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Recent Trends in China’s

Large Language Model


Jeffrey Ding¹ and Jenny W. Xiao² | April 2023



As large-scale pre-trained AI models gain popularity in the West, many Chinese AI labs have de-
veloped their own models capable of generating coherent text and realistic images and videos.
These models represent the frontier of AI research and have significant implications for AI ethics
and governance in China. Yet, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no in-depth English-
language analysis of such models. Studying a sample of 26 large-scale pre-trained AI models de-
veloped in China, our review describes their general capabilities and highlights the role of collab-
oration between the government, industry, and academia in supporting these projects. It also
sheds light on Chinese discussions related to technonationalism, AI governance, and ethics.

¹ Department of Political Science, The George Washington University

² Department of Political Science, Columbia University


For helpful comments, encouragement, and feedback, we thank Markus Anderljung, Ben Cottier,
Samuel Curtis, Ben Garfinkel, Lennart Heim, Toby Shevlane, and Baobao Zhang.


Recent Trends in China’s
Large Language Model

Background ations, funding sources, data, training compute,

parameters, benchmark performance, discus-
Over the last two years, there has been a surge sions of ethics and governance, and model
in Chinese large-scale pre-trained artificial intel- access and usage policies. In addition to
ligence (AI) models¹. Top industry and academic studying published materials, we conducted
labs in China have begun to compete more interviews with researchers at leading Chinese
directly with Western labs by building large- labs, some of whom are directly involved in the
scale AI systems analogous to OpenAI's GPT- development of the models. We also study
3², DeepMind's Chinchilla³, and Google's Chinese discourse surrounding these large-
PaLM⁴. These models—both those of China and scale models, reviewing conversations in
of the West—raise thorny governance relevant WeChat public accounts, Zhihu
questions related to issues such as fairness and threads, as well as mainstream media.
privacy. They also represent progress in a
cutting-edge area of AI that may lead to Main Findings
increasingly general AI systems.
We find that, although it is often difficult to
This paper represents the first detailed study of compare the performance of Chinese and
Chinese large-scale AI models. Alongside the Western AI models due to differences in their
Chinese government’s issuance of its New linguistic media, Chinese models have
Generation AI Development Plan and the performed quite well on English-language
impressive rise of Chinese AI firms and benchmarks. The popularization of large-scale
research organizations, there has been models has also encouraged the development
growing interest in AI developments in China⁵,⁶. of associated infrastructure, including Chinese-
By studying a selected set of Chinese projects, language benchmarks and datasets.
we hope to offer insights into general trends in Compared with Western governments, the
China’s AI ecosystem. Chinese government plays a much more
prominent role in China’s AI ecosystem, often
directly facilitating industry-academia coopera-
Methodology tion and providing significant compute funding.

This study focused on 26 Chinese large-scale In contrast to the prevailing impression in the
pre-trained models released between 2020 West that there is less discussion of AI
and 2022. Though this is not an exhaustive list governance and ethics in China, half of the
of all such models, it includes the most signi- projects we examine discuss ethics or
ficant large-scale language and multimodal governance issues, including bias, the potential
models, based on parameter count and training for misuse, and the environmental repercus-
compute, from Chinese labs. We break down sions of large-scale modeling training. Chinese
the models by various features, including affili- models can be accessed in a variety of ways:



through APIs, direct download options, or A second approach to evaluating the perform-
open-source platforms. Some organizations ance of Chinese models is a direct evaluation
place access restrictions on some of their against Western benchmarks, as some
models, likely due to misuse concerns. Chinese models have English training data and
translation tools can be used to facilitate
Finally, we find that, perhaps as a result of comparison. Baidu’s ERNIE 3.0, for example,
growing U.S.-China tensions, technonationalist set a new SOTA on SuperGLUE with its English
discourse around large-scale AI models on version⁸. WuDao 1.0’s English-language Wen
traditional and social media in China is quite Hui (GLM) model was also evaluated on the
prevalent. For instance, the fact that OpenAI’s SuperGLUE benchmark⁹. Some multimodal
API is not available in China has triggered models also have English versions that can be
anxiety that the country is being blocked out of directly compared with Western models. MSRA
the generative AI revolution happening in the and Peking University’s multimodal NÜWA
West. At the same time, Chinese observers achieved SOTA results on eight downstream
take pride in their domestic large-scale models, tasks, including text-to-image generation, text-
and companies proudly advertise their use of to-video generation, and video prediction¹⁰.
domestically produced hardware and infra- Baidu’s ERNIE-ViLG uses the Baidu Translate
structure for model training. API to enable comparison with OpenAI’s DALL-
E in image generation¹¹. BAAI’s CogView team
also uses caption translation to compare the
performance of CogView with DALL-E. Both of
General Characteristics of these models report a performance improve-
Leading Models ment over DALL-E¹².

Of course, many of the 26 models are only

Performance trained on Chinese data and evaluated on
Chinese-language benchmarks. The rise of
Despite the difficulty of comparing English- and large-scale pre-trained models facilitates the
Chinese-medium AI models, two approaches maturation of associated benchmarks. The re-
to model evaluation indicate that the perform- lease of earlier Chinese models also makes it
ance of top Chinese models is not far behind easier to benchmark the performance of later
the state of the art (SOTA) in the West. The first models. For instance, Huawei’s PanGu-α was
approach looks at the sheer size of Chinese compared against BAAI’s WuDao 1.0-Wen Yuan
models. As large-scale pre-trained models (CPM-1). The rapid advancement of large-scale
usually follow “scaling laws,” meaning that their natural language processing (NLP) models led
performance improves predictably with scale, to the development of the CLUE (Chinese Lan-
the parameter sizes of these models can serve guage Understanding Evaluation) and CUGE
as a rough proxy for performance⁷. Within a (Chinese Language Understanding and Gener-
year of OpenAI’s May 2020 announcement of ation Evaluation) benchmarks, which became
GPT-3 (175B parameters), Chinese developers two of the most widely used Chinese-language
released even larger models, such as PanGu- benchmarks for evaluating large-scale pre-
α (207B parameters) and Yuan 1.0 (245B para- trained models. Notable large-scale pre-trained
meters). The government-sponsored Beijing models evaluated on CLUE include ERNIE 3.0
Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI) also Titan, CPT, and Yuan 1.0, while WuDao 2.0-Wen
released one of the world’s largest mixture-of- Yuan (CPM-2) was evaluated on the CUGE
expert (MoE) models called BaGuaLu (14.5T benchmark.
parameters). However, the race to develop
ever larger models abated with the release of
DeepMind’s Chinchilla model, which shows
that increasing training data may be as
important as scaling up model size³.



Table 1: Key Metrics for Chinese Models

Parameters Training
Release Compute
Name Developer(s) (Of Largest Compute Significance and Benchmarks
Date Hardware
Model) (FLOPs)

China’s first large-scale pre-trained

WuDao- 64 Nvidia V100
BAAI, Tsinghua model; achieves strong
Wen Yuan 12/1/2020 2.6B 6.5E+20 GPUs for two
University performance on many NLP tasks on
1.0 (CPM)¹³ weeks
few-shot and zero-shot learning.

Exceeds strong baseline in VQA,

100B (Mixture 128 Nvidia A100
Tsinghua University, image captioning, and image-text
M6¹⁴ 3/1/2021 of Experts, GPUs (time
Alibaba matching and is also able to
MoE) unspecified)
generate high-quality images.

Renmin University of
WuDao- Outperforms both UNITER and
China, Chinese 128 Nvidia A100
WenLan 3/11/2021 1B 7.2E+21 OpenAI’s CLIP in various
Academy of GPUs for 7 days
1.0¹⁵ downstream tasks.

Surpasses BERT, T5, and GPT on a

WuDao- Tsinghua University, 64 Nvidia V100
wide range of tasks across NLU
Wen Hui 1.0 3/18/2021 BAAI, MIT, Shanghai Qi 11.3B 1.2E+20 GPUs for 2.5
and conditional and unconditional
(GLM)⁹ Zhi Institute days

Trained on
Renewed SOTA performance on
PLUG¹⁶ 4/19/2021 Alibaba 27B 3.6E+22 Alicloud for 35

Huawei, Recurrent Superior performance on various

AI, Peking University, 2048 Huawei
generation, QA, and summarization
PanGu-α¹⁷ 4/26/2021 and Peng Cheng Lab 207B 5.83E+22 Ascend 910 AI
tasks under few-shot or zero-shot

Beijing University of Trains an effective BERT model on

1.0E+15 to A single Nvidia
Posts and small sample sizes and achieves an
ConSERT¹⁸ 5/25/2021 345M 5.0E+15 (2 to V100 GPU for a
Telecommunications, 8% improvement over previous
10 min) few minutes
Meituan SOTA on STA datasets.

Achieves SOTA FID on the blurred

Tsinghua University, 512 Nvidia V100 MS COCO dataset, outperforming
CogView¹² 5/26/2021 4B 2.68E+22
Alibaba, BAAI GPUs previous GAN-based models and
OpenAI’s DALL-E.

480 Nvidia V100

Managed to scale up significantly
M6-T¹⁹ 5/31/2021 Alibaba 1T (MoE) 5.50E+21 GPUs (time
while limiting compute costs.

11B dense
WuDao- Compute
Wen Yuan Tsinghua University, support from Surpasses mT5 on many
6/24/2021 model and
2.0 BAAI BAAI (time downstream tasks.
198B MoE
(CPM-2)²⁰ unspecified)

384 Nvidia V100

English version set new SOTA on
GPUs trained for
ERNIE 3.0⁸ 7/15/2021 Baidu 10B 2.4E+18 SuperGLUE; achieved SOTA on 54
a total of 375
Chinese NLP tasks.
billion tokens

256 Nvidia V100

GPUs Obtains SOTA across multiple
PLATO-XL²¹ 9/20/2021 Baidu 11B
(time conversational tasks.

Huawei Ascend The world’s first image, language,

Zidong Chinese Academy of
9/27/2021 100B (time and audio trimodal pre-trained
Taichu²² Sciences
unspecified) model.

512 Nvidia V100

Proposes the “Pseudo-to-Real”
M6-10T²³ 10/8/2021 Alibaba 10T (MoE) 5.5E+21 GPUs for 10
training strategy.



Parameters Training
Release Compute
Name Developer(s) (Of Largest Compute Significance and Benchmarks
Date Hardware
Model) (FLOPs)

2128 GPUs
(GPU Achieves SOTA on a series of
Yuan 1.0²⁴ 10/10/2021 Inspur 245B 4.10E+23 manufacture generation and comprehension tasks,
r and time surpassing PanGu-α and ERNIE 3.0.

Renmin University of
China, Beijing Key
Laboratory of Big
Develops a large-scale multimodal
Data Management
foundation model that surpasses
WuDao- and Analysis 112 Nvidia
OpenAI’s CLIP and Google’s ALIGN in
WenLan 10/27/2021 Methods, King 5.3B 9.0E+21 A100 GPUs
downstream tasks, including visual
2.0²⁵ Abdullah University of for 10 days
QA, cross-modal retrieval, and news
Science and
University of Surrey,

64 Nvidia Develops a multimodal model that

Microsoft Research
A100 GPUs can generate or manipulate images
NÜWA¹⁰ 11/24/2021 Asia, Peking 870M 7.2E+21
for two and videos and achieves SOTA
weeks performance on 8 tasks.

Nvidia V100
GPUs at
Baidu and Was the largest Chinese dense pre-
ERNIE 3.0 Baidu, Peng Cheng Huawei trained model at the time,
12/23/2021 260B 4.2E+22
Titan²⁶ Lab Ascend 910 outperforming SOTA models on 68
NPUs at NLP datasets.
Peng Cheng

ERNIE- Achieved SOTA results on text-to-

12/31/2021 Baidu 10B Unspecified
ViLG¹¹ image and image-to-text results.

14.5T (MoE),
Tsinghua University, Generation The first “brain-scale” pre-trained
able to train
BaGuaLu²⁷ 4/2/2022 BAAI, Alibaba, Sunway model trained on an exascale
up to 174T
Zhejiang Lab Super supercomputer.

The world's largest and first open-

Tsinghua University,
CogVideo²⁸ 5/29/2022 9B Unspecified source large-scale pre-trained text-to-
video model.

96 Nvidia An open-source bilingual language

Tsinghua University,
GLM-130B²⁹ 8/4/2022 130B 4.6E+22 A100 GPUs model that can be downloaded on a
BAAI, Zhipu.AI
for 2 months single server.

32 Nvidia
Taiyi-Stable A100 GPUs The first open-source, Chinese
10/31/2022 IDEA CCNL 1B 2.55E+22
Diffusion³⁰ for 100 version of Stable Diffusion.

11/12/2022 BAAI A multilingual, multimodal model.

University of 8 Nvidia
The first latent diffusion model for
AR-LDM³² 11/20/2022 Waterloo, Alibaba, 1.5B 5.1E+20 A100 GPUs
coherent visual story synthesizing.
Vector Institute for 8 days

SOTA results on Arabic-language

ALM 1.0³³ 11/28/2022 BAAI
benchmark ALUE.



Assessments of the WuDao models illus- Second, there is evidence that some Chinese
trate some issues in comparing Chinese models suffered in performance due to compute
models with their Western counterparts. limitations. Huawei’s PanGu team, for instance,
BAAI’s WuDao 2.0, a 1.75 trillion parameter stopped training its 200B-parameter model after
model, was announced to much fanfare in 40 billion tokens, which resulted in just 796 peta-
the summer of 2021. English-language FLOP/s-days of computations¹⁷. Similarly,
coverage declared that this was the largest Alibaba’s PLUG initially planned to utilize 128
NLP model ever trained. With ten times A100s for training over the course of 120 days
more parameters than GPT-3, WuDao 2.0 but later reduced training time to just 35 days, or
was tagged as a symbol of “bigger, stronger, an estimated 427 petaFLOP/s-days¹⁶.
faster AI from China.”³⁴ However, WuDao
2.0 was overhyped in a few ways. First, it Third, Nvidia’s V100 and A100 GPUs remain the
was not a single model capable of tasks most popular GPUs for training Chinese large-
ranging from language generation to scale models. In fact, only 3 out of 26 models ex-
protein folding, as reporting implied, but plicitly mention that they were trained without
rather a series of models, including the Nvidia GPUs. Huawei used its own Ascend 910
language model WuDao-Wen Yuan 2.0 processors to train its PanGu-α model¹⁷. Huawei
(CPM 2.0), the multimodal model WuDao- Ascend 910 NPUs were also used by the state-
WenLan 2.0 (BriVL 2.0), and the image sponsored Peng Cheng Lab to assist in the train-
generation model CogView. The multimodal ing of ERNIE 3.0 Titan²⁶. More recently, in April
model M6, a joint project between Alibaba 2022, an alliance of researchers from Tsinghua
and Tsinghua University, was also part of the University, BAAI, Alibaba DAMO Academy, and
WuDao 2.0 release. Moreover, due to Zhejiang University trained the world’s first
possible differences in prompt engineering, “brain-scale” model with 174 trillion parameters
WuDao 2.0’s performance is not necessarily on China’s domestically produced New Genera-
comparable to that of GPT-3 on certain tion Sunway Supercomputer²⁷. Though reaching
benchmarks³⁵. Lastly, there is no paper that exascale, the computer relies on rather dated
clearly outlines the 1.75 trillion parameter 14nm processors.
model, making it difficult to assess WuDao
2.0’s capabilities³⁵.

Compute Unsurprisingly, the majority of the Chinese AI

models are trained on Chinese-language data
Another significant aspect of Chinese large- sources, and the development of these models
scale models is the compute and hardware encouraged efforts in constructing Chinese-lan-
required to train them. Studying the compute guage datasets and building the data infrastruc-
requirements of these models reveals three ture for pre-trained models. Most notably, the
takeaways. First, some Chinese models BAAI team released WuDaoCorpora, a bilingual
match and surpass the first popular large- dataset with 2.3TB of cleaned Chinese data and
scale pre-trained model, OpenAI’s GPT-3, in 300GB of cleaned English data from encyclope-
terms of training compute³⁶. Inspur’s Yuan 1.0 dias, novels, news, and scientific literature³⁷. For
was trained for 4095 petaFLOP/s-days, multimodal models, the M6 developers from
which the Inspur researchers explicitly com- Tsinghua University and Alibaba released the
pare to GPT-3’s training compute of 3650 M6-Corpus, the first large-scale multimodal data-
petaFLOP/s-days²⁴. The researchers of set in Chinese¹⁴. That dataset contains over
Baidu’s ERNIE 3.0 Titan estimate that training 1.9TB of images and 292GB of text and has
the model with 2048 Nvidia V100 GPUs re- been used in developing later models, such as
quired 28 days, which amounts to around WuDao-Wen Yuan 2.0 and BaGuaLu.
3634 petaFLOP/s-days²⁶.



Role of Government published as a response to the large-scale literat-

ure review led by Stanford scholars titled “On the
Three government-sponsored entities and re- Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models”
search labs have played a significant role in and published in August 2021¹. Journalists
China’s recent AI development: the Beijing-based suspect that the plagiarism occurred because lab
BAAI, the Hangzhou-based Zhejiang Lab, and managers and senior researchers assigned their
Shenzhen’s Peng Cheng Lab. These labs bring to- graduate students to write the literature review
gether resources, talents, and financial resources and gave them as little as a week to write an
from government, industry, and academia—often entire section⁴⁰. Like many other institutions in
funding or directly building many of the models. China and the West, BAAI faces significant pres-
This marks a shift from the Chinese government’s sure to compete with top labs on publications, yet
traditional approach to research financing, which the incident shows that BAAI might face chal-
usually involves issuing research grants through lenges in coordinating large numbers of collabor-
the National Natural Science Foundation of China ators and ensuring the quality of its research
(NSFC). The new “big science” approach might output.
be more suited for the development of large-
scale AI models, which are often very compute-in- Zhejiang Lab
tensive and expensive to build.
Similar to BAAI’s institutional setup, Zhejiang Lab
Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence was established jointly in September 2017 by the
Zhejiang Provincial Government, Zhejiang Univer-
Among the three state-sponsored labs, BAAI is sity, and Alibaba Group. The lab is located in the
perhaps the most prominent actor in China’s West Hangzhou Scientific Innovation Corridor
advanced AI landscape and appears to be and focuses on fundamental AI research. It is
China’s most ambitious initiative explicitly aimed currently constructing the Zhejiang Provincial
at developing artificial general intelligence. It has Laboratory for Intelligent Science and Techno-
released a series of breakthrough models includ- logy, another government-led research lab. Zheji-
ing the WuDao 1.0 and WuDao 2.0 models, ang Lab was involved in the development of the
CogView, and BaGuaLu. The institute, estab- “brain-scale” BaGuaLu model, which was trained
lished in November 2018 in Beijing, is a nonprofit on an exascale supercomputer at the National
sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Science Supercomputing Center in Wuxi.
and Technology and the Municipal Party Commit-
tee and the Government of Beijing³⁸. Bringing Peng Cheng Lab
together top scholars from Tsinghua University,
Peking University, and the Chinese Academy of Lastly, Peng Cheng Lab is another notable AI
Sciences (CAS), as well as top leaders from laboratory sponsored by a provincial-level
industry giants such as Baidu, Xiaomi, and Byte- government. After a series of talks by Chinese
Dance, BAAI’s unique institutional setup allows President Xi Jinping on the importance of techno-
researchers to conduct fundamental AI research logy to Guangdong Province and Shenzhen,
and translate their research to industry applica- Peng Cheng Lab was established in March 2018
tions. as part of China’s “Greater Bay Area” develop-
ment plan and technological innovation strategy.
However, the institute suffered from a major plagi- The lab focuses on collaborating with top univer-
arism scandal in April 2022, where its 200-page sities in China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Singa-
literature review titled “A Roadmap for Big Model” pore. Peng Cheng Lab provided computing
was found to have more than ten plagiarized support for the training of ERNIE 3.0 Titan, the
sections³⁹. The literature review, which has nearly largest Chinese dense model at the time of its
one hundred coauthors, was presumptively release in December 2021.



Government, Ethics, and Access fake news generation and manipulation²³,²⁵. The
M6-10T authors add that they have put much
Governance-related issues constitute another effort into removing harmful input data, such as
important area in our research. We find that hate speech, terrorism, and pornography, but
Chinese researchers do address ethics or gov- admit that such content often cannot be elimin-
ernance issues related to large-scale models, ated entirely. Thus, they recommend limiting
which departs from the conventional accounts access for models that were not trained on
that these types of discussions are absent in commonly used public datasets to avoid misuse
Chinese AI organizations⁴¹-⁴⁴. 12 of the 26 papers risks.
or official announcements associated with the
models discussed some ethics or governance is- Discussions of Environmental Harms
sues. While the rhetoric in publications should
not be taken at face value, they indicate a grow- Finally, several papers in our sample underscore
ing awareness of these issues in China’s aca- the environmental concerns of training language
demic community. models. The Yuan 1.0 paper mentions the high
energy costs of training GPT-3-like models, and
Three types of issues receive the most attention the authors altered their model architecture and
in our sample of Chinese AI papers: bias and fair- training process to accelerate training and
ness, misuse risks, and environmental harms. reduce emissions²⁴. Another model, the 260-bil-
Likely in response to misuse risks, some Chinese lion-parameter ERNIE 3.0 Titan, uses an online
organizations have also placed access restric- distillation framework to reduce computation
tions on their models. overhead and lower carbon emissions²⁶.
Alibaba’s M6-10T proposes a “pseudo-to-real”
Discussions of Bias and Fairness training strategy that allows for “[f]ast training of
extreme-scale models on a decent amount of
The first issue raised by papers in our sample is resources,” which it claims can reduce the
bias and fairness. The Yuan 1.0 paper, for model’s carbon footprint²³.
example, includes extended examples of how
the model could be steered to produce discrim- Access Restrictions
inatory content²⁴. When prompted with opinions
about the endurance of traditional patriarchy, Beyond discussions of governance issues in
Yuan 1.0 outputs: “I believe that there is a direct publications on large-scale AI models, Chinese
connection between women’s social status and organizations have developed APIs and meas-
their fertility. Female fertility is the basis of social ures to govern access to these models. To get a
status.” The authors acknowledge that even an better sense of these access restrictions, we
unbiased model can be easily steered by applied for use of Inspur’s Yuan 1.0, BAAI’s WuDao
humans because the model is trained to gener- platform and GLM-130B, and Baidu’s Wenxin plat-
ate content based on the style of the human form (which includes the ERNIE and PLATO series).
writer. The WenLan 2.0 paper highlights the fact These were the only four publicly accessible
that AI models are likely to learn prejudices and models at the time of our writing (January 2023).
human biases from their data inputs²⁵. The models come with user agreements which
include language standard in large-scale pre-
Discussions of Misuse trained models’ user agreements, such as the
developers not being responsible for the content
The second issue raised by papers in our sample generated through the API and prohibitions
is misuse, particularly the use of pre-trained against generating harmful content⁴⁵-⁴⁸. Yuan 1.0’s
models to generate fake news and other harmful API and BAAI’s GLM-130B incorporate a relatively
content. This concern is expressed in the stringent screening process, requiring prospect-
WenLan 2.0 and M6-10T papers, which warn that ive users to submit an application where they
models can become increasingly competent at state their backgrounds and intended use of the



models. As of this writing, BAAI’s WuDao platform Frontier Models as a Source of National Pride
and Baidu’s Wenxin platform do not have similar
screening processes. Third, comparisons between Chinese and Western
models often touch on national pride. Papers associ-
Technonationalism ated with Chinese models often use prominent
Western models as benchmarks. Official press
Another current running through Chinese discourse releases, media coverage, and conference
about language models is technonationalism, which presentations of such models also emphasize the
links technological achievements in these models to superiority of Chinese models over their Western
China’s national capabilities. Technonationalist counterparts. For example, at the 2021 BAAI
concerns materialize in three ways: in preferences for Annual Conference, BAAI developers directly
using domestic technology to produce models, in compared their WuDao 2.0 series against Western
fears about access restrictions to Western models, models such as OpenAI’s CLIP, GPT-3, and DALL-E;
and in pride surrounding SOTA models. Microsoft’s Turing-NLG; and Google’s ALIGN, claim-
ing that WuDao 2.0 set the new SOTA on nine inter-
Preference for Domestic Chips and Software national benchmarks, which include tasks such as
image labeling, image generation, and few-shot
First, China’s dependence on foreign AI frame- language learning⁵⁰.
works and computing hardware has prompted
developers to strive to use domestically produced Conclusion
software and hardware to train their models.
Commercial developers often leverage technona- In this paper, we have distilled key trends in
tionalism as a way to advertise their brands and China’s development of large-scale pre-trained
products. For instance, Baidu researchers models, based on a study of 26 such projects.
emphasize that they trained ERNIE 3.0 Titan on We believe this is one of the first efforts to sys-
Baidu’s PaddlePaddle framework and Huawei’s tematically analyze Chinese large-scale AI mod-
Ascend chips²⁶. Likewise, when describing the els. We described the key features of these mod-
development of the PanGu model, which used els, including their performance benchmarks,
Huawei’s Ascend 910 chips and self-developed funding sources, compute capabilities, and model
MindSpore framework, Huawei researchers high- access policies. In addition, we analyzed two as-
light that “the model is trained based on the pects of Chinese discourse around these mod-
domestic full-stack software and hardware els—AI ethics and technonationalism—that con-
ecosystem.”¹⁷ nect to broader themes in China’s development
of AI. In doing so, we dispelled certain misconcep-
Concerns About Access to Western Models tions about China’s AI development, such as the
absence of discussions about ethics, and shed
Second, discussions about access restrictions to light on China’s unique government-industry-aca-
Western models exhibit technonationalist tenden- demia alliances, which play a key role in the coun-
cies. In reference to restrictions on API access to try’s advanced AI landscape.
GPT-3 in China, one BAAI expert warned in an
official video that if language models become an Our research offers insight into the key Chinese
important strategic resource, API restrictions developers, China’s advanced AI capabilities, and
could be a form of “technological blockade.”⁴⁹ He the country’s AI ecosystem. While the landscape
also emphasized that, in the age of large-scale of large language models is still evolving at a fast
models, the development and training of such pace, our findings provide a solid foundation for
models is akin to “an arms race in AI” and that, as future research. Going forward, to understand
a leader in China’s AI landscape, BAAI has a how China’s AI ecosystem is changing, continued
“duty” to release language models “under China’s attention to the development of large-scale
discourse leadership.” models will be essential.


References and Notes

Our definition of a large-scale pre-trained model is similar to the concept of a “foundation model,” which
refers to “any model that is trained on broad data (generally using self-supervision at scale) that can
be adapted (e.g., fine-tuned) to a wide range of downstream tasks.” See

This model was trained on both Nvidia V100 GPU and Ascend 910 NPU clusters. We thank Lennart Heim
for his help with the compute estimates.

For example, commenting on one of the multi-modal models covered in our study, Jack Clark, former Pol-
icy Director of OpenAI, once stated, “There’s no discussion of bias in the paper (or ethics), which isn’t
typical for papers of this type but is typical of papers that come out of Chinese research organiza-
A copy of this agreement is available, upon request to authors.

1. See Bommasani, R. et al. On the opportunities and risks of foundation models. arXiv preprint arX-
iv:2108.07258 (2021).

2. Brown, T. et al. Language models are few-shot learners. Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems 33, 1877–1901 (2020).

3. Hoffmann, J. et al. Training compute-optimal large language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.15556

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