives. With this, exposure of learners to
television can be a means of developing viewing
comprehension skills.

Vocabulary Comprehension

As manifested in Table 5, the indicator discriminate

between literal and figurative language, got with the
highest weighted mean of 4.60 (Rank 1) with a
descriptive equivalent of highly utilized.

Moreover, indicator analyze intention of words or

expressions used in propaganda techniques were rated
Dunsmore (2020) said that the teaching of vocabulary
with a mean of 4.06 (Rank 10). Having a computed
is important because without vocabulary nothing can
overall mean of 4.18 with a descriptive equivalent of
be conveyed. People need to use words to express
utilized, among the Grade 8 English language teachers
themselves in the English language, most learners
in the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division II utilized
acknowledge the importance of vocabulary
thrice a week in terms of vocabulary development.
acquisition. This is why most of the words need to be
According to Johnson (2022), vocabulary development taught so that there cannot be many problems as in
is the process of a person increasing the number of communication due to a lack of vocabulary. Some
words which he or she uses in everyday life. Many other students might be confronted with the problem of
people use websites and books to improve their forgetting the words immediately after the teacher has
vocabulary, and doing so can increase a person’s elicited the meaning of the words or after looking at
ability to communicate through verbal or written them in the dictionary and this also is caused by luck
language. Generally, vocabulary development really of vocabulary. The more words students learn, the
refers to the process of widening a person’s easier the memorize them. The teacher has an essential
vocabulary, but it can also mean the literal

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 6. Level of of Utilization of Instructional

Practices in Improving the English Language Skills
role in helping students to improve vocabulary.
Along Literature N = 53
Unfortunately, vocabulary teaching has not been
enough responsive to such problems. If we look back
in the past, we discover that for a long time, English
used teaching approaches such as Direct Method and
Audiolingualism which emphasized the importance of
teaching grammatical structures. Since the accent was
on grammar, few words were introduced in such
courses and most often, they were limited and related
to the grammar structures taught.


As manifested in Table 6, the indicator express

appreciation for sensory images used, got with the
highest weighted mean of 4.25 (Rank 1) with a
descriptive equivalent of utilized. Moreover,
indicator identify the distinguishing features of notable
poems, and novels contributed by Southeast Asian
writers and determine key ideas, tone, and purposes of
the author were rated with a mean of 4.13 (Rank 8.5).
Having a computed overall mean of 4.17 with a
descriptive equivalent of utilized, among the Grade 8
English language teachers in the Fifth District of SDO
Pangasinan II utilized thrice a week in terms of

Antika (2019) said that Literature is considered as a

promoting tool for language learning purposes.
Literature can be used to foster students motivation to Balones 92021) said that unlike a master key,
read and write in order to achieve their academic teaching of literature does not have one strategy
proficiency. Poetry as a part of literature has affirmed fits all dictum. Teaching strategies partly and
that literature has a great deal in developed students’ wholly dependent on the students’ needs and the
literacy competence. teachers’ knowledge, experience, and expertise;
thus, making the teaching of literature demanding
According to Rooney (2017), a good teacher should and exciting. Teaching does not solely rely in
have talent or skill to develop a great lesson plan accessing a checklist of skills but rather in
which qualified strategies and procedures. By having it understanding the strategies to adopt with different
in the class, the lesson included literature will be really learners, in different curricular conditions and in
enjoyable for the students. Since there is a phenomena different cultural settings.
thinking that literature class is a boring class, so the
literature teacher has to have basic knowledge about Writing and Composition
appropriate approaches, methods and techniques to
teach it. The best approach to teach literature is the As manifested in Table 7, the indicator summarize
integrated approach from cultural, language and information from the text viewed, got with the highest
personal growth model. By using this approach, the weighted mean of 4.19 (Rank 1) with a descriptive
students can make a link between the scripts of the equivalent of utilized.
poem, prose and play and their experiences, so they
can get the meaning easily. To build up the joyful Moreover, indicator use context clues from the
strategies and procedures, the literature teacher has to material viewed to determine the meaning of
construct the steps which are needed and suitable to unfamiliar words were rated with a mean of 4.04
the students. (Rank 10). Having a computed overall mean of 4.13
with a descriptive equivalent of utilized, among the
Grade 8 English language teachers in the Fifth District

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of Pangasinan Division II utilized thrice a week in Ferlazzo 92021) said that the single most effective
terms of writing and composition. instructional strategy used to teach writing is shared
writing. Shared writing is when the teacher and
According to Musick (2019), composition is the students write collaboratively. In shared writing, the
expression of ideas through writing. This skill is teacher is the primary holder of the pen, even though
dependent on Foundational Writing Skills, which the process is a collaborative one. The teacher serves
include spelling and knowledge of basic writing as the scribe, while also questioning and prompting the
conventions. Composition requires students to set students. The students engage in discussions with the
goals for their writing and make constant decisions to teacher and their peers on what should be included in
meet specific writing task requirements. These the text. Shared writing can be done with the whole
decisions become more refined for older writers, and class or as a small-group activity.
include those regarding content and structure.
Adolescents move beyond simply stating ideas in With this, we can summarize the level of utilization of
writing, and now are able to craft their writing for the aforementioned instructional practices in the
specific audiences and purposes. following weigh of order.

Duran (2019) said that composition is the act of Table 8. Summary of the Level of Utilization of
creating written works. Writing is the act of putting Instructional Practices Used by the Secondary School
individual words and thoughts into a coherent and Teachers in Improving the English Language Skills
readable text. Composition and writing is an essential N=53
tool in literacy, education, but most importantly
communication! Composition and writing allows
people to convey ideas, feeling, emotions, opinions,
political views, arguments, and many other forms of
communication. There would be no famous works of
literature if they were not first composed and written
down to be treasured and remembered by readers.

Table 7. Level of of Utilization of Instructional

Practices in Improving the English Language Skills As shown of Table 8, listening comprehension, was
Along Writing and Composition N = 53 rated with the highest overall weighted mean of 4.22
(Rank 1) with a descriptive equivalent of often having
a transmuted rating of Utilized. Further, the
instructional practices of teachers used in improving
the English language skills of students along viewing
comprehension (Rank 2) with an overall weighted
mean of 4.19, also described as Utilized, Vocabulary
Development was rated with an overall weighted mean
of 4.18 (Rank 3) having a descriptive equivalent of
often with a transmuted rating of Utilized. The
Reading Comprehension got the lowest overall
weighted mean of 4.12 described also as Utilized. The
overall computed grand overall weighted mean of 4.17
having a descriptive equivalent of often indicates that
the instructional practices of secondary school teachers
used in improving the English language skills of
students in the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division II
was utilized by the teachers.

Differences in the Level of Utilization of

Instructional Practices Used by the Secondary
School Teachers in Improving the English
Language Skills Across their Profile Variables

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division II along with

This section presents the differences in the level of their sex.
utilization of instructional practices used by secondary
Highest Educational Attainment. As presented on
school teachers in improving the English Language
the table the computed F-value is 2.681 a significant
Skills of students in the Fifth District of Pangasinan
value of 0.057 that is greater than 0.05, therefore
Division II. The table provides the summary of the
accept the null hypothesis. This implies that there is no
computed ANOVA as indicated by the F-value for
significant difference between the utilization of
each area covered with its corresponding significance
instructional practices used by teachers in improving
level. This was done for the purpose of making a more
in-depth analysis of data generated in this study the English language skills of students in the Fifth
whereby the profile of the public secondary school District of Pangasinan Division II along with their
teacher respondents in the Fifth District of Pangasinan highest educational attainment.
Division II were compared in their level of utilization
Teaching Position. As presented on the table the
of instructional practices used by secondary school
computed F-value is 1.585 a significant value of 0.285
teachers in improving the English Language Skills of
that is greater than 0.05, therefore accept the null
hypothesis. This implies that there is no significant
Table 9 presented the significant of difference between difference between the utilization of instructional
level of utilization of instructional practices used by practices used by teachers in improving the English
secondary school teachers in improving the English language skills of students in the Fifth District of
Language Skills of students across the profile variables Pangasinan Division II along with their teaching
of the teachers. position.

Table 9. Mean Difference Between the Level of Number of Years Teaching English. As presented on
the table the computed F-value is 1.630 with a
Utilization of Instructional Practices and Strategies
significant value of 0.206 that is greater than 0.05,
Used by the Secondary School Teachers in Improving
therefore accept the null hypothesis. This implies that
the English Language Skills Across the Profile of the there is no significant difference between the
Respondents N = 53 utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in
improving the English language skills of students in
the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division along with
their number of years teaching English.

Number of Related Trainings Attended. As

presented on the table the computed F-value is 1.003
with a significant value of 0.484 that is greater than
0.05, therefore accept the null hypothesis. This implies
that there is no significant difference between the
utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in
Age. As presented on the table the computed F-value improving the English language skills of students in
is 0.709 a significant value of 0.556 that is greater than the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division II along with
0.05, therefore accept the null hypothesis. This implies their number of related trainings attended.
that there is no significant difference between the
utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in Relationship Between the Level of Utilization of
improving the English language skills of students in Instructional Practices and Strategies Used by the
the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division II along with Secondary School Teachers in Improving the
their age. English Language Skills their Profile Variables

Sex. As presented on the table the computed T-value is For purposes of making further analysis of data
2.838 a significant value of 0.007 that is less than 0.05, gathered in this study, the relationships between the
therefore reject the null hypothesis. This implies that public secondary school teachers and their profile
there is significant difference between the utilization variables were likewise determined. This was done
of instructional practices used by teachers in with the use of Pearson coefficient of correlation or
improving the English language skills of students in Pearson r, and the t-test for significant correlation.
Table 11 shows such relationships.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 10 presents the significant of relationship the English language skills of students in the Fifth
between the utilization of instructional practices used District of Pangasinan Division II along with their
by teachers in improving the English language skills of teaching position.
students in the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division II
and the profile variables of the public secondary Number of Years Teaching English. As presented on
school teachers. the table the computed r-value is 0.195 with a
significant value of 0.238 that is greater than 0.05,
Table 10 Relationships Between the Level of therefore accept the null hypothesis. This implies that
Utilization of Instructional Practices Used by the there is no significant relationship between the
Secondary School Teachers in Improving the utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in
English Language Skills and the Profile of the improving the English language skills of students in
Respondents N = 53 the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division II along with
their number of years teaching English.

Number of Related Trainings Attended . As

presented on the table the computed r-value is 0.037
with a significant value of 0.790 that is greater than
0.05, therefore accept the null hypothesis. This implies
that there is no significant relationship between the
Age. As presented on the table the computed r-value is utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in
improving the English language skills of students in
0.191 a significant value of 0.339 that is greater than
0.05, therefore accept the null hypothesis. This implies the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division II along with
that there is no significant relationship between the the number of related trainings attended.
utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in
improving the English language skills of students in Conclusion
the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division II along with
their age.
Based on the aforecited findings of this study, the
Sex. As presented on the table the computed r-value is following conclusions were formulated: (1)The
0.371 a significant value of 0.006 that is less than 0.05, respondent public secondary school teachers widely
therefore reject the null hypothesis. This implies that vary in their profile, distinctively female dominated
there is significant relationship between the utilization group of teachers, and some important variables
of instructional practices used by teachers in should looked into like civil status and instructional
improving the English language skills of students in materials in the future research. (2)The public
the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division II along with secondary school teacher respondents in this study, are
their sex. performing impressively more than enough in their
utilization of instructional practices in improving the
Highest Educational Attainment. As presented on English language skills of students, then their present
the table the computed r-value is 0.299 a significant performance is a stepping stone towards highest level
value of 0.003 that is less than 0.05, therefore reject of performance. (3)The public secondary teacher
the null hypothesis. This implies that there is no respondents are not significantly comparable in the
significant relationship between the utilization of performance of their practices of using the different
instructional practices used by teachers in improving instructional practices at certain times and at certain
the English language skills of students in the Fifth functions, but there are times and cases when they are
District of Pangasinan Division II along with their on the other hand, comparable. (4)The public
highest educational attainment. secondary school teacher respondents level of
utilization of instructional practices used by teachers in
Teaching Position. As presented on the table the improving the English language skills of students in
computed r-value is 0.202 a significant value of the Fifth District of Pangasinan Division II is
0.148 that is greater than 0.05, therefore accept the dependent upon or affected or caused by age, highest
null hypothesis. This implies that there is no educational attainment and number of related
significant relationship between the utilization of trainings.
instructional practices used by teachers in improving
On the basis of the findings in this study and the
conclusions drawn, the following are hereby

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 642-657, Document ID:2023 PEMJ888, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8132266, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

recommended: (1)The public secondary school teacher Duran, L. (2019) Composition and Writing, Cagayan State
respondents should take their own initiative to pursue
the highest educational degree which is the Graduate Ferlazzo, L. (2021). Strategies for Effective Writing Instruction
and Post Graduate degree and should undergo
professional upgrading through higher level of Goodwin, J. (2018). Teaching Strategies to Use in Your Classroom.
trainings and seminar workshops. (2)The public Gray, D. (2018) Media Literacy in the K-12 Classroom
secondary school teacher respondents should always
aspire and soar high for excellent performance in Guieb, M. (2017). Viewing Teaching Techniques In Enhancing
Viewing Comprehension Skills Students
using the different instructional practices by being
innovative and resourceful teacher. (3)More Hogan, T. (2018). On the Importance of Listening Comprehension
appropriate and relevant variables should be explored
Hutchins, C. (2019) Seven Keys to Comprehension: How to Help
to better determine the level of utilization of
Your Kids Read It and Get It. New York: Three Rivers Press.
instructional practices used by teachers in improving
the English language skills of students. (4)The teachers Johnson, L. (2022). What is Vocabulary Development? Learning
should give more time on improving the reading Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
comprehension of the students by utilizing different
instructional practices and strategies in teaching. Kabul, T. (2016). The Importance of Listening In Language
(5)Further research may be conducted to determine the Learning and Listening
level of utilization of instructional practices used by
Kang, J. (2014). Koreans and English: Why do Koreans worship
teachers in improving the English language skills of English? Seoul
students from another perspective.
Kurita, T. (2012). Issues in Second Language Listening
Comprehension and the Pedagogical Implications. Accents Asia
MacMillan, Gregg (2017). The Importance of Grammar,
Punctuation, Spelling, and Capitalization
Abbas, P. (2016). The Significance of Listening Comprehension in
English Language Teaching, Department of English Language McDonnell, K. (2021). What is Reading Comprehension?
Translation, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Meador, D. (2019). Using Effective Instructional Strategies.
Anilkumar, A. (2022). The Most Effective Teaching Strategies to
Oklahoma State University, USA
Use in Your School: Evidence Based and Proven to Work
Musick, C. (2019). Strategies for Writing and Composition,
Antika, Rindilla (2019). The Importance of Teaching Literature in a
University of Maryland, USA
High-School Environment With the Incorporation of Film and
Multimedia Into the Process
Nieporent, Fran (2021). What is Reading Fluency and Why is it
Avendano, D. (2021). Listening Comprehension

Aysel, D. (2021). The Use of Listening Comprehension Strategies in Oktavia, Diana (2021). Challenges and Strategies Used by English
Language Education, School of Foreign Languages, Inonu Teachers in Teaching English Language Skills to Young Learners,
University, Malatya, Turkey STKIP Muhammadiyah, Bungo, Indonesia

Balones, J. (2021). Teaching Strategies in Teaching Literature: Ospina, A. D. ( 2 0 2 1 ) . Teaching Listening

Students in Focus C o m p re h e n s i o n . Ca m b ri dg e Un iv e rs i ty Press

Bouslog, M.(2019). Effective Teaching Strategies Used in Todays Rooney, J. (2017). Strategies in Teaching Literature in English
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Brandon, D. (2021). The Importance of Reading Comprehension. Rost, M. (2019). Introducing Listening
Alabama A&M University
Schaffhauser, D. Instructional Practices with Impact on Student
Brown, K. (2021). Advancing Learning: The Fifth Skill – Viewing Achievement
Seyedeh, M, (2016). The Importance of Listening Comprehension in
Corpuz, W. (2017). Viewing Skills: Understanding the Word and the Language Learning, Ahmadi University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
World, Nueva Vizcaya State University, Bambang Campus, Nueva
Vizcaya,DepEd K – 12 Curriculum Guide Takeuchi, O. (2003). What can we learn from good foreign language
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Dohagny, K. (2020). Advancing Learning: The Viewing Context. System, 31, 385-392
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Research Article

Zhang, Jianyun (2019). Grammar Practice Activities: A Practical

Guide for Teachers., Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers,

Affiliations and Corresponding Information

Marvin T. Ballesteros
Juan G. Macaraeg National High School
Department of Education - Philippines
Jeger P. Paragas, EdD
Umingan National High School
Department of Education - Philippines

Ballesteros & Paragas 657/657

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