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S:1) Read the text and answer the question!

My Laptop

I got my laptop in the first year of college. It was a gift from my father to me. But,
since my father live far away from my campus, so my father sent the money to my
cousin and ask him to get it for me. I was very happy because it was my first laptop.
I do a lot of things with it such as watch movie, play games, listen to my favorite
songs and I also use it to complete my college assignment. It was very reliable, it is
like every time I need it, it will always be there for me.
The colour of my laptop is black. Just like any other laptop with an old style, the
screen of my laptop is joined to the body by using hinges, so it cannot be separated.
The border of the screen is made of black plastic. There is a web cam planted in the
screen framework, it is located at the top-middle side of the screen. The screen is 14
inch wide. The screen and its skeleton thickness is about 0.8 centimeters. The
thickness of the body is about 2.2 centimeters, so when we combine the thickness of
the screen and the body, the overall thickness of my laptop is about 3 centimeters.
So you can imagine now that my laptop is thick and heavy.
What can we conclude from the text?
A:) The laptop is the gift from the writer’s father
B:) The colour of the writer’s father is blue
C:) The laptop is thin and heavy
D:) The writer can watch the movie from his/her gadget
E:) There is not web cam in the writer’s screen laptop

S:2) Read the text and answer the question!

Bandung is the capital city of West Java Province and located between some big
Not only a big city, Bandung is known as The Capital of Asian-Africa Solidarity.
The title is based on the history when all leaders from Asia and Africa Continent
attended Asian African Conference in 1955.
Beside that, Bandung is also known as a tourism destination. There is so many
destination that you can visit.
The famous place that’s close to Bandung City is Gunung Tangkuban Perahu and
Kawah Putih. You can see a wonderful view from here.

Why Bandung is called as the capital of Asian-Africa Solidarity?

A:) Because it is located in west java
B:) because it has many tourist destination
C:) because it has wonderful view
D:) because all leaders from Asia and Africa Continent had been attended Asian Africa Conference in Bandung
E:) to designate some cameras as historical Japanese camera

S:3) Read the text and answer the question!

Hello friends, how are you today?

On this occasion, I will introduce myself. My name is Qoriana, I was born on

February 9th 2005. I came from Ciawi but now I live in Rawa and study at SMK Bina
Mandiri Sukahening Accounting porogram. I am currently in 12th grade of SMK.

I love singing and going out with friends. The most favorite day is Saturday because
that day I can be free to do what I please. Normally I spend my days off in cafes, the
malls, bookstores, and also at the beaches. I think that’s enough. Thank you.
Which statement that is Not Correct based on the text above?
A:) The writer is 18 years old
B:) Qoriana lives in Ciawi
C:) The writer's come from Ciawi
D:) the writer was born in 2005
E:) the witer's hobby is singing

S:4) Read the text and answer the question!


All students of the twelfth grade requested to gather in the hall at 9 a.m. to receive
information from the principal about what to prepare for the proficiency
competence examination. There will also be a briefing from the chief of study
program. Be there

Why all students of the twelfth grade gathered?

A:) They will hold the proficiency competence examination
B:) They will get information about what to prepare for the proficiency competence examination
C:) There will be some presentation from the Chief study program
D:) They will receive some information about Olympic
E:) There will be a briefing from the principal

S:5) Read the text and answer the questions!

Losing My Camera
Two days ago I was in the bus station to pick my brother up for his arrival.
I was playing my Camera all the time in that afternoon. I sat in the bench right near
the ticket keeper. Then, I bought a bottle of water across the ticket keeper. I forgot
to take my Camera with me when I bought water. Then I saw my brother out of the
bus. I ran to him and we were about to go. That time I thought I lost my Camera.
My brother told me to check it in the place before. I came back and the ticket keeper
told me that he saved the Camera for me. I thanked him and we said our good bye.
I was afraid that I would lose my Camera. Lucky I still had it back.

What is the text tell us about?

A:) A new Camera from the writer’s father
B:) Picking up the brother in the bus station
C:) The ticket keeper gives free Camera
D:) The writer’s lost his Camera
E:) The writer’s brother lost his Camera

S:6) Read the text and answer the questions!

A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra lived a woman
and her son, Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang and his mother had to live hard
because his father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang was a
healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting
fish he would bring it to his mother, or sell the caught fish in the town.
One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant’s ship being raided
by a band of pirates. With his bravery, Malin Kundang helped the merchant defeat
the pirates. To thank him, the merchant allowed Malin Kundang to sail with him.
Malin Kundang agreed in the hope to get a better life. He left his mother alone.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and a lot of
crews who worked loading trading goods. He was also married to a beautiful
woman. When he was sailing on his trading journey, his ship landed on a coast near
a small village. The local people recognized that it was Malin Kundang, a boy from
the area. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich and now
he is here”.
An old woman, who was Malin Kundang’s mother, ran to the beach to meet the new
rich merchant. She wanted to hug him to release her sadness of being lonely after a
long time. When his mother came near him, Malin Kundang who was with his
beautiful wife and his ship crews denied that she was his mother. She had pleaded
Malin Kundang to look at her and admit that she was her mother. But he kept
refusing to do it and yelling at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her “Enough, old
woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!” After that he
ordered his crews to set sail to leave the old woman who was then full of sadness
and anger. Finally, feeling enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn
into a stone if he didn’t apologize to her. Malin Kundang just laughed and set sail.
How did the curse happen?
A:) The thunderstorm came into Malin Kundang's house
B:) The storm struck Malin Kundang
C:) The old woman was strucken by the thunderstorm
D:) Malin Kundang ship beat the stone
E:) a thunderstorm wreck his huge ship and threw him into small island after he rejected to claim his mother

S:7) "Suddenly a thunderstorm came in the quiet sea,….." the underlined word has the same meaning with ….
A:) Noise
B:) Crowd
C:) Comfortable
D:) Silent
E:) Load

S:8) Look at the picture!

Haris : Excuse me, I want to go the museum. Could you show me the way?
Nursifa : ….....................
A:) Of course, the museum is across the stadium
B:) Sure, the stadium is beside the museum
C:) Certainly, the stadium is in front of the museum
D:) Sure, the museum is behind the hospital
E:) Okay, the museum is beside the hospital

S:9) Read the dialogue and answer the question!

Indah : Harry potter is the best movie ever.
Dian : I don’t agree. It is totally an irational movie.
From the dialogue above we can conclude that ….
A:) Indah agrees with Dian’s opinion
B:) Dian completely agree with Indah’s opinion
C:) Indah accepts Dian’s opinion
D:) Dian likes Harry Potter the movie
E:) Dian completely disagrees with Indah's Opinion

S:10) Complete the dialogue below!

Sheila : It’s nearly UKK. What are you going to do?
Arif : ……………
Sheila : Good Job!
Arif : Thank you.
A:) I think I will get a job
B:) I think I will do the task
C:) I think I will do more practice to prepare it
D:) I want to apply the job
E:) I want to pay my debt

S:11) Read the instruction below and answer the question!

1. Read an installation guide for your printer if you have it.
2. Plug the printer into your computer
3. Turn on the printer
4. Wait for the operating system to detect and install the printer
5. Install the software that comes with the printer
6. Download the drivers from the manufacture’s website it you do not have the disc
7. Run the download drivers
8. After installing the drivers, your printer should now be ready to print from any
program on your computer that supports printing.
Note : if you don’t have the installation guide, please read it on manufacture
How do we install a printer?
A:) By unplugging the computer
B:) By downloading the drivers
C:) By installing the downloaded drivers
D:) By detecting the operating system
E:) By turning on the printer

S:12) “Wait for the operating system to detect and install the printer”. The word that underlined has the similar
meaning to …
A:) select
B:) choose
C:) install
D:) notice
E:) show

S:13) Read the text and answer the question!

Glad if you can attend and laugh with us in
Graduation Party
In respect of our perseverance and persistence
We have graduated from SMK Bina Mandiri
Accompany with us on
Saturday, Mei 05, 2023 at 8 a.m.
The second floor, Maribaya Hotel.
Graduation Commitee
RSVP 085221534107
What invitation is this?
A:) Birthday party
B:) Farewell party
C:) Wedding party
D:) Graduation party
E:) Winning Celebration

S:14) Mr. Rizal repairs the computer in the laboratory every month.
Which is the correct passive voice form from the active voice above?
A:) Mr. Rizal is repaired by the computer in the laboratory every month
B:) Every month the computer is repaired by Mr. Rizal in the laboratory
C:) In the laboratory Mr. Rizal repaires the computer every month
D:) The computer is repairing Mr. Rizal in the laboratory
E:) In the laboratory Mr. Rizal is repaired by the computer.

S:15) Yesterday, The Police caught the robber bank in the corner of my school.
Which is the correct passive voice form from the active voice above?
A:) The robber bank was caught by the police in the corner of my school yesterday
B:) The robber bank caught the police in the corner of my school yesterday
C:) Yesterday the robber is caught by the police in the corner of my school
D:) Yesterday the robber was being caught by the police in the corner of my school
E:) The police is caught by the robber bank in the corner of my school

S:16) Complete the dialogue below!

Agus : I have some money. Now, my laptop is broken it will not be enough to get a new one. Do you have an
Eka : …………
A:) If I was you, I would get the computer repaired
B:) If I were you, I would get the computer repaired
C:) If I am you, I will get somebody to repair the computer
D:) If I were you, I would get somebody repair the computer
E:) If I had been you, I would have gotten somebody to repair the computer

S:17) Read the text and answer the question!

A laptop is a kind of computer unit which has the same function as a PC (Personal
Computer), but it is smaller, lighter and of different sizes. Nowadays, most people
choose laptops for several reasons.
A laptop is a portable device. This portability is very helpful for our work, study
and other activities. We do not need complicated cable installations to activate a
laptop, and with a laptop, we can do our work anytime anywhere.
Moreover, a laptop allows us to access the internet in public places which provide
free access called hot spot areas. Some people like to use this facility to carry out
their tasks.
Finally, a laptop consumes energy more efficiently than a PC does. This device uses
a rechargeable battery as a source of electric energy. So if we prefer using a laptop,
it means that we support the government program to save energy.
That’s why a laptop has become very popular recently.
What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A:) Laptop is a kind of computer unit
B:) Laptop is a portable device and we can do our work anytime anywhere
C:) Laptop consumes energy more efficiently than PC
D:) We can access the internet in public place with laptop
E:) Laptop is smaller than PC

S:18) Read the letter below and answer the questions!

A laptop is a kind of computer unit which has the same function as a PC (Personal
Computer), but it is smaller, lighter and of different sizes. Nowadays, most people
choose laptops for several reasons.
A laptop is a portable device. This portability is very helpful for our work, study
and other activities. We do not need complicated cable installations to activate a
laptop, and with a laptop, we can do our work anytime anywhere.
Moreover, a laptop allows us to access the internet in public places which provide
free access called hot spot areas. Some people like to use this facility to carry out
their tasks.
Finally, a laptop consumes energy more efficiently than a PC does. This device uses
a rechargeable battery as a source of electric energy. So if we prefer using a laptop,
it means that we support the government program to save energy.
That’s why a laptop has become very popular recently.
Which one is the Incorrect statement about the advantage of Laptop?
A:) Laptop is lighter than PC
B:) Laptop need complicated cable installations to activate
C:) Laptop consumes energy more efficiently than PC
D:) We can access the internet in public place with laptop
E:) Laptop is smaller than PC

S:19) Read the text and answer the questions!

I strongly believe that mobile phones are necessary. My reasons for this belief are
that these phones are convenient for business people who travel a lot, and they are
handy for emergencies.
To begin with, mobile phones are necessary in the case of emergencies. For
instance, if you fall down a set of stairs in a building and are badly injured and can’t
reach a pay phone, it is handy to have one to use. Or, if your car breaks down in the
middle of the night in a strange neighbourhood, it would be dangerous to leave it in
search of a public phone booth.
My other main reason is that mobile phones are convenient for business people. For
example, if you are out of the state or even overseas and you have to contact a client
to do some important work, it is useful to have one to use. By using a mobile phone,
important information can be received. People can’t stay in an office all day waiting
for their phone to ring. Some people have to go and do jobs or they will go out of
business. You can even send faxes or messages and use the internet with your
In conclusion, I believe that mobile phones have now become a necessary part of
every day life. Instant communication will ensure that information can be passed on
with a simple press of a button. Whether this is to do with business or personal
information or emergencies, it goes to show that they are necessary in the new

What is the text tell us about?

A:) Mobile phones are dangerous
B:) Mobile phones are not suitable for business
C:) The reason why mobile phones are necessary
D:) Mobile phones can't use in emergency cases
E:) Mobile phones are not convenient

S:20) Read the text and answer the question!

Bill Gates
William Henry Gates III or who is popular well known in the public. He, Bill Gates,
was born in 1985 in Seattle, Washington in United States Of America. He is a well
known as the American business executive, who serves as chairman of One of the
popular IT corporation, Microsoft Corporation, as the leading computer software
company in the United States Of America. Before his success came, he attended
public school through the sixth grade of his school. In the seventh grade he entered
Seattle’s exclusive Lakeside School, in which he met his best friend Paul Allen.
Surprisingly, they cofound Microsoft, in 1975 which now everybody know it as
popular software corporation.
In 1980 Microsoft closed a pivotal deal with International Business Machines
Corporation (IBM) and as also popular American corporation,which to provide the
operating system for the IBM PC personal computer. In 1986 Microsoft offered its
stock to the public so that is why everyone in the world now can use microsoft
application; by 1987 rapid appreciation of the stock had made Gates, 31, as the
youngest over self-made billionare person. Wow.
In 1989 he founded Cobis Corporation, which now owns the largest collection of
digital images in all over the world. In the 1990s, as Microsoft’s Windows
Operating system and Office application software achieved worldwide market
dominance by their works, so that Gates ammased a fortune who tens of billions of
In the late 1990’s, with his wife, Melinda, he established the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation as the corporate social responsibility, which at that time, ranked by
assets, quickly became the largest foundation in the world. In addition, Gates has
also authored some books that: The Road Ahead (1995;revised, 1996), which details
his vision of technology’s in society, and Business @ the Speed of Thoughout
(1999), which is discussed the role technology that can play in running a business.
In 1998 Gates appointed as an executive vice president of Microsoft, with Steve
Ballmer, to as the position of president, but Gates continued to serve as Microsoft’s
chairman and chief executive officer (CEO).In 2000 Gates transferred the title of
CEO to Ballmer. It is as his great works. While remaining chairman, Bill also took
on the title of chief software architect to focus on the development of new products
and technologies in Microsoft.
Where Bill Gates met his best friend Paul Allen?
A:) In Microsoft Corporation
B:) In Cobis Corporation
C:) In Washington
D:) at his home in Seattle
E:) In Seattle’s exclusive Lakeside School

S:21) Read the text and answer the question!

Bill Gates
William Henry Gates III or who is popular well known in the public. He, Bill Gates,
was born in 1985 in Seattle, Washington in United States Of America. He is a well
known as the American business executive, who serves as chairman of One of the
popular IT corporation, Microsoft Corporation, as the leading computer software
company in the United States Of America. Before his success came, he attended
public school through the sixth grade of his school. In the seventh grade he entered
Seattle’s exclusive Lakeside School, in which he met his best friend Paul Allen.
Surprisingly, they cofound Microsoft, in 1975 which now everybody know it as
popular software corporation.
In 1980 Microsoft closed a pivotal deal with International Business Machines
Corporation (IBM) and as also popular American corporation,which to provide the
operating system for the IBM PC personal computer. In 1986 Microsoft offered its
stock to the public so that is why everyone in the world now can use microsoft
application; by 1987 rapid appreciation of the stock had made Gates, 31, as the
youngest over self-made billionare person. Wow.
In 1989 he founded Cobis Corporation, which now owns the largest collection of
digital images in all over the world. In the 1990s, as Microsoft’s Windows
Operating system and Office application software achieved worldwide market
dominance by their works, so that Gates ammased a fortune who tens of billions of
In the late 1990’s, with his wife, Melinda, he established the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation as the corporate social responsibility, which at that time, ranked by
assets, quickly became the largest foundation in the world. In addition, Gates has
also authored some books that: The Road Ahead (1995;revised, 1996), which details
his vision of technology’s in society, and Business @ the Speed of Thoughout
(1999), which is discussed the role technology that can play in running a business.
In 1998 Gates appointed as an executive vice president of Microsoft, with Steve
Ballmer, to as the position of president, but Gates continued to serve as Microsoft’s
chairman and chief executive officer (CEO).In 2000 Gates transferred the title of
CEO to Ballmer. It is as his great works. While remaining chairman, Bill also took
on the title of chief software architect to focus on the development of new products
and technologies in Microsoft.
In June 2006 Gates announced that he would begin transitioning from a full-time
role working at Microsoft to a full-time role at the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation. He relinquished his title of chief software architect to Ray Ozzie, who
as a veteran leader in computer technology and creator of Lotus Notes. Bill Gates
planned to remain chairman of Microsoft and to continue as its largest shareholder
in his life, but he said that by July 2008 he would have only a part-time role at the
company he cofounded. Great Job Bill Gates!
What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A:) Bill Gates trought Microsoft's Window OS and Office Application dominate the worldwide market
B:) The story of Bill Gates' childhood
C:) Bill Gates got married
D:) Bill Gates cofound the Microsoft Corporation
E:) Bill Gates met his best friend

S:22) My computer doesn't run well, …............ the viruses attack.

A:) because
B:) because of
C:) as a result
D:) therefore
E:) since

S:23) The Camera doesn't take the good picture, …........ the dirty lens.
A:) due to
B:) because
C:) as a result
D:) therefore
E:) since

S:24) In writing report, where we can find the outline limitation imposed on the project such as cost, time etc?
A:) In the biodata
B:) In the scope
C:) In Background of study
D:) In the conclusion
E:) In the purpose of the text

S:25) “I am pleased to welcome you in this meeting”

In which part of presentation might you hear this?
A:) Introduction of speaker
B:) welcome remarks
C:) Purpose of presentation
D:) Highlights of presentation
E:) Question of presentation

S:26) Teacher : Hilman, do you know how to install the operating system in my laptop?
Hasbi : I'm sorry, Sir. I can't. May I help you to find the computer service?
Teacher : Sure. Thanks before.
From the dialogue above we know that Hasbi…..
A:) asking for opinion
B:) asking for help
C:) giving some advice
D:) accepting some help
E:) offering help

S:27) Look at the picture!

Which one is the correct expression based on the picture.
A:) Would you like to bring this box?
B:) May I close the box?
C:) What if I buy you the box?
D:) Can I call you the security?
E:) May I help you to carry the box?

S:28) Read the letter below and answer the questions!

Where the applicant know about the vacancy?

A:) on the tv advertisement
B:) from his friend
C:) on the newspaper
D:) on brochure
E on the pamflet

S:29) " I am good at computer service." the underlined word has the same meaning with ….
A:) better
B:) nice
C:) skilful
D:) bad
E:) worse

S:30) Read the letter and answer the question!

What skill that the applicant good at?
A:) Speaking English
B:) Work in team
C:) network instalation
D:) printer service
E:) computer service

S:31) Read the text and answer the question!

Which is not correct about the applicant?

A:) Friendly
B:) Sociable
C:) Willing to learn
D:) Hard Working
E:) Fluency in English

S:32) Interviewer : I believe that you have had some job experience before. Could you tell me about it?
Interviewee : .....................
A:) I have a company in Bandung
B:) I have had worked at Transcorp for 2 years
C:) I works everyday in my home
D:) I believe I can be the best worker
E:) I want to get experience here

S:33) Interviewer : Could you tell me your strenghts?

Interviewee : Sure, I am good at microsoft excel and I am hard worker.
From the dialogue above we can conclude that ....
A:) the interviewer is a hard worker
B:) the interviewee is strong
C:) the interviewee is good at microsoft excel
D:) the interviewer is good at microsoft excel
E:) the interviewee is lazy worker

S:34) Look at the picture!

What is the sign means....

A:) We must bring food and drink
B:) We have to bring food and drink
C:) We should bring food and drink
D:) We mustn't bring food and drink
E:) We musn't eat and drink

S:35) Look at the picture below!

What is the sign means....

A:) We have to bring our station
B:) We have to go to station
C:) We should take our station
D:) We must keep our station tidy
E:) We musn't keep our station tidy

S:36) Read the text and answer the question!

Zuckerberg urged to nix kids' version of Instagram

Advocates for children from around the world urged Facebook chief Mark
Zuckerberg on Thursday to ditch plans for a version of Instagram geared toward
Campaign for a Commercial-free Childhood and the Electronic Privacy Information
Center were among nearly 100 groups and individuals from North America, Europe,
Africa and Australia to make the plea in a letter to Zuckerberg.
Instagram "exploits young people's fear of missing out and desire for peer
approval," the letter contended.
"The platform's relentless focus on appearance, self-presentation and branding
presents challenges to adolescents' privacy and well-being," it argued, building on
concerns about predators, bullies and inappropriate content.
Instagram is exploring the launch of a version of the image-centric social network
for children under 13, with parental controls.
Facebook-owned Instagram, like its parent company, allows only those older than
13 to join but verifying age on the internet makes it challenging to catch all rule
"The reality is that kids are online," Facebook spokeswoman Stephanie Otway said
in response to an AFP inquiry.
"They want to connect with their family and friends, have fun and learn, and we
What is urged by the advocates for children from around the world to Zuckerberg?
A:) Instagram for pre-teens version
B:) Facebook for pre-teens version
C:) the comercial event for children
D:) Campaign the childhood freedom
E:) Kids exploitation

S:37) Read the text and answer the question!

Zuckerberg urged to nix kids' version of Instagram

Advocates for children from around the world urged Facebook chief Mark
Zuckerberg on Thursday to ditch plans for a version of Instagram geared toward
Campaign for a Commercial-free Childhood and the Electronic Privacy Information
Center were among nearly 100 groups and individuals from North America, Europe,
Africa and Australia to make the plea in a letter to Zuckerberg.
Instagram "exploits young people's fear of missing out and desire for peer
approval," the letter contended.
"The platform's relentless focus on appearance, self-presentation and branding
presents challenges to adolescents' privacy and well-being," it argued, building on
concerns about predators, bullies and inappropriate content.
Instagram is exploring the launch of a version of the image-centric social network
for children under 13, with parental controls.
Facebook-owned Instagram, like its parent company, allows only those older than
13 to join but verifying age on the internet makes it challenging to catch all rule
"The reality is that kids are online," Facebook spokeswoman Stephanie Otway said
in response to an AFP inquiry.
"They want to connect with their family and friends, have fun and learn, and we
want to help them do that in a way that is safe and age-appropriate."
Facebook is working with child development and mental health experts to prioritize
safety and privacy, according to Otway.
Instagram, which has more than a billion users, recently unveiled technology aimed
at preventing underage children from creating accounts and blocking adults from
contacting young users they don't know.
The platform is also looking at ways to make it more difficult for adults who have
been exhibiting "potentially suspicious behavior" to interact with teens.
The children's advocates were dubious about the proposed youth version.
What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A:) Young people got a few benefit from instagram for pre-teens version
B:) Young people got a lot of benefit from instagram for pre-teens version
C:) Instagram has a lot of benefit
D:) Instagram has a few of benefit
E:) Facebook has a few of benefit

S:38) Read the text and answer the question!

Zuckerberg urged to nix kids' version of Instagram

Advocates for children from around the world urged Facebook chief Mark
Zuckerberg on Thursday to ditch plans for a version of Instagram geared toward
Campaign for a Commercial-free Childhood and the Electronic Privacy Information
Center were among nearly 100 groups and individuals from North America, Europe,
Africa and Australia to make the plea in a letter to Zuckerberg.
Instagram "exploits young people's fear of missing out and desire for peer
approval," the letter contended.
"The platform's relentless focus on appearance, self-presentation and branding
presents challenges to adolescents' privacy and well-being," it argued, building on
concerns about predators, bullies and inappropriate content.
Instagram is exploring the launch of a version of the image-centric social network
for children under 13, with parental controls.
Facebook-owned Instagram, like its parent company, allows only those older than
13 to join but verifying age on the internet makes it challenging to catch all rule
"The reality is that kids are online," Facebook spokeswoman Stephanie Otway said
in response to an AFP inquiry.
"They want to connect with their family and friends, have fun and learn, and we
want to help them do that in a way that is safe and age-appropriate."
Facebook is working with child development and mental health experts to prioritize
safety and privacy, according to Otway.
Instagram, which has more than a billion users, recently unveiled technology aimed
at preventing underage children from creating accounts and blocking adults from
contacting young users they don't know.
The platform is also looking at ways to make it more difficult for adults who have
been exhibiting "potentially suspicious behavior" to interact with teens.
The children's advocates were dubious about the proposed youth version.
"Facebook's long track record of exploiting young people and putting them at risk
makes the company particularly unsuitable as the custodian of a photo sharing and
social messaging site for children," their letter said.
"In short, an Instagram site for kids will subject young children to a number of
serious risks and will offer few benefits for families." (source:
How the instagram exploit the young people?
A:) Instagram has more than a billion users
B:) Instagram make young people's fear missing out
C:) Instagram makes young people have fun
D:) Instagram launch of a version of the image centric sosial network
E:) Kids are online today.

S:39) Complete the dialogue below!

Ilham : I haven't ready for competence test. What should I do?
Resti :If you want to pass the exam, ...................
A:) you will do more practice
B:) you do more practice
C:) you would have done more practice
D:) you should do more practice
E:) you would do something

S:40) Complete the dialogue below!

Wahrul : I'm very sad. I can't buy a new Camera for new project
Sari : ........................, I would lend you some money.
A:) If I were a rich woman
B:) If I am a billionaire
C:) If you are a rich man
D:) If you have some money
E:) If I have some moneyher

S:41) Tatang : I heard that you got the first rank in the first semester?
Elsa : Yes, That’s right!
Tatang : Congratulation!
Elsa : ……………
A:) Thanks
B:) No, thanks
C:) Don’t miss it!
D:) No problem
E:) Don’t mention it!

S:42) Mia : Are you free tonight?

Rio : Yes, I don’t have plan to do.
Mia : ………………………………….?
Rio : I’d love to
A:) What are you doing?
B:) Do you like music?
C:) Would you like to watching Dr. Strange 2 with me?
D:) Will you go to Bandung?
E:) Do you have a plan?

S:43) Read the text below and answer the question!

JL Sukahening KM.4 Kp. Rawa
Telp (0265) 2424779
Dear All 12th Students of SMK Bina Mandiri
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, May 14,2023
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall
Agenda= final preparation for the graduation party on next Tuesday, please come
on time, see your there.
What is the purpose of the text? Chair Person
A:) to inform about graduation party
B:) to invite all students preparing the graduation party
C:) to describe about graduation party
D:) to inform about meeting
E:) to prepare the graduation party

S:44) Read the text below and answer the question!

JL Sukahening KM.4 Kp. Rawa
Telp (0265) 2424779
Dear All 12th Students of SMK Bina Mandiri
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, May 14,2023
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall
Agenda= final preparation for the graduation party on next Tuesday, please come
on time, see your there.
Chair Person

When the meeting will be held?

A:) On Tuesday
B:) in the school hall
C:) On May 12
D:) On Saturday
E:) at 02.30 a.m

S:45) Read the text below and answer the question!

JL Sukahening KM.4 Kp. Rawa
Telp (0265) 2424779
Dear All 12th Students of SMK Bina Mandiri
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, May 14,2023
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall
Agenda= final preparation for the graduation party on next Tuesday, please come
on time, see your there.
Chair Person

How long the meeting will be held?

A:) two days
B:) five days
C:) one hour
D:) two hours
E:) three hours
S:46) Arrange the words below into good sentences!
Would – like – to repair – your motorcycle – me – you - ?
A:) Would you like me to repair your motorcycle?
B:) Would me like to repair your motorcycle?
C:) Would you like your motorcycle to repair me?
D:) Would you like me your motorcycle to repair?
E:) Would me like you to repair your motorcycle?

S:47) Indonesia wouldn’t be bankrupt if the corruptors …… the state money.

A:) steal
B:) stole
C:) didn’t steal
D:) stolen
E:) don’t steal

S:48) Read the text and answer the question!

What does the text tell us about?

A:) An English singer
B:) Fashion designer
C:) The spice girl personel
D:) David Beckham
E:) Victoria Beckham and passion.

S:49) Read the text and answer the question!

What did Victoria do before being a solo singer?
A:) Married to David Beckham
B:) Worked as fashion designer
C:) Joined The Spice Girl
D:) Created fashion style
E:) Wrote many books

S:50) The School Examination is cancelled …… the government extends the holiday.
A:) because
B:) because of
C:) so
D:) thanks to
E:) so that

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