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CELTA: Lesson plan

Name: Jos Enrique Melndez Date: 19/09/2011 Level: Advanced Time: 40 min

Preliminary information
Main aims: Extensive listening. Street interviews. Ss find out the gist. 3 common questions and how each person thinks about their own money managing. Vocabulary on money issues: Affluent, Loaded, Hard up, Wealthy, Well-off, Broke, Extravagant, Budget. Intensive listening. Ss match each interviewed person with a statement, and comprehension of some idioms such as Freak Out, Money-wise, Looking for Bargains, Spend money like water, Making budgets and sticking to them.

Subsidiary aims:

Train Ss to distinguish appropriacy of vocab related with money issues. Focus on phonology and intonation of sentences (Hes loaded!, Were a bit hard up at the moment) Train Ss to infer the meaning depending on context.


I assume students are used to listening to native speakers Ss can understand the differences in formal or informal talking about economic status. Ss level is sufficient to understand most of the recorded interviews and infer the meaning of some new vocab, which will be challenging. Some words may lead to misunderstanding, such as Extravagant, while others like Broke or Loaded are easy to guess.

Anticipated problems with tasks and suggested solutions.

P: Track for listening takes 4 minutes, and it has to be played entirely at least twice (for extensive and intensive listening tasks), which can be a bit timeconsuming. S: Avoid taking too long on Feedback. Bullet checking questions. Instead of searching parts of the track for checking some answers, refer them from tapescript. P: Anagrams exercise may be difficult at first attempt. S: If so, T writes first (Affluent) on WB. That may give them a push. P: Latecomers. As mine is the first slot, its likely to be some. S: Let them join naturally. Give them handout without interrupting class. Peer explaining

Anticipated problems with language and suggested solutions.

Meaning: P: Extravagant. May be confused with extreme, strange and beyond limits of reason. Here it has a different meaning: spending too much money or using too much of something S. Pre-teach before second listening. Give examples (He never used taxis, which he regarded as extravagant The extravagant lifestyle of a movie star). Concept questions: Does she have an eccentric life? (NO) Shows some strange taste in art? (NO) Does she tend to buy much of something? (YES) P: Possible confusion between sensible (good judgement and practical ideas) and sensitive (easily upset by the things people say or do) S: Pre-teach and give concept questions: Are you sensible if you cry easily? (NO) Does he worry because hes very sensible to criticism? (NO) Would it be sensible to take an umbrella when its going to rain? (YES)

Personal action plan:

Reduce dramatically TTT: Ill use cd to quickly focus topic, and stick to it for the listening tasks. Clear and concise instructions. Straight checking questions. Drive tasks and feedback in good pace, in order to have everything done by the end of my slot.

Materials: (Do your photocopies follow copyright regulations?


Cd track Money, money from Cabaret original soundtrack. Liza Minelli & Joel Grey

Cd track from New English File Advanced. Christina Lathan-Koenig, Clive Oxenden. Oxford University Press. 2010 Handout 1 with anagrams for vocab and appropriacy Handaout 2 with exercises from New English File Advanced. Christina Lathan-Koenig, Clive Oxenden. Oxford University Press. 2010

White board Stage:

Procedure (Please divide different stages clearly with a line)

Time & interaction 0 2 min Stage 1. Lead-in Stage & Procedure Stage aims Tutor Comments

Cd Ss T - Ss

Play song Money from the film Cabaret to easily focus on the lesson topic. T asks If you have much, you are? If you havent got any, you are? ----------------------------------------------------------

Focus on the lessons topic, Money personal managing

2 5 min Ss Give the Ss a handout with anagrams, all synonyms of poor and rich (Affluent, Loaded, Hard up, Wealthy, Well-off, Broke). Give them time to solve and put the words in the correct column, R for rich, and P for poor. Take a look at pronunciation and appropriacy. Give examples to show the correct context.. On the same sheet the Ss write down the Formal, Informal or Neutral words as they appear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------5 15 min Stage 2. Listening Cd (4min) - Ss Exercise a) In the Street" pg. 50 from New English File Advanced Audio 3.20. T explains the task: Listen to 5 interviews on money management. Give them handout with pictures. Extensive listening: What questions are they asked. Do they think theyre good or bad with money? Compare in pairs. Feedback Checking questions to verify theyve got the gist. ----------------------------------------------------------------------15 25 min T Ss Stage 3. Second listening Exercise b) In the Street" pg. 50 from New English File Advanced Audio 3.20. Intensive listening: Explain task Who says what. Listen carefully. Ss read questions before. Receptive Skills Training Make Ss more familiar with the recording Raise students awareness to the slight differences in using these words.

T - Ss

Ss T - Ss

To give students a reason to listen carefully to the tape

To make sure students know the required vocabulary for the task

Pre-teach extravagant (mostly used for spending too much unnecessary- money), budget, gender, overdrawn, Cd (4min) - Ss Cd listening. 25 28 min Ss Ss compare in pairs and discuss answers. T monitors for doubts on vocab meanings and pronunciation. 28 33 min T Ss Feedback Explain some words appeared on the tape that may arouse on Ss previous discussions. Some will be a preteaching for next exercise. -------------------------------------------------------------------Stage 4. Third Listening 33 35 min Exercise c) In the Street" pg. 50 from New English File Advanced Audio 3.21. Intensive listening: Explain task Complete common phrases on the sheet (It freaks me out, Thats pretty good going, an organized person, moneywise, looking for bargains, making budgets and sticking to them). Compare in pairs and discuss on other uses of these phrases and how they apply to their own experience. Final Feedback using some words an phrases from todays lesson (Wealthy, Broke, Overdrawn, Budget, Bargain, Stick to a budget) Handover the lesson to Sam To make sure all Ss check their answers and reach a consensus on the result.

Scanning through the listening

35 38 min 38-40 min

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