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Delivering Values & Excellence for

Sustainable Growth

PT Brantas Abipraya brantasabipraya /ptabipraya @ptabipraya
The Company
• Message From President Director 02
• Board of Directors 04
• Board of Commissioners 05
• Excellent People 06
• Organization Chart 07
• Brief History of Brantas Abipraya 08
• Corporate Culture 10
• Vision & Mission 10
• Operation Network 12
• CSR & Other Activities 13
• Achievement 14
• Certificate 16

Performance Highlights
• Building 18
• Dam & Weir 38
• Irrigation & River Improvement 54
• Tunnel 60
• Dredging & Reclamation 66
• Port 74
• Road & Bridge 78
• Airport 88
• Mechanical & Electrical 92
• Drilling & Grouting 98
• Power Plant 104
• WTP, Piping & Water Supply 112
• Abipraya Equipment 118
• Abipraya Concrete 126
• Abipraya Property 130

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 1

Message from President Director The Company


B rantas Abipraya enhances
its competitiveness through
Quality Oriented on every project
undertaken. The main objective
is Customer Satisfaction by
improving the productivity of all
resources used, minimizing waste
and enhancing Value on each
project activities witch are insightful
Green Construction.

2 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

The Company Message from President Director

Ir. Sugeng Rochadi, MM

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero), girder and ditch. The establishment of the concrete
which is also mentioned as Abip- plant is intended to diversify the Company’s busi-
raya, was established on Novem- ness and serve the needs of concrete products for
ber 12, 1980 in Malang, East Java. projects that are being carried out by the Company.
Establishment of the Company
was initiated from Brantas River Presently Brantas Abipraya has three Operation Divi-
Area Expansion Project known sions. Namely Operation Division 1 which focuses on
as Brantas Project. The initiative Buildings, Operation Division 2 that focuses on Wa-
was first initiated by the Minister ter Resources development, and Operation Division 3
of Public Work and Electricity, Ir. which focuses on construction of Roads and Bridges.
Sutami. This idea emerged when Moreover, the Company also has three business sup-
he visited Karangates Project and Selorejo in 1970. port, Abipraya Properti for property business, Abip-
raya Alat to fullfil heavy equipment business and Abi-
Along with its capabilities, Abipraya is expanding its praya Beton to serve the needs of concrete products.
business activities by building roads and bridges,
transportation infrastructure (land, sea and air) such Abipraya adopts ‘best practice’ standards
as seaports and airports, electricity, buildings,so that both nationally and internationally in carrying out its
Abipraya has developed into a general contractor. operations. These standards include quality manage-
ment systems, environmental management systems,
In 2011, the business activity was expanded into con- and safety and work management (K3) systems. The
struction, industry, trading, and service through the management system is applied in daily operations and
establishment of Abipraya’s subsidiary, PT Brantas En- its implementation will be verified by external parties.
ergi. Abipraya is optimistic that Brantas Energi can de-
velop and grow as a leading Hydro Power developer in To win the competition in construction industry, Abi-
Indonesia, and supports the development program of praya also takes strategic steps by continuously im-
35,000MW power plants that are new and renewable. proving Human Capitals development to meet the
demands of the ever-growing industrial world. The
Following the Company’s business growth, in 2019, Company views that Human Resources are not only
the Company had two units of Precast Concrete fa- the Company’s assets but also Human Capital, In-
cility located in Gempol and Subang which manu- vestment as well as Strategic Partners who play
facture several types of concrete, namely corrugated an important role in optimizing business growth.
concrete sheet pile, flat prestress concrete sheet pile,

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 3

Board of Directors The Company


President Director : Ir. Sugeng Rochadi, MM

Director of Operations I : Ir. Muhammad Toha Fauzi, MT
Director of Operations II : Widyo Praseno, S.T, MM
Director of Finance, Human Capital : Suradi, SE, Akt, MM
and Risk Management

4 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

The Company Board of Comissioners


Chairman : Drs. Haryadi, MA

Member : DR. Ir. Imam Haryono,M.Sc
Ir. Khalawi Abdul Hamid, Msc, MM
Ir. Kenny Daryat Nanang
Ir. Sudirman, MM

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 5

Excellent People The Company


alented people with
excellent Spirit for Giving
Best, Brantas Abipraya
proudly present its professional
engineers, architects, and other
teams who work in the company
as a greatest asset. Keep
innovating to compete, Brantas
Abipraya show the readiness
by always renew construction
technology to facing the era of
digital discription 4.0

6 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

The Company Organization

President Director

Director of Operations I Director of Operations II Directors
Director of Finance, HC
and Risk Management
Marketing Dept SPI

DEPT. PRODUKSI Sekretariat Perusahaan

Production Dept
Corporate Secretary
Finance Dept DEPT. QHSE


Human Capital Dept


Business Development Dept




Heavy Equipment & Precast Unit
Abipraya Property Unit Unit



PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 7

Milestone Achivements The Company



and consultant and Construction Services. Until his retirement I r. S u t a m i

from the Ministry of Public Works Ministry and Electricity, he
had not realized this expansion idea.

8 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

The Company Milestone Achivements

Melakukan Persero masuk Pada September Perseroan menerbitkan Peresmian pabrik Brantas Abipraya
diversifikasi bisnis dalam Rekor 2014, PT Brantas Obligasi I Brantas beton ke-3 di Subang, meraih 2
dengan investasi Muri untuk Abipraya sudah Abipraya. Jawa Barat penghargaan
pada Hydroelectric pekerjaan memiliki 3 unit sekaligus sebagai
fasilitas Pabrik The Company issued Brantas Abipraya BUMN berpredikat
Power Plan terowongan Bond I Brantas
melalui “Brantas Underpass Beton Pra cetak yang Inaugurate 3rd Sangat Bagus atas
berlokasi di Porong Abipraya. concrete factory in kinerja keuangan
Energi” sebagai terpanjang
anak perusahaan dengan sistim Jawa Timur, Sunter- Subang West Java selama tahun 2016
dari PT Brantas Jacking DKI Jakarta dan dan sebagai BUMN
Abipraya Padang Sumatera Kinerja Keuangan
Barat. Saat ini PT Sangat Bagus
Diversified its The Brantas Abipraya selama 5 tahun
business by Company memproduksi beton berturut turut oleh
investing in registered jenis : majalah Info Bank
Hydroelectric in the Muri Corrugated
Power Plan record for concrete sheet pile Brantas Abipraya
through “Brantas its work in received 2 awards
the longest Flat Presstress as well as SOE with
Energy” as a Concrete Sheet Pile
subsidiary of PT underpass excellent predicate
Brantas Abipraya with Jacking I Girder, Box Girder, on financial
system Box Culvert performance
U Ditch, V Ditch during 2016 and
as SOE Excellent
By September 2014, PT Financial
Brantas Abipraya had Performance for
owned 3 unit facilities
of Precast Concrete 5 consecutive
Factory Located in year by Infobank
Porong, East Java, Magazine
Sunter -Jakarta
and Padang, West
Sumatra. Currently,
PT Brantas Abipraya 2018 2019
produces concrete with
type as follow :
Corrugated Abipraya berpartisipasi Menerima penghargaan
Concrete sheet pile penuh dalam sebagai penyedia jasa
Flat Presstress penyediaan sarana dan konstruksi terbaik dalam
Concrete sheet pile prasarana olahraga menerapkan sistem
I Girder, Girder Box, serta infrastruktur manajemen keselamatan
Box Culvert penyelenggaraan Asian konstruksi (SMKK) dari
U Ditch, V Ditch Games XVIII tahun Kementerian PUPR
Menyabet golden trophy
Abipraya fully infobank yang ke-4 atas
participate in the kinerja keuangan “sangat
provision of sport bagus” tahun 2014-2018.
facilities and
Received an award as the
infrastructures as best construction service
well as infrastructure provider in implementing
maintenance of Asian

a construction safety
he expansion process was assigned to Games XVIII 2018 management system
Ir. Suyono Sosrodarsono , who acted as (SMKK) from the Ministry
Irrigation Deputy at that time.
Won the 4th golden
A t the beginning, PT Buana Karya was infobank trophy for
“very good” financial
considered approriate to be Project performance in 2014-2018
Planning Unit. Since the company was Meraih penghargaan BUMN
Performance Excellence Award;
unhealthy and cosidered durable to recured, Obtaining the BUMN
Top Digital Innovation 2020; Performance Excellence Award;
DR. Ir. Poernomosidi Hajisarosa then asked
the President’s permit to establish a new The Best GRC for Corporate Top Digital Innovation 2020;
Governance & Risk Management
state-owned contruction service company. 2020; The Best GRC for Corporate
Brantas Abipraya was the name given by Dr. Governance & Risk
Golden Trophy Infobank yang Management 2020;
Ir. Poernomosidi Hajisaroso, which means “The Dr. I r. Poe r nomosid i ke-5;
Spirit of Brantas”. On 12 November 1980, PT. H ajisar oso Infobank’s 5th Golden Trophy
dan penghargaan Transformasi
Brantas Abipraya (Persero) was proceeded with Digital pada BUMN Award 2020. And the Digital Transformation
legal matter, registered to Notarial Certificate award at the 2020 BUMN Award.

no. 88 issued by Notarial Office Kartini Mulyadi, Peluncuran Buku 40 tahun The 40-year book launch of
Brantas Abipraya, “Menembus Brantas Abipraya, “Menembus
SH, dated 12 November 1980. Batas Menjemput Impian” Batas Menjemput Impian”
Brantas Abipraya Menuju The Brantas Abipraya Menuju The
Living Company. Living Company.

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 9

Vision, Mision, Motto The Company



“To be a trusted company in
the construction industry and

Develop a company reputation and MISSION

prioritize customer satisfaction.
“ To provide excellent construction
Become one of the top 5 (five) products in a professional and
national construction company in the sustainable matter.”
next 5 (five) years.
The company maintains product
quality and competitiveness

Prioritize safety & Health,

environmental sustainability and a
green economy.

Maintain good relationships with


10 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

The Company Corporate Culture

“We tightly hold the trust given”

“We continually learn and develop capabilities”

” We care for and appreciating differences”

‘’We dedicate and prioritize the sake of nation
and state’’

‘’We continually innovate and enthusiastically
Move or face the change’’

“We build the synergistic cooperation”

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 11

Operation Network The Company


Head Office
Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav - 14
Cawang, Jakarta Timur 13340
Phone : (021) 851 6290
Fax : (021) 851 6095
Website :
Email :
Division and Business Unit : Subsidiary Company :

Operation Division 1 PT BRANTAS ENERGI

Gedung Sapta Taruna 6th floor Gedung Sapta Taruna 5th floor
Jl DI Panjaitan Kav 12 Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav - 12
Cawang, Jakarta Timur 13340 Cawang, Jakarta Timur 13340
Phone : (021) 851 6290 Phone : (021) 2961 3918
Fax : (021) 851 6095 Fax : (021) 2961 3809
Website :
Email :
Operation Division 2 & 3
Jl DI Panjaitan Kav 14
Cawang, Jakarta Timur 13340
Phone : (021) 851 6290
Fax : (021) 851 6095

Abipraya Heavy Equipment &

Precast Unit
Gedung Sapta Taruna 5th floor
Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav - 12
Cawang, Jakarta Timur 13340
Phone : (021) 851 6290
Fax : (021) 851 6095

Abipraya Property Unit

Gedung Sapta Taruna 5th floor
Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav - 12
Cawang, Jakarta Timur 13340
Phone : (021) 851 6290
Fax : (021) 851 6095

12 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

The Company Corporate Sosial Responsibility

Participate in building and

empowering communities where

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

runs its business activities in line

with company growth

CSR implementation strategy based on four main pillars, namely: MISSION:

a. Partnership
Implement programs of Corporate
The planning process through the implementation of partnering with the object /
target of CSR and other institutions as needed, such as social institutions, local Social Responsibility in the form
governments and educational institutions. of community development
b. Organization and Human Resources according to the Company’s
All activities are carried out in an organized CSR by involving sufficient human
ability, through commitment to
c. Networking continuous and sustainable, for

CSR networks spread all over Indonesia, through the Company’s offices at the the creation of a harmonious
Regional / Branch, Project and Equipment Pool, as well as all officials / employees of relationship between the company
the Company. This network can be extended outside of the Company.
d. Empowerment - the people, so the existence of

Anticipate the needs of the communities where the Company’s business activities, the Company can be perceived as
community development policy directed the Company to 6 (six) core areas, but an asset of society and the nation.
not limited to:
a. Education (elementary, junior high schools and the same level)
b. Religious facilities and public
c. Health
d. Environment
e. Natural disasters
f. Compensation orphans / destitute
The policy will be continually adjusted to follow the development of local
communities where the company is located.

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 13

Achievement The Company


BUMN Performance Excellence 2020 The Best GRC for Corporate Governance & Risk
Management 2020 in Construction Industry

The Best Contractor in implementing

Very Good Financial Performance ( 5 years )
the Construction Safety Management
System (SMKK)

The Best Partner Contractor in the National Top Digital Innovation 2020 IT & TOP Telco 2020
Construction Services Development award
from Ministry Public Work and Housing

14 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

The Company Achievement


Indonesia TJSL Award 2021 - The Best The Best Human Capital Technology Top CSR Awards 2021 #Star 4
TJSL with outstanding trading industry Strategy Construction Industries from
development programs, category Human Capital and Performance Award
infrastructure services 2021

Top CSR Awards 2021 for Abipraya Top Digital Implementation 2021 on Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Pintar Program Infrastructure sector #level stars 4 for Abipraya’s contribution in disaster
and pandemic countermasures

The Best Digital Technology

Project in Construction and
Infrastructure Industries 2021

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 15

Certificate The Company


ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 ISO 45001:2018

ISO 37001:2016 BIM Base Quantity Take Off Building Information Modelling
(BIM) Certificate

TOP Digital Implementation 2020 On Who has Implemented Safety Culture

Excellent Financial Performance
Construction Sector # Level Stars 3 Program Within Their Organization
of Indonesia Best BUMN

16 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Building Performance Highlights

G re e n B u i l d i n g o f T h e M i n i st r y o f P u b l i c Wo r k s - J a k a r t a

18 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Building Performance Highlights

M a y o r C i t y H a l l B u i l d i n g , S o u t h Ta n g e r a n g - B a n t e n

S u l t r a B a n k To w e r, K e n d a r i - S o u t h e a s t S u l a w e s i

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 19

Building Performance Highlights

City hall of Central Lombok Regency, Central Lombok-West Nusa Tenggara

Public Library Building, Depok-West Java

PT PLN Branch Office, Pekan Baru-Riau

20 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Building Performance Highlights

D i re c t o ra t o f Wa t e r R e s o u rce s Graha BKI Office Building,

B u i l d i n g M i n i st r y o f P u b l i c Wo r k - J a k a r t a North Jakarta-Jakarta

Pelindo IV ( Persero) Branch Office, Ambon-Maluku

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 21

Building Performance Highlights

Local House of Representative DPRD Building, Jayapura-Papua

City hall of Lamongan Regency, Lamongan-East Java

22 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Building Performance Highlights

Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) of West Java,

Bandung-West Java

Manokwari State Finance Building, Manokwari-West Papua

Integrated State Border Post (PLBN), Badau-West Kalimantan

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 23

Building Performance Highlights

AL Alam Mosques Building, Kendari-Southeast Sulawesi

Islamic Museum, Jombang-East Java

24 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Building Performance Highlights

B e k a s i P u b l i c H o s p i t a l ( R S U D ) , B e k a s i - We st J a va

Graha Delta Husada Public Hospital, Sidoarjo-East Java

PT ASKES ( Persero) Regional IX Office Building, Makassar-South Sulawesi

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 25

Building Performance Highlights

Ta r a k a n S k y H o s p i t a l ( R S U D ) , C e n t r a l J a k a r t a - J a k a r t a

Ibnu Sina Hospital, Gresik-East Java

26 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Building Performance Highlights

Bakti Timah Hospital, Pangkal Pinang - Bangka Belitung Island

Gorontalo State University Building-Gorontalo

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 27

Building Performance Highlights

Mataram State Islamic University, Mataram-West Nusatenggara

Faculty Medical Brawijaya University Building, Malang-East Java

28 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Building Performance Highlights

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Airlangga University Syariah Tower Building,
Ciputat-Jakarta Surabaya-East Java

Edutorium Surakarta Muhammadiyah Univercity,

Surakarta-Central Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 29

Building Performance Highlights

Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Bogor-West Java

University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA Building,

East Jakarta-Jakarta

30 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Building Performance Highlights

Sentraland Apartement, Cengkareng-Jakarta

Urban Heights Residences, South Tangerang-Banten

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 31

Building Performance Highlights

Pasar Jumat Flat Building, South Jakarta-Jakarta

P r e s i d e n t i a l S e c u r i t y F o r c e I n d o n e s i a ( PA S PA M P R E S ) F l a t B u i l d i n g , J a k a r t a

32 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Building Performance Highlights

Athlete Housing Kemayoran, Blok C21 C23 ,

Kemayoran -Jakarta

Pa k a n s a r i S t a d i u m , B o g o r - We st J a va

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 33

Building Performance Highlights

A q u a t i c Po o l , B e k a s i - We st J a va

Te n n i s O u t d o o r S t a d i u m S e n a y a n , J a k a r t a

Yo u t h C e n t r e S t a d i u m , B a n d u n g - W e s t J a v a

34 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Building Performance Highlights

Transmart Shopping Mall, Pangkal Pinang - Bangka Belitung Islands

Pasa Ateh, Bukittinggi-West Sumatera

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 35

Building Performance Highlights

Semarang Old Town Heritage Renovation, Semarang -Central Java

36 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights


Jatibarang Dam, Semarang-Central Java

38 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Sutami Multipurpose Dam, Karangkates Malang-East Java

Sutami Multipurpose Dam, Karangkates Malang-East Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 39

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Bajulmati Dam, Banyuwangi-East Java


Kedungombo Multipurpose Dam, Purwodadi-Central Java

40 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Wa d a s l i n t a n g M u l t i p u r p o s e D a m ,
Kebumen-Central Java

Wa d a s l i n t a n g M u l t i p u r p o s e D a m ,
Kebumen-Central Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 41

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Titab Dam, Buleleng-Bali

Bili Bili Multipurpose Dam, Gowa-South Sulawesi

42 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

B a t u B u l a n D a m , S u m b a w a - W e s t N u s a Te n g g a r a

Kreungkerto Dam, North Aceh-Aceh

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 43

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Merapi Sabo Dam, Magelang-Central Java

44 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Koto Panjang Dam, Kampar-Riau

Benel Dam, Jembrana-Bali

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 45

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Sei Padang Barrages, Serdang Bedagai-North Sumatera

Wa r u t u r i B a r ra g e s , K e d i r i - E a st J a va

46 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

P a n d a n d u r i M u l t i p u r p o s e D a m , E a s t L o m b o k – W e s t N u s a Te n g g a r a

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 47

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Gubeng Rubber Dam, Surabaya-East Java

Te m p e B a r r e g e s , S e n g k a n g - S o u t h S u l a w e s i

48 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Ponre Ponre Multipurpose Dam, Bone-South Sulawesi

Bening Widas Dam, Madiun-East Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 49

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Menturus Rubber Dam, Jombang-East Java

A i r L a k i t a n W e i r, M u s i r a w a s - S o u t h S u m a t e r a

50 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Indramayu Rubber Dam, Makasar-South Sulawesi

Jeneberang Rubber Dam, Makasar-South Sulawesi

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 51

Dam & Weir Performance Highlights

Ta p i n D a m , Ta p i n - S o u t h K a l i m a n t a n

Tu k u l D a m , Pa c i t a n - E a st J a va

52 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Irrigation & River Improvement Performance Highlights

Sunter River Normalitation, Jakarta


Wo n o k ro m o R i ve r D eve lo p m e n t , S u ra b a ya - E a st J a va

54 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Irrigation & River Improvement Performance Highlights

P ra f i I I , M a n o k w a r i - We st Pa p u a

Bili-Bili Irrigation Bissua and Kampili Appurtenancse, Gowa-South Sulawesi

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 55

Irrigation & River Improvement Performance Highlights

Baliase Irrigation, North Luwu-South Sulawesi

R e n t a n g I r r i g a t i o n , I n d ra m a y u - We st J a va

56 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Irrigation & River Improvement Performance Highlights

Kalisadar River Normalitation, Mojokerto-East Java

Klambu Kudu Raw Water Network, Demak-Central Java


PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 57

Halaman ini sengaja di kosongkan
Tunnel Work Performance Highlights

B o t t o m O u t le t C i a w i D a m , B o g o r - We st J a va


D i ve rs i o n Tu n n e l J a t i b a ra n g D a m , S e m a ra n g - C e n t ra l J a va

60 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Tunnel Work

D i ve rs i o n Tu n n e l B e r i n g i n S i l a D a m ,
S u m b a w a - We st N u s a t e n g g a ra

D i ve rs i o n Tu n n e l Po n re Po n re D a m ,
Kebumen-Central Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 61

Tunnel Work Performance Highlights

Inlet & Shaft Intake Cipanas Dam, Sumedang-West Java

Diversion Tunnel Bintang Bano Dam, West Sumbawa-West Nusa Tenggara

62 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Tunnel Work

Diversion Tunnel Tapin Dam, Tapin-South Kalimantan

Diversion Tunnel Sidan Dam, Badung-Bali

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 63

Halaman ini sengaja di kosongkan
Dredging & Reclamation Performance Highlights


M i t i g a t i o n H o t M u d F l o w D i s a s t e r,
Sidoarjo-East Java

66 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Dredging & Reclamation

M i t i g a t i o n H o t M u d F l o w D i s a s t e r,
Sidoarjo-East Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 67

Dredging & Reclamation Performance Highlights

W l i n g i R e s e r vo i r Wo r k , B l i t a r - E a st J a va

Upper Citarum Basin, Bandung - West Java

68 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Dredging & Reclamation

Brantas Middle Reaches Project Stage 1 Up to 7

River Improvement,
Kediri-East Java

S u t a m i D a m R e s e r v o i r, M a l a n g - E a s t J a v a

Ular River Improvement & Irrigation,

Medan-North Sumatera

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 69

Dredging & Reclamation Performance Highlights

Disposal Site Jedi Ancol, Jakarta

Nipah Reclamation , Batam-Riau Island

70 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Dredging & Reclamation

Matras Beach, Bangka Belitung

National Capital Integrated

Coastal Development Project,
North Jakarta-Jakarta

National Capital IntegratedCoastal Development Project,

North Jakarta-Jakarta

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 71

Dredging & Reclamation Performance Highlights

Reklamation Work, Surabaya-East Java

Coast Breakwater, Ternate-North Maluku

Nipah Reclamation , Batam-Riau Island

72 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Port Performance Highlights

C o n t a i n e r Ya r d , B a n j a r m a s i n - S o u t h K a l i m a n t a n


Jayapura Port, Jayapura-Papua

74 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Port Dredging & Reclamation

Panjang Port, Bandar lampung-Lampung

Ta w i r i P o r t , A m b o - M a l u k u

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 75

Port Performance Highlights

Seaport Extension III, Manokwari–Papua

76 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Road & Bridge Performance Highlights

B u k i t t i n g g i F l y o v e r, B u k i t t i n g g i - W e s t S u m a t e r a

P e r m a t a H i j a u F l y o v e r, S o u t h J a k a r t a - J a k a r t a

78 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Road & Bridge

M a r t a d i n a t a F l y o v e r, B o g o r - W e s t J a v a

K e s a m b i F l y o v e r, B r e b e s - C e n t r a l J a v a

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 79

Road & Bridge Performance Highlights

Cibubur Underpass,
East Jakarta

Malala Lakuan Road, Tolitoli-Central Sulawesi

80 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Road & Bridge

Pinolosian-Onggunoi-Molobog Road,
Yo s S u d a r s o F l y o v e r,
South Bolaang Mongondow-North Sulawesi
Medan-North Sumatera

D e k a i - O k s i b i l R o a d , Wa m e n a - Pa p u a

Nanga Badau – Lanjak Road, Ta n j u n g P a l a s S e k a t a k B u j i ,

K a p u a s H u l u - We st K a l i m a n t a n Bulungan-North Kalimantan

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 81

Road & Bridge Performance Highlights

D o u b le Tra c k R a i lw a y ( K A I ) a n d K roya - K u t o a r j o B r i d g e , P u r wo re j o - C e n t ra l J a va

S oeltor o- BKrei rdtgoes oPnroo jTo
e c ltl, R
Moaal d
a ,n gS u-r E
aak sa tr tJaa-vCae n t r a l J a v a

Metro Bridge Project, Malang-East Java

82 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Road & Bridge

Buol Bridge, Buol-Central Sulawesi

Ta n j u n g E n i m B r i d g e , M u a r a E n i m - S o u t h S u m a t e r a

Sembayat Bridge,Gersik-East Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 83

Road & Bridge Performance Highlights

Ake - Muye Bridge, East Halmahera-North Maluku

Dolago Bridge, Parigi Moutong-Central Sulewesi

84 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Road & Bridge

Sultan Abdul Jalil Alamuddin Syah Bridge,

Pekan Baru-Riau

Sultan Abdul Jalil Alamuddin Syah Bridge,

Pekan Baru-Riau

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 85

Road & Bridge Performance Highlights

L a n d a k B r i d g e , Po n t i a n a k - We st K a l i m a n t a n

Gorantalo Bridge, Gorontalo

W i d a n g B r i d g e , Tu b a n - E a st J a va

86 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Road & Bridge
Airport Performance Highlights


Juanda Airport, Surabaya-East Java

A h m a d Ya n i A i r p o r t ,
Semarang-Central Java

88 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Airport

Banyuwangi Airport, Banyuwangi-Eest Java

Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport

Palembang-South Sumatera

Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport,

Palembang-South Sumatera

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 89

Airport Performance Highlights

Interior of Kualanamu Airport Hotel, Medan-North Sumatera

Interior of Kualanamu Airport Hotel, Medan-North Sumatera

90 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Mechanical & Electrical Performance Highlights


Tra n m i s i o n 2 0 K V Wo n o re j o ,
Wo n o re j o - E a st J a va

Syphon Construction of Ponre-Ponre Dam, Bone-South Sulawesi

92 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Mechanical & Electrical

Tra n s m i s i L i n e s 2 0 K VA , Pa s u r u a n - E a st J a va

Kedungombo Multipurpose Dam,

Purwodadi-Central Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 93

Mechanical & Electrical Performance Highlights

Control Pannel Bening Dam, Madiun-East Java

Powe r H o u s e Wa d a s L i n t a n g D a m , K e b u m e n - C e n t ra l J a va

94 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Mechanical & Electrical

Bangil 150 KV Gis Sub Station, Bangil-East Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 95

Halaman ini sengaja di kosongkan
Drilling & Grouting Performance Highlights

Grouting Main Dam Work - Jatibarang Dam, Semarang-Central Java

S e e p a g e M e a s u re m e n t J a t i l u h u r D a m P ro j e c t , P u r w a k a r t a - We st J a va

98 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Drilling & Grouting

Ponre-Ponre Dam Drilling for Excavation, Bone-South Sulawesi


Drilling Works for Rock

Anchor Bar at Spillway,
Ponre-ponre Dam,
Bone-South Sulawesi

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 99

Drilling & Grouting Performance Highlights

Drilling for Excavation

Sangkup Irrigatin Project

Drilling for Rock Bolt,

Ponre-Ponre Dam,
Bone-South sulawesi

Drilling for Rock Bolt,

Ponre-Ponre Dam,
Bone-South sulawesi

100 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Drilling & Grouting

Grouting Work Bajulmati Dam, Banyuwangi-Ea st Java

Drilling for Excavation Diversion

Tunnel of the Kotapanjang Dam,

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 101

Halaman ini sengaja di kosongkan
Power Plant Performance Highlights


Ampel Gading Power House,

PLTS Gorontalo
Malang - East Java

104 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Power Plant

Sutami Multipurpose Dam, Karangkates Malang-East Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 105

Power Plant Performance Highlights

Kedungombo Multipurpose Dam, Purwodadi-Central Java

106 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Power Plant

Wa d a s l i n t a n g M u l t i p u r p o s e D a m , K e b u m e n - C e n t ra l J a va

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 107

Power Plant Performance Highlights

Cirata Hydro Electric Power Plant,

B a n d u n g - We st J a va

Saguling Hydro Electric Power Plant,

B a n d u n g - We s t J a v a

108 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Power Plant

N d u n g a M H P P , N d u n g a - E a s t N u s a Te n g g a r a

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 109

Halaman ini sengaja di kosongkan
Wtp, Piping & Water Supply Performance Highlights



Water Treatment Plant,

Bekasi-West Java

Raw Water Supply, Bekasi-West Java

112 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Wtp, Piping & Water Supply

Piping line South Pacific Vicose Project,

Purwakarta-West Java

Surabaya Water Supply Section SUDP, Surabaya-East Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 113

Wtp, Piping & Water Supply Performance Highlights

Surabaya Pump Station, Surbaya-East Java

Syphon Ponre-Ponre Dam

SPAM Umbulan, Sidoarjo-East Java

114 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Spam Umbulan Sidoarjo Performance Highlights Wtp, Piping & Water Supply

SPAM Umbulan, Sidoarjo-East Java

Spam Meta Pasuruan

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 115

Halaman ini sengaja di kosongkan
Abipraya Equipment Performance Highlights


118 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Abipraya Equipment

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 119

Abipraya Equipment Performance Highlights

120 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Abipraya Equipment

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 121

Abipraya Equipment Performance Highlights

122 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Abipraya Equipment

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 123

Abipraya Equipment Performance Highlights

124 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Abipraya Concrete Performance Highlights


126 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights Abipraya Concrete

Precast Concrete Production

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 127

Abipraya Concrete Performance Highlights

Plant, Subang-West Java

On Site Plan, Grobogan-Central-Java

128 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights

Arya Green TB Simatupang, Jakarta

Urban Heights Residences, South Tangerang-Banten

130 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights

ENERGI Arya Green Maguwoharjo 1, Jogyakarta

Arya Green Pamulang, Tangerang-Banten

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 131

Performance Highlights

Edelweis Cluster, Arya Green Tajur Halang, Bogor-West Java

Pinus Cluster , Arya Green Tajur Halang, Bogor-W est Java

132 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Performance Highlights

Arya Green Setu, Bekasi-West Java

Arya Green Kalasan, Jogyakarta

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 133

Halaman ini sengaja di kosongkan
Abipraya Toll Performance Highlights

Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) Toll, Sumedang-West Java

Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) Toll, Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) Toll,

Sumedang-West Java Sumedang-West Java

136 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Abipraya Toll Performance Highlights

Probolinggo-Banyuwangi Toll, Banyuwangi-East Java

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 137

Abipraya Toll Performance Highlights

Jogja-Bawen Toll, Bawen-Central Java

138 PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

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