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1 Introduction

1.1 Project Summary

1.1.1 Objectives
- The goal of the project is to design a product management system and manage inventory
at the supermarket quickly and accurately. Thereby achieving the effect of increasing the
customer's shopping experience, increasing work efficiency, and reducing labor costs.
- The product management system is built with the main objective of ensuring that the
products are always in stock and correctly classified and that the products in the
warehouse are also inventoried and made announcements to ensure there are no surpluses
or shortages.

1.1.2 Background
Currently, the process of product management and warehouse management is being
handled by people. For the product management process on the shelf, staff will go to
check the shelves to replenish the quantity and arrange the products that are in the wrong
position. This leads to an inefficient product management process.
- For the shelf management process:
+ Products that are out of stock or misplaced are not detected in time, resulting in
processing delays.
+ It takes a large number of staff to check and work to ensure the correct quantity
and arrangement of products. Supermarkets will face many problems in terms of
costs and personnel management.
+ During peak shopping times, the arrangement of many employees to handle
problems arising at the store causes overload and creates a bad experience for
customers as well as making it difficult for employees to operate. pellets.
+ Processes are performed manually leading to errors and difficulties in goods
+ Important product information such as batch number, and expiry date is also about
to be difficult to check manually.
- For the warehouse management process
+ Because of the large number of products with many classifications, the staff
cannot accurately and timely count the products in the warehouse, but it also
consumes a lot of labor costs.
+ If inventory management is not accurate and timely, it will lead to serious
problems such as out-of-stock products that are not supplied on time or inventory
+ The warehouse management system needs to be combined with the effective
management of products on the shelves to always ensure the right quantity and
quality of products.
1.1.3 Business Drivers
The management process is carried out by humans, which has caused disadvantages for large
retail systems such as supermarkets, not only in terms of internal management but also greatly
affecting business performance. One of the most important problems of super dill is financial,
they always want a solution to reduce costs and increase revenue. Although switching to an
automated system can be expensive to start with, it can be hugely profitable in the long run.
In addition, the current trend of the world is to apply technology to management operations, if
not keep up with the current market, businesses will lag in the digital age. One of the prime
examples is the giant in the retail industry: Walmart, they have built a fully automated system in
their stores, and the customers are very happy and excited about it. So to prepare for long-term
goals, digital transformation is essential for businesses.

2 Business Requirements
Value Rating Description
1 Critical - Count the number of goods on the shelves. If the quantity of goods
reaches the threshold, a request for an additional quantity should
be made.
- Check product location. If the product is in the wrong position, it is
necessary to give the notice to arrange it in time.
- The process is quick, easy and saves manpower
- Tally inventory and issue import alerts if the number of products
reaches the limit
2 High - The process of counting, replenishing, and sorting products are all
- Manage information and origin of each product
- Provide reports and analysis based on product data
- Integrate warehouse management and shelf management processes
- Provide import support notices
- Managers can manage the status of handling issues in the
warehouse and on the shelves using the app.
- When the system has problems, humans can handle it manually
through the application
3 Medium - Cost savings
- Full automation

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