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7/16/23, 6:21 PM Padmasana: Meaning, Steps, and Benefits

Padmasana: Meaning,
Steps, and Benefits

Padmasana is a yoga posture that aids in the practice
of meditation. It is one of the most popular, most
ancient, and most performed yoga practices. Lotus
Posture is taught as the Primary yoga posture before
learning any other posture in ancient times. Now it is
one of the advanced groups of postures.

This guide on Padmasana discusses its meaning,

steps, benefits, and many other aspects of it in a
comprehensive manner.

Padmasana Information
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Pose Name Padmasana


Sanskrit Name पद्मासन

IAST padmāsana

English Name Lotus Pose

Origin Ancient, Traditional

Difficulty Level Advanced

Group Padmasana

Type Seated Posture

Meditation Pose

Padmasana Meaning
The Sanskrit word the Padma means the lotus. Hence,
its English translation is Lotus Posture. The posture is
called such because it resembles the Lotus flower.
Kamalasana is the alternative name in Sanskrit.

Lotus Pose Origin and History

The second century CE statues and images of Buddha
and Mahavira in Padmasana show that the Asana was
prevalent at that time.

Yoga Yajnavalkya which is one of the earliest yoga texts,

compiled well before the second Century CE describes
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the steps for Lotus Posture.

Maharishi Vyasa’s commentary on Yoga Sutra also talks

about Lotus Posture. This commentary is believed to be
of the same period.

A figure seated in Lotus Pose is found in the coin that

belongs to the period of Chandragupta II (380 CE to
415 CE).

From this evidence, we can conclude that Padmasana

was in practice well before 2000 years from now.

Lotus Pose Procedure

Padmasana Precautions and Contra-

The performance of Lotus Pose is possible only when
one has the flexibility of hip joints and knee joints.
Those who are having the following issues should avoid
attempting this posture or perform under a competent
yoga supervisor.

Sacral ailments
Knee disorders

Lotus Pose Preparatory Poses

As we have already seen, the flexibility of hips and
knees are the prerequisites for getting mastery over the

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lotus posture. To open the hips, one should resort to

the following yoga poses and practices.

Padmasana Steps

Step 1

Sit on the floor with your legs stretched.

Step 2

Then, bend one leg, say the left leg,  and place the foot
on the other thigh in such a way that the sole is placed
as near to the pelvic bone as possible.

Step 3

Similarly, bend the other leg and place the foot similarly
as in the previous step. Head and spine should be erect
and be in a straight line and both your right and left
knees should touch the ground.

Step 4

Place the hands on the knees in Jnana Mudra or Chin

Mudra. Then, close the eyes and place the mind in
between the eyebrows. Keep your breathing as slow as

Important tip

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After performing the posture with the left leg as

mentioned in step 2, you should change the posture
with the right leg. If you have used the right leg, you
should change that to the left one. This is to obtain
balanced flexibility on the two sides.

For a beginner, it is not possible to retain the posture for
more than one or two minutes. Slowly the duration may
be increased to three hours or more. The aspirant
achieves mastery only when he is capable of retaining
the posture for more than three hours. Once reached
this milestone, it will be easier for him to proceed to the
higher levels of yoga

Follow-up Asanas

Immediately after performing Lotus Pose, one should

resort to any one of the following postures.

Padmasana Benefits
The consistent practice of Padmasana provides the
following benefits.

Spiritual Benefits
It gives stability and peace of mind and thereby
serves as an aid to Meditation and Pranayama
Lotus Posture helps awakening Kundalini

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Therapeutic Benefits
The therapeutic benefits of Lotus Pose include both
physical and psychological benefits.

Blood circulation in the lower part of the body is

restricted and thereby increases digestive
It activates the Parasympathetic Nervous
System and thereby decreases the amount of
stress and anxiety
Lotus Posture provides progressive relaxation
that reduces High Blood Pressure and pulse
It helps in Cardiac Rehabilitation after
myocardial Infarction
Lotus posture for 30 minutes shows an
increased subtle energy level in all acupuncture

Padmasana Variants
The following yoga postures belong to the group of
Lotus posture.

Padmasana in Other Asanas

Apart from the variations of Lotus posture, this posture
is combined in other yoga postures also.

Padma Mayurasana or Lotus Peacock Pose

Padma-Sirsasana or Lotus Head Stand
Sarvangasana or Lotus Shoulder Stand
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Padma Simhasana or Lotus Lion Pose

Padmasana in Classical Yoga Texts

The earliest mention of Lotus Posture was in the Yoga
Sutra commentary by Maharishi Vyasa. Yoga
Yajnavalkya also mentions Padmasana.

According to Yoga Yajnavalkya, Lotus Posture is placing

both the legs on opposite thighs and holding the big
toes by the hands from behind.

Verse 559 of Thirumanthiram by Thirumoolar provides

the steps to do the lotus posture.

The text says “In Sukhasana (easy pose), take your foot
and place it on the opposite thigh in such way that your
left leg on the right thigh and right leg on the left thigh
and place your hands on them showing your palms up.
This is known as Lotus Pose”.

Padmasana in Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Verses 1.44 to 1.49 of Hatha Yoga Pradipika describe

Lotus Posture, its importance, and its benefits.

Place the right foot on the left thigh and left on the right
one and hold firmly the toes by the crossed hands from
behind. Press the chin on the chest and look at the tip
of the nose. This is the Lotus Posture that destroys all
diseases. (Verse 44).

Place the feet on the thighs soles facing up and place

the hands on the groin with palms facing up. (Variation).
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Look at the tip of the nose. Keep pressing the tongue

against the root of the upper teeth. Keep the chin firmly
on the chest and raise the Vayu upwards. (Verses 45-

This lotus pose destroys all diseases. It is not easy for

all to master. Only the intelligent attains it. (Verse 47).

Sit in Lotus Posture. Place one palm on the other. Press

the chin on the chest. Meditate on Him (The Supreme
Entity). Draw Apana up and bring Prana down. Repeat
again and again. This way one awakens Kundalini and
attains the highest wisdom. (Verse 48).

The Yogi seated in Lotus Pose who controls the Vayu by

inhaling and filling attains liberation without any doubt.
(Verse 49).

Padmasana in Siva Samhita

According to Verse 3.20, the yogi should go to a remote

place or a cell, assume Lotus Pose on the seat, and
begin Pranayama practice.

Verses 3.88 to 3.91 describe Lotus Pose.

I give the details of the Lotus Posture that destroys all

diseases. By crossing the legs, place the feet on the
opposite thighs. Cross the hands and place them
similarly (facing upwards) on the thighs. Fix the sight on
the tip of the nose. Press the tongue against the root of
the (upper) teeth. Draw in the air slowly to the maximum
possible capacity and exhale it slowly in a rhythmic
stream. (Verse 3.88).

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It is not possible for everyone. Only the intelligent one

gets mastery over it. (Verse 3.89).

By assuming this practice, the vital airs of the

practitioner at once get the stable equilibrium without
any doubt and the airs flow harmoniously through the
body. (Verse 3.90).

By sitting in this posture and knowing the movements

of Prana and Apana, the yogi who performs Pranayama
attains liberation. I tell the truth. I tell the truth. (Verse

Padmasana in Gheranda Samhita

Gheranda Samhita gives the procedure to perform
Lotus Pose as below.

Place left foot on the right thigh and left one on the right
thigh. Cross the hands behind the back and catch hold
of the big toes. Place the chin on the chest and gaze on
the tip of the nose. This is Lotus Pose that destroys all
ailments. (Verse 2.8).

It is to be noted here that most of the ancient Yoga texts
including Yoga Yajnavalkya give steps involved in
Baddha Padmasana or Bound Lotus Pose for Lotus

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