Solutions Advanced 7F

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Alleged Likely

Ostensibly Apparent
Adverbs Adjectives
Seemingly Purported



Adverbial On the face

phrase of it

Alleged: On the face of it: Definition: Seemingly means appearing to be
Definition: Alleged means to be claimed Definition: On the face of it means based a certain way, based on initial impression,
or stated without providing definite solely on what appears to be true or obvious but it may not necessarily reflect the true
proof. It is used when something is at first glance, without deeper investigation. nature of the situation.
asserted but not yet proven to be true Example: On the face of it, the proposal Example: Despite seemingly insurmountable
or factual. seems promising, but we need to analyze its challenges, the team managed to complete
Example: The alleged thief was caught potential impact thoroughly. the project on time.
on camera, but the police are still

investigating the evidence. Ostensibly: So-called:

Definition: Ostensibly means apparently or Definition: So-called is used to introduce a
Apparent: seemingly, but with the suggestion that there term or phrase that may be popularly used,
Definition: Apparent means clearly might be hidden or undisclosed reasons but the speaker might not fully agree with or
visible or evident, easily seen or behind the appearance. believe its accuracy.
understood. It is used to describe Example: He called in sick ostensibly because Example: The so-called "miracle" cure for
something that is obvious or apparent of a headache, but some believe he's avoiding the disease hasn't been scientifically proven
based on available information. a difficult meeting. yet.
Example: The apparent reason for the

delay was a technical issue with the Purported: Supposed:

equipment. Definition: Purported means claimed or Definition: Supposed means generally

alleged to be true, but its authenticity or believed or expected to be true, but it can
Likely: truthfulness is in doubt or is the subject of also imply doubt or uncertainty about its
Definition: Likely means probable or controversy. actual veracity.
having a high probability of happening. Example: The article discusses a purported Example: The supposed reason for the
It indicates that something is expected UFO sighting, but experts remain skeptical cancellation of the event was bad weather,
to occur or is more probable than not. about its validity. but some suspect other factors were
Example: Based on his experience and involved.
skills, he is likely to get the promotion.
The order of these words from higher probability to the lowest:

On the face of it

In this ordering, "apparent" and "likely" indicate a higher degree of certainty or probability, while
"supposed" suggests the lowest level of certainty or likelihood. Words like "ostensibly," "purported,"
and "alleged" introduce elements of doubt or the need for further verification. "So-called" implies
skepticism or reservation about the accuracy of a term or concept.

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