English I

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English –I
MM: 50 Time: 2.5 Hrs.

Q1. Write the plurals of these words: 5

Bird ____________________ Fruit ______________________

Seed ____________________ Swing ______________________

Q2. Write the opposites: 4

Good ___________________ Come ______________________

Hot ____________________ Fat ________________________

Q3. Write ‘a’ or ‘an’ before the following nouns: 3

_______________ tree ______________ ant _______________ egg

_______________ onion ______________ man ________________ ice

Q4. Join the following paits of sentences using ‘and’ 2

a. Anu has a pen. Anu has a pencil.


b. My father is a Punjabi. My Mother is a Bengali.


Q5. Fill in the blanks with ‘in’ ‘on’ or ‘under’ 2

a. The bird is _____________________ in the cage.

b. Glass is ________________ the table.

c. The kite is _______________ the tree.

d. Pen is _________________ the bed.

Q6. You see them all in the sky. Fill in the blanks by choosing these words 2.5

Q7. Write the following groups of words in alphabetical order: 2

a. Jump, dance, run, wash, cry.


b. red, big, good. dance, fat


Q8. Rewrite the following sentences using capitalletters and full stops: 2

a. i like to read the ramanaya


b. they are good friends


Q9. Conversation: 3
a. Where do you live?


b. Who is your principal?


c. Who is your class teacher?

Q10. Tick the correct answer: 3
a. The little plant grows into a

Big tree  Big Bird 

b. The child wishes to be a __________________ in the sky.

A Bird  A kite 
c. The colour of the sundari was

Red, white and blue  Orange 

d. Who crawls very slowly?

A frog  A Turtle 
e. Who was dozing under a tree?

A tortoise A Tiger 
f. Kalu was a

Tailor  Farmer 
Q11. Match the animals to the sounds they make: 2

Bird Cats Cows Lions Flies

Meow Chirp Roar Moo Buzz

Q12. Fill in the blanks: 5

a. Fish swim in the _________________________

b. Applu filled his ___________________ with water.

c. Applu ran away in _________________________

d. A ______________________ was dozing under a tree.

e. If I were a bird, I would ________________________.

Q13. State True or False: 2.5

a. The tiger was proud ______________________.

b. All the new clothes became wet _________________________.

c. Applu came to Kalu’s shop everyday _______________________.

d. Anandi had a cat named Milli. ________________________.

e. The mosquito stopped the buzz ________________________.

Q14. Answer the following questions: 7

a. Where is the boy?

b. Do you like apples?

c. What is the colour of the sky?

d. Was she happy to see the rainbow?

e. Where do birds live?

f. Where does the little bird see the fruit?

g. Who was Appu?


Q15. Write an Essay on “The Cow” 4

The cow is a _____________________ animal.

Its colour is ____________________ and _______________________

It has four _____________________

It has _________________________ horns.

It has a long ____________________.

It eats _________________________.

It gives us ______________________.

It’s _________________________ is good for health.

______________________ worship it.

Q16. Write an application for an urgent piece of work: 4


The ________________,

Naveen _______________ School



I ______________________ to say that I have an ____________________

piece of ___________________ at _____________________.

Kindly ___________ me ____________________ for ____________________ days.

_______________ you,

Yours ___________________,



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