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Total Pages : 6 IV-CC- Chem-VIII

Full Marks : 60
Time:3 hours
Answer all questions.
The figures in the right-hand margin
indicate marks.

Answer all questions:

1. (a) The name of the

the complex
(b) What is the relationship between A,
and A for the same metal ion and

(Turn Over )
(2 ) (3 )

(c) The first transition series comprises (b) Find the number of unpaired
in octahe
of elements from to trons present in Fe ion
dralweak field.
(d) The unit of magnetic moment is ? Give an'
(c) What is Linkage isomerism
Cr in
(e) What is the oxidation state of
CrO,? (d) Explain why Cu compounds are
() Name the clement ofLanthanide
is radioactive. (e) Why Hg-Hg bond is stronger
Cd-Cd bond ?
(g) Name the metal present in chlorophyll
ofgreen pigment. is more com
() Why +3oxidation statecompounds
on for Lanthanides in
(h) Carbonic anhydrase contains solid state ?
metal element.
(g) Explain the working of NaK' pump.
Answer anyeight: 1.5 x8 (h) What do you mean by
theraphy?Give an example.
2. (a) Give two postulates of Werner's ().Why Gd and Lu exhibit only +3
co-ordination theory. dation state ?

) How is VoCl, obtained from VoCl, ?

(Continued ) (Turn Over )
IV-CC-Chem-V!! IV-CC-Chen-VIll
(4 ) (5 )

GROUP C () What are reasons for toxicity ofHg?

Answer any eight : 2× 8 ) Write a short note Heme'.

3. (a) Why Ti(IV) compounds are colour GROUP-D

less ? Write its magnetic character.
4. What are the factors that affect the magni
(b) Write the difference between double tude of CFSE ? Briefly discuss. 6
salt and complex salt.
(c) Calculate EAN of the central metal
in(Cu(NH).S0, and K,[Fe(CN)J. Discuss molecular orbital theory of
tetrathedral có-ordination compounds.
(d) How emf values determine stability
of various oxidation state ? 5. What is Latimer diagram ? Write its appli
cations. 6

(e) Why Fel, is not formed ? Or

() Why V,S ion has strong purple Explain the following properties of
colour ? transition metals : 2x3

() Variable oxidation state

g) Explin why transition metals form
complex easily ? (ii) Formation of coloured compounds
h) Explain briefly the role of metal ions (iii) Catalytic property
in biological systems.
IV-CC-Chem-VIll (Turn Over )

IV-CC-Chem-Vl (Continued )
(6 )

6. Describe the chemistry of +2 oxidation

state of Cobalt. 6


Discuss the following properties of

Lanthanides: 3 x2

(i) Lanthanide contraction

(ii) Magnetic properties
7. Discuss the chemistry of carbonic anhy
draseand carboxy peptidase. 6


Describe the chemistry of Myoglobin

wih its applications.

IVCC-Chem-VIIJ NA-1,200

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