National Greening Program

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As individual in the community, I am really grateful with this.

With the support of the

Government. NGP program is a blessing to everyone, it is not only developing reforestation
but it is also combating & contributing success and reducing poverty among upland and
lowland for household, indigenous people, coastal and urban areas above everything this is
a lifesaving program for all living things.
Carried out the Executive Order .26 that made the existence of National Greening Program.
NGP is a government project that aims to alleviate poverty, to secure, conserve and
preserve resources and to stop the possible negative effects of the occurring climate
change. It is a united power of the government agencies, Schools, Private individuals,
communities, Department of Agriculture, Department of Agrarian Reform, the Department
of Environment and Natural Resources that actively participating in implementing the
program, planting trees and nurturing them throughout the growth cycle and to attain the
authority to monitor the program.
While watching the YouTube video my eyes started to hold back the tears. I’ve realized that
we as human being were the primary suspect who destroy the richness of the wilderness
and green nature we have, there’s the rampant illegal logging that kills forest and affects
many animal lives and even the government road projects (farm to market road) around the
country that destroy the natural resources and all our activities that contributed to harmful
climate change. Yet! The earth has a long patience and still offer us full generosity to live
and even bless us with and our daily needs to survive. It is truly a blessing that the National
Greening Program as a portrait of hope and success was launched. I salute to the people
behind the success of this very interesting and friendly nature initiative. Through this
program, everyone has to realize that they have the responsibility to fill for their
environment and motivate everyone to do better for the development and conservation of
the natural resources, combat deforestation around the area of responsibility and act as
true hero to save the mother earth.
National Greening Program remarkably astonishing. There’s a part of the video presentation
that motivates me. The word “everything that we do in the department should be science
based if we are to convince those people to do the right thing” that only means that
everyone has to be knowledgeable in life saving, has to act as environmentalist, and has to
be careful enough to do the things perfectly. NGP made this possible by keeping the
community involve in the process, by sharing the knowledge, teaching methods, widen our
minds to new ideas that science base. This way we could nurture smoothly our environment
and natural resources, carefully monitor the progress of biodiversity on our own for the
future of next generation

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