UNICEF - Education Response & Restoration

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Jul 14, 2023, 10:05:23 AM

Call for Expression of Interest

Education Response & Restoration of flood affected schools in

4 flood affected districts of Punjab


1 Timeline
Posted Jul 4, 2023
Clarification Request Deadline Jul 12, 2023
Application Deadline Jul 18, 2023
Notification of Results Aug 15, 2023
Start Date Sep 1, 2023
End Date Dec 31, 2027

2 Locations
A Pakistan
a Punjab

3 Sector(s) and area(s) of specialization

A Education
a Education in emergencies

4 Issuing Agency

5 Project Background
Pakistan is prone to multiple hazards including both natural and man-made. In any case, it’s the general public who
suffer and who require assistance where the situations are so complex that government alone cannot handle it.
Previous emergencies in Punjab including yearly monsoon floods, have shown that humanitarian actors’ response is
more quick and relevant in such situations. Many good lessons are learned and that provides a strong base for
improvement of any future response. The emergency preparedness and response mechanism in the country has
improved from one to another incident and it needs to be continuously upgraded and updated in context of the lessons
learned from previous actions. Mobilization of resources, contingency planning and preparation is just one option to be
adopted for an efficient and effective response. Based on the UNICEF Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
(EPRP) 2023-24, prepared by UNICEF, the following is the caseload for the Contingency PCAs for Punjab: Minimum
level of preparedness Total UNICEF caseload of children (age group 4-16 years) = 75,974 UNICEF Caseload for
Contingency PCAs =75,974 Total number of TLCs required =760 Geographical coverage: 4 districts (Districts will be
determined upon onset of an emergency) Population focus: 50,648 children (boys & Girls) in 4 districts
6 Expected Results
1. Assessment and registration of all school going age children=760 locations 2. Strengthen coordination mechanisms
with key stakeholders for resumption of educational activities at District level 3. Installation of TLCs from indigenous
material and monitoring=760 TLCs in 4 districts 4. Affected children (boys and girls) enrolled in TLCs=75,974 (50% girls)
5. Affected schools receiving basic school supplies= 760 (TLCs) 6. Educational supplies are stored in a secure and
accessible place 7. Educational needs and priorities assessed for Key Priorities list 8.Training of teachers on MHPSS,
health hygiene promotion and methodology to teach in a challenging environment, EiE, multi-grade teaching, class
room décor (develop low cost material), climate change etc (2/TLC)=1520 teachers (male and female) 9.Training of
Teachers on School health & hygiene promotion including MHM and formation of WASH Clubs=1520 teachers
10.Health Screening and referral mechanism in camp schools=760 TLCs 11.Engagement with mothers groups, youth
and adolescents and School Councils=760 TLCs 12.Emergency Evacuation and First Aid Training=760 TLCs 13.
Initiate catch up program for children in 760 TLCs (formal and NFEs) to help learners catch up learning losses= 760

7 Indicative Budget

8 Other Information
The Contingency PCA (CPCA) will be of 12 months duration and activated upon declaration of Emergency by the
Provincial Government. Upon activation of the CPCA, the NGO will work closely with the District Governments and shall
keep the Government informed about the progress made toward achieving the results. The assessment of the flood
affected areas will be carried out by the School Education Department and the Literacy & Non Formal Basic Education
Departments (L&NFBE;) jointly and will determine the location for setting up the TLCs. UNICEF – to monitor and provide
technical, financial and logistical support for the project implementation. UNICEF will establish close coordination with
other Donors through School Education Department and L&NFBE; Department, so that there is no
overlapping/duplication of activities. e.g. selection of schools for establishment of TLCs, teachers training etc.

9 Selection Criteria
Name Description Weight
IP should have atleast 5 to 8 years of experience in dealing with emergencies in

Education and based in Punjab

Local experience and presence 20
IP should have 8-10 years of sector experience in Education and working closely

with the Government

Sector expertise and experience 15
IP should be able to contribute to the project
Contribution of resource 5
IP should provide clear activities and results
Clarity of activities and expected results 30
IP should clearly provide sustainability options
Sustainability of intervention 20
Experience working with UN
Experience working with UN 10

10 Attachments
Description URL
Concept note Download the document here

11 Concept Note Template

Download the document here

12 For more information on this partnership opportunity, and to apply, please visit
UN Partner Portal

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