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Dear respondents,

I student of MBA-III of Apeejay Institute of Management Jalandhar. I am

conducting a project entitled, “Customer Relationship Management and Importance of
Relationship Marketing In the Banking Sector”. I need your co-operation, which will
help me to draw conclusive inferences.

1. Have you ever faced any problem in bank?

Yes No

2. How much time being taken to solve that problem?

Less than 15min 15min - 30min 30min to 1hr

More than 1hr

3. Do you know about CRM (Customer Relationship Management)?

Yes No

4. Have you ever availed the CRM service in Banks?

Yes No

5. How much you are satisfied with the CRM services offered by the banks?

Strongly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Dissatisfied Strongly Dissatisfied

6. From how many years you are availing the different services of the above mentioned

Less than 1 Year Less than 2 years Less than 3 years

Less than 4 Years More than 4 Years

7. In which of the banks you have get the benefits of CRM program?

State Bank of India HDFC Bank ICICI Bank

Punjab National Bank Any Other Bank All Banks

8. What is your opinion which banks are better in providing the customer services?

Public Banks Private Banks No One

9. Please Rank the following banks in respect to CRM Services provided by banks?
1:- Most Preferred 5:- Least Preferred

Bank Name Rank

State Bank of India
Punjab National Bank
Any Other Bank

10. How many services under CRM you are availing from banks?

1 Service 2 Services More than 2 Services

More than 4 Services

11. Out of the services of CRM which service you are availing from banks?

Relevant information Information Updates Personalized Application

Security Customer Smart Cards Customer Dealing

ATM Data Warehousing & Data Mining

12. In what aspect do you agree CRM plays a vital role in banks?
(SA – Strongly Agree, A- Agree, N- Neutral, D – Disagree, SD – Strongly Disagree )

S. No Role Played SA A N D SD
1 Campaign Management
2 Customer Information
3 360-degree view of company
4 Personalized sales home page
5 Activity Management
6 Operational Inefficiency Removal
7 Enhanced productivity
8 CRM with Business Intelligence
Demographic Details:

Name: - ____________________________

18 – 25 Years 25 – 35 Years 35 – 45 Years

45 – 55 Years More than 55 Years

Sex: - Male Female


Businessman Govt. Employee Private Company Employee

Any Other Profession

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