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Training Period

24-10-20 to 19-01-21







Name of Student Roll No
Salman Arif 12941
Training Period
24-10-20 to 19-01-21



I hereby certify that I have completed the Ten Weeks Training in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of BSc Civil Engineering Technology. I did my Training in
Techno time construction (Pvt) Ltd. From 24-10-2020 to 19-01-2021

The matter presented in this Report has been submitted by me only for the completion of my

Signature of Student

Salman Arif ( 12941)

Examined by:

Engr. Sami Ullah


Engineering Technology Department


All praise and glory to Almighty Allah, the most compassionate and merciful, who enabled us
with a power and means to contribute a drop to existing ocean of knowledge. For what I have
received, may the Lord make me truly thankful. And more truly for what I have not received.

All studies, planning, development and execution of the field training report were carried out
under the able supervision and guidance of our honored teacher. We acknowledge this help,
guidance and valuable advice at all stages of study and express our great debt of gratitude to
our most esteemed advisor Engr. Sami Ullah lecturer of Department of Civil Engineering
and Technology without his able guidance, encouragement, interest and generous
contribution from his own experience, this study might not have been accomplished.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to head of Department of Civil Engineering
Technology Dr. Muhammad Ashraf all academic staff of Department of Civil Engineering
Technology and Management for their support throughout our stay in this institution. The
authors are also abundantly obliged to staff of Techno Time Construction (PVT) Ltd for
their cooperation during internship. Last but not the least: we must acknowledge our beloved
parents, brother and sisters whom prayers have always been matter of encouragement
throughout our lives and especially during our academic career.

In the end, we must thank once again to all those who helped us in our internship period. We
shall pray and recall with pleasure and gratitude those never fading pleasant memories of
golden years spent.

Signature of Student

Salman Arif (12941)


Acknowledgement ⅰ

Table of Contents ii

List of Figures ⅱ

List of Tables ⅲ

List of Abbreviations ⅳ

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................1

1.1 Project Detail.....................................................................................................................1

1.2 Company Introduction.......................................................................................................3

1.3 Address..............................................................................................................................3

1.4 Business sectors.................................................................................................................4

1.5 Purpose..............................................................................................................................4

1.6 Vision................................................................................................................................4

1.7 Major Projects...................................................................................................................4

1.8 Major in progress Projects.................................................................................................5

1.9 General Manager...............................................................................................................6

1.10 Project Manager..............................................................................................................6

1.11 Purchase Manager...........................................................................................................6

1.12 H&R Director..................................................................................................................6

1.13 Financial Director............................................................................................................7

1.14 Marketing Director..........................................................................................................7

1.15 Section chief....................................................................................................................7

1.16 Civil supervisor...............................................................................................................7

1.17 Roles of civil supervisor..................................................................................................7

1.18 Site Engineer...................................................................................................................7

1.19 Planning Engineer...........................................................................................................8

1.20 Structural Engineer..........................................................................................................8

1.21 Surveyor..........................................................................................................................8

1.22 QA\QC............................................................................................................................8

1.23 Safety Officer..................................................................................................................8

1.24 Accountant......................................................................................................................8

1.25 Cost Estimator.................................................................................................................8

1.26 Office Management.........................................................................................................9

1.27 Cashier.............................................................................................................................9

1.28 Advertisement.................................................................................................................9

1.29 Schedule of internship program......................................................................................9

1.29.1 Project Authority:...................................................................................................10

1.29.2 Project Description:................................................................................................10

CHAPTER 2: TRAINING WORK.......................................................................................10

2.1 Lean concrete..................................................................................................................10

2.2 Pile Cap...........................................................................................................................11

2.2.1 Pile cap Necessity.....................................................................................................11

2.2.2 Shapes.......................................................................................................................11

2.3 Structural works..............................................................................................................12

2.3 .1 Pile cap Necessity....................................................................................................12

2.3.4 SHAPES...................................................................................................................13

2.3.5 Structural works........................................................................................................13

2.4 Steel work........................................................................................................................13

2.5 Form work.......................................................................................................................13

2.6 Distribution Bars.............................................................................................................14

2.7 Overlap............................................................................................................................15

2.8 Chamfer Bar....................................................................................................................15

2.9 Chairs..............................................................................................................................15

2.10 Concrete work...............................................................................................................16

2.11 Shuttering and Scaffolding............................................................................................16

2.12 Purpose..........................................................................................................................16

2.13 Dowels...........................................................................................................................17

2.14 Class-B concrete............................................................................................................17

2.15 A-3 concrete..................................................................................................................18

2.16 Site work.......................................................................................................................18

2.17 Concrete placement.......................................................................................................18

2.18 Concrete cover...............................................................................................................18

2.19 Curing............................................................................................................................19

2.20 Pier................................................................................................................................19

2.21 Importance’s of Pier......................................................................................................20

2.22 Shuttering and Scaffolding............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.23 Starter concrete..............................................................................................................20

2.24 Precast Structure............................................................................................................20

2.25 Material:........................................................................................................................21

2.26 Cement Concrete Mix Design for Pile Cap:..................................................................21

2.27 Concrete Mix Design for Pier:......................................................................................21

2.29 Total Station..................................................................................................................23

2.28 Tripod............................................................................................................................24

2.29 Level staff......................................................................................................................24

2.30 Excavator.......................................................................................................................25

2.31 Transit Mixer.................................................................................................................25

2.32 Tower Cranes................................................................................................................26

2.33 Steel bar cutting machine..............................................................................................26

2.34 Loader............................................................................................................................27

2.35 Batching plant...............................................................................................................27

2.36 Steel bending/Folding machine.....................................................................................28

2.37 Compressive strength test..............................................................................................28

2.38 Compressive strength of Concrete and its importance..................................................29

2.39 Factors affecting compressive strength of concrete......................................................29

2.40 Why do we test concrete for 7 days, 14 days & 28 days?.............................................29

2.41 Compressive Strength of Different Grades of Concrete at 7, 14, 21 and 28 Days Error!
Bookmark not defined.

2.42 Compressive strength testing of concrete......................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.43 Apparatus.......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.44 The test includes following steps..................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.45 Compressive strength of Concrete Formula:.................................................................31

CHAPTER 3: SKILL ATTAINED ......................................................................................32

3.1 Drawing observation and implementation......................................................................32

3.2 Technical training............................................................................................................32

3.3 Mathematical skills..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.4 Written communication skills..........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.5 Oral communication skills..............................................................................................32

3.6 Leadership skills..............................................................................................................33

3.7 Organizational skills........................................................................................................33

3.8 Problem solving...............................................................................................................33

3.9 Decision-making.............................................................................................................33

CHAPTER 4: FEEDBACK & RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................34

4.1 Feedback..........................................................................................................................34

4.2 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................34

4.3 Recommendations...........................................................................................................35

4.4 Important point................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.



Figure Title Page

1.1 Project Location……………………………………………………………………..........02

1.2 Associates charts……………………………………………….………………….……...04
2.1 Lean concrete….………………………………………………………………………….09
2.2 Pile cap................................................................................................................................09
2.3 Structural work………………………………………………………………….….….....10
2.4 Steel work……………………………………………………………………….………..11
2.5 Form work………………………………………………………………………………...11
2.6 Distribution Bars………………………………………………………………………….12
2.7 Overlap……………………………………………………………………………………12
2.8 Chairs……………………………………………...……………………………………...13
2.9 Concrete work.……………………………………………...………………………….....13
2.10 Shuttering and scaffolding.……………………......………………...…………………..14
2.11 Dowels .................……………………………………………………………...……….14
2.12 Class-B concrete………………...……………………………………………………....15
2.13 Curing...............………………………………………………………………………….16
2.14 Pier..........................………………………………...…………………………………...16
2.15 Shuttering and scaffolding…….……………………………...………………………....17
2.16 Precast structure ....……………………...……………………………...……………….17
2.17 Total station ……………………………………………………………………………..19
2.18 Tripod.........……………………………………………………………………………...19
2.19 Level staff.......……………………...…………………………………………………...20
2.20 Excavator......... ……………………………...………………………………………….20
2.21 Transit mixer…………………………………………...………………………………..21
2.22 Tower cranes……………………………………………………...……………………..21
2.23 Steel cuter..........................................................................................................................21
2.24 Loader...............................................................................................................................22
2.25 Batching plant...................................................................................................................22
2.25.1 Batching plant..........…………………………………………………..…………........23
2.26 Steel bending machine……………………………………………………………..……23
2.27 Mould................................................................................................................................27

2.28 Blocks................................................................................................................................28
2.29 Universal test Machine.................. ...................................................................................29
2.30 Concrete block..................................................................................................................30


Table Title Page

1.1 Project Authority ……………………………………………………………………7

1.2 Project Description…………………………………………………………………..7

2.1 Material....................................................................................... ..................18

2.2 Percentage strength 1,3,7,14,21,28………….......................................................25

2.3 Compressive strength diff. Grades concrete.........................................................27

2.4 Minimum Compressive strength at respective days........................................ .....32


PHA Punjab highway Authority

NHA National highway

TTC Techno time construction

TC tower crane

GGBC Ground granulated blast furnace

EDM Electronic distance measurement

UTM Universal test Machine

PM Project manager

CM Construction manager


1.1 Project Detail

The Punjab Highway Authority (PHA) is a distinctive project that requires innovative
flyover and design. With sustainability at its core, the design responds to Sahiwal hot summer
and monsoon seasons, incorporating both rain and flood protection passive control planning.

The project is located and name is Flyover at Railway Crossing on Jhall Road Sahiwal.
Flyover is ongoing construction on LBDC canal railway line crossing. It has a single road
capacity for 24 hours in all-weather condition. Projects in the city of Sahiwal under PHA.
Implementation of these projects would provide all- weather connectivity from central city to
the view hotel national highway 5. It will also reduce journey time due traffic jam on railway
crossing during train passing. It will provide fast rout of Sahiwal people to reach main highway
The cost is estimated to be Rs. 600 Million including cost of Service Road on both side
from Mazdoor puli to view hotel NH- 5, resettlement and other pre-construction activities. The
total length of flyover is 2079 feet that consist of 28 spans. The total length of the road on both
sides will be approximately 3.9 km.

Projects in the city of Sahiwal under PHA. Implementation of these projects would
provide all- weather connectivity from central city to the view hotel national highway 5. It will
also reduce journey time due traffic jam on railway crossing during train passing. It will
provide fast rout of Sahiwal people to reach main highway road.

This commitment with sustainability underpins the entire project, extending also to the
project design that achieves reduced traffic jam and regulate the traffic flow. With a carefully
crafted massing solution to stand out from the surroundings, the design aims to provide a very
strong image and presence that inspires confidence and innovation, embracing users (both
visitors and staff) at their approach.

The main objective of the project is connected central city to view hotel national
highway Another objective is also a bridge is exiting on LBDC canal Jhall road through
railway crossing but there is high traffic congestion in term train passing by or traffic on the
road that causes of traffic jam and disturbance in traffic flow.

This project has 28 spans and 27 piers and 2 abutments of bridges are going to be
constructed. There is also two side approach to connect flyover. At the top-level flyover with
the surroundings is creating a distinctive effect, clearly visible desirable bird eye view of
Sahiwal city for approaching visitors which acts also as a way finding method.

Incorporating the latest international requirements and standards, the flyover internal
planning and design ensures clear flow segregation and operational safety standards, be it at
the level of circulations (with staff and visitors’ segregation); at the level of goods logistics, or
at the level of materials storage.

The project was started on mid-September 2019 to June 2021 complete the project.
After the completion of the project the NHA has to maintain and control it after completion.

Figure: 1.1 Project Location

1.2 Company Introduction

Techno Time Construction was established in 02-August-1987 by Mr. Zaka Ullah

Khan who was highly regarded amongst the veteran engineer’s community of Pakistan. Since
its inception, the Group has now moved in more than 3th decade of successful innovative
Construction Operations. The legendary contributions in the arena of Engineering and

i. Techno Time Construction (PVT) LTD stands for a Contracting Company capable of
undertaking mega multi pharaohs Construction Projects especially Residential,
Commercial and Industrial Buildings, HVAC, Elevators, Escalators, Roads and Bridges.
ii. Construction Company established in the year 1987 and is continuously striving for setting
standard pace ahead and is moving ahead in construction industry. It has developed
Qualitative Measurement System for implementation of Projects at all corporate levels as
well as at the field activity.
iii. TTC is rendering high quality & expert engineering services in this field. TTC stands for
performance, integrity and quality services because of total commitment to excellence by
the Staff and the Management.
iv. A large number of sizeable achievements have been made and the company is continuously
maintaining these with the help of its trained & experienced work force. TTC has got very
rich experience in Project Planning Implementation and timely execution. TTC possesses
ample resources and facilities which can enable the Company to complete every project
within the stipulate period and within allocated budget.

During last 23 years the company has achieved a high profile and completed most of
the projects ahead of time. TTC is continuously beating the clock.

1.3 Address

315-B, Canal Bank Road, New Campus Lahore Punjab Pakistan

PH: +92 51 2344440 Fax: +92 51 2344439 Email:

1.4 Business sectors
i. Construction
ii. Flyover Construction
iii. Building Construction
iv. Road Construction
v. Consultants
vi. Engineering 
vii. Travel Agency 
viii. Electric Parts 
ix. Leather import 
x. Garments 

1.5 Purpose
To bring prosperity and well-being to our clients and society at large by adding value
through Engineering, Construction, Management and Technology.

1.6 Vision
To become a world class Engineering and construction company operating

1.7 Major Projects

i. Feroza Flyover project RY khan 
ii. curved flyover Karachi.
iii. Jhall Road flyover Sahiwal
iv. Metro pile cap project Lahore  
v. Multi stories Building Project Bakkhar

1.11 Major in progress Projects

 Construction of Swat Expressway (RD 40+000~50+000)
 Construction of Lotte-Kolson Factory, Lahore
 Post Flood National Highways Rehabilitation Project
 Construction of Infrastructure including Allied Facilities for new Islamabad
International Airport Metro Bus Service
 Rehabilitation of Metro Bus Corridor, Lahore (Pavement & Drainage Works
 Construction of Flyover at Feroza Railway Station (L=2500 ft.) District Rahim
Yar Khan
 Construction of Interchange at Khanna & Sohan Intersection on Islamabad
Expressway, Islamabad.

Figure: 1.2 Associates charts

Departments of the Organization

1.9 General Manager

General Manager of administration is responsible for overseeing all administrative
functions in your business. A major part involves leading and directing employees. She
delegates administrative tasks, such as accounting, paperwork and payroll, while giving you
the freedom to deal with other issues.

1.10 Project Manager

Project manager is a professional in the field of project management. Project managers
have the responsibility of the planning, procurement and execution of a project, in any
undertaking that has a defined scope, defined start and a defined finish; regardless of industry.
Project managers are first point of contact for any issues or discrepancies arising from within
the heads of various departments in an organization before the problem escalates to higher

Project management is the responsibility of a project manager. This individual seldom

participates directly in the activities that produce the end result, but rather strives to maintain
the progress, mutual interaction and tasks of various parties in such a way that reduces the risk
of overall failure, maximizes benefits, and minimizes costs.

1.11 Purchase Manager

Purchasing Manager is an employee within a company, business or other organization
who is responsible at some level for buying or approving the acquisition of goods and services
needed by the company. Responsible for buying the best quality products, goods and services
for their company at the most competitive prices, purchasing managers work in a wide range of
sectors for many different organizations. The position responsibilities may be the same as that
of a buyer or purchasing agent, or may include wider supervisory or managerial
responsibilities. A Purchasing Manager may oversee the acquisition of materials needed for
production, general supplies for offices and facilities, equipment, or construction contracts.

1.12 H&R Director

The HR director is the highest-ranking HR position in a company and typically has
overall responsibility for three areas: culture, capabilities and talent. At enterprise-level they
may sit on the board and advise senior leaders on HR developments and the effects of new
policies to the organization people and culture. In smaller firms, the HR director may be called
the Head of HR.

1.13 Financial Director
Finance directors are members of a senior executive team with responsibility for their
company's financial health. They combine operational and strategic roles, manage accounting
and financial control functions, and establish a financial strategy.

1.14 Marketing Director

Marketing Director is responsible for providing direction, guidance and leadership to a
marketing department. They typically manage marketing of a business, organization, particular
product or group of products.

1.15 Section chief

Develop and implement strategy and tactics to carry out the objectives established by
the Incident Commander. Organize, assign, and supervise Staging, Medical Care,
Infrastructure, Security, Hazardous Materials, and Business Continuity Branch resources.

1.16 Civil supervisor

Civil Supervisors monitor civil construction projects. They oversee activities such as
building bridges, repairing highways and doing construction on airports.

1.17 Roles of civil supervisor

The five key supervisory roles include Educator, Sponsor, Coach, Counselor, and
Director. Each is described below. Note that in your role as a supervisor, you will be using
these five roles, in some combination, simultaneously, depending on the needs of the team

1.18 Site Engineer

A site engineer is part of the site management team, and takes some of the
responsibility for security, health and safety, and organizing and supervising materials and
people. Site engineers mark out the site, make sure designs are applied correctly and liaise with
main and sub-contractors and the site manager.

1.19 Planning Engineer

Planning engineers, also known as project planners, are responsible for planning and
co-coordinating the materials, plant, equipment and labor for large construction projects. They

are also sometimes known as construction project managers.

1.20 Structural Engineer

Structural engineering is a branch of civil engineering, and its applications are diverse.
A great deal of what structural engineers do involves designing structures such as buildings,
bridges, tunnels, etc. The majority of structural engineers work primarily as consultants to
architects or design-build contractors.

1.21 Surveyor
Surveyors update boundary lines and prepare sites for construction so that legal
disputes are prevented. Surveyors make precise measurements to determine property
boundaries. They provide data relevant to the shape and contour of the Earth's surface for
engineering, mapmaking, and construction projects.

1.22 QA/QC
QA/QC is the combination of quality assurance, the process or set of processes used to
measure and assure the quality of a product, and quality control, the process of ensuring
products and services meet consumer expectations.

1.23 Safety Officer

The Safety Officer is responsible for monitoring and assessing hazardous and unsafe
situations and developing measures to assure personnel safety.

1.24 Accountant
Accountants and auditors ensure that companies or organizations are efficiently
operating. They do this by accessing financial records of their clients. Duties include analyzing
data, finance reports, budgets, tax returns, and accounting records.

1.25 Cost Estimator

Cost estimators collect and analyze data in order to estimate the time, money, materials,
and labor required to manufacture a product, construct a building, or provide a service. They
generally specialize in a particular product or industry.

1.26 Office Management
Office management is an integral part of general management. It refers to the process
of planning, organizing, guiding, communicating, directing, coordinating and controlling the
activities of a group of people who are working to achieve business objectives efficiently and

1.27 Cashier
i. Receive payment by cash, check, credit cards, vouchers, or automatic debits.
ii. Issue receipts, refunds, credits, or change due to customers.
iii. Count money in cash drawers at the beginning of shifts to ensure that amounts are
correct and that there is adequate change.

1.28 Advertisement
Paid, non-personal, public communication about causes, goods and services, ideas,
organizations, people, and places, through means such as direct mail, telephone, print, radio,
television, and internet.

1.29 Schedule of internship program

On my very first day of internship, I was little bit confused and nervous. I went to site
at sharp 8 am. Guard of site guided me to Project Manager of site Mr. Amjad. I slowly
knocked the door and went inside. Mr. Umair khan was very kind and humble man. He warmly
welcomed me and asked me to introduce yourself. I replied that my name is Faisal Rehman, I
live in Sahiwal and have completed my DAE from The Limit Group of Colleges and now I am
doing Civil Technology from GC university Sahiwal Campus with only few months for its
Then he himself introduced me to Site Engineer Mr. Umair khan, and said him to give
brief information about site and help him out for any query if he has for the rest of the month.
Mr. Umair khan was also a nice and jolly guy. I really enjoyed working with him. He teaches
me how to act with labors, how to give them work and their limitations.
i. I joined internship on 22 Feb 2020 and ended on my own on 20 May 2020.
ii. My routine daily timing was from 9 am to 5 pm.
iii. Friday timing was 9 am to 12:30 pm than two hours break for offering Jumma
prayer and lunch and then from 2 pm to 5 pm.
iv. Used to have lunch break daily at 2 pm.
1.29.1 Project Authority:
Table 1-1 Project Authority

Project Manager Mr. Amjad

Construction Manager Mr. Iftekhar Ahmad
Site Engineer Mr. Umair khan

1.29.2 Project Description:

Table 1-2 Project Description

Date of commencement Mid-September 2019

Date of completion June 2021
Consultants NesPak
No of construct 7 steps
Cost of project 600 million

Chapter 2: Training Work

2.1 Lean concrete

Lean concrete is a mix where the amount of cement is lower than the amount of liquid
present in the strata. The higher the Aggregate/cement ratio, the leaner the concrete. ... Lean
Concrete is 'not Rich', in other words the ratio of cement to water and of course to aggregate
would be low.

2.1.2 Pros of Lean Concrete

It can provide a flat bottom in uneven dirt or terrain. Because it contains a lower level
of cement in it, it is mostly used for fillings or under foundations to keep them protected from
the soil. It is also used to provide a level surface where main foundation can be placed.

Figure: 2.1 Lean concrete

2.2 Pile Cap

 They are formed by long, slender, columnar elements typically made from steel or reinforced
concrete, or sometimes timber. A foundation is described as 'piled' when its depth is more than
three times its breadth.

2.2.1 Pile cap Necessity

(i) If the bearing capacity of the soil is not sufficient to bear the structure, pile
foundation is needed. This is because of condition of soil, load types acting on the foundation,
site conditions and arrangement of soil layers.

(ii) Pile foundation has the pile-cap and also formed as a pile group, with number of piles
distributing the load from structure to soil with the high bearing-capacity.

2.2.2 Shapes

The shape and plan dimensions of the pile cap depend on two factors.

i. Number of piles in the group
ii. The spacing between each pile

Figure: 2.2 Pile

2.3 Structural works

Structural Works means any works required to the property where the Goods are to be
installed, including, without limitation, ‘making good’, the making of any spaces for doors
comprising the Goods and the provision of and/or installation of lintels or similar goods.
“Making good” includes painting, deco- rating, patch plastering, rendering and similar of any
areas around a fitted door (comprising the Goods) except as provided at clause 2.6 below.

Figure: 2.3 Structural works

Structure consists of major three categories:
i. Steel work
ii. Form work
iii. Concrete work
iv. Pile Cap
v. Pile cap Necessity
vi. Shapes
vii. Structural works

2.4 Steel work

Structural steelwork running parallel to main connections enclosures must be spaced at
least 300 mm distant. Steelwork running at right angles to main connections enclosures must
be spaced at least 150 mm distant. The supporting structure for the whole of the main
connections, including the tee-off connections, is designed to give a rigid structure for the
static and dynamic loads imposed with a typical safety factor of 1.5. Supports must be
completely independent of the equipment to which the busbars are connected and separate
from main building steelwork. They are floor-mounted and designed to prevent heating of the
structure by magnetic leakage fields.

Figure: 2.4 Steel works

2.5 Form work

Formwork is the general term given to the mould into which concrete is poured. It is
generally made of timber or steel, the surface in contact with the concrete being selected to
give the required finish. The strength of the formwork and its associated falsework must be
sufficient to support the weight of the wet concrete without significant distortion.

Figure: 2.5 Form work

2.6 Distribution Bars

Distribution bars placed on top of the main bar. ... Main Reinforcement bars are
placed in shorter direction and Distribution bars placed in longer span direction. Main
Reinforcement Bars are used to transfer the bending moment developed at the bottom of the

Figure: 2.6 Distribution Bars

2.7 Overlap
steel bars overlapped. Lapping can be defined as the overlapping of two bars side by
side to upto the design length. Usually, the stock length of steel bars is limited to 12m.

Figure: 2.7 Overlap

2.8 Chamfer Bar

is a transitional edge between two faces of an object. This term is commonly used in
manufacturing and mechanical engineering. ... Chamfering the edges of a metal bar removes
the burr from the end of the bar

2.9 Chairs
Chair rods are nothing but just enabling rods that help to maintain the proper space
between the bottom and top reinforcements of a slab, beams and shear wall.

Figure: 2.8 Chairs

2.10 Concrete work
Concrete work includes the following basic processes: preparation of
the concrete mix; delivery of the mix to the construction site; feeding, distribution, and
compaction of the mix in the formwork (molds); the curing of the concrete while it is
hardening; and quality control of the concrete work.

Figure: 2.9 Concrete works

2.11 Shuttering and Scaffolding

Staging is a temporary member which is used to support formwork (either it may be for
centering or shuttering).

It is done by props, jacks, H frames, cup lock system, wooden ballies, etc. (Refer below image
for clear understanding)

Formwork is arranged to support the structural members, whereas scaffolding is provided as a

workers platform around the building to work at heights, Scaffolding is a movable/fixed
platform refer below image for more details.

2.12 Purpose
During construction of reinforced concrete works as well as their maintenance, we need
to support the structure as long as it is in its premature state or plastic state as it could not even
bear its own load. After the suitable duration of time, i.e. when concrete sets enough to take its
own load, these temporary supports are removed systematically.

Figure: 2.10 Shuttering and Scaffolding

2.13 Dowels
Dowel bar is a terminology used in concrete pavements in general. Dowel bars are
round steel bars (not torr steel). The bars are placed between two concrete slabs so that loads
are transferred between the two slabs and allowing for any horizontal movement also (due to

2.14 Class-B concrete

Class B concrete is an air entrained concrete for general use. Class D, H or
P concrete may be substituted for Class B concrete. Additional requirements are: The coarse
aggregate shall have a nominal maximum size of 1½ inches or
smaller. ... Class BZ concrete is concrete for drilled piers

Figure: 2.11 Class-B concrete

2.15 A-3 concrete

Class A3 concrete having 4000psi for 28 days (cylinder) strength with ratio of 1:1.5:3.
This type of concrete used at Piles or at construction of slabs. Maximum size of coarse
aggregates for A-3 is 20mm with water cement ratio 0.58

2.16 Site work

Most often earth moving equipment is used to clear the area to speed the process. All
grass, rocks, trees, shrubs, and old concrete needs to be removed, exposing raw earth. A sub
base of a minimum 4 inches of granular fill or road base is recommended, unless the soil is
very compact and stable.

2.17 Concrete placement

To provide durable concrete, it should be free of segregation and the mortar should be in close
contact with the coarse aggregate, reinforcement, and any adjacent faces to which it is to be bonded.
Concrete should be deposited, as nearly as practicable, in its final position. Placement of concrete is
accomplished with buckets, hoppers, manual or motor-propelled buggies, chutes and drop pipes,
conveyor belts, pumps, tremies, and paving equipment. Concrete can also be placed by the shotcrete
process, in which layers are applied pneumatically. The shotcrete process is especially beneficial where
forming is inconvenient or impractical, access or location provides difficulties, or normal casting
techniques cannot be employed. 2.18 Concrete cover

Concrete cover or spacer is concrete made rounded cylinders in small size. Purpose of spacer
is to give effective and clear cover to reinforcement and it helps to save your reinforcement
from corrosion.

2.19 Curing
Curing of concrete is defined as providing adequate moisture, temperature, and time
to allow the concrete to achieve the desired properties for its intended use. This would mean
maintaining a relative humidity in the concrete of greater than 80 percent, a temperature
greater than 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and for a time typically ranging from three to 14 days
depending on the specific application. When these recommendations are properly specified
and performed in the field, the final properties of the concrete mixture will be achieved.

2.20 Pier

A pier is a platform reaching out to sea that can be used as a landing place for ships. If
you enjoy sea fishing and don't have a boat, try casting your line from the end of the pier.

Pier has two meanings. The most common is for the platform, often wooden, that extends over
water away from shore, so that ships can dock. Many seaside towns have turned their piers into
entertainment districts, with games and places to stroll. A pier can also be a pillar that supports
a bridge.

Figure: 2.12

2.21 Importance’s of Pier
Piers have been built for several purposes, and because these different purposes have
distinct regional variances, the term pier tends to have different nuances of meaning in
different parts of the world.

Historically, buttresses have been used to strengthen large walls or buildings such as a
flyover. Flying buttresses consist of an inclined beam carried on a half arch that projects from
the walls of a structure to a pier which supports the weight and horizontal thrust of a roof,
dome or vault.

2.22 Starter concrete

Starter is a small piece of column which is cast before the main column is cast. After
erecting the shuttering for column, Bracing or supports are fixed, the verticality is checked on
two sides with a plumb bob and alignment is checked with the help of a cotton or nylon thread.

2.23 Precast Structure

There are several types:

 Overpass: it is the structure that, in routes in project, crosses over another road or railway
which is already built or planned.
 Underpass: it is the structure that, in routes in project, crosses under another road or railway
which is already built or planned.

Furthermore, flyovers may be isostatic (most commonly), or statically indeterminate for

specific cases where very long span lengths must be crossed and/or there are tight restrictions
for clearance.

Figure: 2.13 Precast Structure
2.24 Material:
Table 2.1 Material

Steel 3"' 4"' 8"' 10"'

Cement Best Way 53 MPa
Sand Lawrence purr + Sargodha
Aggregate 10mm + 20mm

2.25 Cement Concrete Mix Design for Pile Cap

Mix Design Material for 1.0 cubic meter ( m3)

Preliminary Cube Strength at 28 Days = 3750PSI

Desired Stump in workability = 75mm-100mm

Quantity of Course Aggregate = 1087Kgs

Quantity of Fine Aggregate (Lawrenceburg) = 591.4Kgs

Quantity of Cement = 400Kgs

Water = 239.2Kgs

W/C = 0.57Kgs

Slump = 80mm

2.26 Concrete Mix Design for Pier

Mix Design Material for 1.0 Cubic meter (m3)

Grade M-35/45

Preliminary Cube Strength at 28 Days = 4000PSI

Desired Stump in workability = 25mm-75mm

Quantity of Course Aggregate = 1087Kgs

Quantity of Fine Aggregate (Lawrenceburg) = 515Kgs

Quantity of Cement = 527Kgs

Water = 227Kgs

W/C = 0.14Kgs

Slump = 50mm

Description of Equipment

2.27 Total Station

There are several types:

 Overpass: it is the structure that, in routes in project, crosses over another road or railway
which is already built or planned.
 Underpass: it is the structure that, in routes in project, crosses under another road or railway
which is already built or planned.

Furthermore, flyovers may be isostatic (most commonly), or statically indeterminate for

specific cases where very long span lengths must be crossed and/or there are tight restrictions
for clearance.

Microprocessor unit in total station processes the data collected to compute:

1. Average of multiple angles measured.

2. Average of multiple distance measured.
3. Horizontal distance.
4. Distance between any two points.
5. Elevation of objects and
6. All the three coordinates of the observed points.

Figure: 2.14 Total Stations

2.28 Tripod
A surveyor's tripod is a device used to support any one of a number of surveying
instruments, such as theodolites, total stations, levels or transits..

Figure: 2.15 Tripod

2.29 Level staff

A level staff, also called levelling rod, is a graduated wooden or aluminum rod, the use
of which permits the determination of differences in elevation.

Figure: 2.16
2.30 Excavator
The excavator also claimed to have found the omphalos itself.
by dredging, or some form of mechanical excavator, until the formation is reached which is to
support the pier; the concrete is then shot into the enclosed space from a height of about io ft., and
rammed down in layers about i ft.
But two difficulties face the would-be excavator in Alexandria.
Though he plays the role of excavator Sallah in Raiders of the Lost Ark, actor John Rhys-Davies
is probably best known currently for his role of Gimli in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
The world of Sasquatch sightings was silent again until 1958 when excavator Jerry Crew claimed
that he found large footprints at a job site in California.

Figure: 2.17 Excavator

2.31 Transit Mixer

Transit mixer is a piece of equipment that is used for transporting concrete/ mortar or
ready mix material from a concrete batching plant directly to the site where it is to be
utilized. Transit mixer is loaded with dry material and water

Figure: 2.18 Transit Mixer

2.32 Tower Cranes
A crane is a type of machine, generally equipped with a hoist rope, wire ropes or chains,
and sheaves, that can be used both to lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally. It
is mainly used for lifting heavy things and transporting them to other places. The device uses
one or more simple machines to create mechanical advantage and thus move loads beyond the
normal capability of a human. Cranes are commonly employed in the transport industry for the
loading and unloading of freight, in the construction industry for the movement of materials,
and in the manufacturing industry for the assembling of heavy equipment.

Figure: 2.19 Tower Cranes

2.33 Steel bar cutting machine

Steel bar cutter is a piece of steel processing machinery used in construction sites. In general,
the steel bar cutter cannot just cut plain carbon steel, hot-rolled steel, screw steel bar, but also
can cut angle steel, flat steel and square steel.

Figure: 2.20 Steel Cutters

2.34 Loader
In computer systems a loader is the part of an operating system that is responsible for
loading programs and libraries. It is one of the essential stages in the process of starting a
program, as it places programs into memory and prepares them for execution. Loading a
program involves reading the contents of the executable file containing the program
instructions into memory, and then carrying out other required preparatory tasks to prepare the
executable for running. Once loading is complete, the operating system starts the program by
passing control to the loaded program code.

Figure: 2.21 Loader

2.35 Batching plant

An operating installation of equipment including batchers and mixers as required for batching 
or for batching and mixing concrete materials; also called a mixing
plant when mixing equipment is included.

Figure:2.22 Batching Plan

2.36 Steel bending/Folding machine
A brake is a metalworking machine that allows the bending of sheet metal. A cornice
brake only allows for simple bends and creases, while a box-and-pan brake also allows one to
form box and pan shapes. It is also known as a bending machine or bending brake or in Britain
as a sheet metal folder or just a folder.

Figure: 2.26 Steel Bending

2.37 Compressive strength test

Compressive strength test, mechanical test measuring the maximum amount
of compressive load a material can bear before fracturing. The test piece, usually in the form of
a cube, prism, or cylinder, is compressed between the platens of a compression-testing machine
by a gradually applied load. Compressive strength test.

2.38 Compressive strength of Concrete and its importance

Compressive strength results are primarily used to determine that the concrete mixture as delivered
on site meets the requirements of the specified strength, fc', in the job specification. Cylinders
tested for acceptance and quality control are made and cured in accordance with procedures
described for standard-cured specimens in ASTM C-31 (which is the Standard Practice for Making
and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field).

2.39 Factors affecting compressive strength of concrete

i. Coarse aggregate

Coarse aggregates are any particles greater than 0.19 inch, but generally range between 3/8
and 1.5 inches in diameter. Gravels constitute the majority of coarse aggregate used in
concrete with crushed stone making up most of the remainder. Air-entrainment

Air entrainment in concrete was one of the concepts developed by cold countries in
order to prevent damages due to freezing and thawing. Later on, as experimentation’s proved
multidimensional benefits of air entrainment along with improved the workability of concrete
at lower water/cement ratio.

As the achievement of the desired workability at lower water content helped one to
achieve concrete with the greater compressive strength which in turn, leads to light concrete
with greater compressive strength.

iii. Water/Cement ratio

The water–cement ratio is the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of cement used in
a concrete mix. A lower ratio leads to higher strength and durability, but may make the mix
difficult to work with and form. Workability can be resolved with the use
of plasticizers or super-plasticizers.
Often, the ratio refers to the ratio of water to cementitious materials, w/cm. Cementitious
materials include cement and supplementary cementitious materials such as fly ash, ground
granulated blast-furnace slag, silica fume, rice husk ash and natural pozzolans. Supplementary
cementitious materials are added to strengthen concrete.
The notion of water–cement ratio was first developed by Duff A. Abrams and published in
1918. Refer to concrete slump test. The 1997 Uniform Building Code specifies a maximum of
0.5 ratio when concrete is exposed to freezing and thawing in a moist condition or to de-icing
chemicals, and a maximum of 0.45 ratio for concrete in a severe or very severe sulfate

2.40 Why do we test concrete for 7 days, 14 days & 28 days?
Concrete gains maximum strength at 28days. Since in construction sector great amount
of capital is at stake, so instead of checking strength at 28 days we can check strength in terms
of concrete strength psi at 7 and 14 days to predict the target strength of construction work.

Compressive Strength Test Idea:

1- Concrete is poured in the mould and compacted properly to reduce the amount of voids.

2- After 24 hours, moulds are removed and test specimens are then placed in water for curing.

3- After the specified curing period [3, 7, 28, 56, or 91 days], specimens are tested by the
compression testing machine.

4- Load is applied gradually until specimen failure.

5- Divide failure load by cross-sectional area of specimen to get the compressive strength of

Compressive Strength Test Procedure:


Compression test machine, moulds, mixer, trowel, tamping rod (steel bar 16 mm diameter and
60 cm long)


Samples are taken from the concrete patches used in site or prepared with the same mixture as
used in the field.

Specimen size: 3 cylinders [15 cm x 30 cm] or 3 cubes [15 cm x 15cm x 15 cm]

Minimum three specimens should be tested at each selected age. The Average of there
specimens gives the strength of concrete.

Concrete Mixing:

 by laboratory batch mixer, or

 by hand: First, mix the cement and fine aggregate until the mixture is thoroughly
blended. Then, add the coarse aggregate and mix until the coarse aggregate is
uniformly distributed. Finally, add water and mix until the concrete appears to be
homogeneous and of the required consistency.

Figure: 2.28 Blocks

Figure: 2.29 Universal test machine

2.42 Compressive strength of Concrete Formula:

The Compressive strength of specimen can be calculated by dividing maximum load
carried by the specimen by cross-sectional area of the specimen cubes.

The surface area of specimen: = 150 x 150 = 22500mm² = 225cm²

Chapter 3: Skill Attained

Civil engineers design and supervise large-scale public work construction projects, such as
roads, buildings, tunnels, dams, and bridges. They are responsible for gathering project
requirements, testing and evaluating building sites and materials, and managing the overall
building process from start to finish. That means that civil engineers need to see and
understand the big picture, and also be able to execute the tiniest of details. 

3.1 Drawing observation and implementation

Structural drawings and the steel placement drawings are complicated, in the very short
time period of internship I came to know the most important elements of drawings and their
implementation on site. Labor is a less drawing reading and understanding party so an engineer
should know how to study drawings.

3.2 Technical training

While soft skills like leadership and communication are critical to civil engineering,
civil engineers also require hard skills, particularly technical skills. They must be skilled in
math and physics, as well as map reading, reviewing blueprints, design techniques, and
computer-aided design (CAD) software. These technical skills are essential to ensuring that the
projects civil engineers work on are structurally sound. 
3.3 Oral communication skills
Communication skills are extremely important for civil engineers, who often lead teams of
diverse people and have to communicate effectively with all of them. They also have to speak
to clients and the public, explaining complex technical ideas in clear ways. Another element of
communication skills is listening. Civil engineers need to listen carefully to the concerns of
their co-workers and the needs of their clients

3.4 Leadership skills

Communication skills are extremely important for civil engineers, who often lead teams of
diverse people and have to communicate effectively with all of them. They also have to speak
to clients and the public, explaining complex technical ideas in clear ways. Another element of
communication skills is listening. Civil engineers need to listen carefully to the concerns of
their co-workers and the needs of their clients

3.5 Organizational skills

One of the main duties of a licensed civil engineer is to monitor and evaluate the
progress of work completed at a jobsite, and making sure staff are in compliance with design
documents, project plans, and other rules and regulations. Licensed civil engineers are also the
only ones who can sign design documents for infrastructure projects. Due to this responsibility
for the official documents and the fact that engineers often work on multiple projects at once,
they must be able to organize project information, manage team members, and allocate
resources where necessary.

3.6 Problem solving

Analytical skills are absolutely vital. During the different stages of a project, such as
planning and construction, engineers will encounter a number of variables that will influence
the outcome or hold up the progress of a project. This is when engineers need to harness their
skills, education, and experience in order to find safe and cost-effective solutions to the issues
that arise while keeping the project on track.

3.7 Decision-making
While working as a leader and manager of a project, a civil engineer will need to
consider the available information, conflicting goals from different parties involved,
professional ethics, financial responsibilities, and safety concerns when making decisions.
They need to have confidence in themselves and in their team for providing accurate and
useful information in order to make decisions that are clear and effective. Also, when mistakes
are made, they should take responsibility, learn what went wrong, and guide the project on a
new path.

Chapter 4: Feedback & Recommendations

During my internship period, I have been able to meet and network with so many people that I
am sure will be able to help me with opportunities in the future.
I conclude that internship is a bridge between the theoretical knowledge and the practical or the
reality work at the field of construction or civil engineering work.
One main thing that I have learned through this internship is time management skills as well as
self-motivation.  When I first started, I did not think that I was going to be able to make myself
to be at site almost.  Once I realized what I had to do I organized my day and work so that I
was not wasting my hours.  I learned that I needed to be organized and have questions ready
for when it was the correct time to get feedback.  From this internship and time management I
had to learn how to motivate myself through being in the site for so many hours.  I came up
with various proposals and ideas that the company is still looking into using.
Overall, the internship laid sound foundation for us to start our career. We are proud to be able
to contribute towards nation building the country’s extremely critical period of the history. It
will be definitely sensible to scale this practice up and to replicate in other disciplines as well..

An initial geotechnical assessment of a group of board piles in a chalk has been
presented in this paper discussing the stages implemented to ensure that safe working loads are
applied during the bearing replacement of the bridge pier and no excessive deflection or
rotation will result from the new temporary distribution. To establish the ground condition and
determine the engineering parameters of the strata the existing geotechnical was collected from
as built records and then evaluated against a historical static load test using CBR.

The bearing capacity of single pile was calculated considering two different methods in
obtaining the ultimate skin friction where the larger value based on the effective over burden
pressure has been found to be in agreement with result of pile load test analysis.
The elastic response of the pile group was analyzed using PIGLET software which has
predicated a significant increase in the vertical loads on the edge piles at the North side (where
the bridge maintenance work will occur.) However, this proved to be an over estimation
compared with the result obtain from REPUTE software where a prefect plastic behavior of the
chalk was considered.

When it comes to design and construction projects, the conventional design process is
relatively straightforward: The client hires the firm, the client shares expectations and
requirements for the project, the firm develops and refines the design, and the design is
constructed. Client expectations are confined to satisfaction with the final constructed state as
it relates to functionality and aesthetics.
The rules change when the facility is already built and operating and cannot be shut down for
the sake of the project. While the objective of the project remains the same as in a conventional
construction project—a functional, code-compliant design—the path to achieving a complete
design and getting the project constructed under budget is far more complicated. This is
especially so in large facilities that contain multiple exhaust streams and scores of gas, water,
and chemical distribution systems—particularly when these processes and systems have an
array of “owners.”
From the perspective of designers and engineers, the difference between designing and
constructing a brand-new facility versus designing and constructing for “live factory” projects
is very important and can greatly impact the success of your project.
Successful design and construction firms recognize the unique challenges inherent in taking on
a significant project within an existing space. This article offers insights into these challenges
and provides ten great tips that can serve as a checklist of sorts to evaluate whether you and
your A/E supplier are employing best practices on your new design project.
Site/factory engineer(s) usually interface most frequently with the A/E firm. These engineers
generally identify the need for a project in the first place and provide to the A/E firm a general
concept of what the project design will entail.

i. Always be mindful that the A/E firm is a consultant accountable only to the PM. As the
design is developed and the A/E interacts with stakeholders, new requirements and
scope will be discovered, some more justified than the rest. The PM must decipher

which of these elements should be incorporated into the project and determine the value
of added design and construction costs.
ii. Do not underestimate project impacts to pipelines, electrical panels or equipment.
Necessary work around may require engineered designs, bypass piping, or ductwork.
Temporary facilities or HVAC and/or a plan for partial plant or equipment shutdowns
may also need to be provided.

i. am 02:08:20)


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