Hlac Epoftfolio

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Samuel Cox

HLAC 1130


Reflection Questions

Please discuss at least one connection you've made between what you've studied in this

LW course and what you’ve learned from other courses you have taken at SLCC (or other

institution) or have learned before taking this class? Make specific references to your work in

this class and on other courses. How did what you learned in other courses enhance what you

learned here, and vice versa?

This class really taught me about fatigue and not to push yourself too much. When

golfing I could hit really good shots, but once I got tired my shots started becoming a lot worse. I

took an advanced manufacturing class and learned about Dr. Demming. Dr. Demming has a

system of profound knowledge, and part of it is “Understanding of Variation”. I was able to

relate these 2 classes because of how results can vary from many different factors, but they can

also be predicted. A person cannot hit good shots forever, and a machine cannot make good

product forever, they will both eventually get tired.

Reflect on what you thought about fitness and lifelong wellness before you took this

course and how you think about it now that you have completed the course. Have any of your

assumptions or understandings changed? Why? What assignments/activities/readings were

influential in this process? How will you approach what influenced you differently in the future?

Before taking this lifelong wellness class I thought fitness and being healthy was simple.

I now realize there are a lot of factors to help somebody be healthy. We cannot forget about our
diet, and that is something I overlooked before taking this class. We must also remember to rest;

it is not just about getting in a workout. I can now help myself create a healthier lifestyle than I

had before.

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