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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol. 34, No.

3, June 2004 (Ó 2004)

A Systematic Review of Action Imitation in Autistic Spectrum


Justin H. G. Williams,1,4 Andrew Whiten,2 and Tulika Singh3

Imitative deficits have been associated with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) for many
years, most recently through more robust methodologies. A fresh, systematic review of the
significance, characteristics, and underlying mechanism of the association is therefore war-
ranted. From 121 candidates, we focused on 21 well-controlled studies involving 281 cases
of ASD. Overall, children with ASD performed worse on imitative tasks (Combined Logit
p value < .00005). The emerging picture is of delayed development in imitation, implicating
a deficit in mapping neural codings for actions between sensory and motor modalities,
rather than in motivation or executive function. We hypothesise that ASD is characterised
by abnormal development of these mappings, such that they are biased towards object-ori-
ented tasks at the expense of those required for action imitation per se.

KEY WORDS: Imitation; gesture; action; autism; emulation; ‘mirror neurons’.

INTRODUCTION autism. Rogers and Pennington (1991) were the first

to review these, examining seven studies. Their
Imitation research in autistic spectrum disorder influential review found strong evidence for the exis-
(ASD) has a long history. The first suggestion of a tence of a deficit affecting imitation of simple body
relationship was made in 1953 (Ritvo & Provence, movements, as well as imitation of actions with
1953), just 8 years after Kanner (1943) had pub- symbolic meaning. Using Stern’s (1985) model of
lished his seminal paper on autism. Ritvo and Prov- interpersonal development, they suggested that a
ence noted that: biological impairment in autism restricted the
A mother described the inability of one capacity of the infant to ‘‘form and co-ordinate
21-month-old child to make pat-a-cake simply from social representations of self and other at increas-
watching her. The only way he could learn the game ingly complex levels via amodal or cross-modal rep-
was to have the mother hold his hands and put resentational processes’’. They hypothesised that a
them through the appropriate movements. primary deficit in such a capacity (referred hereon
Since that time, several studies have explicitly as self–other mapping) would lead to a cascade of
investigated the relationship between imitation and effects including impaired imitation, social, commu-
nicative and affective skills, and that a deficit in the
Department of Child Health, University of Aberdeen, Medical prefrontal-limbic neural system could form the basis
School, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, Scotland. for this impairment.
School of Psychology, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Later, Smith and Bryson (1994) carried out a
comprehensive review of 15 studies conducted up to
Torbay Hospital, Torbay.
4 that point, including a number lacking control data.
Correspondence should be addressed to: Justin H. G. Williams.
Department of Child Health, University of Aberdeen, Medical
They hypothesised that the imitative deficit associ-
School, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD, Scotland, UK; Tel.: ated with autism could be due in part to impair-
+44-1224-552471; e-mail: ment in the perceptual organisation of movements,
0162-3257/04/0600-0285/0 Ó 2004 Plenum Publishing Corporation
286 Williams, Whiten, and Singh

manifesting in an abnormal representation of One implication of this proposal is that imitation

actions. They suggested that the ability of children may be a profitable focus in studying the integrity
with autism to recognise when they are being of the underlying neural mechanism involved in
imitated precludes the problem from being one of autism.
self–other correspondence of the kind Rogers and In recent years, a number of studies have been
Pennington (1991) had suggested (although one published that utilised more robust methodology
might argue that this should also preclude the possi- than previously. Furthermore, the study of imita-
bility that the problem lies in abnormal perception tion itself has advanced, as a number of disciplines
of movements). Smith and Bryson concluded tenta- including primatology, robotics, neuropsychology,
tively that children with autism might show different and developmental psychology have begun to
patterns of imitative deficit according to their func- cross-fertilise (Dautenhahn, 2002; Meltzoff &
tional level, that imitative tasks requiring bilateral Prinz, 2002; Want & Harris, 2002). We therefore
integration may be especially affected, but that the considered that a fresh, critical and systematic
specificity of the deficit to autism was still unde- review of the literature in the light of recent think-
monstrated. ing, and new, higher quality data, would address
Rogers (1999) carried out a further review of questions of current interest. In particular, these
studies up to 1997 (though just missing a further concern whether the imitative deficit associated with
study by Charman et al. and Drew (1997) described autism is:
further below) and took up some of the issues
1. Typically present and if so, to what extent?
raised by Smith and Bryson. Rogers again found
2. Necessary for the development of autism
strong evidence supporting the existence of an imi-
and therefore ubiquitous in the condition?
tative deficit, but concluded there was insufficient
3. Specific to autism or a non-specific feature
data to be precise about the components of imita-
of co-morbid neurodevelopmental disability?
tion affected, or whether the deficit was due to a
4. Associated with a profile of performance
motivational, praxic or self–other matching impair-
that might suggest whether the underlying
ment. She did not discuss whether the evidence
problem is with the process involved in
pointed to the deficit being specific to ASD.
translation from observation of acts to the
A hypothesis put forward by Williams, Whiten,
execution of them, a general social learning
Suddendorf, and Perrett (2001) attempted to build
impairment or some other less specific
on the Rogers and Pennington (1991) model by
neurocognitive capacity utilised by imitative
linking it to the recent discovery of ‘‘mirror neu-
processes, such as executive function.
rons’’ that code for the same action, whether it is
perceived or enacted (Gallese, Fadiga, Fogassi, &
Rizzolatti, 1996). However, rather than contrasting
the imitative model of intersubjective development SEARCH DETAILS
with the metarepresentational (or ‘‘theory of mind’’)
model (Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & Frith, 1985) as Rog- Computerised literature searches of the data-
ers and Pennington had done, Williams et al. con- bases EMBASE 1988–present, Medline 1966–
sidered that the ‘‘theory of mind’’ deficit associated present and Web of Science were performed. In
with autism might be due to a ‘‘simulation’’ deficit addition, a manual search of core articles and books
(Gallese & Goldman, 1998; Carruthers & Smith, was conducted. Using the subject headings ‘‘imita-
1996). This would mean that people with autism tive behaviour’’ and ‘‘autistic disorder’’ (as subject
have difficulty understanding the thoughts of others, headings or key words), 104 references on Medline
because they find it hard to imagine themselves in were located. The EMBASE search used subject
their position by relating what they observe about headings ‘‘imitation’’ and ‘‘autism or infantile aut-
others’ behaviour to their own neural codings for ism’’. This generated 26 references, of which 17
similar behavioural memories. They suggested that were novel in relation to the Medline survey. A fur-
such a simulation process is dependent upon a neu- ther search run through Web of Science did not
rocognitive mechanism allied to that necessary for identify any additional references. Three further ref-
imitation. Williams et al. suggested that a develop- erences (one in press) were identified through corre-
mental delay in such a neural mechanism could be spondence and articles. The search covered the
the common factor that is core to autistic disorders. period up to March 2002.
A Systematic Review of Action Imitation in Autistic Spectrum Disorder 287

Inclusion Criteria meaningful action but not the one for which the
object was intended (sometimes referred to as a
To include any of these studies in our further
placeholder in the literature). This we have called
analyses, we set the criterion that it should at least
an ‘‘action-upon-a-substituted object’’ (ASO). In
compare performance on an action-imitative task
addition, where a sequence of actions or gestures is
between a group with ASD and a control group.
presented, we have added the term sequential (S).
Diagnostic groups could include subjects with aut-
Finally, three other dichotomies will play a less cen-
ism or Asperger’s syndrome. One study contained
tral role in our analysis and will be further dis-
some subjects with atypical autism. We confined
cussed below. They are: immediate vs. deferred;
our review to the imitation of hand and body
spontaneous vs. elicited; and structure vs. style.
actions rather than including imitation in general.
This is because our aim was to examine specifically
the profile of the action–imitation deficit, rather
than imitation as a whole, which may be associated
with a broader range of neural mechanisms. Also it
A summary of the studies reviewed is shown in
may not be valid to compare vocal, facial and affect
Tables I and II. In the following, which should be
imitation with action imitation, and the inclusion of
read in conjunction with Table I, which it comple-
such a diverse range of studies may confuse rather
ments, we address significant methodological issues
than clarify. Where studies did include other mea-
and highlight details of the studies for which there
sures, we have confined our analysis to the data on
is insufficient space in the table.
action imitation. Twenty-one studies met these crite-
The first full study, by DeMeyer et al. (1972),
ria. Nine of these have not been included in previ-
used an extensive battery of imitative tasks, based
ous reviews. Some studies included in previous
on the do-as-I-do method (Hayes & Hayes, 1952).
reviews were excluded due to lack of controls.
Problems include the absence of reliable diagnostic
criteria available at that time, and the fact that
because the children with autism had a lower men-
CLASSIFYING IMITATIVE TASKS tal age than the controls, they were exposed to a
different (easier) set of tasks. DeMyer et al., intro-
The ongoing multidisciplinary onslaught on duced the notion of including a simple imitative
imitation noted above has produced a profusion of task as a control for ‘‘negativism’’ and also consid-
alternative ways of classifying forms of imitation. ered the impact of pre-task training. They noted
Here, we emphasise just two principal distinctions that four autistic children had received extensive
that are made in the existing literature. First, if the training in action imitation before the experiment,
act involves an object we have termed it an ‘‘action yet still failed these tasks.
upon an object’’ (AO) and where no object is Hammes and Langdell (1981) introduced the
involved we have called it a gesture. Second, we dis- method of displaying tasks on videotape. As with
tinguish ‘‘meaningful’’ from non-meaningful DeMyer et al., simple tasks were performed at ceil-
actions. This is less straightforward, yet appears ing levels by all individuals in the group. These were
important. The meaningful category typically pantomime actions, all involving the pouring, drink-
includes pantomime acts, such as pretending to use ing and stirring of soup or tea, and involving the
a comb. It also includes meaningful and symbolic use of real objects. Group differences then emerged
gestures such as waving ‘‘goodbye’’. For the pur- when subjects were asked either to imitate these
pose of this analysis we have called all meaningful, pantomimed actions in the absence of an object, or
symbolic, familiar, transitive or pantomime acts and were asked to use an object for another purpose,
gestures ‘‘Meaningful gestures’’ (MG) and others such as drinking from the pot. Five out of eight
non-meaningful gestures (NMG). Meaningful ges- children with autism used the object for its proper
tures are those with a semantic association, whilst purpose rather than that which had been modelled.
NMGs can only be described in terms of posture Sigman and Ungerer (1984) examined well-
and location. matched groups and employed simple imitative
This classification covers most tasks quite ade- tasks from the Motor Imitation Scale (MIS; Uzgiris
quately for present purposes. One remaining anom- & Hunt, 1975). Despite the simplicity of these tasks,
aly is where an object is used to perform a group differences were still significant. However,
Table I. Studies discussed further in the text

Subjects Controls Diagnosis Tasks

Number Mean age

of of subjects Level of Controls Control for Control Control Diagnostic Tasks Reported group
Paper subjects (years) function (n) IQ for age tasks Diagnosis tools (p value) differences p value

DeMyer 12 5.6 Verbal age = MR (5 only) No. of Mean Yes Yes (Spont- Autism (9) No MG Easy AO = NS
et al. (1972) 2.60 years verbal aneous Object + NMG Possible AO < 0.02
ages of use schizophre- MAO All Gesture <.01
controls = 4.4 and three nia (3) NMAO
years task difficulty
Hammes and 8 9.1 Snijders- MR Yes Yes Simple Autism No MAO MAO=NS
Langdell Oomen tasks Rutter MASO MASO<0.013
(1981) test (1978) MG MG=.02
MA = 4.5
Sigman and 16 4.3 MA = 24.8 MR (16) Yes Yes No Autism No MAO MAO<0.01
Ungerer IQ = 48.1 Normal DSM III MG (vs. MR)
(1984) (16) NMG M/NMG<.01 (vs. MR)
<.001 (vs. Nor.)
Jones and 10 8.6 MA = 4.3 Normal Yes Yes Yes Autism No NMG <.001
Prior (1985) IQ (10) DSM III (Berges-
(Leiter) = 72 CA Lezine)
(10) MA
Ohta (1987) 16 10.2 IQ = 72.1 Normal Yes PIQ Yes No Autism No MG Aut. vs. 3–3.5 years-NS
VIQ = 64.9 (8) DSM III NMG Aut vs. 3.5–4 years-<.05
PIQ = 85.3 ADHD (Berges- (PI score)
(8) 189 Lezine)
3–6 years
Stone et al. 22 4.6 IQ = 54.1 MR (15) Yes Yes Yes Autism CARS MAO <.0001
(1990) (Merril- Normal with DSM III Mean NMG
Palmer (20) MR = 36.5) (tasks
Scale) Hearing group from
impaired DeMyer
(20) et al.
LI (20) 1972)
Charman and 20 11.7 3.8 Verbal DD On VMA Yes No Autism No NAO MG NS
Baron-Cohen ability but DSM-III, NMG (MIS
(1994) not DSM-IV, & Meltzoff,
on NVMA Rutter 1988 a, b)
Brown (1996) 27 24.7; MA =6.75 MR (11) Yes Yes Easy and Autism No MG, Reduced ability in
12.1; 5.7 MA = 4.75 5–6 years MR ‘‘motivating’’ DSM-III-R NMG youngest (p<.01)
MA‘n/a’ old (12) group MAO
(BPVS, 3–4 years NMAO
TROG) old (11) SNMAO
Spont. AO
Williams, Whiten, and Singh

Rogers et al. 17 15.5 FSIQ = 89 Dyslexia Yes Yes Motor and AD (9) CARS MG NS
(1996) (WISC) (10) memory PDDNOS 34.25 NMG NMG .008
Mixture (No diff.) (8) SMG SMG <.001
(5) SNMG SNMG .001
Stone et al. 18 2.3 EV = 1.8 DD and Yes Yes None Autism CARS = 35.1 MIS <.01
(1997) DQ = 56 Normal DSM-III, Total
(Study 1) DSM-IV, AO
Rutteasfr MG
(1978) NMG
Charman et al. 10 1.7 NVMA=1.4 DD Yes Yes None Autism ADI-R + NMAO 0.04 (Aut vs MR)
(1997) VC=.5 and Expert clini- (Meltzhoff, 0.01 (Aut vs. Norm.)
EL=.5 normal cian 1988)
Roeyers et al. 18 4.8 3.2 MPS DD Yes Yes None DSM-III No MG, .0005 (MIS)
(1998) or McS or NMG .05 (Meltzoff)
Smith and 20 11.4 MA = 7.8 LI (20) Yes With LI Gesture Autism ABC NMG NMG: .002
Bryson (1998) Normal memory Bryson, (Deaf Reversal errors: .006
(20) and Clark alphabet Left-right errors: NS
dexterity task & Smith’s and Berges- Model present vs.
diagnostic Lezine) absent .02 (no group X
criteria condition
Hobson and 11 13.75 VMA = 5 MR Yes Yes No DSM-IV CARS = 33.1 ‘style’ P < .005 ‘‘reversal
Lee (1999) errors’’
Aldridge et al. 10 3.3 Nil Normal Object No Nil DSM-IV Nil Gesture No tests but clear group
(2000) permanency and differences on both
task emulation
A Systematic Review of Action Imitation in Autistic Spectrum Disorder


Green et al. 11 9.2 WISC = 107 SDDMF Yes Yes No but note DSM-IV ADI-R MG p < .01
(2002) M-ABC control group NMG
Coster, &
Drake, 1980)

Abbreviations to Tables I and II.

Imitative tasks.
MG = Meaningful Gestures; S = sequential. N = non-meaningful; H- as a prefix = hand; AO = actions with objects; ASO = Actions upon substituted objects; Spont.=sponta-
neous; Deff=deferred; MIS=Motor Imitation Scale (see text).
VMA = verbal mental age; NVMA = nonverbal mental age; (Griffiths) VC = Verbal comprehension; (Reynell) EL = expressive language; (Reynell) DQ = Developmental Quoti-
ent; EV = expressive Vocabulary; LIPS= Leiter International Performance Scale; PPVT = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; SDDMF = specific developmental disorder of motor
function; M-ABC = Movement Assessment Battery for Children; CARS = Childhood Autism Rating Scale; DSM-III = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 3rd edition; PI = Par-
tial Imitation; Ohta 1987, described these as ‘‘peculiar’’ and seems to be referring to reversal errors (see text). NS = not significant. MR=mental retardation; MA = mental age;
CA = chronological age; DD = developmental delay; LI = language impaired; Aut=autism group.

Table II. Studies not discussed any further in the text

Subjects Controls Diagnosis Tasks

Mean age Group

Number of of Subjects Level of Control for Control for Diagnostic Tasks differences
Paper subjects (years) function Controls (n) IQ age Control tasks Diagnosis tools (p value) p value

Wetherby and 4 9.5 Normal (4) No No No Autism No MAO NS (tests only

Prutting (1984) US Nat. NMAO for overall
Soc. Aut. MG communica-
Children NMG tion)
Jones and 10 8.6 MA = 4.3 Normal (10) Yes Yes Yes Autism DSM No NMG <.001
Prior (1985) IQ CA matched III (Berges-
(Lei- Normal (10) Lezine)
ter) = 72 MA matched
Morgan et al. 10 8.4 MA =3.03 MR (10) Yes With MR Used all Autism No MAO NS (Ceiling
(1989) (PPVT) Normal (10) only items DSMIII NMAO levels in all
on MIS MG groups)
Heimann 5 4.3 Griffiths Normal (3) No Yes No Autism DSM No MAO MG & No tests
et al. (1992) DQ 43–106 III MASO
Libby et al. 1997 10 12.5 VC = 6.2 Down’s Yes (VMA) No Mean None Autism Wing No ASO Autism>con-
EL = 5.5 syndrome; age controls and Gould SMG trol P<.05
Normal = 4.6 (1979) Script + less
& 2.3 years likely to
McDonough, 6 4.6 LIPS = 2.7 LIPS & PPVT Yes No No modelling DSM-III-R No NMAO NS
Stahmer, PPVT = 2.2 matched vs. modelling MAO
Schreibman, and groups
Thompson (1997)
Williams, Whiten, and Singh
A Systematic Review of Action Imitation in Autistic Spectrum Disorder 291

much information is not reported in this study, with autism from three age groups, as well as 3- to
including measures of IQ and reliability, and which 4-year-old, and 5- to 6-year-old normal children
of the MIS Items were used and which items elicited and children with mental retardation. Imitative abil-
normal performance. The study noted a relationship ity was compared on a broad range of tasks, includ-
between receptive and expressive language ability, ing 93 actions that were a mixture of actions on
and imitative ability. This meant that children with objects, (substituted and non-substituted), gestures
autism performed worse than those with mental (face, hands and body) and vocal expressions.
retardation and much worse than those with normal Young children with autism performed worse than
intelligence. the other groups including the 3- to 4-year-old chil-
Ohta (1987) appears to be the first author to dren. By contrast, the older autistic children and
describe perspective reversal errors in imitation, adults generally performed well, scoring the top
calling them ‘‘partial imitation’’. Such errors include score over 50% of the time.
that of the subject holding up the palm to face Brown also investigated two aspects of imita-
themselves when they have observed it facing tion upon novel objects introducing the two-way
towards them. This phenomenon did not appear in method of testing for imitation described by Daw-
any of the age- and IQ-matched control groups, but son and Foss (1965). The first concerned spontane-
for one task it did appear with equal prevalence in ous imitation of opening an ‘‘artificial fruit’’ used in
3–3.5-year-old preschool children. imitation research with non-human primates
Stone, Lemanek, Fishel, Fernandez, and (Whiten, Custance, Gomez, Teixidor, & Bard,
Altemeier (1990) published a large study that inves- 1996). This task involves opening a reward-contain-
tigated 91 children in four groups (mental retarda- ing box in front of a child, using just one of various
tion, hearing impairment, language delay, and possible methods to remove a pin, handle and bolts.
autism). Imitative tasks consisted of ‘‘pretend’’ The reassembled ‘‘fruit’’ is then handed to the child
actions and body movements. Only the group with and their method of opening it can be compared to
autism showed an imitative deficit. The absence of the one that they were shown. The degree of fidelity
reliability measures and control tasks are weak- they show in their method of opening to that they
nesses in this study. This is of some concern as observed, provides a measure of spontaneous imita-
some of the tasks were simple and on the basis of tion. The young children with autism had a much
earlier studies, normal performance might have been lower inclination to imitate the method they saw,
predicted. and differences between autistic and non-autistic
Charman and Baron-Cohen (1994) tested a large populations once again diminished with increasing
number of children on the Uzgiris–Hunt Scales and age of the autistic group. Finally, showing subjects
tasks described by Meltzoff (1988a,b). The normal one of two ways to open a drawer, and then giving
ages for passing these tasks are 7–20 months and them the drawer to open the following day tested
9 months, respectively. The intention of the study deferred imitation. The subjects with autism were
was to compare imitative ability on gestural imitation less inclined to imitate the method that they had
with ‘‘procedural’’ imitation (what we have called observed than the controls.
here imitation of actions on objects). Subjects had a Rogers, Bennetto, McEvoy and Pennington
mean chronological age (CA) of nearly 12 years, and (1996) provided a methodologically thorough study
a mental age of 4–7 years. It is perhaps not surprising of imitation in autism. Participants had high func-
then, that the study was confounded by ceiling tioning autism and were compared with an age- and
effects, with high levels of passes on most tasks. How- IQ-matched group. Control tasks were designed to
ever, one of the ‘‘procedural’’ tasks, which utilised a ensure that memory and motor control problems
method most likely to be novel to the observer were not confounders. There were some problems
(touching a button with the forehead), did discrimi- though: the control group was ill-defined with a dif-
nate between the learning disabled and autism group. fuse range of neurodevelopmental impairments, and
The authors suggest that whilst the other tasks could some of the patients had a diagnosis of atypical aut-
be completed by a problem-solving approach (emula- ism, not meeting full criteria for autism or Asper-
tion), the forehead-touching-button task was most ger’s syndrome. The authors argued that such
dependent upon imitation. striking findings in such mildly affected individuals
Brown (Brown, 1996; Whiten & Brown, 1999) added weight to their case but it raises some doubts
carried out a large study which included individuals over the specificity of the deficit. Group differences
292 Williams, Whiten, and Singh

were greater with sequential imitation than with sin- 5-year-old children. Whilst they found significant
gle imitation, and whilst adding meaning to the ges- group differences on ‘‘procedural’’ imitation, those
tures hindered performance among the controls, it for gestural imitation were of a much greater mag-
improved it for the group with an autistic disorder. nitude. Half of the autistic subjects imitated unreli-
Stone, Ousley, and Littleford, (1997) compared ably on gestural tasks, compared with just one of
18 autistic children with a mean age of 28 months, 18 controls. The most powerfully discriminating
with some even younger normal controls and chil- gesture was a non-meaningful, invisible gesture,
dren with developmental delay. The diagnosis in which involved clapping both hands onto the back
children of this age can be unreliable and Stone of the head. Of the ‘‘procedural’’ tasks, the best dis-
et al., do not describe the use of a standardised criminator was the task not associated with a sen-
method. Nevertheless, they report significant group sory effect, involving transfer of a ring between two
differences on imitative ability. Again, the lesser branches of a model tree. However, as with Char-
magnitude of these differences may perhaps be man et al. (1994, 1997, 1998), the experimental
explained by the age difference between the autistic design does not exclude the possibility of using pre-
group and the controls. In addition, no task type x viously learned methods to obtain the same out-
group interaction was found, so all groups showed come (emulation), though in the action-object task
equally improved performance for meaningful where this seems least likely, there are greatest
actions on objects with non-meaningful action imi- group differences.
tation being most difficult. Two other interesting Smith and Bryson (1998) conducted another
findings to emerge were that: (a) imitation improved sizeable study involving 20 children with autism,
at follow-up a year later (though there was no later aged about 11 years, matched to language-impaired
comparison with other DD children); and (b) the controls and to a group of verbally matched, youn-
imitation score predicted expressive language one ger controls aged about 6 years. The study exam-
year later (r ¼ .55, p < .01). ined imitation of meaningful and NMGs both
Charman et al. (1997) repeated their 1994 singly and as two and three item sequences. Also
methods, but in much younger children identified as included was a test of gesture memory and groups
part of a screening programme and diagnosed using in which children performed equally well with both
Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised (ADI-R), individual postures and their corresponding
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Generic sequences. Children with autism imitated single pos-
(Lord, Rutter, & Le Couteur, 1994; Lord et al., tures much worse than the other children and all
2000) and clinical judgement. This time, in contrast three groups performed significantly worse in the
to their earlier findings, they found a highly signifi- absence of the model. Children with autism also
cant group difference between those with autism made significantly more 180o reversal errors,
and the controls. Those with developmental delay although they did not show any greater reduction in
fell between the other two groups. The ascertain- performance with sequences than controls. Finally,
ment and diagnostic procedures employed make the these authors found that receptive language level
findings particularly robust, but, as with Charman accounted for 11%, and a measure of dexterity
et al. (1994), it still remains debatable (as discussed accounted for a further 37%, of variance associated
further below) whether the actions on the objects with imitation ratings scores. However, the group
were really tasks tapping the ability to achieve the differences in non-symbolic imitation of gesture still
same goal (to emulate) as opposed to copying the remained significant. Age was not included in the
method to reach the same goal (to imitate). Char- regression equation, which may have led to an
man et al. (1998) then reanalysed the data utilising underestimate of the effect size.
the diagnoses made at 42 months. Those individuals Hobson and Lee (1999) were interested in not
with pervasive developmental disorder that did not just whether children with autism could imitate the
meet full research criteria fell between those with essential configuration of an action but the ‘‘style’’
autism and those with developmental delay, though in which it is performed. They therefore compared
post-hoc comparisons only revealed significant dif- autistic and well-matched mentally retarded children
ferences between the latter two groups. on tasks that were performed in a ‘‘harsh’’ or ‘‘gen-
Roeyers, Van Oost, and Bothuyne (1998) also tle’’ way (meaningful objects used in a non-mean-
used tasks involving actions upon novel objects to ingful way). The results were partially confounded
test what they called procedural imitation, with by the children’s basic difficulties with imitation and
A Systematic Review of Action Imitation in Autistic Spectrum Disorder 293

reversal errors, but despite this, there was still a gle measure of effect size (Smith & Egger, 1999).
very considerable difference between the groups in The groups differ in their membership and the tasks
their tendency to imitate ‘‘style’’. differ according to their type. Other methodological
Aldridge, Stone, Sweeney, and Bower (2000) differences make some findings more reliable than
compared a group of 10 children with autism and a others. Finally, the studies generally report levels of
mean age of 3.3 years, with a group of normal chil- significance for differences between groups, rather
dren whose mean age was 11 months. They were than percentages of subjects passing tasks, which
matched by their performance on Piagetian object might have allowed the computation of a combined
permanence tasks. There were three simple gestural odds ratio. Therefore, we cannot compute a mea-
imitation tasks including tongue protrusion and sure that estimates the magnitude of the group dif-
three emulation tasks using the materials described ference. However, as the studies described have now
by Meltzoff (1995). These tasks involve the demon- examined a total of 281 children with ASD in addi-
strator performing an action but failing to reach tion to controls, an overall, combined p value may
the goal, such as pressing a button but missing it. still offer a fairly robust and useful indicator of per-
The children with autism scored a uniform zero on formance differences between autistic and non-autis-
the gestural imitation, but interestingly they man- tic groups. We used the Logit method (Britton
aged on many of the emulation tasks. et al., 1998) to combine p-values from 17 studies
Finally, Green, Baird, Barnett, Huber, and where tests of group differences were carried out
Henderson, (2002) have conducted a study designed with respect to gesture or action compared to an
to compare the profile of motor difficulties of chil- appropriate control group (Green et al. was
dren with Asperger’s syndrome (AS) to those seen excluded due to the nature of the control group).
in children with Developmental Co-ordination Dis- Thirteen significant p values were combined for
order (DCD). The comparison involved a range of k ¼ 17 studies. The logit method requires all p val-
motor tasks but included a test of NMG imitation. ues to be independent, so only one p could be taken
Green et al. found that whilst all nine children with from each study. A hierarchy was set for p-value
AS (diagnosed using ADI-R) also met diagnostic selection, namely NMG, followed by MG, MAO
criteria for DCD, they performed even worse than and finally NMAO. The combined p value, com-
the DCD group, who did not have an autistic disor- puted in this way, was p ¼ .00005 (n ¼ 248 subjects,
der, on this task. t ¼ 4.260, 89df). If those studies where age and IQ
were not controlled for are excluded, only one study
remains non-significant and this figure decreases
further to p ¼ .00002 (k ¼ 12 studies, n ¼ 196 sub-
jects, t ¼ 4.56, 69 df, 64 df).
Is There an Imitative Deficit in Autism?
The first finding of this review is a reinforce-
Is an Imitation Deficit Specific to Autism?
ment of Rogers’ (1999) message that ‘‘every meth-
odologically rigorous study so far published has Is it possible that the imitation deficit could be
found an autism specific deficit in motor imitation’’. explained by non-specific neurodevelopmental delay
Of the 21 studies, 14 found an imitative deficit, rather than being specific to autism? Most studies
three did not report the necessary tests and four that have tackled this issue have found an imitative
showed no effect. Of these latter four studies, two deficit in children with autism compared to those
were confounded by ceiling effects, one included a with global developmental delay (usually of
very small sample that used much younger children unknown origin). Rogers et al. (1996) employed
as controls and the other also used autistic children young people with a range of specific developmental
much older than controls. Most studies found delays and still found a group difference. Some
group differences at very high levels of significance, studies (Sigman & Ungerer, 1984; Charman et al.,
despite having tested just 10–20 subjects per group. 1997) have shown that the children with mental
retardation perform at an intermediate level
between those with autism and controls, while some
How Significant is the Effect Overall?
report a correlation between verbal mental age
There are many problems in combining the (VMA) and imitative ability (Sigman & Ungerer,
results from studies such as these, to arrive at a sin- 1984; Stone et al., 1997; Royeurs, Van Oost, &
294 Williams, Whiten, and Singh

Bothuyne, 1998). VMA was suggested to account As mentioned, reversal errors have been seen in
for 11% of the variance by Smith and Bryson many studies of children with autism, but Ohta
(1998). However, Stone et al. (1990), did not find an (1987) reported equal numbers of reversal errors to
imitative deficit among either a hearing-impaired or be present in the normal young pre-schoolers in his
language-delayed group. sample. In addition, in other studies (Morgan, Cut-
An alternative explanation is that widespread, rer, Coplin, & Rodrigue, 1989; Libby Powell, Mes-
coincidentally co-morbid motor co-ordination diffi- ser, & Jordan, 1997) there was an absence of group
culties, cause the deficit. Green et al. (2002) found differences when groups were matched on VMA but
that their entire autism group met the criteria for were far apart on CA, and both Whiten and Brown
DCD and still performed worse on tests of NMG (1999), and Royeurs et al. (1998) found that group
imitation than the controls who also had a diagno- differences diminished in the older population.
sis of DCD. This would be in accord with the larger Finally, if the negative findings of Morgan et al. and
study of Smith and Bryson (1998) who found there Charman and Baron-Cohen (1994), are compared
was still a group difference after controlling for dex- with the positive findings of Charman et al. (1997)
terity; and Rogers et al. (1996) who found that the and Rouyers et al. (1998), it can be seen that the
autism group had no difficulty with the motor con- studies used very comparable methodology and the
trol tasks. differences lay in the chronological ages of subjects.
In conclusion, it seems that non-specific neuro- Therefore, it seems that autism is characterised by a
developmental delay and motor skill impairment delay of normal imitative development (Whiten &
can account for some impairment but by no means Brown, 1999) rather than an absolute deficit, a con-
all of it. As VMA correlates with both, all three fac- clusion paralleling that of Baron-Cohen, (1989) in
tors may be indicators of another common parame- relation to theory of mind, which also appears
ter important in brain development, but similarly delayed rather than existing as a fixed deficit.
motor impairment in autism may have a different
cause to that in DCD. This will be discussed further
below. Finally, Charman et al.’s (1998) finding sug-
Are Some Types of Imitation More Susceptible to
gests that the more mildly affected ‘‘sub-syndromal’’
individuals show a mild imitation deficit, raising the
possibility that severity of deficit could correlate A perusal of Table I (particularly with regard to
with severity of disorder. Hammes & Langdell, 1981; Sigman & Ungerer,
1984; Royeurs et al. 1998; and Aldridge et al. 2000),
shows that imitation of NMGs generally produced
Delay or Deviance?
greater group differences than for AO tasks. How-
Some differences between performance on dif- ever, it is likely that imitation of AOs can utilise
ferent types of imitative task have appeared consis- mechanisms of social learning other than imitation
tently in the studies described whilst in others (see Whiten and Ham, 1992, for a classification of
results are apparently contradictory. The studies types of social learning). The observation of a mean-
have used children of a wide range of ages and ingful object (or gesture) might trigger the release of
varying control groups. A closer examination of the a previously rehearsed motor-programme, or the
findings may be helpful in further describing the observation of a desirable outcome might lead the
course of imitative development in autism. observer to reach this goal using their own problem-
Rogers et al. (1996) and Green et al. (2002) solving ability (emulation). Similarly, objects can
found that adding meaning to gesture facilitated have ‘‘affordances’’, in the sense that a button
performance among their older groups of patients, ‘‘invites’’ being pressed and a handle ‘‘invites’’ being
in contrast to the findings of Smith and Bryson picked up. As such, Hammes and Langdell’s find-
(1998), whose normal controls were either much ings, that children were more inclined to carry out
younger or were language impaired, and of Stone the action they associated with an object rather than
et al. (1997), who studied much younger preschool- that which they saw performed, suggests that other
ers. This suggests that the development of language learning mechanisms were used in preference to imi-
might be necessary to utilise the meaning of a ges- tation. In the study by Aldridge et al. (2000), the
ture to facilitate imitation, and that such an ability children may have used the objects’ affordances to
improves with age. complete the tasks. Therefore, where older children
A Systematic Review of Action Imitation in Autistic Spectrum Disorder 295

might use their knowledge of an action’s meaning to performance. With respect to the second, Trevarthen
counter an imitative deficit, younger children may and Aitken have proposed a model of autism based
similarly use affordance learning in AOs. Imitation on the notion that these children have diminished
itself is therefore required especially for copying motivation to interact socially. Such a model would
NMGs, where there is no obvious goal, affordance predict equally poor performance on easy and diffi-
or associated knowledge of the action. cult imitation tasks. However, these studies have
In the various ‘‘Meltzoff’’ tasks used by Char- consistently demonstrated that children with autism
man et al. (1994, 1997), and Royeurs et al. (1998), engage well with the simple tasks and indeed one
most tasks use actions which are unlikely to be study (Libby et al., 1997) found the children with
novel to the observer, such as pulling something autism to be the least negative. On more difficult
apart or pushing a button. This means that they tasks, rather than becoming disengaged, the children
could be also be completed using techniques that make errors. Finally, in those studies involving con-
call for little imitative ability. Those tasks associated trol tasks (Rogers et al., 1996; Smith & Bryson,
with the poorest copying (such as pressing the but- 1998) subjects do not perform worse than controls
ton with the forehead or transferring a ring between on gesture recognition or memory. This also argues
branches of a toy tree) did appear to use more against a disinterest in the subject matter as the
novel actions, though it is always difficult to ascer- cause of the group difference. The third hypothesis is
tain true novelty, beyond testing for baseline similar in suggesting that the deficit is a result of less
response tendencies. In contrast, Whiten and Brown practiced motor skills because of less social interac-
(1999) found reduced fidelity of imitation of two tion. An example would be poor ball-throwing skills
alternative methods of opening an ‘‘artificial fruit’’ because of reduced reciprocal play (Tantam, 1991).
among young children with autism. This is the If this was the sole reason for the imitative deficit, it
strongest evidence of an imitation deficit of actions should not be apparent at an early age and become
upon novel objects. Therefore, it seems that some of more evident with development. This reverse seems
the tasks in these studies have assessed types of to be the case (Whiten & Brown, 1999).
social learning other than imitation but that where Another possibility (fourth hypothesis) is that
the latter has been assessed as well, imitation has children with autism do not have so much of a diffi-
been affected to the greater extent. culty with imitation, as with generalised motor-plan-
ning and execution difficulties (Smith & Bryson,
1994; Rogers, 1999). However, Green et al. found
Does this Meta-analysis Suggest the Underlying
that the children with an autistic disorder performed
worse than those with dyspraxia. Motor-planning
A number of hypotheses have been advanced difficulties are a well-recognised feature of autism
over the years to account for the imitative deficit seen (Hughes, 1996) and are concerned with the execution
in autism. It has been suggested that it results from: of motor programmes in response to instruction or
(1) A deficit in representational or symbolic an attempt to reach a goal, rather than imitation.
functioning (Curcio, 1978). However, there is clearly overlap between imitation
(2) Poor engagement in the experimental tasks and motor execution. Williams et al. (2001) have
by the autism group (Trevarthen & Aitken, suggested that through shaping neural mechanisms
2001). matching actions to their perceived counterparts,
(3) A long-term deficit in social interaction that imitation may play an important and pervasive role
leads to less practiced motor skills (Tantam, in the development of motor skills and planning
1991). ability. Griffith, Pennington, Wehner, and Rogers
(4) A dyspraxic problem (Jones & Prior, 1985). (1999) found that their tests of executive function
(5) A disorder of action representation (Smith did not detect group differences between children
& Bryson, 1994). with autism and controls until the age of 4 years,
(6) A specific deficit in self–other mapping abil- whereas studies discussed above show the imitative
ity (Rogers et al., 1991). deficit to be present earlier, at the age of about
The evidence presented above is not consistent with 20 months. This is in keeping with the idea that
the first three hypotheses. executive dysfunction is secondary to a core imita-
With respect to the first hypothesis, it is clear tive deficit, rather than vice versa. A final argument
that meaning either facilitates or has no effect on against this hypothesis is that it does not explain
296 Williams, Whiten, and Singh

why meaningful objects or gestures should facilitate imitative behaviours that are well-recognised fea-
the imitation process among children with developed tures of autism. Such behaviours include excessive
linguistic ability. and stereotyped patterns of mimicked movement
The fifth hypothesis points to deficits in action and vocal expression including echolalia. This could
representation. Whilst Bartak, Rutter, and Cox reflect the lack of connection between research into
(1975) showed that children with autism showed elicited imitation and patterns of spontaneous imita-
poorer understanding and expression of gesture tion, highlighting the need for the relationship to be
than children with specific developmental receptive explored, particularly in relation to level of imita-
language disorder, Smith and Bryson (1998) found tion. When children show spontaneous echolalia or
no group difference in the recognition of postures imitative gesturing, do they also have an elicited
and sequences. This suggests that the deficit is at a imitative deficit at that same level of imitative devel-
different level from the simple representation of opment or higher? It may well be that excessive imi-
action. tation exhibited in a unimodal manner divorced
We suggest that the evidence presented is most from context, is actually reflecting a delay in imita-
consistent with sixth hypothesis: a specific imitation tive development. The latter includes developing the
deficit reflecting deficits in self–other mapping. One ability to integrate vocal, affective and motor
particular finding consistent with a self–other expression in the imitation of an appropriate and
matching deficit and reported in a number of stud- possibly novel goal, identified through recognising
ies (Brown 1996; Hobson & Lee, 1999; Ohta, 1987; others’ intentions.
Whiten & Brown, 1999) is the presence of reversal
errors. In these, the basic components of the imita-
tion are correct but subjects seem to be unable to
Relation to Neurocognitive Research
alter the perspective accordingly. A self–other map-
ping problem offers, we suggest, the most parsimo- It may be helpful to place these findings in the
nious explanation. context of recent developments in imitation research
which have begun to explore the different neural
Sequential Imitation pathways that may be involved in imitation. Vogt
(2002) has drawn the distinction between imitation
Another consistent finding (from two of the which involves early and late mediation. In late
most methodologically thorough studies (Smith & mediation, imitation succeeds the formation of a
Bryson, 1998; Rogers et al., 1996) which poses cognitive representation of the act to be copied. In
more of a puzzle, is that in imitating sequential early mediation, motor cortical structures directly
meaningful gestures, the gap in performance influence visual processing (and vice versa) through
between autistic individuals and controls widens the use of visuomotor couplings or ‘‘mirror neuron’’
considerably in comparison to imitating single mechanisms (Rizzolatti, Fogassi, & Gallese, 2001).
meaningful gestures. However, the gap does not Such ‘‘couplings’’ can take a variety of forms
change when imitating sequences of NMG. An whereby the perception of different aspects of per-
explanation may be that as one moves to a ceived actions is influenced by existing motor corti-
sequence, the task becomes novel and meaningless cal representations. In particular ‘‘either the
even if its components are meaningful, since it is the elementary properties of an observed action specify
sequence rather than the components, which is the [motor] response in a piecemeal manner’’, or ‘‘a
being imitated. In such a case, calling on rehearsed compound visual representation of a seen gesture
action as a compensatory mechanism, as described activates an appropriate action’’ (Vogt, 2002,
above, collapses. Strings of NMGs will remain p. 212). Rizzolatti et al. (2002) have found that
equally difficult as single ones but for the meaning- ‘‘mirror neurons’’ can show high or low congruence.
ful gestures, the task gets much more difficult than Highly congruent mirror neurons fire only on obser-
with single instances. vation of an action such as a precision grip on a
small object and when that same specific action is
executed. Low congruence mirror neurons are less
Excessive Imitation
specific in matching observed actions to executed
The evidence for an imitation deficit in autism ones. Rizzolatti et al. (2002) suggest that highly
may seem at odds with the abnormal, ‘‘enhanced’’ congruent mirror neurons are required for matching
A Systematic Review of Action Imitation in Autistic Spectrum Disorder 297

the compound representation of an action, whereas the imitative impairment relates to severity. Further
low congruent ones are involved in more piecemeal understanding of the neural bases of social learning
processing. Object-oriented imitation may simply may then productively relate to this line of research,
consist of replaying the changes that actions have to throw light on the neural basis of the disorder.
produced on the object (Byrne & Russon, 1998),
and so it follows that object-oriented imitation
might possibly be utilising low congruence visuomo-
tor couplings and a semantic knowledge of object ACKNOWLEDGMENT
properties. In contrast, action-oriented imitation
may be more dependent upon high congruence We are grateful to Dr. J. Mollison for statisti-
‘‘mirror neuron’’ functions. cal advice with regard to meta analyses.
This might mean that autism is associated with
predominantly low congruence visuomotor cou-
plings, which could fit with the pattern of findings
discussed in this review; relative sparing of object- REFERENCES
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