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Volume: 10
Pages: 1010-1019
Document ID: 2023PEMJ922
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8166219
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-18-7
Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 1010-1019, Document ID:2023 PEMJ922, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8166219, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Project-Based Learning in Science: Effects on Students’ Science Process and

21st - Century Skills
Renee Rose Corbano-Reyes*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study aimed to determine the effects of integrating Project-based learning (PBL) on the Science
Process Skills and 21st - Century Skills of Grade 11 students at Rizal High School in Pasig City
during school year 2022-2023.The researcher used an explanatory sequential design with three phases
and a triangulation approach in data analysis. There were 23 Grade 11 ABM student participants and
30 Science teachers who were chosen as respondents for this study. The researcher recorded the
students' scores in the pretest and posttest for the comparison of data, the Science teachers' rating on
the PBL lesson plan, and the ethnographic evaluation. The researcher also interviewed the Science
teachers on their comments and feedback on the implementation of PBL in Science class.Based on
the results, both the Science experts and teacher respondents perceived the extent of integration of the
Project-Based Learning as Highly Integrated (HI) in Earth Science based on the Gold Standard PBL
Framework. In addition, there was no significant difference between the perception of the two groups
of respondents. Meanwhile, there was a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores
of Grade 11 student respondents before and after exposure. The teacher respondents remarked that
they want to receive training on Project-Based Learning approach since it is interesting and can be
implemented in other subjects. The respondents also mentioned that the strategy allowed the students
to have more time in meeting their groups to plan, discuss, and create their projects.

Keywords: project-based learning, science, senior high school

Introduction Grade 3 level. The Science process skills include

observation, communication, classification,
measurement, inference, and prediction. These skills
The global pandemic caused by the Coronavirus are the cornerstone for the use of scientific
disease has affected not just the economy of all the methodologies and are the building blocks of critical
countries but the education sector, too. Other countries thinking and inquiry.
especially those in the first world were able to conduct
the online distance learning effectively, but those Aside from the Science process skills, another set of
countries like the Philippines struggled in the new skills necessary for the students to have is the 4Cs of
educational system. Due to this, the goal of the the 21st-century skills. This includes communication,
Filipino educators to achieve higher quality education collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Not
is still in shambles. only are these skills vital on their own, but when they
are combined, students are better able to solve issues,
In the 2018, Programme for International Student collaborate, and come up with solutions.
Assessment (PISA) where the Philippines joined for
the first time, the country ranked the lowest in reading The integration of these skills was already present in
comprehension and second to the lowest in Math and the methods and strategies of the teachers. Though it is
Science (Department of Education, 2019). This result not stated specifically in their lesson plans, the
gave the urgency for the educators and the Department activities and tasks they give out to students are in line
of Education to address the issues and gaps in the with developing these skills. However, since the
teaching and learning process. The essential skills pandemic started, and everyone is working in front of
were in jeopardy during the online distance learning in their gadgets (laptop, computer, smartphone, or tablet)
the Philippines. The students were unable to students no longer have the opportunity to personally
experience doing most of the activities because they interact with their teachers and classmates. The large
were not in school and there were limited to no wall of virtual communication and discussion has
materials available in their homes. somehow lessened their opportunity of enhancing their
21st-century skills. Le Thu (2020) re-examined the
Science process skills are introduced and taught at the "four pillars of learning" in the perspective of 21st
start of learners' education. It is included in the Century Skills (21CS) and what it implies in the
curriculum of the grade-schoolers when they start Covid-19 pandemic. While digital and socio-emotional
having the Science subject, which is when they reach skills have grown increasingly important for remote

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 1010-1019, Document ID:2023 PEMJ922, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8166219, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

learning and the future workforce, resilience has yet to sought to answer the following questions:
be fully integrated into a 21CS framework.
1. What preferred priority topics in Grade 11 Earth
Adapting to these kinds of situations should trigger the Science could be developed into Project-Based
update of 21st-century skills and their framework. Learning activity plan as perceived by the Science
Now that the schools are gradually opening and teacher respondents?
welcoming the students and teachers, it is necessary to 2. What is the extent of integration of Project-Based
make modifications to the methods and strategies of Learning in teaching Grade 11 Earth Science based on
teachers to catch up on the rising demand for digital the gold standard PBL framework as perceived by
and socio-emotional skills. Using a variety of methods Science experts and teacher respondents?
to determine which one can best develop these skills is 3. Is there a significant difference between the
vital to every teacher. The one method that is now perception of the two groups of respondents on the
popular, though it is not a new method, is the project- extent of integration of PBL in teaching Grade 11
based learning (PBL) method. Science using the Gold Standard PBL framework?
4. What is the level of the students' Science process
PBL starts at the onset of the semester, the teacher will skills based on the pretest and posttest before and after
ask the students to give a driving question (not the implementation of Project-based Learning in terms
answerable by yes/no and should be based on his/her of:
experience in the environment/surroundings) and from 4.1 Observation;
there, they will be the one to investigate and analyze a 4.2 Classification;
problem, and to think of a solution. The final product 4.3 Measurement;
is presented at the end of the semester. It is very 4.4 Inference;
different from the usual "school project" or "activity" 4.5 Prediction; and
where it can be done in a short period of time. PBL 4.6 Critical thinking?
takes some time to be accomplished since the students 5. Is there a significant difference between the pretest
will be involved in the community, learn from it and and posttest scores of the Grade 11 students?
be part of the solution. 6. What is the level of the students' 21st-century skills
based on the ethnographic evaluation of the teachers in
Project-based learning is also used in the Philippines. the implementation of Project-Based Learning?
Though not widely used, the idea relative to PBL is 7. What are the comments and feedback of the teacher
seen. The current curriculum used by the Department respondents on the implementation of Project-Based
of Education (DepEd) in the K-12 curriculum is Learning?
student-centered and built around the needs of the
learners and the community. This is the same as the
goal of the PBL. However, it is not directly applied.
Literature Review
As mentioned, PBL is different from the usual "school
projects" or "classroom activities" which are the ones Project-based learning (PBL) is not a newly
commonly seen in the lesson plan. Though the PBL discovered approach, rather it is an existing approach
teaching method still includes the traditional lectures, that started over a hundred years ago. The idea
the project is focused mainly on learning by originally came from John Dewey regarding the
experience which will give the students a deeper engagement of learners in real-life and meaningful
understanding and knowledge about the subjects they tasks and problems that emulate how experts strive in
are studying. It also includes thorough research, real-world situations. Project-based learning
critical thinking, and analysis. In this regard, the sometimes referred to as "experiential learning" or
researcher attempted to determine the effects of PBL "situated learning" which boils down to a specific idea
on the improvement of the Grade 11 students' Science that students learn best when they experience it.
process and 21st-century skills. Looking at the current status of PBL, a lot of schools
and institutions worldwide are directly adapting it.
Research Questions They are integrating it into the curriculum and studied
the comparison to the one they are using (Terada,
This study aimed to determine the effects of 2021).
integrating Project-based learning (PBL) on the
Science Process Skills and 21st-century Skills of The schools that integrated PBL in their curriculum
Grade 11 students at Rizal High School in Pasig City have shared their experiences. Fultz (2021) stated that
during school year 2022-2023. Specifically, this study social sciences and STEM classes can be integrated

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 1010-1019, Document ID:2023 PEMJ922, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8166219, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

using the PBL approach. Learners can get the issues Moreover, they revealed that in one project, it was
and problems of society through their lectures (social clear that learner-centered, constructivist, and
science) and then follow scientific process to reflective methods to teaching and learning promoted
investigate them and offer a solution. Additionally, all 4Cs.
PBL cannot only be applied in high school but also
early education and lower grade levels. Terada (2021) Another reviewed study, conducted by Bhakti, et al.
quoted the words of Barbara Schneider, a professor, (2020) proved that PBL is effective in improving the
that PBL in Science showed consistent remarkable Science process skills of STEM students. They aimed
results across elementary and secondary schools in to investigate the influence of Project-Based Learning
Science achievement.Aside from the Science Process that integrates with science, technology, engineering,
Skills (SPS) that educators want to enhance using and Mathematics (STEM) in improving the students’
PBL, another target is the 21st-century skills (21CS). Science process skills. They used an observation sheet
In today’s generation, learners are expected to be and a subjective test through experimental method.
equipped with these skills. Without these, they will Their findings revealed that learners had all indications
struggle to compete with other people especially if of Science process skills (SPS) that are in the good
they want to work abroad. Swartz (2020) explained group. Learners respond positively to learning because
that finding answers through the PBL process involves they feel more understood, which increases motivation
all the 4C’s of 21CS. and enthusiasm in studying. Aside from the mentioned
instruments, they also used tests in determining the
Moreover, it was mentioned that PBL is mostly done level of students Science process skills.Sitompul and
in groups which means that they must have good Mursid (2020), used the same method of one-group
teamwork. Teamwork or collaboration is one of the pretest/posttest, quasi-experimental research and in
abilities in 21CS. Carreño (2018) assessed that one of Science subject in their study that aimed to determine
the disadvantages of PBL is groupings. He said that the effect of applying Project-Based Learning
students who are not into socialization or have no approach on the students’ Science process skills on the
experience in group work may have difficulties with material structure of animal and plant cells. Using t-
communication. On the contrary, McDowell (2020) & test as the statistical analysis tool, they revealed
Rubrica (2018) argued that since PBL is mostly undeniably PBL is effective in enhancing the SPS of
collaborative, it helps the learners (especially the learners.
introverts) to build their confidence in communication
from smaller groups to classroom-size discussions. Moreover, the quasi-experimental research of
PBL includes sharing ideas not just within the group Delostrico (2019) aimed to established what PBL
but also with other people which would expose the approach in teaching Chemistry can contribute to
learners to other people's feedback. This sharing of learner’s skills. He compared PBL to the conventional
ideas can fall under the communication ability under approach of teaching using tests. Using the t-test and z-
both SPS and 21CS.The study of Triana, Anggraito & test formula, the results showed that PBL is an
Ridlo (2019) aimed to analyze the effectiveness of effective approach in teaching Chemistry since the
environmental change learning tools based on Project- learners showed improvement in academic
Based Learning on students' 4C skills. They utilized performance.Lastly, the study done by Apritado, et al.
the one-group pretest-posttest design and used (2022) assessed PBL as an approach to facilitating the
syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, student experiential learning in Science instruction of the
worksheets and evaluation tools as research private secondary institutions. They used a self-made
instruments. The findings of this study revealed that questionnaire validated by experts to evaluate the
learning tools based on STEM-PBL were effective teachers who used the PBL approach. To analyze the
against students' 4C skills. results, they used standard deviation and weighted
mean. It was revealed that PBL approach helped
Focusing on the 4Cs as well, the study of Budiarti, teachers learn and utilize different management
Ferguson-Patrick, Macqueen, & Reynolds (2021) processes and strategies in the real world as they
aimed to identify Project Based Learning in accomplish their projects.
extracurricular activities as a promising method to
incorporating the 4Cs in an authentic and sustainable Methodology
manner. Their respondents are teachers and students
and these two sets had different views of their level of
attainment of the 4Cs. Their results showed that the This study used the explanatory sequential design
global PBL method enhanced the teacher planning. which is a four-phase mixed method design that is

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 1010-1019, Document ID:2023 PEMJ922, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8166219, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

usually used when the researcher wants to support the researcher only selected one (1) section from the said
quantitative results of the initial phase. Edmonds and level that has Earth and Life Science as their subject in
Kennedy (2017) explained that when a researcher the first semester of School Year 2022-2023.Also, in
wants to follow up on quantitative findings with the last phase, 30 Science teachers from the same SDO
qualitative data, an explanatory design is used. As a assessed the 21st-century skills of students during the
result, the qualitative data is used in the interpretation implementation of PBL in their Science subject
and clarification of the quantitative data analysis through the files sent to them. Moreover, they also
results. In many cases, a generic qualitative design is answered the interview questions included in the same
used in explanatory techniques because the evaluation form.
quantitative design is the focus.
Instruments of the Study
For the quantitative type, there were four (4) phases
where the researcher used different design for each This study used six (6) research instruments in
phase. The first one is the survey design. In this phase, gathering data from the selected participants.The
preferred priority topics of teachers for the subject researcher asked the selected Science teachers about
Earth and Life Science were identified. Survey their preferred priority topics in Earth Science using
research refers to the process of gathering data from a the priority agenda checklist. The survey included the
group of people by asking them questions. Next, is the agenda from different reliable sources like Department
evaluation design. Ten (10) Science experts (Master of Science and Technology and NASA. Additionally,
Teachers) and 20 Science teachers (Teacher I to III) the curriculum guide for Earth and Life Science from
assessed the extent of integration of PBL in Grade 11 the Department of Education was attached for their
Science through the PBL lesson plan. The third phase reference (Appendix D).Another instrument was the
for quantitative design is the one-group pretest-posttest evaluation tool for the PBL activity plan. The
design which is a type of pre-experimental research. In researcher used the 7 steps in the Gold Standard PBL
this design, the outcome of interest is measured twice: framework for project design elements which are:
once before and once after a non-random set of designing and planning, aligning to standards, building
p a r t i c i p a n t s is e x p o s e d to a s p e c i f i c the culture, managing activities, scaffolding student
intervention/treatment, which is the Project-based learning, assessing student learning, and engaging and
learning approach. The last phase was the coaching.Also, the researcher created a pretest and
ethnographic evaluation design. In this phase, the posttest aligned with the results of the first instrument
teachers assessed the 21st-century skills of the students on the preferred priority topics in Earth Science and
during the implementation of the PBL in Grade 11 Department of Education’s learning competencies and
Science through video clips. Classroom ethnography curriculum guide for Earth Science. There was a
was used in this phase. This was carried out by supporting table of specification (TOS) for the tests.
watching the recorded class discussions, reading the Moreover, these tests have 25 questions each that
projects, and photos, and observed the students’ 21st- measured the Science Process Skills of the
century skills. For the qualitative phase, the researcher students.More so, to determine the level of the
included the interview questions on the last instrument students’ 21st-century skills, the researcher created an
(ethnographic evaluation) to collect their comments ethnographic evaluation tool. This is a Likert scale-
and feedback on the implementation of PBL in Grade type questions that is based on the 4C’s of 21Cs. Each
11 Science. 21st-century skill has 4 statements that describes the
skill. The interview guide was attached or included in
Participants of the Study the last part of ethnographic evaluation. These were
interview questions about their comments and
For phase 1 of quantitative design, the researcher feedback on the integration of PBL in Earth and Life
selected 20 Science teachers to answer the survey on Science. There were five open-ended questions
their preferred priority topics in Earth and Life included in this instrument.
Science. They are the Science teachers from the
Schools Division Office (SDO) of Pasig City.For the Procedure
second phase, the researcher selected 10 Science
experts (Master Teachers and Head Teachers) and Before the implementation of the proposed teaching
another 20 Science teachers (Teacher I to Teacher III) method, and the distribution of any of the research
to assess the PBL activity plan using the Gold instruments, the researcher sought the approval of the
Standard PBL framework.For phase 3, the respondents Schools Division Office of Pasig City first through
were Grade 11 students of Rizal High School. The their online portal to conduct this thesis in Rizal High

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 1010-1019, Document ID:2023 PEMJ922, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8166219, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

School. After the approval, another permission letter recording of the class were stored in a password-
was sent to the School Principal, to allow the protected cloud storage that was only shared to experts
researcher to use the senior high school students as included in this study.
participants in this study. Once approved, the
researcher started the distribution of the letter of
consent to all the parents of the selected respondents Results and Discussion
before starting the implementation.The first step for
this study was the survey on the preferred priority Preferred Priority Topics in Grade 11 Earth
topics of Science teacher respondents in Earth Science.
Science as Perceived by Science Teachers
Their answers were analyzed using weighted mean and
were used as choices of students in proposing their Table 1. Preferred Priority Topics in Earth Science as
projects. The results were also used in creating the
Perceived by the Science Teachers
pretest/posttest for students. From the preferred
priority topics, the students proposed projects and from
those projects, the researcher created the PBL activity
plan. The activity plan was evaluated by selected
Science experts and teachers. After the evaluation, the
implementation of the PBL in class started.
Simultaneously, the researcher analyzed the results of
the PBL lesson plan evaluation and compared the
ratings of the Science teacher-respondents.A pretest
for Earth Science was initially administered and the
data were recorded. After that, the researcher applied
the PBL approach together with the traditional class
discussion and with the guidance of the PBL lesson
plan and weekly home learning plan. Aside from the
quarterly exams and written works, which were the
main measurement of their mastery, the researcher also
administered the posttest to determine the
improvement of the scores from the pretest. After the
posttest, the scores were analyzed and compared to
determine if there were improvements in their
scores.Moreover, the class discussion on the priority
agenda were recorded by the researcher for the Science
teachers to evaluate the integration of PBL to Earth
Science. They were also asked to give feedback on the
said implementation. In summary, though all the main topics got the same
verbal interpretation of Extremely Preferred, it was
Ethical Considerations clearly shown that the third topic, Natural Hazards,
Mitigation, and Adaptation, got the highest general
As part of the ethical procedure, when recruiting weighted mean of 3.93. This result is aligned with all the
respondents for this study, the researcher made it clear research priorities of the sources mentioned on the onset
of the interpretation and on the existing issues the
to all possible participants that they have complete
Philippines are preparing like the preparation on the
freedom to choose whether or not to participate, and Big One, the continuous earthquakes from the different
that they can withdraw from the study at any moment parts of the country, and the regular hazards that the
with no negative consequences.When the list of country face because it its geological location. In the
participants was final, the consent was sent to parents DOST’s harmonized national research and development
after meeting them. The researcher discussed the goal agenda document (2017-2022, pp.40-45), the Sendai
of the study, the risks and benefits of taking part in the framework for disaster risk reduction for 2015 to 2030
study, how long the study would take, and the privacy where the priorities on monitoring and forecasting;
of the data to be collected. They were also informed hazard risk assessment; warning; and proper and timely
response were on the list. Moreover, the result means
that they can withdraw the information of their
that the projects of the selected participants should be
son/daughter by contacting the research or the school under this topic.
head.To be detailed in the data privacy, their shared
information like demographic profile, test scores and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 1010-1019, Document ID:2023 PEMJ922, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8166219, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 3. Welch’s t-test Results Using Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences

Extent of Integration of Project-Based Learning in

Teaching Grade 11 Earth Science Based on the
Gold Standard PBL Framework as Perceived by
Science Experts and Teachers

Table 2. Extent of integration of PBL lesson plan as Table 3 shows the Welch’s t-test analysis of the
evaluated by Science experts and Science teachers gathered rating from the Science experts and Science
. teachers using SPSS. Table 3 shows that the null
hypothesis was retained having a p-value of 0.703
which is greater than 0.05. It means that there is no
significant difference between the mean score of the
Science experts and Science teachers on the
integration of PBL in teaching Grade 11 Science using
the Gold standard PBL framework.

Level of the Grade 11 Students' Science Process

Skills Based on the Pretest and Posttest Before and
In table 2, the Science expert respondents obtained a After the Implementation of Project-Based
weighted mean rating of 4.00, which interpreted as Learning
Highly Integrated (HI) on two standards: assessing
student learning and engaging and coaching. In Table 4. Summary of Results of Pretest and Posttest
assessing student learning standard, the researcher
Scores of Students per Science Process Skill and its
created five (5) tailor-fit rubrics to evaluate each
project of the students. Having a customized rubric can
create a more unbiased and reliable score for the
presented projects. Aside from the tailor-fit rubrics, the
teacher also included formative assessments in the
class discussion. In engaging and coaching, the
researcher presented the timeframe (budget of work) to
show the consistency of engaging and coaching with
the students. Aside from that, it reflects there how the
time will be managed given the schedule of the class. The observation skill of Grade 11 students increased
The PBL activity plan can be seen in the Appendix D. from 2.00 (Approaching Proficiency) to 2.91
The rest of the standards have 3.90 weighted mean (Proficient). The classification skill of the students also
rating from the Science expert respondents. increased from 1.35 (Below Proficiency) to 2.48
(Approaching Proficiency). Though its level is
On the other hand, the Science teacher respondents Approaching Proficiency, the increase in the score
gave “aligning to standards” a 3.90 weighted mean cannot be ignored. It has the biggest increase
rating which has a verbal interpretation of Highly compared to other skills.
Integrated (HI). The rest of the standards have 3.85
weighted mean rating. The inference, measurement, and prediction skills also
increased from approaching proficiency to proficient
Test of Significant Difference Between the with the posttest mean scores of 2.78, 2.70, and 2.70
Perception of the Two Groups of Respondents on respectively. Lastly, in the critical thinking skill, the
the Extent of Integration of PBL in Teaching students’ pretest score has a mean of 2.87 and
increased to 3.74 in the posttest which means that the
Grade 11 Science Using the Gold Standard PBL
students’ critical thinking level is now highly

In summary, all the Science Process Skills of the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 1010-1019, Document ID:2023 PEMJ922, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8166219, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

student-participants have increased after the PBL

implementation which means that using this teaching
approach is effective in improving the SPS of the
students. Table 6. Students’ Level of Communication Skill Based
on the Ethnographic Evaluation
Test of Significant Difference Between the Pretest
and Posttest Scores of the Grade 11 Students in
Earth Science

Table 5. Paired Sample Differences Result using

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

Table 5 shows the standard deviation difference of

pretest and posttest (3.079) and most importantly, that
there is a significant difference between the pretest and Table 7. Students’ Level of Collaboration Skill Based
posttest scores of Grade 11 student participants in on the Ethnographic Evaluation
Natural Hazards, Mitigation, and Adaptation topic of
Earth Science (t22=7.990, p<0.000). On average as
shown in Table 5, posttest scores were 5.13 higher
than pretest scores (95% CI [6.462, 3.799]).

Based on the results of the data in table 5, the null

hypothesis was rejected. It implies that there is a
significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores
of the student-respondents after the implementation of
Project-Based Learning approach.

Level of the Students' 21st - Century Skills Based

on the Ethnographic Evaluation of the Teachers in
the Implementation of PBL

Table 6 shows that the data in the level of Grade 11 Based on the results in Table 7, the collaboration skill
students’ communication skills is Highly Proficient of Grade 11 students is Highly Proficient (HP) based
(HP) as evidenced by the overall weighted mean rating on the overall weighted mean rating of 3.58. The
of 3.40. teacher respondents observed this skill through the
students’ group meetings and presentations.
In the provided videos and notes, the Science teachers
were able to observe their communication skills. They mentioned that the students looked serious
Through the students’ recitation, group meetings and during their group meetings and that most of the
planning stage, they were able to share their thoughts members were able to share their thoughts. The
and ideas to their groupmates and to their classmates confidence they gained in the group meetings, where
with confidence. Moreover, these were observed they freely share their ideas, was also reflected in the
whenever they share the updates of their project in class presentation.
front of the class. The listeners were able to understand
their sharing since they communicate the information

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 1010-1019, Document ID:2023 PEMJ922, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8166219, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

mean rating of 3.38 from Science teacher respondents.

This skill was observed together with critical thinking
as they ruminated on the project that they created. One
Table 8. Students’ Level of Critical Thinking Skill point noted there was the idea of customizing the trash
Based on the Ethnographic Evaluation bin depending on the classroom’s design so that it will
match the theme.

Table 10. Summary of the Ethnographic Evaluation on

Students’ 21st-century Skills

The data in Table 10 shows that the 21st – century

skills of the student respondents in terms of
communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and
creativity are Highly Proficient (HP) as evidenced by
the weighted mean rating of 3.40, 3.58, 3.41, and 3.38,

It can be seen in Table 8 that the students’ level of Comments and Feedback of Teachers on the
critical thinking skill as rated by the Science teacher Implementation of Project-Based Learning
respondents is Highly Proficient (HP) as evidenced by
the overall weighted mean rating of 3.41. This may From respondents’ answers in the interview questions
mean that PBL is indeed helpful in developing the included in the ethnographic evaluation form, four (4)
critical thinking skills of learners. themes emerged. The themes are: a lot of groupings
time, can be implemented in other subjects, interesting,
Table 9. Students’ Level of Creativity Based on the and want to receive training about PBL.
Ethnographic Evaluation
A Lot of Grouping Time

One of the major observations that the respondents

keep mentioning is that the strategy allowed the
students to have more time in meeting their groups to
plan, discuss, and create their projects. With this given
time, they noticed that it gave way to students’
collaboration and communication skills. Through
constant groupings, their critical thinking has
improved as well.

“The classroom regular set up is more on teacher

Table 9 shows that the Grade 11 students were Highly centered while Project-based learning is students base
Proficient (HP) in their creativity skills during the learning where the students can express themselves
implementation of Project-based Learning approach in and enhance their skills to show what they have
Earth Science as evidenced by the overall weighted learned or they can apply what they know or learned
from a certain subjects.” –Teacher-respondent #3
“…students are working collaboratively by applying
their own knowledge. It also promote critical thinking

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 1010-1019, Document ID:2023 PEMJ922, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8166219, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

while they are exploring their own understanding of implemented or used.” – Teacher-respondent #2
the key concepts.” –Teacher-respondent #6 “… it can be used since it is effective and
improvements can be made when this will be presented
Can be Implemented in other Subjects to the faculty.” –Teacher-respondent #1

The teachers are interested in using PBL in their own Based on the interview answers, the respondents
class and also suggested that it can be used in other observed the improvement in the students SPS and
subjects other than Science. Since they observed that 21CS which is crucial in students’ learning process.
PBL has improved the 21CS of the learners, they They are interested in trying this teaching approach
thought of continuously using it to make a huge though they emphasized that they must have a training
improvement to students. first to implement it accordingly in their classes.

“…learning Science requires a lot of 21st century skills

that includes collaboration, critical thinking, problem Conclusion
solving, innovation, productivity, creativity and
adaptability. Through these skills, learners can Based on the results of this study, the researcher
effectively learn and acquire scientific concepts & derived the following conclusions: (1)The PBL
skills.” –Teacher-respondent #6 activity plan is highly incorporated in the PBL Gold
standard framework and can be integrated and used in
Interesting teaching the Grade 11 students. (2) The Project-based
learning approach has helped the Grade 11 student
When asked if they want to utilize PBL in their class, respondents in improving their Science Process Skills
most of the respondents said that they are willing to try such as: observation, communication, classification,
it, though it is challenging and they need training to measurement, inference, and critical thinking. (3)The
correctly implement it inside the class. Grade 11 student respondents’ 21st-century Skills such
as communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and
“…of course, i am open to new strategies especially if creativity improved after the implementation of
it is effective.” –Teacher-respondent #15 Project-based learning approach.
“…this is new to me but I think this might help me so I
Based on the findings and conclusions drawn, the
think I will try once I read about it more.” –Teacher- following are the recommended: (1) The PBL gold
respondent #23 standard framework may be integrated and used by
“…some of the students did know the theory but when other teachers in developing Project-Based Learning
it comes to application they are having a hard time activity plan (2)Other Science teachers may utilize this
applying what they have learned from the theory.” – Project-Based Learning approach to determine its
Teacher-respondent #3 effectiveness. (3) The school administrators may
consider adopting and implementing this teaching
Want to Receive Training about PBL method since this may help in achieving the goal of
producing globally competitive students by training
Together with their interest in utilizing PBL as another them to enhance their Science process and the 4Cs of
teaching strategy, they want to receive training first 21st – century skills. (4) Other researchers and
since they knew few information about it. They will be teachers may use this as an additional reference in
more confident to use it if they become more familiar considering the implementation or integration of PBL
and well-trained. Since they observed the positive in the basic education curriculum.
improvement in students’ skills, they want the school
to try it but they have to schedule a seminar or training References
to help the teachers learn more about this teaching
approach. Carreño, V. (2018). Project-based Learning. English Language
Learning Studio. Retrieved from https://
“it can be [utilized] but it would be better to be further 2018/03/12/project-
studied and discussed first.” – Teacher-respondent
#13 Department of Education. (2019). Statement on the Philippines’
ranking in the 2018 PISA results. R et riev ed from:
“…it can be implemented, and I think the school or the
division need to provide training if this will be ranking-in-the-2018-pisa-results/.

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