Data Structure

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Data Structure - Engineering Subject

Data Structure - CS3301 3rd Semester CSE Dept | 2021 Regulation | Anna
University Engineering Subject Paper

Unit I: Lists
1. Data Structure - Definition, example, Types, Classification
2. Abstract Data Types (ADT) - Operations, Data Structure, Examples
3. List ADT - Data Structure
4. Array Based Implementation - Lists operation with Example C Programs | Data
5. Concept of Linked List - Definition, Structure, Types | Data Structure
6. Linked List Implementation - with Example C Programs | Data Structure
7. Difference Between Array and Linked Listed - Data Structure
8. Circularly Linked List - Definition, Operations, Advantages, Applications | Data
9. Doubly Linked List - Definition, Structure, Operations with Example C Programs |
Data Structure
10. Applications of Lists - Data Structure
11. Polynomial ADT - Definition, Structure, Example Operations with Example C
Programs, Advantages, Disadvantage | Data Structure
12. Multilists - Basic concept, Example Operations | Data Structure
13. Two marks Questions with Answers - Lists | Data Structure

Unit II (a): Stacks

1. Concept of Stacks - Definition, Example Operations | Data Structure
2. Stack ADT - Operations | Data Structure
3. Stack Operations - with Example C Programs | ADT Data Structure
4. Implementation of Stack using Linked List - Push and Pop operations with
Example C Programs | ADT Data Structure
5. Applications of Stack - ADT Data Structure
6. Expression - Types | ADT Data Structure
7. Infix to Postfix Conversion - Algorithm, Expression, Stacks Operation with
Example C Programs | ADT Data Structure
8. Evaluation of Arithmetic Expression - Example Stacks Operations with Example
C Programs | ADT Data Structure
9. Two marks Questions with Answers - Stacks | ADT Data Structure

Unit II (b): Queue

1. Concept of Queue - Definition, Example Operations | ADT Data Structure
2. Queue ADT - Syntax, Example Operations | Data Structure
3. Queue Operations - with Example C Programs | ADT Data Structure
4. Implementation of Queue using Linked List - with Example C Programs | ADT
Data Structure
5. Circular Queue - Definition, Example Operations with Example C Programs |
ADT Linked List | Data Structure
6. Priority Queue - Definition, Types, Application, Operations with Example C
Programs | ADT Linked List | Data Structure
7. Dequeue - Definition, Operations with Example C Programs | ADT Data Structure
8. Applications of Queue - ADT Data Structure
9. Two marks Questions with Answers - Queue ADT | Data Structure

Unit III: Trees

1. Trees ADT - Definition, Example Operations | Data Structure
2. Basic Terminologies in Trees - ADT Data Structure
3. Binary Tree ADT - Definition, Syntax, Example Operations | Data Structure
4. Types of Binary Tree - ADT Data Structure
5. Representation of Tree - ADT Data Structure
6. Tree Traversal - Definition, Algorithm with Example C Programs | ADT Data
7. Expression Trees - Definition, Algorithm with Example C Programs | ADT Data
8. Applications of Trees - ADT Data Structure
9. Binary Search Tree ADT - Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs |
Data Structure
10. Threaded Binary Trees - Operations, Structure, Algorithm with Example C
Programs, Advantages, Disadvantage | ADT Data Structure
11. Constructing Binary Search Tree from Traversals - ADT Data Structure
12. C Programming Examples on Binary Trees - ADT Data Structure
13. AVL Trees - Definition, Theorem, Algorithm with Example C Programs | ADT
Data Structure
14. Binary Heap - Definition, Types, Algorithm with Example C Programs | ADT
Data Structure
15. Priority Queue Heaps - Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs | Trees
ADT | Data Structure
16. Two marks Questions with Answers - Trees ADT | Data Structure

Unit IV : Multiway Search Trees and Graphs

1. B-Tree - Operations, properties, Algorithm | Data Structure
2. B+ Tree - Definition, Construction of Example Operations | Data Structure
3. Graph Definition - with Example | Data Structure
4. Basic Terminologies in Graph - Data Structure
5. Representation of Graph - with Example C Programs | Data Structure
6. Types of Graph - Data Structure
7. Graph Operations - with Example C Programs | Data Structure
8. Graph Traversal Methods - Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs |
Data Structure
9. Topological Sort - Definition, Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs |
Graphs | Data Structure
10. Bi-Connectivity - Graph Properties, Definition, Operations | Graphs | Data
11. Cut Vertex - Definition, Operations, Algorithm | Graphs | Data Structure
12. Euler Circuits - Euler path, Operations | Graphs | Data Structure
13. Applications of Graphs - Data Structure
14. Finding Shortest Path - Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs |
Graphs | Data Structure
15. Minimum Spanning Tree - Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs |
Graphs | Data Structure
16. Two marks Questions with Answers - Multiway Search Trees and Graphs | Data

Unit V (a): Searching and Sorting

1. Searching - Types with Example C Programs | Data Structure
2. Sorting - Definition, Types, Applications | Data Structure
3. Bubble Sort - Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs | Data Structure
4. Selection Sort - Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs | Data Structure
5. Insertion Sort - Operations, Advantages, Algorithm with Example C Programs |
Data Structure
6. Shell Sort - Example Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs | Data
7. Radix Sort - Example Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs | Data
8. Merge Sort - Example Operations, Algorithm with Example C Programs | Data
9. Two marks Questions with Answers - Searching and Sorting | Data Structure

Unit V (b): Hashing Techniques

1. Hashing - Basic Concepts, Operations | Data Structure
2. Applications of Heap - Hashing Techniques | Data Structure
3. Hash Functions - Types, Function, Operations | Hashing Techniques | Data
4. Properties of Good Hash Function - Hashing Techniques | Data Structure
5. Collision Resolution Techniques - Definition, Types, Operations, Algorithm with
Example C Programs | Hashing Techniques
6. Applications of Hashing - Data Structure
7. Two marks Questions with Answers - Hashing Techniques | Data Structure

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