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Scholarly Articles:

Domond, Pascale, et al. “Childhood Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence in Young Adulthood,
and Welfare Receipt by Midlife.” Pediatrics, vol. 151, no. 3, 2023,

1. Relevancy: This source relates to my topic because it tells us how child abuse relates to
violence later in life. The source has many statistics about sexual child abuse so it will be
relevant. This source mentions research about child abuse so it is relevant to my topic.
2. Accuracy: The research was done with more than five researchers with a PhD. I did not
detect bias or unsupported claims. It gives where the research can be found, and it is all
supported by the other websites.
3. Currency: The research is very recent as it was published in 2023. The research might
have changed but it might not have as this is the only research, I have ever seen anything
like this so recently. This is a unique source and I hope to find more of it.
4. Authority: The source had a video attached that was an infographic type PowerPoint. The
authors listed conducted the research themselves with adults born in 1990s. This makes it
very credible. The qualification for them is they all have PhDs, so they went through lots
of schooling in this subject.
5. Purpose: The purpose of the article is to shed light on child abuse. Another purpose is to
track those children to see if being abused as a child affect their middle-aged life. This is
a study done by professionals with actual results.
6. Rating: I rate this five out of five because of how credible the source is and how unique
the research is. The educated text is very trustworthy. It is a one of a kind find for my

Nodzenski, Marie, and Jarrett Davis. “Frontline Support Services for Boys Who Have
Experienced Child Sexual Exploitation: A Thematic Review of Survey Data from
Seven Countries.” Child Abuse & Neglect, vol. 142, 9 Mar. 2023, p. 106077,

7. Relevancy: This academic journal discussed gender bias stereotypes. It discusses that it is
not true when people say only females get abused sexually as children. This article is
relevant because it explains the male side of sexual child abuse.
8. Accuracy: The academic journal’s authors have authored many other articles. The things
said in the artic are correct. When people talk about kids being abused sexually the
majority of cases are female that is why we automatically think female when it is brought
9. Currency: This was made in 2022 so it is extremely current and worthy of time to
explore. A downside to the up-to-date information is we may uncover more about it in the
future. The article may have to be edited later down the road to include the new evidence.
10. Authority: I found this on Google scholar, so it is credible. It has all the information I
needed to cite the source. It has citations in University of London and in United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
11. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to tell that boys get abused too. There are more
ways the officials have to evaluate female than males for sexual abuse. Another purpose
is to spread awareness to that issue.
12. Rating: I rate this five out of five. The information is extremely recent. It shows potential
in my essay.

Tails, Toni. “A Little Girl’s First-Hand Account of Child Abuse in America.” Medium, 9
May 2020, hand-account-of-child-

13. Relevancy: This website is truly relevant to my project. The girl gives her side of the
story and an exact what happened to her. All the information can be found in court cases.
14. Accuracy: There is statistics from U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. They
are credible sources of information. The highlighted areas are where the girl is talking,
and it is being quoted on the website.
15. Currency: This website was made in 2020. This recent event is rare and is one of only a
few accounts like it. From being made three years ago more information has come up and
been added.
16. Authority: Non-members only get a little bit of the account. If you sign up and pay as a
member you get to review the entire account and you get the sources for the account as
well. I found a three-day free trial and was able to read so I was lucky.
17. Purpose: The purpose of this website is to tell the users exactly what happened to the girl
on her accounts. There are statistics throughout as well as information from other credible
resources. The website gains money from their members so they do not leave out
information as it would lose money for them.
18. Rating: I rate this five out of five. This is a firsthand account supported by a police case.
The member idea is great as it gives an exclusive report to only a few people.

Gunderson, Dan. “‘I’ve Never Told Anyone’: Stories of Life in Indian Boarding Schools.”
I’ve Never Told Anyone’: Stories of Life in Indian Boarding Schools, 12 Oct. 2019,
19. Relevancy: This is another firsthand account. It has multiple testimonies of different
generations. This is not the first ever account and that adds to the credibility.
20. Accuracy: This was not made up and the woman actually exists. I heard of the children of
Native Americans being sent to be abused to camps. The children were beat and taught
how to be an American this is widely known, and many true reports have stated this.
21. Currency: This was published in 2019 so it was recent. The pictures are in black and
white, so it happened a long time ago and the person reporting the events is now an adult.
I was surprised to see this because most native Americans who went thought this fear
22. Authority: The website is a famous news station called MPR and they are known for
firsthand accounts and accurate telling. They do their research and find photos and the
actual place it happened, so I trust the site. Included the woman's name so she has a
protective program around her from MPR.
23. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to tell a woman’s story of being abused as a child.
It tells the story of abused children in a boarding school. MR used this to create
awareness for the tragic past of America.
24. Rating: I give this a four out of five rating. I do this because the account happened so
long ago. The lady is now an adult so some details could have been forgotten so I do not
have the full story, only bits and pieces.

Douglas, Emily M, and Kerry A Lee. “Challenges in Determining Child Maltreatment ... –
Wiley Online Library.” Challenges in Determining Child Maltreatment Fatalities: What
Do We Really Know? 17 Nov. 2020,
25. Relevancy: This is truly relevant as it explains how child protection services work. It
offers suggestions of how to improve the CPS process as well. The CPS website is a
source so they might have contacted someone who works for CPS for information.
26. Accuracy: I checked with the CPS website for verification. The summary of the book and
website are similar. All the citations are checked out as well.
27. Currency: This was made in 2021 so it is very recent. The book talks a lot about COVID,
and it is not relevant now, but it was back then. It does not affect the value of the
information, just some information.
28. Authority: The section has lots of citations and links to the citations where specialists and
other articles are. I like that it has those. I can now look into those articles cited and use
them if they are credible in my paper.
29. Purpose: The purpose of this book section is how can we make CPS better and a less
traumatic experience. It also shows studies and statistics that are extremely helpful. It is
also to raise awareness of child abuse.
30. Rating: I rate it four out of five. It was a little difficult to get to the section of the book I
wanted. If you did not know to scroll down to the editorial free access, you would not
know where to look.

Social Media:

“A Day in the Life of a CPS Investigator.” Performance by Vasquez, and Stephanie

Shrimplin, YouTube, YouTube, 4 Oct. 2019,
v=CWZCXVZWF3M. Accessed 10 July 2023.

31. Relevancy: The relevancy is this is a live news channel They followed an actual CPS
worker to a job and in her car. I found this amazing that we got to see the actual
perpetrators and listen to them being interviewed a bit.
32. Accuracy: The woman is a CPS worker. She has an actual case about a child dying. The
child’s case exists and is like they say it is.
33. Currency: This is not recent. It was made in 2019 but has some impressionable points.
The video shows real-time footage.
34. Authority: The news channel contacted CPS for interview. They said they were hesitant at
first but then gave a reasonable reason. I thought they would end at that, but CPS let them
film a worker on a case.
35. Purpose: The purpose of this is to show how CPS works. They said they get lots of turn-
over and people quitting. This is because of the burn-out with dead ended cases.
36. Rating: I rate this three out of five because it is not recent. It was made in 2019. I gave it
such a high rating because it is reliable information, and it will go hand in hand with my

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