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Project Charter: Tablotop Tablets

DATE: 08/01/2023

Project Summary

The Sauce & Spoon Tabletop Menu Tablet Pilot Rollout aims to introduce tabletop
menu tablets in two restaurant locations, Sauce & Spoon North and Sauce & Spoon
Downtown. The tablets will allow guests to place their orders upon arrival, reducing
wait times and improving the overall dining experience. The project also seeks to
increase the product mix through upselling, decrease average table turn time, and
reduce food waste. The pilot will be launched in the bar section of each restaurant,
and the tablets will be integrated with the existing POS and host software.

Project Goals

Launch a successful pilot rollout of tabletop menu tablets at Sauce & Spoon North
and Sauce & Spoon Downtown.
Increase product mix by using the tablets to promote specific menu items and
offer coupons.
Decrease average table turn time by approximately 30 minutes to improve guest
satisfaction and increase daily guest counts by 10%.
Implement tablet features that help communicate specific guest requests to the
kitchen, aiming to reduce food waste caused by frequent order modifications.
Train the restaurant staff to effectively use the new tablet system, ensuring a
seamless transition and minimal resistance to change.
Integrate the tablets with the existing POS and host software to facilitate efficient
order tracking, pricing, and payment processing.
Obtain estimates of the potential reduction in food waste through tablet
implementation and set a reasonable goal for waste reduction.
Improve the satisfaction of the kitchen staff with specific metrics that capture
their performance and address employee turnover.


Project Charter: A comprehensive document outlining the project's goals, scope,

and key stakeholders.
Tablet Vendor Evaluation Report: An analysis of different tablet packages with a
focus on features such as menu item add-ons and coupon capabilities.
Training Plan: A detailed plan for training the restaurant staff on using the tablets
Integration Plan: A strategy for integrating the tablets with the existing POS and
host software to ensure seamless operations.
Progress Reports: Regular updates on the pilot rollout's progress, including data on
table turn time, product mix, daily guest counts, and food waste reduction.
Evaluation Report: A final report summarizing the pilot's outcomes, including a
comparison of the achieved goals against the set targets.
Recommendations for Future Implementation: If the pilot is successful, a set of
recommendations for expanding the tablet rollout to other locations.

Scope and Exclusion


Implementing tabletop menu tablets at Sauce & Spoon North and Sauce & Spoon
Downtown restaurants in the bar section.
Testing the tablet features for menu item add-ons and coupon promotions to
increase product mix.
Training the restaurant staff on effectively using the tablet system.
Integrating the tablets with the existing POS and host software for efficient order
tracking and payment processing.
Monitoring and evaluating the impact of the tablet pilot on table turn time, daily
guest counts, and food waste reduction.
Creating progress reports and an evaluation report summarizing the pilot
Improving kitchen staff satisfaction and addressing employee turnover through
specific metrics.

Implementing the tablet pilot in sections of the restaurant other than the bar area.
Expanding the tablet rollout to additional restaurant locations beyond Sauce &
Spoon North and Sauce & Spoon Downtown.
Addressing all aspects of food waste reduction beyond the potential impact of
tablet implementation on communication of guest requests to the kitchen.
Conducting a comprehensive overhaul of the entire restaurant operations beyond
the scope of the tablet pilot.

Benefits & Costs


● Enhanced Guest Experience: Guests can place orders immediately upon arrival,
reducing wait times and improving overall dining experience.
● Increased Product Mix: The tablets' menu item add-ons and coupon
promotions can lead to higher sales and greater variety in orders.
● Improved Table Turn Time: By allowing guests to order and pay faster, the
project aims to reduce table occupancy time, enabling the restaurant to serve
more parties.
● Higher Daily Guest Counts: Faster service and improved guest experience can
potentially attract more customers, increasing daily guest counts.
● Reduced Food Waste: Better communication of guest requests to the kitchen
through the tablets may lead to fewer food order errors and less food waste.
● Improved Kitchen Staff Satisfaction: Addressing employee turnover and
improving staff satisfaction can enhance overall restaurant performance and


● Tablet Purchase and Installation: The initial cost of acquiring and setting up the
tabletop menu tablets in the designated bar sections of the restaurants.
● Software Integration: Costs associated with integrating the tablet software with
the existing POS and host systems.
● Training Expenses: Investment in training sessions and materials to familiarize
the restaurant staff with the new tablet system.
● Pilot Evaluation: Costs for data collection, analysis, and reporting to evaluate
the success of the tablet pilot.
● Potential Adjustments: Additional expenses that might arise from any
necessary adjustments or modifications to the tablet system during the pilot
● Additional Operational Costs: Expenses related to the potential policy changes
and adjustments in response to the pilot's outcomes.


Misalignments: Policy Change on Order Returns: There was a disagreement among

stakeholders regarding the inclusion of a policy change on order returns due to error
as part of the tablet rollout. Carter suggested changing the policy to reduce food
waste, while Gilly expressed concerns about its impact on service staff and whether it
should be addressed separately. The misalignment was resolved by deciding to
discuss the policy change separately from the tablet project.

Including Kitchen Staff Satisfaction Goal: Carter proposed a goal to improve the
satisfaction of the kitchen staff, while Peta was initially hesitant to include it
without specific metrics. The misalignment was resolved by agreeing to work
on integrating kitchen staff satisfaction metrics into the project scope.
Inclusion of Additional Operational Costs: The need for adjustments in response to
the pilot's outcomes and potential policy changes led to a misalignment in
including additional operational costs in the project scope. The misalignment
was resolved by agreeing to consider these costs as part of the project
evaluation and final report.

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