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r \

Republic bf tne Phitippines

Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City


TO See Distribution


SUBJECT Approved Command Memorandum Circular (CMC) re

Selection of Awardees for the 121d Annual Police Service
Anniversary (PSA) Celebration for CY 2022

DATE June 3,2O22

1. Reference: Memorandum from TDPL dated June 2,2022 wrth same subject
as above

2. ln this regard, you are directed to submit to this Headquarters (Attn: PRS,
ARMD) NLT June 10, 2022 thru e-mail your nominees
for individual awards for the Selection of Awardees for the 121"t PSA Celebration for
cY 2022.

3. For widest dissemination and strict compliance.

P o ice Bri ier General

S-Staff & P-Staff
C, Technical Divisions

Copy Fumished:
Command Group
Repuott\r tne phifippines
Camp BGen Rafaet T Crams. Ouezon City I.rt


FOR See Distribution


SUBJECT : Approved Command Memorandum Circular (CMC) re Setection of

Awardees for the 1215t Annual Police Service Anniversary (pSA)
Celebration tor CY 2022

DATE June2,2022

1. Reference: CMC No. 16-2022 re Selection of Awardees for the 121st Annual
Police Service Anniversary (PSA) Celebration for CY 2022 apprcved by C, pNp dated
June 1,2Q22.

2. Above reference pertains to the approved CMC which sets forth the guidelines
and procedures for the Selection of Awardees for the t 2'l sr PSA Celebrationtot CY ZO2Z.

3. For information and widest dissemination

Police Major eneral

P-Staff RD. PROS

Copy Fumished
Command Group
neCdic\of fro phitioolr€B
r{AroilAl xuffi?'rifHfilE
SIroilAL pq.rcE
Carp B@n RdxlT Crame, O,rezon City


, 6 - zoz2
suBJEcr : serecoon of Amrdeoc for the i2rr pofice gervrce Annty.Eary
(PSA) Celsbraton for Gy 2022

TO : See Distributirm

JU}'l 0 t 204
a.PNP Memorardum Girqrtar (MC) No. 202()-063 dated
January t,2O2O
$th subject Revised program 6n RwarOs and lncentives SeM; d
Excellence (PRAISE) turNon-Uniturmed personnet(NUp)
of th€ Fiii;-
b. PNP Command Mernorandum Circular (CMC) No. 1$2021 with
suliect 12Oh Polbo S91!ce Anniversary (pSA) Cetebratio,
CPNP dded May 19, 2021: aN "ia,r"d
c. PNP CMC No. 17-2021 dated May 12, 2021 with sugect potice
Servke Anniwrsary Celebration (pSA).


This CMC set. the guidelines_and procedures to be undertaken by

tasked Philippine National Pqpolice (pNp) ofhces/irnats to ensure tne-su;sstur
selecilion of awardes fur tre 12ir polce S€rvioe tuni\renary CefeOralon. -----


The PNP will celebrate the 121d pSA on August 8, 2022 wih th€
lg*-nt of. the_ Repuui" ol ttr phirippines as rre Gueet-of xonoiano
(GOHS) st the PNP i,lational ffaOquariers, Camp BGen n"taEf i Cr"r",
9tty...Outslarding PNP o,ffces, units, and perionnet wi1 b€ a,*166fr Oi-tt"
Presktent based on theirexemplary ard excepiional perfurmance and achiewments
wtrich have contributed significandy to the attainrient of the pNp mission and
enhanced its credibllity as a prembr lew enfurwnent agency in the country.

4. rtstiloN:

Jhe PNP, through the Committee 6r tho Set€ction of Avrardees (CSA),

shall set furth the Award categories, criteria, parameters, and Guilelines'in the
Focess of seleding unit and individual arrvardees forthe 121n psA cdebrauon.


a. Concofi of Operatlionc:

1) Gommltfue, Sub4ommfree, Selecfion Boads, Secrutarh,

and TsenB - The
.ftuowing - Committd, S{b€.ndid;:
Selectfrrn Boards, Secretaririls, r"*ri it"ir be created:
a) Commttlee ior nre Selection "ioof amraeiii:SAi-r,oOeO OV
TDPL wih TDPRM and TDO as CoVrce CfrerirperBon8, D.Stafi
DirBc{oB as mombors and D€tafi O"nfie" as attemate
membec. The phns and programs Divisdn ppD), Dpa;hal
b) Sub4onrmltbe for the Selec0on of Unft Amdoel (SCSUA)
lr€ad€d by Eocutir/B Otraer, DO wi[r representativei corird
!o. fu D.$aff, with rank rpt lorer tun'PCOL as menrberr]
Ststisl,cs and Reserch Oivision (SRD), DO shall serw as

c) Sub-Commilbe ior the Selocdon of lldividrnl Amdeee

(SCSI,.A) h€aded by B<eollirr€ O,trcer, DPRM with CESpO
rBpresentalivos cofiring from fle DSffi with rank rpt lorrer than
PCOL as menrbers. lvlorde and lrfttrbrs Division (MWD), DPRM
shall serve as Smretariat;

d) Seleedon Boads of pNp orffcedunits headed by their

respeciiro Head of orffices/units with key orffcers of the
offcesrunits as members. Respec{iw Administrative OfEcers
(AdmoslAdminigffatirre Resource Management Divieions
$l{O"t -$_-!geionat Personnel and Recods Management
Divisions (RPRMDs) shall 8(n e as Secretadat

e) ildoml Program on AmrS and lncentves fior Scwice

Ercellence (PRAISE) Gorrmltlae h€ded by TCDS as
C_hairpenson; Deprty Diractor br Finarrcial Managlment, FS as
\fice Chairperson; Chief, Morale and t/r/efarc Oivir*m (Mt,D),
DPRM; Chief, Non-Unibrmed personnel Afiaic Uvlsioii
(NUPAD); As{ristant Chief, Qryenizalimal Devdopment Division
(ODD), DPL; and NUPAI ld and F levsl rgprLsentetives as
membere. NUPAD, DPRM shall s€ne as Secretariat; ard

f) Field Evaluation and Vallda0on (FEf{ Tems headed by a

CSA rnember with members coming iom the SCSUA ind
reprcsentatiwe fiorn the D.Sffi with a rank nd lower than
PCOL as mernbers. PPD, DPL ehall s€no as Secretariat

2) Planning and preparadom - The secretrariats of the e,ornmitteo
and Sub-.Commiteee shall urdertake the neceesary planning
glgflT-"_brrhe prope impbmentatinn of the seHion p,Iirs".
I ne serccton process shall be done in firre phases,
as blloia:
a) Phase I - Rerriarv ard brmulation of criteria, parameters, and
guiddineo fur the selec.tion process.

phase slrall indude the nevierv by the SuECornmitt€es

_This for
the Seledion of Unit and lldivUual A,ial&€s of fp pravioui
selec{ion process and the furmulation of the updated criteri;,
paramotors, and guidelines br tre sel€dion of
h€rdees. Th;
revised-oibria, parameters, and guidelines shall then be submifted
qte.CsA-frr their approrral. Tha-updated criteria, panameders, and
guiddinee tur ttp sel€cilion prcishall then OE mnrarOeO t6 ttre
PNP Command Group 6r approval.

b) -
Phase ll Dissomination of infurmatbn to pNp offices/unils and
the selection and submission of candidates.

This phase shall include the dissemination of the award

categories, criteria, parameters, timetable, and guidelines br the
seledion process. pNp ffices/units shall croeta their respec{ive
Selecton Bostds. The Sehction Bo.Kfu ehall diss*ninate
pertinent inbmatbn rcgading th€ sebctbn, conduci a sdection
process, and bmally endorse thdr candidates along with their
respectiw writ+ups to the SCSUA and Ote SCSIA
c) Phase ll! - Determination of th€ top candidates breach category.

ln this phase, throrgh tde evaluation and assessment of

perfurmance and achievemenb, UE SCSUA shall determine the top
three candidates br
eacfi unit category and the SCSIA shail
determine the top five candidates for eacfi individual category. The
results shall then be submitted to the CSA br approval.

d) Phase lV - lntervienr of individual candidates and conduct of Fidd

Erraluation and Validation (FEV) of unit candidates.

ln this Phase, th€ CSA trakirq into acoount the COVlDlg

situation durirg the scfiedul€d diw,shall decftle whdter the top
three-unit candidates in eactr categry shall be subjeciled to FEV or
tle inteMen, of the top fiw indMdual candidates in each category
shall be done face-to-face. Th6 FEV Teams shall use modinei
criteria, paramoters, and guidelirres pr€pared by the SCSUA in the
conduct of e\raluation and rralitatirn. The resulb of the initial
selec{ion prccoes shall Uren be submitted to the CSA br

e) PItare V - Final desberation and submbsion of resufts

ff. -Fciion ppcsss prior

]n this Phase, the CSA shall <bh:berate on the initial rBsult
to finatizatbn ana subsequeni
submission b tle pNp Cornmand Group br approrat.
The Sub€ommltieee for the Selecdon of Amrdeee sha[
submit b the Commltbe their Afierdctivity neport to indude
rpt limibd to obsonatbns/recommendati-ons'on the selecdbn

3) Gui&llnee, Gatagorler, Crlbrla, and pararnabr: for the

Seleston of lndMdual Arcrdeeo

a) Genetlal Guidelinca:
(1) The resp€€fiye Selection Boards of orffices/units shail
delib€ratB and determine one norninedcandidate for each
indivUual alvards category;

(2) The norninee/cardidates must haro exceptionat

acfiievements/aocomplishments (covering the period trom
Aprll l, m21 to March 31, m?f|r wtrictr is ot
intemationaUnational interast and contrihrtory to the pNp
Program Thrust and Foors E['rectives of $e Chlef, pNp;

(3) Unibrmed personrrl assigned and brmerly assigned at the

National Headquarters or the PROs adminisffiive branctres
(personnel, logistics, fnanco, baining, lCT, NASU) during
the rating petud tnay appty in $e Field of Administration
except tur exernflary Accomplishment (Frample: RSSF
deployment and uere aUe to prwent attack to polica Statbn
and others that requires catl of duty). Thoee unibrmed
personnel asnlgn€d and ftrmerly assigned during the rating
pedod in lntel, lnws( Operatims, and PCR (Oud Stafi) and
NOSUs may apply in the Firild of Operations excapt tor
thoee personnel renderirg administsatiw dr.rties;

(4) PNP personnel urtro are recipisnts of awards firom other

govemment aSBncres (CSC, €tc.) and NGO8 (Metrobank,
etc.) who will ba ubmittirlg lhe same accomplishments
within the rating period shall not be cons&lered br

(5) The nominees/candidatee should be prcperly endorsed by

the hoed of the Seledim Board of tte o,ffodunit" Twp sets
of Application Ud€rs shell be submitted to the S€crBtariat
(MlM), DPRM);

(6) Nominees with pending casds but with certificalftm ftom LS

thd the me is serrricesmecied shall be consader€d;

(7) Noninees who are included in Ote National
Drugs Lrrlatctrlist
shall be disquatified;

(8) Afhdavit of l{orpending Case and Certifcate of Non-

Pending Case fronr Unit -Commander shall be submitted
frp applk=nt
(9) Only one nominee psr cd€gory is alknred tom each

(10) Only .Fp top three exceptional achie\romenb/

acomplishments shal be submitted by the rnrninee. Said
achiewmenb/accomplishments sho.ltO -Oe aury supported by
ffter l$ivltvlOp"q"l f,eports adoi ni.,rspap"i
ReporG/Clippings, Radio/W interviews, guesting,'or
appeamnoes br evaluation qf the SCSIA;
(11) The three exceptional acoomdishments shafl be rated
:epgrat€ly in whictr the average of the total rating shall be
the fnal score ofthe nominee;

(12) All applixtione shal be subrnitted to DpRM (MWD) on or

bebre June iS, mil:2. Failure to meet
deadline will mean outight disqualification;

(13) Reoords verification, r€qu€st tur Complete Background

lnvestigation (CBl), and securing of RMD pDS, DLO6, and
Dl dearancas will be done by the Secretariat;

(14) Apflbafion blders shall be evaluated by members of the


(15) Secretatiat will consolklate the table evaluation rding and

prepare the results br prosontation to the SCSIA

(16) Only the top f,/e nqninees utro passed the table evaluation
will be corcid€rcd tur pnd int€rview by the SCSIA and

(14 The top three nominees will be submitted to the CSA tur

b) Speclfic Guldolanea, CaGgorlee, Crlbria, and paramebrs

for the Seloc,tion of lndlvldual Awardeec (ANNEXES)

Speclffc Guftlalines, Gartegoriec, Criteria, and ANNEXES

Categories br I ndMdua I Avards, Rating Criteria and A
Parameters witr Allocation
Criteria and Parameters for e€st SeniG pCq Junior B
PCO, and PNCO 6rAdministration

Specific Guidelineo, Categoriec, Cribria, and AI,INEXES
Criteria and Parameters fur Best Senior PCO tur c
and Parameters for Best Jun ior PCO Best D
Senior PN co and J unior P NCO for
Guidelines, Criteria, and Paramders br Best NUP E
Level and
Criteria br lnteMeur F

Third Criterion ior B€st Senior PCO ficr Openatims G


4) Guldellnee, Categorie, Cribrla, and parameten for the

Sebcton of Unit Amrdeeo
a) The sdedim of B€t PRO, B€6t i{ASU, and Best NOSU shall
bo conduciod by the SCSUA PROs and NSUs will not bo
required to submit doqmentary reguirements. lnitial screening
shall be bas€d on UPER rasuhs fiom April 1, mZ1 to farch

b) Guidelines fur soleclion of nornirees ftrom the lower units: Each

PRO shdl cr€ate its rwpeciive Selectirn Board wtrich shall
deliberate and ddermine one candidats/nominee fur each unit
award category. Th€ nominee shall be cfiosen based on tteir
Unit Perbnnanca Evaluetion Rating (those Units that gamer"d
the higtnst rating) fton Aprll l, 2!21 to llarch 31, 20Zl;

c) These unit nomin€es shall be furmally rurnmended and

endorsed by the PRO Sebctim Board to the SCSUA Secretadat
(SRD, DO). Th€ €ndor8€ment momorsndum must be sign€d by
the Regional Dir€dot;

d) Doormentary requirements Ehall be subrnitted, and the numb€r

of coSlirx is as follorYs:
(1) Candidate/Nominated units br Best PPO, B6t CPO, Best
CCPS, and Best MPS shall submit tl

(2) CandkfahrNorninated uni'ts 6r Bed RMFB, B€st PMFC, and

Best CMFC shall only submit ono folder and th€ sofr copy
shall b€ sent to; and

(3) TtB 6ldor of candkiates/mminess shall contain the

intumdbn cibd in ANllEf,'L'.
e) The SCSUA shall conduct a table emluation of th€ documenb
submitted using the updabd psrameters prBpard by the
SCSUA (ANNEX "1"). All supportirg documEnts or evidence of
the accomplishmenb must be radily available lbr validation;

0 The SCSUAshall re@rnrnend the finalists fur each
unit category
to the CSA; and

5) |pogry 9uide!i!eo, Gabgorlol cribria, and paramebls ,or

the Setec0on of Untt Amrdeee (N{NEXES) -

Spec ific Gu ldelinee, Caegorlec, Criteria, and AililEXES

Pa rameterc
Categories for Unit Awards
Ratirq Criterb, artd Parameters with Percentage
Allocation I
Parameters for finalisb in e\rsry category (Iop S, 3,
and 2) br UnitAwardees J
PROs cover sheeUsum of candidates K
Candidate's folders
b. Tasks:

1) DPL
a) TDPL Ls dex*lnated as the Chairperson of the CSA;

b) DDPL is deeQnated as thE altemate member qf the CSA;

c) Representatives with rank not knrer Utan FCOLs will be

@ignated as membors of the SCSUA and SCSIA;

d) Chisf, PPD is deoignated as Head Socretariat of the CSA;

e) PPD Peeonnel are des[nated as members of the Secretariat

brthe CSAand FEVTeam;

f) Assistrant Chief, ODD is dexlignated as member of the pRAISE


g) Submit to DO and DPRM doormentrary requirenrants tur th€

brmulation of the criteria, parameters, and guidelirres br the
seledion of unit and individual awadees; and

h) Perbrrn othor tasks as dirccted.

2) DO
a) TDO is de*lnated as Co-Vrce Chairperson of the CSA;

b) DDO is designated as an altemate member of the CSA;

c) ExO, DO is des[nated as Chairperson of the SGSUA

d) Representatives with rank not lower than PCOL will be

d€sbnated as manrbers of the SCSUA and SCSI\

e) 9!qf, SRD, DO is d€sEnat€d s Head Secrsariat of

0 SRD, @ personnd ara dedgnated as members of the

SecretarEt br the SCSUA;

g) Submit to DPRM documentrary requirernents fur the

of the cribria, parsmetere, airO glUelines fo, t, selectbn
individual avyardees;

h) Submit to the CSA the criteria, psrameters, and guidelines fur

the sebction of unit awardeeg;

i) Submit to tte CSA modified criteria, param€trerB, and guidotines

to be used in the corduct of the eraluation anO hnOa[on of top
unit canditlatee;

j) Submit the resulE of the selec{iqr fur Unit Avyardees to the

k) Submit to tre CS/q an After Activity Report to indude but not
limited to obeenationsfecommen-O*i,cirs on the selec_tion

l) Cdlate documentary rcquirBments from other

DaI€cbrates/Otrc6 br the tormulation of the criteria,
parameters, guidelines
and br the selection of unit awardees;

m) Submit to DPRM the cibtions of Unit Awards winners; and

n) Perfurm dnrtasks as dir€cbd.

3) DPRil
a) TDPRM is designabd as Co\fice Chairman of the CSA;

b) DDPRM is designaled as en aft€mate member of the CSA;

c) Er.o, DPRM is desrjlnated as Chairman of the SCSti{;

d) A representalive with a rank nd louer than FCOL will be

desbnated as a member of tre SCSUA;

e) Chbt Mt lD b designated * Head Secretariat of the SCSIA;

0 Chbt Human Reso.rrceAdmhbbative Sec,tion, NUPAD, DPRM

iB &nignated as llead Secretariatof the PRAISE Committee;

g) NUPAD, DPRM pesonnel <lesfinated as the members of the

Secretadat tur the PRATSE Committee;

Imt DPRM personnel are despnated as memberB of the
Secretsriat br tha SCSTA

i) Submil to the CSA the criteria, parameters, and guidelines tur

the ssl€dion of indiviriual awarUeb;

j) Submit tte r€sulB of the selec{ion fur lndiWual Awardees to the


k) Suenit to the CSA an After Adtv,ty Repod to arrdrxre tut not

limited to obeervations/rocommenOaioirs on the selection

l) t-ssue appropdate orders and avyards

ater the activity to the
Commitbe, SubCommitteee, Selec{bn Boards, Tedm, and

m) lssue appropdate recognitirn to all offies, units, and indMduals

wtro ritere erdomed by their offcesrunils as candidates and
tlpse candilates sto med€ it to tre top fi,re 6r indaWual, and
top three br the unit categories;
n) Collate possibl€ documentary r€quirements fiorn oth€r
DirecioratesrOffcee fur $re brmulatinn of fio criteria,
parameters, and gultelines for tho eelectbn of indMdual

o) Submit to OO doqrmentary rcquirsmenB br the brmulation of

the cdteria, paramc{e6, and guUelines br the sebction of unit
anardeeq and

p) Perbrm offpr tasks as dir€ded.

4) DC
a) TDC is tle*lnated as a member of the CSqU

b) DDC is designated as an allemate member of the CSA;

c) Representatives wifl rank nd lowar than pGOL will bo

despnded as members of the SCSUA and SCSIA

d) Provide turd support br the conduct of the selec{ion of


e) Subrnit to DO and DPRM po$ible documentary requirBments

br the brmuhion of the criHia, paramsters, and guidelines fur
the sdoction of unit and individual ariladees; and

0 Perbrm other tasks as dirEded.

5) Dt
a) TDI is @rigneted as a member of the CSA;

b) DDI is <hsenated as an altemate member of the CSA;

c) Rogasentatives with rank not loner than pCOL

@bnated as members of the SCSUA ana SCSIA;
will be

d) Submit to DO end DpRM do<tmentary requirements br the

turmulatbn of the criteria, paramstera, inO guidelin€s tur the
sd€dion of unit and indivUuat arrvardees;

e) Conduct ralidation of documents/accornflishment rqorts and

Backgnrnd lnvestigeUon (Bl) to the linal norl|eeu -ti
indMduaUunit awards AebnnineO by the subcommittree and
submit a roport th€r€ot and

0 Perbnn o0prtasks as dir€ded.

a) TDPCR is designded as a menrber of the CSA

b) DDFCR is designated as an alteroab menrber of the CSA;

c) Representatives with nank not louor than pCOL will be

<lesignated as members of the SCSUA and SCStt

d) Submit to DO and DPRM doanmentary requiremenb tor the

furmulatlm of the criteria. paramdors, and guidelines fur the
selection of unit and irdMdual awadees;

e) Determine Special avtrards/recognition to be given to COVlD.ig

PNP ftontiners fur their sdness ffirt and significant
contihrtions during the fight agginst the pendemic wih TDPCR
as the OPR; and

0 Perfurm oftertasks as directed.

7) DrCTr
a) TDICTM b &signatod as a menrber of the CSA;

b) DDICTM b dexsignated as an alt€rnata memberof the CSA

c) Representativee with rank not lot ror thsn PCOL will be

designeted I memb€rs of the SGSUA and SGSTA;
d) SuUnit b DO and DPRM documentary rcquirements tur the
formulation of the criteria, parareters, and guilelines fur the
sslec.tion of unil and individual anyardeee; and

e) Perfurn omer tasks as direcied.

8) Dl- DIDH, DHRDD, IlRIt, and DtpOs
a) Drcdors are designated as members of the CSA

b) Eputy Drectors are designated as an altemate members

of the

c) Representatives with rank not burer than pCOL wiil be

desigmted as members of the SCSUA and SCSTA;

d) Submit to DO and DPRM documentary Gquirsmenb for the

brmulation of the Crfteria, parameters, ind 'Guidelines br G
selectbn of Unit and lrdMdualArrardees; and

e) Perbrm otrer trasks as dir€cted.

a) Publish all documents required lo be published on ttre pNp
ri€b6ite; and

b) Perficrm ofrrer hsks as dir€cted.

10) Pro
a) PuUish all doq.rments required to be published;

b) Ensure that the selection informatior/advertisement materiats

developed by the CSn arB dissffiinated to all pNp offcesy'units
to be repoduced and poeted in oonspiarous bcations in their
ofices/units; and

c) Perbrm other tasks as directed.

a) D€signaled as I member of the SCSIA and

b) Perform ofter tasks as directed.

12) Chief, NUPAD, DPRM

a) Designated as a membor of the PRAISE Committee; and
b) Perbrm othertasks as direded.
13) All PNP Officee/tlnite
a) Create Solection Boadr heded by treir re@ive Officdunit
heads. AdmOs/AMlIb sxl RPRUtls sorvrE as

b) Disseminate pertinent infumation rqarding the selec{ion,

condrc-t a selectbn plocess, ard fuinalty erdorse thEir
candidates alorlg with their rcspecfiw write-ups to $e SCSUA
and SCSIA; and

c) Perform other tasks as directed.

c. Coordinating lnstructions
1) The coverage of the performance and achievements for
selection process shall be from April 1,2021 to March
31, ZOZZ]
2) Concerned pNp offices/units sha[ abide by the timetabre in

3) lssues, con@rns, and clarifications regarding the selection process

and the resurts of the serection of awardees shail be addressed
the CSA;

4) Failure to submit endorsements on the set deadline shall be a

cause for disqualification;

5) ln case of a tie, the Sub-Committees shall conduct another round of

validation to break the tie; and

6) Lateral coordination is encouraged to ensure the success of this



This CMC shall take efiect immediately.

Police Lieutenant General
Offi cer-l n-Charge, PN P/e/l_

IPNPt,*'22 /
Distribution: "o"trt,
Command Group lllillilllllHll$lllllllllllllllliliillll
tc, tAs soa97a3
Cmdr, APCS
SPA to the SILG

Cabgoriee for lndividual Awards:
(1 Police Com m issioned Officers
Best Ssnaor Police
1 Cornmissionsd Oficerhr PCOL Offices/
One (1)
Administrattbn Unlb
Bost Senior Police
2 Commissinned Oficarfrr PCOL Ofices,
One (1)
Operatlors Units

Best Junior Polbe

3 Commigiloned Oficerfur PLTto Otrces/
One (1)
Best Junior Police
4 Cornmissioned Oficerfur
PLTto Otrces/
PLTCOL One (1)
Operali<lns Units

Pollce Non€ommissionod Offi cets (PNcOs)


Best Senior Polie Non-
PMSg to Ofices/
Commissioned Ofrertur One (1)

Administration PEMS Units
Best Senior Police Non-
PMSg to Offices/
Commissioned Otrcer for One (1)
PEMS Units
Best Junior Police Non-
E Commiseioned Oficerfur
Beet Junior Police Non-
Patto PSSg
One (1)

I Commissiored Offcerfur Pat to PSSg

One (1)

(3 Non{Jniformed Pesonnel UP)


Best Non-Unibrmed Personnel AIINUP

9 Offices/
(Supervisory Levd) (with SG 1s One (1)

Best Non-Unifurmed Personnel AIINUP (wi$r OfiB/ One (1)
peMsory SG 14 dorn) Units
Rating Grtbria and Parameterr wlth Percentage AllocaUon

A. Table Evaluation of Accornplishment olo
B. lnteryknrr
Cribria and Pa rarneten for Beat Sen lor, Junlor PCOs, and Pt{COs for
Evaluation Pointg
1 ment to PNP ThrueU CP NP Focus Directives 't0
2 of
a Accomplish ment on mandated tasks ( IPER br the rating period
rt and Znd Semesler
ot CY 2021 ) Gom putaton ( 1 d Sem
N umerical + v
Sem R x 1 o%

b. U n it Needs being address€d (extent to which the

innovation/idea has effectiwlv and efficienilv addrcssed a 35
.l in the of Polace Services
. Streqmlini of Pdice Processes
. Promote and
c. Other initiatives or emerging best practices introducad to
address system dysturrtion @rtent to whidl the extrcodinary

d. Role/Partici 25
TV\G Mem

3 Awade and Recognitions received from the

Ratlng Perlod (ttre degrce of oorrsrsrency
ntinoshw* rccod). One administrative avard is equivalerfi to

Criteria and Pariameb rg for Beot Senior PCO forOperatiom

Iiable Evaluation Points

1 ment to PNP ThrusU c PNP Focus Dircc{iros 10
2. Role/Partici
a. Phnn COPLAN OPIAN ct 't0
or Case 1

b. Execution LAN & OPORD 25
. Principal (Grou nd Cornmander, Task Force Commander, or
c. Post Result 5
. tMthout
. Wtfti
3 of lm 20
a. lntemationaUNational
b ional 1
c. ncial 12
4. lm of the eccom
a. Efieci to Peace and Order 10
. with onal POC Reso 1
. with POC ResdRDC
. with ncial POG Reso/ LGU ition
. NGOs 5
b. Efiect to Crime Situation 10
. Reduction of Crime in relation to Ote submitted
accomplishments (sp,ts)

(Note: The nominee shall present prpof of the reductbn of crime in

relation to the accomplishment submitbd. e.g. Comparatiro crime stat
certified RIDMD or ivalent
. lnqease in Crime Solutbn/ Cbarance Eficbrrcy in rdation to
the submitted ments
- Case Filed
5. Awards and Recognitions recoived from the PNP in connection with
the accom submitted for evaluation
a. Meda and other her a*ards 1
b lGdakilaan
d and other lower auards

criteria and Para melDrB for Best Ju nior PCO, Bost Senior PNCO, and Jun ior
PNCO for
TaUe Evaluation of Accomplishment Pointe
1. Alignmentto PNP Program Thrust t0
2. lmpac't of Accomplishments
a. Risk Factor 4{t
. Wrth Armed Encounter (3spts)
. No Armed Enoounter (3opts)
- t bunded in Potice Operatbn (Note: Resolved by the
KIPO/WPO Board that the nominee nvas indeed lAbunded
in Legitimate Police Operation ) (plus spts)
b. m
Principal fl-eam Leader, Member of Assaulting Team c ase
Officer, Case SupeMsor, lntel Operdirre, Member of the
c. of lm 20
. lntemationaUNatbnal
. Regional lmpac{ (18pts)
City/Provincial lmpact (1 6pts)
.Munn:ipal lmpac{ (14fls)
3. Awards and Recognitions received fiom the PN P in connection
with the accom submitted fo r evaluation t0
a. and other awards 1
b. lGdakilaan
d. Medalya ng Papuri and offrer lourer arvards?pts)-
Gylte_llnec, ctrgorlea, crlbtu, and pa.moter ior the
d the pilp-
wld" Best NUP of tre year rDrxr (for suporvbory and Non€uperrrory-r"r"ut,
a. Guidelines:

1) Ihe screening, evaruation, and deribenatkrn tur the serection of candidates

tor tha PNP-wide Best NUp of the year 2022 (SupeMsory anO f.ion_
.supgrvisory L6vers) shal adher€ to the guidelinee and paramiters/criteria
here{n prov*led;

2) The screning, eraluatinn, and deliberation of pRAtsE committees shall

o(mm6nce upon issuarrce of this cMC. Tho pRAlsE commitbes of the
Command Group, Directorial Stffi, NSUg, and pROa ehall subrnit their
nominations to th6 NFC through tre NFC Secretariat (NUPAD, DPRM) on
or beforu June 11,fr'lU2;

3) Itre NUP may vie br fte pNp-r,yide B€st NUp of the yqr zOD. (lq
Supervisory and Non€upervisory Levds), if hsrshe er<celled among peers
in a func{ional grurp, pocilion or profrssion anO OemonsirateO
e)sndary/er(€ptional accornplbhmenUs (i.e. elomplary, er(coptional
accomplishmenUs islare defirEd c achievqnenUg beyond $ear usuat job
descriplior, dutie, and responsibiliti€s that lead to the improvement of pdice
servicos, streamlining of polics prooesses, innovation/s introducird to
addl€ss systorn d!/sfundfon, and/or prornotion of tursparency and

4) R€sp€dirre PRAISE Commitb$ of tte Disfiid, prwinciat, and City police

O,frces ehall submil the resulb of the screening, waluilion, ard deliberatbn
tor the sdectin of thrir res@ive nornine€s/ candidste br tre B€st NUp
of the Year 2t22 lW Supervieory and Non€upervisory Levds) to be
submitted to their res@irle PRO PRAISE Commitbes on or beforp June

5) The PRO PRAISE Committees shalt deliberate on ttre submitted

nominations/applbafions ftun tE DEt,ict, provirrcial and City pdbe Offices,
induding nominations/apptkxtions fiorn resp€dive pRO Hes;

6) ApplicantsrNominees to the PNP{vide B€gt NUp shall b€ goperly endorsed

by respec{ive Ofhce/unil Dredoc/Chbts. The appli:ants/rpnrinees shall
submit seven ssts of applkutim blders, dbring the brmat on the trabting
as indicated in the Certificate of Undertaking b
b€ signed by the

7) l,t{riteups on the lm@ of Accomplishments shall confum to the format

presoibed in b indude prcoilb to support thdr elarnphry accomplishmenUs
sr.lcfi as: After Acnivity Repods, rpvrs dippingrs, VRadio gueoting, screen
grab from the officdlJnil ofk*rr sociar msdia sccounto, orders,

b. Gabgorieo:


Bos[ l,lorrunihmcd
Pemamel All NUP with d teast
Nrr$ne per
sG 1s One Offca/unit
Bed i.lon-Unibrmed
Per:onnd A[ NUP w{th SG llt One Nominee per Offco/unit
(lJotr9ttryvLspryLalyd) and bdotl

c. Criteria and Paramefiers:

1) Table Evaluation of Amrndishment

Tabb Evalmtion of Accompllshment
a) Outstandlng achlenrnantr of t 196 bced on tho
lndlvldtral Pefonnance Commltment and Royhn, 20
0PCR) (20 po.nb)
Aver{6 IPCR Rding Equvalent Pctint
(*Selarps/.erRdtng+f qrader Allocation
5 20
4.80 - 4.99 19
4.60 -4.79 18
4.40 - 4.59 17
4.20 -4.39 16
4.00 - 4.19 15
b) lmpact of Accomplbhment (60 polnt;)
Exceptbnal accomplishmenUs that shouts meet any or all of
the tollowing:
(1) lmprovement in the delivery of police servfr:es 20
(2) lnnovation/s introduced to address system dysfunciion 15
(3) Streamlin of processes 5
1+) Promotion of bansparency and accountability 5
(5) Partkjpafion role in the acfiievement of the g)(coptional
(a)Ar0tor, Proponert, lttJriter, Researcfier, end TL'/G
member (modmum of ,5 ooit b) l5
(b) Seoetarbt, Transcribor, Enooder and others
(maximunn of lO plnfs.)
Cdtefia for lnterview
lnbrview Polntr
1 General Appedrance 'TamarB Bihis" (Less 2 pts in every
defect noted e. g unshaved, rncqn plete accouhements, etc. 20
2. Communication/Decorum
Communication Skills
Comgehercive Narratim of Accornplishm€nts 30
Proper Decorum
3. General Knmledge
Arareness on PNP Po$d€s and program in reHion to the
accornplishmenb m
Thi rd Gribrion for Best Senior PCO for ofl
NTE RNA-TIONAUNA-TIONAL I IIPORTAN c E ts defi ned as the ac@m plishments
of the nominee ufiicfr ts qf National and/or ntemational I mportance.
such as:
a Anest of \rr/lanted Persons (National Leve{) or IrVanted Persons I isted by
I NTERPOL or n Govem m€nt
b. Anest and Neubalization of Tenorist Grou p Leaders of Extrem ist G I(xl p,
Com m unist Tenorist G and I ntgrnational Criminal
c. An€st and N eutralization of Crim inal (National

d Dismantl I ng of illegal drug la boratory and/or corduct of nterdiciion o peration

I sh tm fom other @u ntries
e. Anest and neutnalization of Drug Personalities Nationai Level and
Leader/Members of knoun intemational
f. I and solution of sensational crimes and
Other ents.

RE G !ON,A L I iIPORTANCE ts defi ned as the accomplishments of the nomi nee

wh ich ls of m Accom such a8:
a Arrest of \ ranted Persons
b An€st and Neutralization of Tenorist G roup Regional Leaders or sub-leader of
Extremist and Communist Tenorist
c. Arrest and Neutral izatio n of Crim inal Gangs/Grou ps/Synd icates (National

d. DismantlirB of local drug groups ard/or conduct of interdictbn operation against

illegel drugs shipments within the region;
e. lnves and solution of sensatonal crimes and
f. Other ac@m ments.

CITY'PROVINCIAL IMPORTANCE is defirpd as the accqnplistrments of the

nomineewhich is of im Accom such as:
a Anest of l/ttranted Persons (Citv/Provincial LeveD:
b Anet and Neutralization of Criminal GangsrGroups ncial
c. Dismantling of local drug groups and/or conduct of antrgrdiction operation against
illegal drLrgs shipments within the ProvincdCity;
d. fur€st and neuhalization of Personaliti6 Regional Level:
e. lnvestigation and solution of major sensational crimes (Resional LeveD: and
t. Other us accom ishments.

Gategoriec fo r Unit Awards

IT Bct Police Regional ffice

rT Best Police Provincial Offce

Best City Police Offce
Best Cornponent City Polie Statbn

rrI Best Muniripal Police Statbn
Best Regionai Mobile Force Battalion

rEI Best Provincial Mobile Force Company

B€st City Mobile Force Cornpany

Best National Operatimal Support Unit
Best National Administrative Support Unit
BEST PRO- a. UPER(Apdl2O2l a. Selection of top 5 units based on
- March 2022) the UPER to be provided by
b. Focus Dfuedives
Param&rc b. Sdeciion d top 3 uni'b
(ELCAC, table evahntion u8ing bo0r the
CampaignAgainst Focus Dir€dirr€ paramders
llegal Drirgs, (2s%), and UPER (25%); and

c. Top 3 units shall be sugec{ed to

fnal seleciion thrwgh Field
Eraluation and Vatilatim (FB/)
(to be dedded by UE SCSUA).
UPER (Apdl2021
- a. Selection of top 3 best units
based on the UPER to be
provided by DPL; and

b. Top 3 unih ehall be subjected to

fiml sobdion though Fi6ld
Eraluatim and \blidaton (FEV)
(to be clec*hd by the SCSUA).
BEST PPO a. UPER(AFi|2021 - a. PROg may seted their
BESTCPO March2022) (tobe candidates using their UPER,
BEST CCPS used bytn PROs and/or they may set criteria and
BEST MPS brthe s€ledion of psram€ters th€y fnd appropriale
their lorer unit tur their units;
b. Only one candidale per
b. Parameters6r cat€gsy per PRO will be
Tabb Evaluation acceded bytheSub
turmdded by the Cqnmittee;
(to b€ rrs€d by Ure c. All unit candiddes must be
NHQ SGSUAin the goperly endorsed by the
taUe evaluation of Regional Diroc*o[
submitted to tho d. SCSUAshall condrrcttable
SeqUaAaQ evaluatbn of a[ the candidateg
ueing the param€[eIs
brmulated by the SCSUA; and

Top 3 units shall be subjatred to final

sd€cfion through Fbld
Evaluation and \rblidation (FB/)
be decided the SC

BEST RMFB Mandate of Mobile a. Only one candidate per

BEST PMFC Forces (PNP CMC cat€gory per PRO wfll be
BESTCMFC No.2O17-(E3 ) accsded by Ste Sub
Accomplishments on:
a. ISO; b. All unit candidabs musd be
goperly endorsed by the
b. LawEniorcement Regional Diredor;
Operations on
thrsat c. !SO4 DO, in coordindion with
grwps/OCG, and DIPO!, shall pr€parB th6
otherlawlcs pafiameters and prccess the
elgments; sobctbn of top three Best
Mobile Force Unib (per
c. Longaange category) to be r€commend€d
rconnaissance, ro scsuA
sunq:lhrcs, and
target acquisitbn; d. Top 3 unib will be eelecfed
using the parameters
d. Publb Saiety brmulated by the ISOD, DO;
Operations and aM
Operatbns; e. Top 3 units shall be subjec*ed to
fnal selection thrcugh FieH
e. BorderConbd Evaluation and \Elidation (FEV)
Operatirns; (to be decided by the SCSUA).

f. Spedal pof,ce
operations; and

g. Prov*le polbe

SPECIAL UNIT bo dermined by tE SCSUA /

A\MRD: PNP Command Group
Panmeters for finalists on evety category (Iop 5, 3 and 2) for unitAwrdeee

The Top Five NOSUs shall be subjected to FEV using the follorving parameters:

a- I nterview of unit com manders and selected staff 507o

b Valiclation and reMeur of unit documents and other facil ities for operatbnal
readiness usl ng the checklist ( 50% )
The Five NASUs shall be su to FEV thebllorri
a. ntervietiv qt un it commanders and eelecled statr
b \ht idation and review of unit documents ard other facilities br operatbnal
readi ness the checkl ist %
c. Five S Set in Standardize and Sustain
The Top Th TEE P PO c PO CP S and M PS shal be subjected to F EV ust rE the
iollo\ ring parameters:
a. ntervierfl of unit coll manders and selected staff SAlo
b \tslidation and r€view of unit documents and other facil ities br operational
readiness usr the FEV checkl ist 50%
The Best RM FB PPM F and CMF c Top Three will be su$ected to FEV using the
fo llowi ng perameters:
a InteMew of Un it Commanders and staff 50%
b. Validation and review of unit documents and other faci lities for operalional
readiness usi the checklist for Mobile F orces s0%
Note Top two fnalists shall be recommended by the Cornm ittee on Seledion of
Awa rdees br of th€ c PN P
The bnnat of th€ PRos correr eheet/summary of caodi{rat€s st,a[
be as tor!trs:






Candidab's foldere shall conbin fhe foltoring ffiormation:

a) Tab A - Gandldab Deecrlotion

A bdef and concise doscridim of fte candidete unit, to indude hn not
rimited to
demographic and econornb prdl€s of the arca, police to poprl*or,'.fio,
relationship with other LGUs and agencb, threat asiessrnent,'p&ce
and order
situatbn, adopton of moder praaices in aoo'ssirrg criticat i""#,-".;;ofi",=.
Ths report should not o<ceed tfu€e pagos.

b) Tab B-Admlnbffineperformancs
A concise report on adminislrative perfurmance itemized in the checklist of
parameters br table erralr.ntinn (attacfred). This r€poft shall
contain ile ,*t
1lenificant accomprishmert of tre unit on mders irrtarning atursoniei ana
Records Manqwrnnt, Human Resoure aN Miie Urebprnq,t,
Prognms, @,nfidleelrip, togtidbq Rewrch and Dewqmdnt ani lnffiatpn
and Communtunlkns .Te&n@y Managenent. These silnmcant
acoomplishments Shall depfort frle unifc edge owr offrer unttr.
not o(ce€d 20 pagee.
terepoi srrouro

c) Tab G - QUAD Ooeration Performance Reoort

A concise rspon on the units perfurmance in eUAD operations, itemized in the

ch€cklM of perameters for 6le evaludion (atacruo). lndu<te breakorrough
accomflishments that contibuted to th€ goneral peace and order in the area. Thie
r€port shall contain the moct elgnificant accomplbhment of the unit on matters
pedaining lo Enhanod Managing Nia Oprations, tnrcsfigatiorr, lntelfrgence
aN @nmunity Rehtbns. This/Theso significant accornplishmenUs shall depid
the unifs edgs ovurthe odrer untts. Th6 report should rd o<ceed 20 pages.

d) Tab D-Amda fedals. Recooni$on

A brief descdgion of Ute HIGHEST ryard receiwd by tE UNIT during the period
correred. This awad irdudes those given by the PNP, other govemment agancies,
NGOs or any pestigious avard gMng body (local, national or intenatbnal). The
raport should not excad three pages.

e) Tab E - Inbrnal GhamlndDiscloline

A brief report on the internal deaming activities and accomplishments of the unit
during the period covered. The report should not el<ca€d five pages.

f) Tab F - Ofter Notable Accomolbhmentr

A br*rf and concise r€port ofl ofrr€r notabl€ accornplMmenUs of the unil that
contifuted to the general peace and oder situation in the area. The report should
not o(cesd ftte pqes.

I ) Al r€ports should b€ in A4 size bord paper, ard in Arial Font size 12;
2) AX PRos-sa-enjoined
b bflor the prEscrib€d fumtat br ofd€fry p,o€ssing
documents. No+conOnnity migfil 6e a tasls OrOOqualifcafid;';rd---"'- of
3) DEADLINE turthe submissinn of brderrs b the secctariat
is on or befura June
15,29i22. No application lUders shall b";"*pl"d=ffi",the



May 20 Submieskxr of CMC br the sehdion of avrardees tur

apprcval of the PNP Conrnand Gurp
Dissemination ot information regading the PNP Sebction
June 1 dA[ardees: Arvad Cabgories, Guidelinee, Criteda and

June 15 Deadline for tre srrbmission of recornmerdeden<lorsed

nominees/candidaEs br lldivklual and Unit Avuards

June'16 Start of tabb evahration of norninees/iardklabs br

lndtulttal ard Unit Arradg

June 29
Flnalizattn d@ cadidebs brthe lrdlvUual ard Unit
AwadsbySCSUAand SCS1A

Prcsentatbn by SGSUA ard SCSIA of top candklabe tur

June 30
the lndivilml ard UnitAwadsbth€ CSA
Start of interyiswof candidates br hdividualAwards and
July I FpE Evaluatbn ard Vddattm d cardkhs tur Units
July22 Pmseddkm by SCSUAand SCS|Adhhl set€ction

Submissitm of unit and indivftlual awads sebction resufis

July 25
bthe PNPCommld Grcup

Aqgust I PSA Celebration

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