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OMe EEUVELLELELELELELTULLULULUUULUUEY. Genetics INTRODUCTION Genetics sexy was given W. Bateson. Genetics > Collictive dtualy op Aenedity, anol Vari ations Heredity > atucly op Sar anne %} genetic Characters from parents to aff spring's Variations > Diffexences that axe seen among Ae RE b es HR same Species. Inh oni tance > Process wich genetic characters Wee transf from pavcent do Offsp ing's For. the development oF epee Characters following Conclitions ore sxequiscect :- 1 Gene shoul be present. 2 Gene cShoulol be express. 3 For expression siritable Condition keduine Express gene. ——_ 0) > RNA ag ie CEnaigme: Substrate—> Product Genetic Charcact ez. * Characters studied ty Mendel wexe Controlled ey Kateyogene CNucleus). @Retults of reciprocal cross with change tn 2 cases DGenes pe. in Cyto plasm Ccytopiasie sriheni tance) > Genes px. on sex Chromasomes Csex. Unkage) D Gamete Cytoplass SVUYVVUDUVULUULLLLULULLULUUL EL EUUUUULY SS SVE VVUVVVYVVVUUUUUVUUUUUUUUTUUYU EVV O) Td keybriol | Test Cvoss :- [3 Monolybridl Test cxoss] CAngy & Cennard Gata et) i Cases) Phenotypic watio i- 1:4:4:4:4092421 Genotypic nodio i 124242474: 0!4+4 Uses of test Crods s- 1. To Know #he genotype oF unknown dominant indlivictuad. 2.Te Know the A4pes OF gametes formed th unknown dominant inoliviolal. Unknown Toth * (dominant) Unknown Tale x Duscvp TT, Te Ne: tt Unknown Dwonf tt Unknown Tall x Diop T; 3. Example t- Flowse%. Colowe Jin Foerden pea plant. Heterozyg... Porrsndal Gentration Fi (by Cross pollinat”) 100 % F, (by Self pollinatn) SO% 50%, Fs Cby shel pollinat”) , 25%, Fy Cy seth potuinat”) 12.5 % 6.25% NOTE :- x, ae * Self peltination increases Aamo zyaosity (Pure Aine), * Coss -polkination increases Auaterozygo sity. CONCLUSIONS OF MONOHYBRID_ CROSS _ Conclusions (xesutts) of Monohybriol Cross + LOn the basis O% results of Monohybrid Cvoss, Mendel proposeol 3 postulate: which -have been Converted inte 2 Jaws of i Postulate -I '- Postutote ine ck Of pave factors ) es} Postutate - IIs Postutote of olominance dominance Postulote - Il :- Fostulote of segregation Law of regation NCE of dominance Postulote-I Postulate of puirecl factors — eA to Mendel each Character ts Controlled bry tonite factor: e Factor Occur in the form of pairs. Ege TT, Tt Flower Colowe an garden pea plant Violet (dominant), white (recessive) Unknown violet x white | Unknown violet X white Resutt t AU flovoers ae Result $— Half op Ae foes violet, axe violet and halt oR the flowers are white, Interpretation t- Inder pretation $- Gicrovre figure Unknown flower iS Homozygous Wheteo74gous. 2. Reciprocal Cross 3- *Tt is @ set o two Crosses an which win ssecond Cxoss sex op the parents are Jee venshedl. * Mendel Conolucted meciprocal Cross to knew Ahe Whe tance Chores ct ers is endent on panettet Bee on Hot. a “ PPT EP TE PPLE TPE PT Te Otte. Coss 1 Cxoss 2 = ot e aw Pure Tots Den. Pune Tall hits ey f ee” TH (ALL Tat) Tt CAU tan) Reiult > Mendet O@btained similar srosue in beth Conclusion ®= Thhanitance @ Character ti ee fae 4 NOt olebendend ——— eee (2) Test Grogs :- Th Anis Cross A individual Cxoas with recessive parents. This Cras Very significant. ® Monohy brik Test Cnbss ¢- . ive poorent Fi duybriet Rec t je notio (PRs 434 in spladio(aR)s- ard aS) rae b) Dihybriol’ “Teat\ Croas 3 5 Jugbriol x Recessive porent Rey wey x RY Phenotypic nadie + 1:44 Ry ts natfo> 1i1:21°1 ¥ 4 Sei Tnatnitatareans iitimane re e 9. Tm Auman bei rayotonia ly stop huy WA an autosomal & dominant clisease, A noxmat mole is mndroay wi He & affectect female whose fother 11 also normal. What wilt be the probabuty of thite Chilo to be Homoz4 aous normal 2 Foner i Normal _ Muyotonia cystrophy = ie A a ee Dornjnant Recessive o g ted (Disease) (Normal) Naweral ate a a AA — affected Arena: Qa Nermat i \Schiid 2 be homozygous normal = 3 SOME IMPORTANT FORMULA FOR SELFING Trikybriol jd | Diky brie pyc ge Z AaBbCe X Aa Bbc Formule. Aa. % Aa. |AaBb xAaBb Types Of PhenotyPe| 59! =2 p= 4 | => 23-8 ype ob HYPE) =o Types Se = 3is3 |>sa9 | >a-2 Zygote Combination | => 4!=4 | eatnis |>*: oe n phere Mi NO. @B hiterozygous pow SP PLPPPLILPPP OLE EP TTT TT TTT TT ee eet VULVELVYVLYVLULEVUULLULTUUUUUTTUVUUUUYY SPECIAL CROSS 1 Back Cross s- 44, OUt Cross 4.2. Test Cross Fy ae Hi Crodsecl with any one o te shenenye (€ither. cominant o% xeceLsive parents) (amincnt) (Recessive) Ponenti ——— > Pune Tall Pune Dwarf Tati —— Back Cross| Back Cross (Out Cross) (Test: Cross) ake Tat) Two types of Back Cross t- (4) Out Cross :- Tn this Cross F MWMdividuol Cross widk dominant parent, Tn thit Cross in next bration Oo) dominant Chanacter Gre appewesd do ony type “oF anakysis 4s not possible. 6 briol ¥ Homozyqous olorminant. porent Ca) TE TT Catt) Phenoty ple Yatiot- 1 Genotypic Fabio =~ 13 ¢ oe RY. Ry ry zy rena Be Pearl Ged? 9 R Round green i- 3 Ry! Wrinikled yellow 3-3 eV wWsunkk led greens o4 wryy ‘porental=10 New= 6 PPPPOPPT TTT IPTV TT SATA TAT pPOPPPIP PLT? = 2 & TRIHYBRID cross ®A Cross done to study inhordtance op athree — Chonocters ox Aveee pairs of Contrasting traits OL a time. Parents ==> RRTITYY * wrttyy jen = ei F, genbection FU eT E Yy selfing oF Fs Fa, generation ——§~» THY > Tey. Phenotypic natioz- (371) x (3:1) x (37) | Genotypic notice (bs2iy XC2201) * lta crs) 8 DADDON ADIPOSE oe SO) he oe ha a ne kt. @ Colowe As clominand ed male Hat “4 woth 9. Tn Suman being brown ey Ovex blue e “Colows. A brown blue eyect mother This mote ts moe : ble eyed female, Find out probability oy thee Child “have brown eyed @ Mother blue eyed Brown eye (8) Blue eye Ca) bb BB, Bb bb o Brown eyed Ble Fy ey Be Bb bb yh Ibe [pe | Brown. eyed b[ be} eine eyed Is Brown eyed Child= + 9. In hamon being athinism Js an dude somal *ecedsive olisease The first Child of Nonmat povcents is abbinic, Whot will be the probability thels econo Chilol ft be albinie 2 Albitism > Autosomal seceuive clisease A a Dorninont Recessive (Normal) (isease) 9 “a enoty i= Noxrnod Nomad 9 es AG Aa OE Aa. AA — Normal Aa — Normal bat Coser) ex Sy ue Qa. Albinic Cafpected) abbinic aa. Pig A PPT PTFE TF? 27 PFT PD DIN ONO ie Oe ean ; PH 2yg0tic Combination = 2x4 = aes Solution = - This Jt Hot Ahe cose % selfing do We Can not use for mutace, ike XxX TI Re Te & TT Re HRS = Thar] Be] @. In Abe given Punnett Square A plant o Hype “H? With procluce seed with the genotype identical Lo Seed producect By the plant op _ ® M iret G) type P a Tube N Genotype R ‘HW’ is YyRR Therefore gt is fdleutical to Abe gretqre RN, Ava = (4): WVU VD UVUYYUYVYVYUVYYVUuBTnDOuveevCeUVeYeeaee 8A plant with genotype AaBs Us elt pollinated - Find owt :- GQ Types Of phenotype s- 2"=2'= 2 QDTypes of Genotype i- 3"= 3!- 3 @) Zygotic Combination ?- 4%= 4'= 4 @ Phenotypic saatio 3:4 G) Genotypic ROLIO - 13254 fae Boe ie Thin Us e We Can use fa ee or m= ne, % Aetexozygous joains Here, fis. Cone hirbria ross) Aa xX Aa BB x BB [Aa [oa] @. A pea plant with genotype TERY Ab Cyossed with TTR*. Find out @) Phenotypic moatio c= 4% 3:4 C324) (2) Types of phenotype a, @ Genotypic patio: Cit) Cl i224) Cag tea w Types 9 Genotppe =e PPD LALIA DODO DMA A a) A nen on Ron te me RUVULL OULU ULLLLULECUCCUCEE UL ULL UU YY Qin gorden pea plant talines is clominand ae ie, dwoxfress and sound seed shape (R) ts dominant Wrindleol Cx), A Cross WW TERY and Terr genotypic plant, Find out Probodbti ty % Offspring's which dave :- DTattniss with round seed shape—3xh= 3 @) Dworfners with wrinkled s€ed Ahape—1 1-4 az 8 (3) Phenoty pic wotlo. Tall :Dworf Reund : wrinkled Caza) ¥ (25 3g @Ty pes of “phenotype. ie He dnfor aelging ons =~ RT ote ee Re irr See toe @ Types of Genotype Serie ted © Genotyp ie rotio 6 @ Zygotic Combination 43 AE 24 pax2=8 TER x Tere TH RTE te ag H qa 2 “fetal a Cross bo AaBb and aaBb genotypic plant. the satio % Aage, AABb, 20.Bb,aabb .n ofpspring ROVE a esa aed Carosraia. @) 4:1:2:2 1b th 0.8 x Bb Ag X aa. ae Bb b a “ae ete] aaa | b| ae [bb | AoB8 : AABb? aaBb : aabb - eileen areal oxe 2 gxz t ax myrahratevkkeenenanena pape u = 4 : ee ee SuSE ; rote © Rete fn. 09 Pw. BLVLELLELOSLUULELVEVELULULULULUEUELUUUNUYY with othe GA plant with genotype DdEe 48 Crossed ab ity plant chavin genotype Dilee. Find out pre 9 Offspring’ which howe pollaiarag genotgpe ° i @Ddee qwopdee Ui) DDEE x OdEe x Paes DE GA plant with genoiype RRHhGe Is Cyossed with other plount Aaving qunotgre wrbhGg and proouce 800 Offsprings. Find out number oF offspring's which have | following genotype 2- GQ) RehhaiG:— txbdxg = $x 800 = (00 @RRUhGG—s oxhx2 =0 @RethGg puta Ze 3x 600-200 8.In F, genrasion of dhitybriol Cross, what a the. Probabitity of ofyspring's which Que 2~ Homozygous for both Characters -- Gi) Helerozyqous fox both Chaseacters:- 4 6 ) Homozyaous fox one Chanacter and Aakerozygous fox another character - 2 (iw have pheno eg he Sirlese to porents :- 2. OO) Aewe qeretype Birulase te posrents 72 Wi) howe neus genotypic Combinakion :- \big Wi) have new Phenotypic Combination :- 64, Wi) howe Phenotype Aimilase 40 Fy i- He (i) Fave qenotgpe similar to F, - Fg Lescents Round yellow wrinkled green RRYY wryy Se = fe ——> [RY] Moun yon pa RRY tinge [Round yellow > 9 me : Porantal, Round green — 3 RR Yy— 2 Neo wrinkled yellous->3 RxYy—> 4 [tovinkled green > 1 RRyg—> 1 |! fe Rryy — 2 wrvy— 1 wry — 2 GPSLALAY SLT LLL TL TP TIE te Otte ang MUVULAUULLELULLUCUUCCCULUC ELUTE UU Us 9 ao a Aa 7° ese A a [i hae | Aa. | Basie LS TAlbi aie Ch des % @ Tn human Aeing disense. A norm male is aUbinism 4s an autosomal wecestive jou male tas affected father, Trius with a female whose fatner is also Off PcLeot but mother ts tomoz: gous Normas, Wheat wilt be the Probabitity, % their Chill to be Corer er 2 Albinism :- Autosomal Secessive disease AA — Normat &—> Normal bud Coovrier Do TALBr Ar Coffected) ~Aifscted Father affected: Pepe Aa lS peeaes Child = o wwuvvwv ww ey VvuvVvVVUVUUVUVVUUVUVUUUUUUYeUVUeUeYeVeTeUTU Pure Violet x white WW ww ea Pe W [ii] Violet Ws X why W W . S rae a es White 8.In Auman being brown eye Colour is oclominaxt Over blue EYe “Colour. What will be the genotype % brown eyect poveents, thay Aasie blue eyed Chila 2 a a “4 @ 8a xbs Brown eye (8) Bue eye (b) @) Bb x bb 88,64 bb \V@T Bb x Bb G@) bb & bb 2 os Bron, eyed Brown eyed , Bb 38.85 Blue eyed bb PostutoteI¥ + | au of Independent Assortment Dinky eric at Character 1 Choxacter 2 Seed Shape : Seed colowe lo Round (R) wriniciesl Cx) Yellow Cr) reer (y) Rownol, Yellow ¢ Round green > Wrinkle, yellow Wrinkled, greer 5 3 i 3 $ Round + wrinkle! Yellows Green 1254 42:4 aes 3st git x 11 <— phunotypic ratio Qa sck Gsm 2 aD Cree 4) fiarar2ia@iartiais pnpipPrPrrPPRPP PP MMPP PoP pyeownt s¢.4 6009 "In F, Generation 3:1 ratio is obtained due 40 * (D Dominance I, x Fy (2) Segregation Tt Tt cotton sage iff ft Ti) eae || Se Ca) | (rat) , é Tt Bi ail Cott) | Divonf ’ ‘ » ® > > > 3 a > a » . 2» 9In F, Generation cluonp plant iis obtained due to: o L) Se i ge ® eqregation a 2 e 2 2 e 2 2 a > » ® , 5 > ’ ' { Gwor Con not be Explained on the toaris F Mendlel's Lau. of dominance 2 VAY Factors never Show blending - — Leu of Aegregastien @ Factor accurn in the form Of pours 3 é j: ae CTaeiieh ey 48 Controlled by Whit fictor Lows B 4) Out of one por o% factor one js olominart) factor whereas Other 4s Recessive facton. at | BVUPPVvvVvVVVVUVVVUUVUVUVUUeUeUEeuuUuuuyVN SS Sa es RRYY 1 ReYY 2 RRY4 > 2 1. Phanoty jaic Re Yy 34 RRyy—> a YY ot 5. No. Zi veYy > 2 * oF 244 rae 3 Typea of Phenotype = ges Rayy 2] THR 6f Crermtype «t= 2 Genotypic ratio _ In ihagbriol Cross, in genotgPe : If both poins are samoleg- | 24 JOU i 1 times eTf one pairs Js Aramozyqous Mra Other is pete zyqous Ahan 3-2 times ef bath pairs ane tetero- Zyqots t= 4. times gakio- Faced: a Genotypic ratio Whi gidassre ‘£32 Pag =) otes = 47242. 16 Postulote-W» Low of Independent Assortment ®Tt us basecl on gentrotion of ik biel Cross. eWhenr two 0% mone characters Anbar tod simultan- Sous Ly Phon. inhorwtance oF One Chornacters |; fEOM Other Channcters, and one Character qust Like in Mohokypbriat pattern, nadlebenct inhooi tate QUESTION OF MONOHYBRID CRoss__- Q.An impure tea pea plant is crossed with Disasy plant. This CxoSs produce 200 offspring’s. Hoo m of then howe pure tall avid! eluoourf Plows, Peespectively ? (1.0200 Tmpure tall X Dworf @) 100 100 Tt tt @) 150.50 + \ 0.100 T [re |< impure to 4 <— Dworp Ls Pure tnt=0 \ Durant = 4200 =100 Q what wilt -be gorotype: GB parental garden pea plone if oa Produce 44 tat 15 oloonf offspring s? err RTT aS Te xe TT Ket govt rst damp ee eee n are ls PPT I A ADIN IO MINA neke se scuane ey? aul tall Tat: Duoxp ren : Talk Duzanf) Son & 45244 45 ies: @. In garden peo plant.a purxe violet flower plant is Cxossed with white flower plant. Tn A generation 1000 Offspring'S axe Obtainecl. How mont oF tem shoae_ CG) Pure flowered plant = 2xi000 = 500 ay (2) Impuxe violet flower = 2 x1000= S00 @ white flower=1xio00= 250 DIHYBRID CROSS ___ SA Cross done to Study inhotu tance hae Z Characters o% four Contrasting trait at hae Mendel performed. clkybxid Cxnss to Knew tne aniy intexoction among Ahe. Chanacters oluran a the. inhontance. * Mendel never performed alt possible 21 Uny riot Crosses of F Chonacters. Two character of t Ganon: avaits Round CR) — Dominost (ceed rae Z beats wrinkled (x) — Receive 2 Seed Colour. ——— ello CV) — Domincuer Green CY) — Recessive Parents => Rounol Yellow ~ wrinkleol gyeer RRYY wryy rose ro =R-¥= RY in & Fy Generation > RvYy Round yellow [suping RF A SF AVVULLVELULULLLULULUUUUUUUE UU 7L0N Lo Ais one gamete Kecessive only ene Polcto% Of the Luse factors, ao gametes are alvoays pure. wUndex nNoxmat Condition this Lou is tnd versodly Applicable. Rane G2eC ebtion t- Non- oligjdnotion Abvormal AAP PPrPppPpnn Dos De Be fala. 7 ea eae ee Ne nee UR OE EE SS EE ee ee PostuLate-II- Postulate of dominance — “a Th Case o dissimilar unit factors Chebermzy pos» One Unit factor is able to express ttrete Lt 1% Catlect Dominant unit factor whereas othe. wilt factor fail zt» express itsely it is Callecl Pecessive Unit factor. Pune Tah X Pure Dworf oe es Hetero zyaous—> TE Tau Dorni nowt a \ Recessive toate factor Exceptions of Law of dominance 1 Incomplete dominance 2. Co- dominance Reot X white AYA, oX AzAL RR rr ii Pibitk. Postutote-II + Law of degregation/Law of purity A gametes. When Awo bAsimilox factors “pr. An on Organism then t= 1. Factora never show oy -blencling (mixing)<—nerge 2. Durning gamete formation oath factors sSeporrate Cross- 5 = “pal FE, Genweation > 2 AML Tatl Selfing F, - Genesation > (read (ra ep rate Fred] (re (ose fr] Tall | Dwoxf pela 7 ae Gs 2 avee — = VS SVUVUYVVUUVYUVUVYUUUVUULULELUULTUULLUVUUVY UU 77 Point tp Keep 3- avne a Keep + Monohybrid Cxossi- A cross clone to sStucly ithodtance op ON€ Character on two Const wasting tyouts at a Lime. ‘ ce Toso Soll lai ila Const rasting Dwanf| traits One chanacter MONOHYBRID CROSS _ o Panents > Pure Tak » Pure Dwarf sre tt Inet —— qT t F4 Generatioy ——> TE (Ait Tatt) melting \ Fe Bt Tate _ Tall Tt at PP POPAI2T2 22a FFI |) A) A A en nn ne ew ek ee Q wap is a Comeect presentation allele 7 ed, od EE Non homolog ut Ans: C4) "Unmodified altete/ witol altele/ oniginat Bipess eAllele which Js px. in notuxe from starting. * Generally, unmodified allele Ls dominant attete «Modified allele 3 ° Formed. uy Mutation. . : s Generally mootifiesl altele 1b cecetsive allele. ith unmodified if F read Bllet's : Unmodified — Maduified RNA ae bb after ie (Normal enzyme) ie ludion ‘Hen ¢ et Chromosome. Dominant (orrginal) Phenotype a IPI) Fa 2 Fo FOF a2 PP A) A RN A en ce ne VYUVECVVUVVUVULUUUUULULUULTUUECLTUUYVUUUYY waialy | Fatea Tt Cram) (Tau) Ay Genrotion _— Tt eb ie (Takk) (Diary) Con clusio F Genwzntion ¢- (Phenotype Ratio Tall : Dwarf Siig d @) Genotype matio t- Tr: TEs tt fy ae @) Types of Phenotype 2° 72M 29!) = 2. a Ty pes of Genotype sa erg 5p ) No. of 2g qotes/ off spring Sy Paglag © Pure Talk - 44 G) Impure Tall = 2% @ Puxe plants :- yy, n= haterozygoxtic amt MENDEL'S EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUE ._%o Steps &1, Formation of true breeding/ pure tine Choro zygous). \ ' eMenolel sbelectet 14 true breeding Vasdeties oF goeder. pea plant. a Mendel olevelobet True ‘breedtin Variety op arden pen plot fay Continuo abel f= Pollination anol selection. Fue Fe F txt +# yee F F—poesn ee ee flower before motwit,, Tt 18 done to prevent adel pollUnation. (b) ing > With paper bag do as to prevent a eon Cx0SS d itination. ) Tagging > Emasculated and baggect flower ane e “44 bn ed by writing date nd time oF evr Steps. SPLIT IL AT IT ETT PNT PO 4 4 ee BELELELELELELELLELELEELUECUCECOCLLeretvve SR eee a iohankienls- Mandal asad tou *“ Element” ox. “Facto” 4 Sea ment RF ONA that is responsible fox Thpeweance oF Choracters, Ly Seament DNA that generally Aynthesizes RNA and protein, Gene:- Unit of inhaxitance Chenti catty gene is :- DONA TALL genes axe DNA but all DNAs oxe not gene. | gee > RNA—> Protein > Choxgeter ¢ Heigut) a eo as —> Colo we (choxactex o Alleles :- Altecnaute forms of a gene tk Callecl atlele, Allele axiSe clue to mutation, Allele. fr ot same Jocus on Aromolegous Chromosomes, evolution Recessive Dortivicnt > RNA a ove | 2 a 2 Pratein | Not a i AmKeIA express woe poy Hornolag ous { { yi [Desert] me Homo Chromo Some SSS ESUYVECVEVULULUYLELELELULEGLEULEULEOCUYY RNA —> Normal erzyme/ Less efficient wai eal sag Moddifiec allete [TEE Dorainant Rak 3 case 1 ; RNA —> Non- ho enzyme } (apes Fl oa [Bua Receuive RNA— No ehayme at atl Conclusion $- eg Ontoctigieat allele = Unmodified allele (Dapp eacesive @ond® Modifieol allele Unmodified allele © Homozygous /Pure/ Trane - breeding fe Presence op two sbimilar auleles of a gene ina liplotol Organism, a TT tt ° Het ewzy qous/ Impure Presence op tio oliasimilor Glleles oF a gene anh Ow oliplotd Owgans m, Fo Tt, qT t eo ° ob Tn olipleik oxganiom, presence o Alngle allele a gene. d t 4 i we Eq genet pr. on X and ¥ Chromosomes of human male 5 2. 2 2. 2 - e Dominant Altete e Recessive Adsele Allele. that Covr +e sxpress aucle that Con expyers both in homozygous anol ee Aeterzygous Condition. i, any Fae T attele a Dominant Alieke Homozy oie T.) Tee . ae Heterozygous Te Tall #t Bubasef Recessive Trait vy Receive Autele ta a Cs ‘Ss nha pp PPPA PPP Pp PrP rer P PPP PP Tyg Saeew MULLULULULEULLELELUCUUUL EEC ULC eee uEN., 8. wof is dominant alls and Recewive allele, & 'f We Cross R=Red and Rls yellows 2 iven $- RR = Red = RR! = yellous RIR's yellow) NM tralt Ri» Dominant abtele. R> Receive allele * Phenotype + Genotype &- | The external abpearnce The gerttic Constitution/ ag Ovganisn for O peceti— genetic MOUKe— ep op arn oe Character, Oxganism for O& porticular & * Talt/ Dusarep Character. Eg: TU /T/ te be ~ To Duar ol te {et a Phenotype *Phenocopy &- When two clifferent genotype place under clifferent environmental Conditions cunol develop Limilar. -phevotibe , Bay Oe Collect plenocopy oF each other HISTORY OF RESEARCHES IN GENETICS __ Gregor Tohan Mendel: Father 9 Genetics. WW). Bateson = Father % Modern Orenetics He proposet vourious teum Like Genetics ,Albete, F 5 Homozygous, Heterozygous. et egw. T.-H. Morgan:-Fathex of Experimentar genetics L, He pexformed experiment on Drrogophilsa.. He proposed Various Concepts Like Linkage, ; Sex Linkage, Crpssing Ove, Criss — Cross inhodtance. & genes Ovee Aineardy ouranged PPP PPT, Ts. Le ebuggesteot that On Chromosome . A. Goxxod t- Father @ human genetics anak L Biochemical qenetics. He discovered first Auman metebolic genetic olisonder je Alkaptonwao . [Black tune oliseasé] oeeppppp SOME GENETICAL TERMS *Chaxacterx Any fectuxe op an org ouism. eg: Stem eight , Flower Colour 727) Variable form 0% Q Character. eg: Tath/ Dusorf ; Tou eo. Catt CTrait) eight Cohi @ linkage :- Occur when genes present on Same Chromosomes 4: A and D genes ™ Segnegation/ clisjunction i Separation op Ahomolegus Chromosomes oluxing merosis ds Called Segregation. % Non- oléisjunction - > Any mistake clearing Separation of Chromosomes 4s “Called non- obisjunction. Tt > Seqregation Fe Segregation Ae Linkage TR Linkage é TE —> Indeperdon? assortment te — Independetd assortment nee al ee let iy ei OP SPS is 4 i ir) Gy ey Gi i) a ine ee ek te ee PLETLELULVELELTELUELELELCECLTCUELUUTLUULLELUUUY Total genetic material -porent in o& monoploial Chaploid) Coll oF an organism, Seep? Gel> Gaeta feaan \ N base + Sugate + Phosphate Se geegationy disjunction :- Homolo gous Chromosomes Linkage M Independent otsortment :- : Occur When gers pruent on ron- homotoqus Chromosonces , oF A and B gets net GF BARR Qoten 7 9 = aBD= A Re Spee Sd =a8d=¥ S.A plant with genotype RROdEG -produce gametes. Find oud ree iis % gametes Which Contain RDE geno, pe 2 “4 E=RDeE= yy) om Se €=Roe=y, oe e=Rde = yy TRICK = — RRDd ce he RD & riots = = GA plant with grote pe: Rete Gig PE produce gametes. ie Find out probability © gametes which Conta following quiotype ct (1) RTGF _ Relig er @) vigf © RT YF @ rTaF dxbrtet aed TTT iri te an ete tata Note Tt XTE ——— Selfing/ inbyeeding Blawd te Plant 2 . Hybrid Vigour/ Heterxosis 3 + Suberionity op tybricl offspring Over both of its parent, This Js cle to Aretoozyqosity. fonent Poxent AAbb aage ee ois AaBb CHybrid Vigour) Dominant Traik —> 2 eInbseeding depression %- + Lost op Hybriol Vigour clue. to dnbreeding / Selk- pollination ds Collect inbreeding olepression. ¥ cpl ae Gu wae) 5 Tabreetin/ Oabb pp) Fae a FF 293 Ps DH} FD) Wy to ko Menkes SA ke kw nn ee Dominant Trait — © (By chence) ES VV VU VU VET UE UU ETUC UU UU Ue : se aaBB ~ Gam etes Grametes Ag aB os [seas [oass ] MENDELISM ___ ° Gregor. Johann Menolel (1822 -1884) 3- : He wor bor on july 22,1822 of Sidesian village, Heinzendorp state in Austria. Mendel worked Jn A tian Monastery os Monk ot Birunn City A trio. Mendel performect ye eee experiments on anden hea plant (Pisum pbativum) for. % yearns (1856-1863). — Work started - 1856 work Completed :- 1863 Wor published + 1865 # yrs * Without Recognition op Ais work, te dhied in 1884 due to a Kidneg olisease [erignt's disease] —e After 16 yrs Mendel's death. in 1990 Aus -postulat Were secliccovereot 3 sient. i i a ya by ist Bwcorsing inclpen- 1, Cart Coroens Grexmany) > Maize plant, 2. Hugo de Varies (Holland) —> uot Primerose plants 3. Exich Von Tschermate (Auatria)—» ditt flowering plant ' (@) Se Rett Garr e y f Gs VATNGeF tatxtxo =o dytedyte dt @.In human both mate and femute have similar autosomal genetipe AaBb and both Contain a x Ainkedd gene ‘d'. Find out Probab lity a fee Proolace in :- yd (4) Femote Contain ‘abd? genotype St xa @mate Contain “Abd? genotype. a Aa Bb + xdxd a ee i A 1 axget et sy . Genotype of Male s- @ AaBh + xX?y ae Aub ae ddd = 3 @.In heumon both mate and female have dindlar outosomal 2 UXTt and both Contain a x Ainded gene “h’ Fink out percentage q gametes produce in s (1) Female Contain “x TH? genotype. Q) Stole Contain © rth? genotype. ¥rTE + xx ee TET X*Y WM YtH oF Seen ; ey eas dulne 20 *Bh ar fx l00= 25, g W.Of is Correct presentation % gamete which As foxomest in oh ploio Sigaraany 2 QA b He Re Q)AA Bb Hh Ee x WIA bHEw @ a bb HH ex PUNNET SQUARE/ CHECKER BOA edeveloped by Bxitish geneticist, Reginald C. Punnet. ort us ad Sea representation tp Caleutate the | | -Probebidity op LL possible genotypes op offspring 4 | a genetic C3044. e US an Punnet Squcxe the mate gametes Lie Aonizentatly anc female gametes Le Genetoalty. “ wee 9 ux a é Hi ee cfr] | Gomeel | Te tt Gamites e[ re | aoa el gs Tt = 2 ta 2 AABAPA PHIM HH HDT 89 1H 9 88 Ae os tence Tn F,- Generation + D) Phenotypic Modio —[3 4 G14 @ Genotypic Fatlo~ (222204505 1:24 @DTypex of phenotype ~ anti Or, anz4+1 = 5 ybes of Genotype = 8N => gto g © Zugotic Combination» 49 42216 Ox» OF porental plow - EX 100 = 12 Sy. GRAPH Continuous Veriation. Bell Shabed Cuxve Sanne No. Of dominant allele \z & uman skin Colour —>» 3 polygene's > Studied by Davenpovt. = Contwolled by 3 polygene's’ AB’ and ‘c’. Porumt —=—> Max!” exbyession » Min™ expression AABBCO | aabbee NEN ES Black White Aa - AaBbCe Titewmediate/ Brown/Mulatto TO eee UWE UU UU UYU ewe CVECCUVYVuuvdev @ kernel Colowe Of wheat > dtucli eol doy Nidssor.~ Ehle , > Controlled fay 2 polygene's ‘A’ and ‘@! Parent Max? expwession neinm expresso AABB aabb Peel F\~ Genevation ——— AaBb inde tiedices . [a F,- Generation ——>AaBh X AaBb AABB Phenotype aat Red ( Parentet) £ Light ae 4 Intexmecliote ce. |e Feol eel seal ai 4 Se white _( Porweted’) 1 DPAAADLAAALO POPP DD ALA DAA DN DOI DD Dade > p POLYGENTC/ QUANTITATIVE iNHARITANCE > Lh this dnhostance one quantitative Chanactex 44 Controtledt ky more than one gene. P _- gene © > 4 Character = qere® = a qe® ~ we othe phenotype 4 clependext on number op cloninant ~» allele. ®Each dominant allele Contribute in development o phenotype: eMaximum expression is obtained when alk dominant Olleles of out genes must be pr. together. ®In thu inheritance phenotype is sighly influenced by envizonment. s Types R Phenotype t- 2n¢t Types Of Genotype s- 3” Zygotic Combination 2-4" Example ¢- @ Kexnalt Colour OF Wheat —> 2 polygeneis @) Human Skin Colour —» 3 polygene's ©) Human height —> 5 polygenes @&) Humor intelligence —> 25 polygine's * Father of Polyg eric inheritance: —~ Kelveuter NAVY OOSAEUENUUOREUUEee eee Some Example $- ) Mitochonetxicel inheutanee Mole sterility AN MOUZE plot.) ; : I) Plastiol inheritance DAlbinisr (Colowders Cond”) in Certain Plants > Gene for albinism is founol win Chloroplast. > Gene for. atkinism tn Conn /maize uit Lethal ee chlor phyt) ly mutation = b) Branch Colowz/teaf Coloux in Mirabilis falopae First Case mie Inheritance 20 be oliscovered hy Commens, Branch Colour in Mirabidis Jalepa i a Green Pate. Vaswegaitedt Due to presence Due to presence Que to presence of We Of Chlovoplast Of Leueoplast both chloroplast and Leucoplase. © eee Chloroplast Leucoplast PLAAILAIADAL TLL III TESTIS IP eee eee. | ¢ Pade | ® \ GD a © sine Pate or Pale/Gree MRE ane Verdegated /Pale/ Green AAA ANARARAARARR EVER ED WEED ELLE $ QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE CHARCT.© Quokitative Chonacter Quantitotive Character. This Chonacter is not dth- This chanaeter Ja dependeite €nelent on nurther R On number o% dominant dominant attetes, es Genotype eet Height eet ad] a pe She Pa eee 7 z aa | 180 on 4 tt ) S on | Eqi- Sickle Celk Anaemia Ean PAAALLAPE LLL ATA IES AI Ty eee VVVUVD YD DVD VW UU WU UO Ue CUT ee © Gomete toplasnue frthosti tance 2- Sho. 0 ea female. Zyaote (Next gene...) Discoveredt by Coxl Co xrens in Minabilis jolapa. Inhanitance of those chonacters which axe ; Controllect Ay Cytoplasmic genes 14 Caltect Cytoplasmic inkordtance, En pr. ut Cytoplasm is Called Cytogene/ nie aii gies cA Cytogenes One pr in Ceth organelles Like mitochondsi (mitogene) anol plasticl Cplastagene), Sum total al dhe ener pr. tn @ Cott is Cottedt ayers 4 Since Zyqote weceives most of the Cytoplasmy from femete gamete, so Cytoplasmic inheritance us also Called as maternal IMhhaxitance. ii Recessive Epistansis > , Th thus ingexoction secessive. culele of episitetic gene, Suppresses the expression of Gthee non- OLLetic gene. ae Coot colour in mice _ [Gene c] ee Albino = sae Aged CLAS Agouti @® esses ccA_ + & i (8) Albino (a> Recessive pe C_aa i Black (3) eae Epistasis ee Bleek (Albino (4) Phenoty pie Ratio i- 9:3:4. Genotypic Ratio %- pean a Vest CYTOPLASMIC INHARITANCE w Also Cathe exdranuclead /mateujal inhonitance. 8g gp gan DRM Cee oreaete VOLULULVVYVYUOLVLOLALUUUELLTEUUTECTCECULUUUUYY Dominant Epistasia t- uae Tn Ahis interoetion olominant allele of epis gene duppresses athe expression Of Othe Non- attetic gene. Egt- Fruit Coloux vin summer squash (Cucurbita pep) Epistati 2 W Dominant yellows reer t os > w Recessive x 4 Supwessex We Years = Wises. white Dori nant ar = yetts eplstagis eWerea a /: oe cee W_yy ayeéh white wHyy = green CROSS $- white Green. Porrent > WWYY wwyy F,- Generation 7 Ww Yy (white) selfing m Wy Hay Fy => WLYL weyy _ on wee diate — ns Grab Phenaty pic Ratio :- 12: 3:1 (yenoty pic [EL Ss WENO IE: Oi INP Ne sy ab Non- Allelic Tnteraction:- 1 COMPLEMENTARY “GENE @Th this inderxaction 400 Yon- atlelic OhE Character. gene nequiate For dhe development o dominant troit the clorminant alleles of both qeres must be pr. together, Ab i wide eat in" nBceieeupeesien, tM BAe! Exounple :- Flower Colow. of Aathysous doloratus (Sweet pea) Flower Colowe is Controlleot hy two genes 'C’ and ‘P’. C_P_3 purple Coloweed ae C_pp = Coloweless (ushite) CcP_ > Colowxless (whites CCbb 2 Colowxless (vohited Biochemical bosit Of Colour production :- i (iene P RNA RNA Substvate EMzyme , Chaomagen. Enzyme, antnoc Onir Cpuxpie Color VUVULNUSELVULUULELULUUUUUUE LEE EL EU UUeY CROSS 3- Ponent ———-s, Pumple = = White CcPP cepp ‘y CsPp (Purpie) Selping CsPp x CsPp ae —= CP Cpp eeP, a i @) (a) @) G 4D) 2 % Phanoty pic. natlo - 9'7 Fenots pic matio - [:2:2:4:(:28b21 Q with respect to flower Colour of Lothyrous Odoratous genotype op a plant Vis CePp. Thia plant is Crosseot with Copp qretype plant. Find out probabtit } purple and white flower respectively in Offspring's 2 CsPp X Ccpp Py x ae Purple Coloux. t= C_P— Ryle Lydxte cols White Coloux = 1- Coloured Lv] Sage rs In $a 8 2 EPTSTASIS. Tr Anis Gndecoetion one ae ollelic qere suppresses ¢ OF prevents Abi phenotypic expression 9 A dhe other | | eee Sige rs one gave on aoe PPP eeteo.a.2.e Epistatic postatic oe que oa, gene. @Epistatic gene = Gene which inhibit Ahe expredsion o% another qaies a) Hyposiatic gene Gene whose expression As mirage ee Epistasis ws of 2 types - iSDorminant epistasis :~ ipRecessive epistasis t- PPAAPDL PV. neonprnmaesase epee VUVVUYVUYUYDUVUUYYDUYUUUUUUYUUTELTeCUUUYsSe Genotype - Hb*/ HBF HEHE" - Normal CoM co , (co- dominance rs HEF 3 but Comcden/trait op alckle Celk cura Hb-HE :- Normal en ae 2 HOHE * Sickle cell anaemia Se ea = c 9 aan oie HBPHES x BABS Sickle Shape RBC Hove and igi ——> Slovo blood == organ RBC Circulation len : [Anoemeic| Shoxt Life Span > RBC deatn|\ = Of RBC 80-i00 days Rest nea \ asd Oo. aia) C) = Maula o. mabe ’ ’ , GA pure round eel shape pea plant 44 jie » With Wrinkled seed shape plant anc produce Fa generation, Tn F, genexation & p QDwninkled deers axe obtained P Alorge sizen starch grains one obtained P MS) Meclium dizen starch : grains ORE obtained > BDsmay Aizen storch grains one obtainedt a BB- Lege Puxe Round X Wweinkcleol nee 8b Medium BB bb “Wirinkled 64 — gmat — Bb Rouncl medium OMost of genetic disease - |. Phenylketonuria ——> dtu Il. Stewie cett anaemia Sickle Cell anaemia %- *Autosomal secessive cisorcder ®In Anis olisease 6 amino acicl oF beta Chain of haemoglobin tk Changedt (Glitamic acid to Valine) clue. to point Ciene) mutation] Substitution/Transversion. Tn Henrie Healin of disease, *Gene of betn chain is Locatect on Chromosome Aumber 11, - eee abet bY a Point HBS . silane ens Abnoxmol Hb. % [ Hb, [Muctont. RUVVNDO DULL UNL UL UU UU UNE UN eke NVNLRUGEUVELULULLULUTUUCUUUUUUUUU UU UE j GA mon % ‘A’ blood group mores a woman % ae ‘blbod group, which type of blood group in the ae Wolo indicate that Ane man Ja hetero z4gous 2% Fei fate [aye Case 4 o AB Case 2 a8 i418 oe AB Is a (mye (Al [ris a6 A Ale AB CF Homozygous" + A.A aa ae O""Heterezyqous ay Aa(a) Ag 4. PLEIOTROPIC GENE __ ®A gene which Controls more than one character. ® Pleiotropic gene produce multiple phansty bic effects, Pleiotropic, Gene_ @In Pea plant - Flower Color. Te Coat cola. gy { Rea apot on teat ani Plelotropic: dene. a Wo Q Father is twterozygous fe ig AB. How many typer oF blood group Damaged que -possible in this Cress genotype oun ol a x Heterozygous AB (AB 1h Gametes => Ie GA Child's blood group is ‘0! His parents blood group Can't be_ 6 £0 ale oC ‘ ae Resa! P poe ro @AsB le de | Child 0 G. Whot will se the -phenoty pe enol genotype op poscentas ames e blood: group Ra (feng Ut which alk fowe blood group axe present Jn Ahele Chiloeen 2 awe y rt iS chitd. ‘Ae AB fo! ms ite Phenotype ARB Genotype —> aie |8/¢ 2 A blood group ound Phenotype > 3 Genotype > 4 pes PALAIILIITLLLLAGL DIGS DADA DDD DELL ED AD OCiNG ie nee NVNVAN WO LNUULUNUUUEULECUUEUUU EU Yee @ MULTIPLE ALLELES ee * Presence moxe than two alleles of a gene. *Multibie alletes cure Locatect at same locus on Homologous Chromosome. *Miultipte alleles anise olue to Muut ation. fon the sino) op mutiple atletes population stucly js euentiat. ®In @ diploid inolivioluct : ) atu muutiple atlele 44 Not possible becouse a spre itaivetiet rowe. Only maximum twos attete RB a gene. *In Case F Multiple alietes number of attetes in _ Diploid inclivicuol —> 2 Gamete sai Poputetion —> All posible Types of genotype = Hénst). “> ruenb ex. 9 olleles T Individual 1 Incliviclinad 2 ‘ ; T (Mr 7 ae 2 alleles 3 alleles groupe “genotype = TE Th oe: a TE Pobutotion atkuct rm te Pp ‘ation Soe Fat ane Ge b ABO blood group in Auunour - 3 alleles . * ABO bloool group ua Wscovereal hy Land. Steine= * Blood group is Condeolled by T gene, and tht pene Adcatecl on Chromosome no, 9. ‘ eI gene xequiate attachment of BUG Oe rnolecule © On the edunface of RBC, ® © 7his gene Aras three attetes 3- (* 18 1° ] gene aay eT ey : a ie IP Dominant Dorainaint: Recessive Consepts +6 tunderdtanol 3- N-acetyl I allete TF Allele pce ac tasers PLIITT IIIT TT ETETOLL GL LALLA T DPD Rh Ted ignia ia VUVUVVUVEVEVOYLUUUUUUUUUUTUU EV UUUUUY I? Allele Glyco Aipiol Antigen ‘absent’ Bloook group ‘o? IAI® Allele (lyeo — Lipiel + = Giycolipin RBC eee ane ae Qlycobipiol digg Ardigen‘8? Blood group AB Phenotype plore | Menetybe Tn ABO blood Group a [pee hee 7 je + 3 ats Genotype 36 By EE Nel Phenotype —> 4 Dorminance —> App As | TRS Co- Dominance — Ajp)ty 0 Py Muntti ple Abb Incomplete — Not Dorninance ular (b)Th Peo. plant +- bade . BB» Roun Bh = Round bb - wrinkled Conclusion Of above example :- Dominance ik Mot an autonomous (sel}) feature OF & gene, Tt dependent on :- ® Product op gene @) Post prrtere p @ Cchonacter) that we choose do examine Cebtuaoly) in Case of pleiotropic gene. , j MP ITO ANALG OO Ca.9 Explanation 2- z D @ eupress gi x a ; 5 ¥4[P} > product ® PA A ff ff A ef fa fa Q.In a clihy brit Cross, when one pain @% alleles @hous inconplete oominance and other pav= ceed Complete dominance, the phenotypic seatlo Cores 7 E gentrodion pees ies pak ; 5 bans Nase be Sot aed RUSTY pie OSI adage Qa vores test I)Tncomplete olominance (4:27) @) g:a:a:4 i} Complete dominance (3:1) het a) aonggg So, phenotypic satin Consiolerin, both Ahe quus Fog ether will ve (G24) x GES) Sr teceraes st 9. generation in a Mendelian Cross showed thot both genotypic anol Phtnoty ple ROHOS OE ame GS £254. Tt supresents a Case of .- CW) Monohybeia Cross with Complete dlordinanceX 2 Manohy briot Cross with -incompleke dominance @ Co- dominance a Dikeng bowie Cross X pt A INONDIE DASA ITAA ae PSR: TE . ©) AB blooo group in duuman. (11 )= => > 4 8 > as => ~ RBC ~ Pa NCERT ate = C)Corrier (Trait) of Sickle cell anaemic (Hb*HE) ‘tod ~ CH =i = POINT To Keep 2 i Co- Dominance Complete — Incomplete - rm — Dominance Doni nance. (etd Red X white Red white | Red & White redsniute P Alt Reck Pink ene Famer] PR= 1:2it PR= 3:1 PR=1:2it GR=L12:4 GR=1:2:1 GR=1:231 NAVULDG EUR LERULUE eIn this inheritance Phenotypic and genotypic Ratios axe obtained tire same. Example t= @Coot Colowx in Catile’s ‘- oo Black X pohite 88, 4 BB, F-Gen. ——> B,B, (Roan) Lea) (Roan) (Roan) BBs ES Mosaic Phexoty pid 20410 }- Black | Roan’ white : amiga? ea Genotypic motio ;- B,B,; B,B2 > B28; at 2. Sod. PPPAPIAA LILLE ILLITE PLL DDL AD LT DD OO Ne oh HA Bae aa > doiNeter > &)Flower Colour in Antixrhinum mojius / Snapolna,ger/ 5 CSVVUVVYEVVVYVVYUYVVUVYUUUVUUUUUTLCULUUUYY Dog flower. Re (tl) Fi Generation ——> (Ail Pink) Jf © Feather Colowe in Andalusian fowl. Black xs white BB bb PF, - Genexation ——>Bb (Alt Blue) WVVPVVVVUVUVUVUYUUVYVwOUVvUeWwUuUVuTHeVuYe Yee §. Tn Mixabilic rect (aR) anol white (xt) flower Produces F, generation. Now F, gentxation as fest Crossed and pxroouce 200 offspring's. hows mony % them one reol, pink nol white flowexedt *eSpectively os Red X White RR ve Boe Ry (Pink) Fl Xx Test Crossed Rr er Red=0 Pink = $x 200=100 white = +x200=100 2.CO-DOMINANCE eException oF Menolet’s tow of dominance “In this interaction in heterozygous Condition both alleles are equally dominant anol ahovws their Independent €rbyression, So in Aakerozygous Condlition an tntexmediate phenotypes ane not Appeorrs. o Thus, F; Aupbriol Juesemble ty both of the Porenty @) Size of Stanch grain in ose ls se ci F ei oR garden Poscents Laxge Sized Small sizect ig oe Staxch grain ‘ Staxch grain. oO? BB bb a F\-Qenveation > Bb Medium sized Storeh eae §. With Fee te size G storch grain in peo plant € Sized Ataxch geran plant is Crossed With medium sized Storch dae and produce 100 Offspring's. Fino out ee. oy darge, mecdiuny and Sratk Aizedl Feespectiveles 2 Lange x Medium 8B Bb b B Bb medium loxge —> LxIoo- 50 Medium —> 1 xi00= So aimold —? © PCPPDLALD IIIT DT ALT TL ITAIL ALA Oe Diciamnun ®Th this inheritance Phenotypic and genotypic Ztdin ore Obtained same. *Tt wos aliscoveret hy Cant Correna Ln flower Colour oF Mixebitis jalopa/ 40 clock plast/ Cul-e- Bars, @flowere Colowx in Mixabitis/4 0 clock plont/ Gul-e- Bans. Poxents > y W Red white RR ae eA (Wy) F/ Generation —> 8° t (All pink) Setging i cen (Pink) (Pints) 2 o el Phenotype Ratios Real 2 Pink = white es sh Genotype Jtatio 3- RRI Re i er A cides A SST aCe Vet StS TST adaandeudddeddd VVVVUVYVYYYUGS VUVUUULUULLUUUUTECUVIVVVUNeY” Sialemeeecsssrs es ree ee en eae Examples ¢- Examples i- . ft Incomplete clorinance 1, Complementany gore 2. Co- dominance 2. Epistatic gone 3, Multiple alleles 4. Plelotropic gene QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE CHARACTER Qualitative Chonacter Quantitative Character This Choacter i not This Character 44 olependent dependent on number 3 | on Number of olominant dominant ottetes. alleles. type | Dominant Dank Genotype Herne Genotype | Coninant | Helgnt ET 2 410 cm tat 3) 10 om tee t 10em pe 4 3S em t- tt ° | San Lt }° ain —t INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE Also Collel monogenic quantitative inhextance/ PHENOTYPIC BLENDING. @ Excepiion of Mendel's tcuo of clominance. en this interxaction dominant allele is not fully, dominant over xeCessive attete. © 80, in Meterozygous Condition an intermediate phonaty pe pp ears, © Thus, F, Auybriel oloes Mot Jresembie te Cun OF thee povrent. pee oe PLEELULLUELELELLELELECECECTUCUUTUUULUE EEUU GAMETE FORMATION __ 2n 1. (ham ete) Method Fork tine reethod. Homozy gaus > eg5: Aa Bb haa Lars 4 B=AB=1 Z a b= Ab= 4 &

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