MRK - Spring 2023 - CS619 - 8369 - 27369 - S2302E4B97

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Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

Project ID:
Muhammad Hashir Khan
Revision History

Version Description Author
20/6/2023 1.0 This document is related to our BC210424777
project. It contains scope of the BC160402954
project, functional and non-
functional requirements. In the
scope of the project we tell
targeted goals, responsibilities for
the user. In functional
requirements, we assign the tasks
to the user of the application and
in non-functional requirements,
we tell the quality, efficiency,
responsiveness, and
maintainability of the project.
This document also contains use
case diagram, usage scenarios,
adopted methodology and work
Use case diagram is used to view
the working of different users
Adopted Methodology means
which model are we using for
project making. In this project,
we use the VU process model
which is a combination of
waterfall and spiral model.
Here we prefer to use waterfall
Work plan is a graphical view of
project in which we divide the
project into small tasks on daily,
weekly, or monthly basis.

Table of Contents

Scope (of the Project):.................................................................................................................................3
Functional Requirements:...........................................................................................................................3
Non-Functional Requirements.....................................................................................................................5
Use Case......................................................................................................................................................5
Adopted Methodology:...............................................................................................................................6
Work plan:...................................................................................................................................................8
SRS Document

Scope (of the Project):

This web application will play a very important role in online shopping. As we all knows that this
is the world of technology. So technology is very important for the development of any field.
Online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods, services etc from a seller
interactively in real-time without an intermediary service over the internet. The primary goal of
e-commerce is to reach maximum customers at the right time to increase sales and profitability
of the business. Functions of e-commerce (App ak store website) include buying and selling
goods, transmitting funds or data over the internet. Over the years, online shopping has
increased due to convenience and offers that are sometimes only available online. Online
shopping has become an essential part of the busy life, due to the following advantages:

1: Safety

2: Convenience

3: Better prices

4: Variety of goods

5: Authenticity

6: Online payment

7: No pressure shopping

8: Time saving

Functional Requirements:

Following are the functional requirements, you have to fulfill for this project.

1.1: Login
Admin and users both must have access through login.
1.1.1: password recovery
Admin and user both should be able to recover password.
1.2: Registration
Admin and user both must be registered.

1.3: View Dashboard

Admin and User must view the dashboard of different items.

1.4: Update stock details

Admin should update products to the stock of store.

1.5: Add Purchase items

Users should purchase all type of goods.
1.6: Add Sales records
Admin must keep the record of sales items.

1.7: Generate Invoice

Admin must generate invoice for the user.

1.8: Vender details

Admin must handle the vender details.
1.9: Add products
Admin must add products to the store.
1.10: Generate report
Admin must generate the following reports.
1.10.1: Sales report
Admin must generate sales report.
1.10.2: Stock report
Admin must also generate stock report.

1.11: Contact by WhatsApp

User should contact to admin by using WhatsApp.

1.12: Submit Feedback

User should give feedback on different products.

Non-Functional Requirements
 Availability:
The students and faculty should manage their time according to timetable.

 Responsiveness:
System should be able to response at the time without any complications or any delay.

 Maintainability:
All “Modules” should maintain the system easily as they want.

 Security:
System should be secure and safe enough the un-authorized access.

 Quality:
System should be well programmed and will be fast and accurate.

Use Case
Usage scenario:
Use Case title Login
Use Case Id LOGIN_FR1.1
Actions  Admin and user can Log in by enter id and password.
It allows the admin users to Log in the system or user account
Description using ID or Password.
 Admin and User should recover the password
Alternative Paths Both Login and registration interface can enter the users in the
Pre-Conditions Load the Log in interface or should be in running state
If use case is successful, the user login into the system. If not,
system generate error message.
Post Conditions
 Incorrect ID or password.
 Enter your ID or Password.
Author S2302E4B97
There may be a system problem.
Or any error message if wrong ID or password are entered.

Use Case title Registration

Use Case Id RG_FR1.2
Actions  Admin and user will be registered.
It allows the users and admin to be registered before login through
ID and password.
Pre-Conditions User and admin will be registered before login.
Post Conditions After registered they will be login.
Author S2302E4B97
There may be a system problem.
Or any error message if user and admin will not registered.
Use Case title View dashboard
Use Case Id VDBD_FR1.3
Actions  Admin and user will view the dashboard.
Description It allows the users and admin to view the list of all categories.
Someone must have already created and published the dashboard
for it to be viewable.
Post Conditions The dashboard is visually appealing and user-friendly
Author S2302E4B97
Exceptions There may be a problem if dashboard is not available.
Use Case title Update stock details
Use Case Id USD_FR1.4
Actions  Admin can update the stock details of different items.
It allows the admin to update the stock by adding different
qualities of items.
Pre-Conditions Admin can check the stock in the store.
Post Conditions After checking admin adds the items of users need.
Author S2302E4B97
Exceptions A problem may occur, if admin has no access to the stock.
Use Case title Add purchase items
Use Case Id API_FR1.5
Actions User can add purchase items according to his need.
It allows the user to add the items of different qualities depending
on his needs.
Any required information or data related to the purchase item, such
Pre-Conditions as product codes, supplier details should be readily available to
ensure accurate recording.
It will involve generating a receipt or confirmation for the
Post Conditions
Author S2302E4B97
A problem may occur, if user has no access to different qualities of

Use Case title Add sales record

Use Case Id ASR_FR1.6
Actions Admin can add the sale record of sales items.
Admin has keep the record of all sold items on daily, weekly,
monthly and annually bases.
Pre-Conditions Admin check the sales of different users.
Post Conditions After checking this admin add the sales record in the list.
Author S2302E4B97
Exceptions A problem may occur, if admin has no access to all the sales items.

Use Case title Generate invoice

Use Case Id GI_FR1.7
Actions Admin can generate the invoice for the user.
It allows the admin to generate invoice according to the purchasing
items of the user.
Pre-Conditions Admin check the items purchased by the user.
After checking purchased items admin generated the invoice for
Post Conditions
the user.
Author S2302E4B97
Admin cannot generate invoice if he has no access to the
purchased items.
Use Case title Update vender details
Use Case Id UVD_FR1.8
Actions Admin can update vender details.
Description It allows the admin to update the details of record by all sellers.
The user should have the correct and up-to-date vendor
information that needs to be updated.

Post Conditions
The vendor details are accurately updated
Author S2302E4B97
Exceptions There may be a system problem.
Or any error message if wrong products details are entered.

Use Case title Add Products

Use Case Id ADDP_FR1.9
Actions Admin can add products.
Description It allows the admin to purchase items.
Pre-Conditions Admin will search for items.
If use case is successful, Products will purchased successfully. If
Post Conditions not, system generate error message.
 Unable to purchase items.
Author S2302E4B97
There may be a system problem.
Or any error message if wrong products details are entered.
Use Case title Generate report
Use Case Id GR_FR1.10

Actions  Admin can generate report.

It allows the admin to generate the reports of two types:

Description  Admin can generate the sales report.
 Admin can also generate the stock report.
Pre-Conditions Admin will login into application.
If use case is successful, system will generate a report of sales and
Post Conditions stock items. If not, system generate error message.

Author S2302E4B97
There may be a system problem.
Or any error message if wrong products details are entered.

Use Case title Contact by WhatsApp

Use Case Id CWApp_FR1.11
Actions User can contact to admin by WhatsApp.
It allows the user to contact the Admin by using his provided
WhatsApp number.
Pre-Conditions WhatsApp Number of Admin is Shown on interface.
Post Conditions A conversation is initiated and maintained
Author S2302E4B97
There may be a system problem.
Or any error message if wrong number was entered.
Use Case title Submit Feed Back
Use Case Id FDB_FR1.12
Actions  User can submit feedback.
It allows the user to submit his feedback Positive or negative about
the products.
Pre-Conditions A Feedback interface will be shown for user.
Post Conditions Feedback will be generated by the user successfully.
Author S2302E4B97
There may be a system problem.
Or any error message if wrong products details are entered.

Adopted Methodology:
Adopted methodology refers to ways of obtaining, systematizing, and analyzing data. I am
going to choose vu process model that combines two Waterfall and Spiral methodologies. Both
the models are useful for software development. Waterfall model is a base model. We usually
use waterfall models because it provides easiness for web application. The spiral model, on the
other hand, is used for large and complex projects because it gives us flexibility of returning.
The spiral model is a risk handling model. The VU Process Model calls for each step of the
project to undergo iterative improvements before being given the go-ahead for approval. If
there are problems with a stage, those problems are found through iterative analysis, and then
improvements are made in accordance with those findings. It is impossible to proceed to the
subsequent level unless the stage that came before it has been approved.

VU Process Model:
VU Process Model is the grouping of waterfall and spiral models which leads to a hybrid
approach. It maximizes the system quality and decreases the risk factor.

This process is in constant iteration until the system meets the client's requirements.
Work plan (GANTT chart):

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