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United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 4,513,624

McHale et al. 45) Date of Patent: Apr. 30, 1985

54 CAPACTIVELY-COUPLED MAGNETIC Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Jack H. Wu; Terrence
FLOWMETER (Terry) Martin; Andrew T. Karnakis
(75) Inventors: Edward J. McHale, Medfield, Mass.; 57 ABSTRACT
Yousif A. Hussain, Horley, England; A magnetic flowmeter of the capacitively-coupled type
Michael L. Sanderson, Stockport, includes low-input impedance detection circuitry
England; John Hemp, Cranfield,
England which responds to a flow induced current signal that is
related to the voltage induced at the electrodes by the
73) Assignee: The Foxboro Company, Foxboro, intersection of the flowing fluid and a time varying
Mass. magnetic field. An on-line measure of the electrode
21 Appl. No.: 459,567 capacitance that is non-interactive with the flow in
duced current signal is accomplished by creating a volt
22) Filed: Jan. 20, 1983 age difference between the process fluid and the elec
51 Int. Cl.3 ..... ... GO1F 1/58 trodes which causes a capacitance-related current to
(52) U.S. C. .................................................. 73/861.12 flow from the electrodes proportional to the value of
58 Field of Search ........... 73/861.12, 861.14, 861.16, the electrode capacitance as well as the rate of change
73/861.17 of the magnetic field. In one embodiment the primary
(56) References Cited element and the detection circuitry are referenced to a
different potential than that of the process fluid and the
adjacent piping of the flow system. Thus a direct, on
3, 178,941 4/1965 Berry ................................ 73/861.14 line measure of this capacitance can be attained in a
3,433,066 3/1969 Bailey. ... 73/861.16 manner that essentially eliminates stray leakage currents
3,491,593 1/1970 Bailey ........ ... 73/861.16 and that foregoes the needs for special shielding re
3,999,443 12/1976 Appel et al. ... ... 73/861.17 quirements such as localized, internal shields around the
4,147,058 4/1979 Matsushita ... ... 73/861.2 imbedded electrodes.
4,157,035 6/1979 Doll et al. ........................ 73/861.17
Primary Examiner-Charles A. Ruehl 19 Claims, 15 Drawing Figures


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U.S. Patent Apr. 30, 1985 Sheet 6 of 6 4.513,624
tance thereby requiring special attention to be paid to
CAPACTIVELY.COUPLED MAGNETIC shielding. Furthermore, magnetic flowmeter systems
FLOWMETER that utilize high-impedance measurement signals gener
ally involve high-frequency/high-power operation to
produce an output indicative of flow rate. Aside from
This invention relates generally to magnetic flowme being energy inefficient, this mode of operation in
ters, and in particular to capacitance type magnetic volves the use of critically-tuned circuits with attendant
flowmeters wherein the measurement electrodes do not increase in complexity and cost.
contact the fluid whose flow rate is to be measured. Attempts to overcome certain of these difficulties can
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION produce other difficulties. For example, as discussed in
Magnetic flowmeters adapted to measure volumetric the aforementioned U.S. Pat. No. 3,999,443, spurious
voltages produced by stray capacitance leakeage may
flow rates of conductive fluids by capacitive signal be minimized in part by low-frequency excitation of the
pickup means have been devised for some time. In such 15 flowmeter drive system. However, this has the effect of
meters the electrodes are electrically insulated from the further increasing the capacitive impedance between
fluid to be measured by a dielectric liner. Thus a capaci
tor is formed between the conductive fluid and each of the electrodes and the process fluid resulting in further
the electrodes. The advantages of using "non-wetted' power drain and an actual increase in susceptibility to
electrodes in handling troublesome process fluids in a stray leakage.
capacitance type instrument (i.e., corrosive fluids, SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
"dirty" fluids which tend to coat or foul the electrodes,
and low conductivity fluids, to name a few) are also The present invention overcomes the foregoing diffi
well known to those of skill in the art. culties associated with capacitively coupled magnetic
Examples of prior patent art in this area include U.S. flowmeters by providing a system in which a signal
Pat. No. 3,839,912 which discloses a magnetic flowme 25 current is detected at the electrodes by a low-imped
ter system with measuring electrodes that are capaci ance current-to-voltage converter. In a preferred em
tively coupled to the fluid. The flow tube of the system bodiment, the detection circuitry responds to a square
is adapted to receive an insertable probe section formed wave current signal produced by a triangular wave
of dielectric material having an integral electrode as magnetic field which is driven by the field coils. Provi
sembly. Positioned within this assembly and connected 30
sions are included in the detection circuitry for per
to the measuring electrode is a high-impedance ampli forming a direct, on-line measurement of the electrode
fier for receiving the flow induced voltages. These flow capacitance concurrently with the flow signal current.
related signals result from the interaction of an a-c mag By creating a small voltage difference between the
netic field established across the flow tube and the flow
ing conductive fluid that induces an a-c voltage at the 35 process fluid and the electrodes, the capacitance (and
electrodes through the capacitive coupling with the ultimately the flow signal) can be measured in a way
fluid. The input impedance of the amplifier is kept ex that essentially eliminates stray leakage currents and
tremely high so that the flow induced voltage may be concomitantly simplifies shielding considerations for
suitably amplified by the amplifier to provide an output the overall measurement system.
signal substantially proportional to the flow rate. 40 Other aspects and advantages of the present inven
U.S. Pat. No. 3,999,443 discloses another variation of tion will become apparent from the following detailed
a capacitance type magnetic flowmeter system wherein description taken in conjunction with the drawings.
the measuring electrodes are imbedded within the di DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
electric liner of a flow tube mounted within the flow
stream. This disclosure is primarily concerned with 45 FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a magnetic flowmeter
minimizing spurious voltages produced during instru measurement system constructed in accordance with
ment operation, i.e., stray capacitance-coupled voltages the present invention;
and induced loop voltages in the input leads. As taught FIG. 2 is a perspective view, partially cut away,
in this patent, spurious voltages from the first source are showing the details of a magnetic flowmeter primary
minimized by a combination of electrostatic shielding 50 element used in the preferred embodiment;
and low-frequency excitation of the magnetic field, FIG. 2A is a detailed sectional view of the flow tube
while induced loop voltages are taken into account by portion of the primary element showing electrode con
varying the magnetic field in accordance with a square figuration for the embodiment;
wave excitation. Thus according to the disclosure a FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of a magnetic field
period exists in the measurement cycle where the rate of 55 driver circuit used in the embodiment of FIG. 1;
change of the magnetic field is zero thereby minimizing
undesired in-phase and quadrature voltage components. FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of a flow signal pre
Just as with the aforementioned U.S. Pat. No. 3,839,912, amplifier and demodulator portion of the detection
this patent teaches that in order to obtain an output of circuitry for the embodiment;
desired accuracy the electrodes are connected to a high 60 FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating the manner in
impedance amplifier. which the fluid piping system is connected to the flow
Because the disclosures of the prior art are all con tube and detection circuitry for measuring electrode
cerned with processing an extremely high-impedance capacitance in the embodiment;
measurement voltage at the electrodes, with corre FIGS. 6A-G are a series of wave forms for the pre
sponding electrode connection to a high-impedance 65 ferred embodiment;
amplifier circuit, certain signal handling difficulties are FIG. 7 is a detailed sectional view of the flow tube
encountered. For example, such high-impedance signals portion of the primary element for an alternate embodi
are sensitive to cable characteristics and stray capaci ment; and
4,513,624 4.
FIG. 8 is a detailed sectional view of the flow tube well known circuitry, generates a train of square waves
portion of the primary element for another alternate at frequencies that are sub-multiples of the 60 Hz a-c
embodiment. line frequency. In particular, a 7.5 Hz square wave
voltage generated by the sequence controller and Serv
ing as the primary system clock is supplied after passing
through a dropping resistor 30 to the inverting terminal
FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a magnetic flowmeter of a high gain operational amplifier 31. The amplifier is
system 8 built in accordance with the preferred embodi configured such that the voltage at the inverting termi
ment of the invention which includes a primary mea nal is driven to essentially zero volts by a feedback
surement element 10 with an associated magnetic field 10 network composed of the flux pickup coil 18, a buffer
driver circuit 11 and electronic circuitry for detecting amplifier 32 and an output resistor 33. The capacitor
the flow signal and converting it to a usable output. and resistor network 34 around the operational ampli
Included as part of the primary element is a flow tube 12 fier 31 offsets long-term drift effects.
adapted to be inserted into a piping system carrying The operational amplifier 31 and associated feedback
fluid whose rate of flow is to be determined, a dielectric 15 circuitry compares the voltage sensed by the flux
liner 13 coating the interior of the flow tube, and a pair pickup coil 18 with the input voltage from the sequence
of measurement electrodes 14, 15 imbedded within the controller 26, and thus the voltage on the flux coil is
liner so as not to be in contact with the process fluid. forced to track the square wave input from the sequence
Mounted on the outside of the flow tube are a pair of controller. Since the flux coil induced voltage is a
field coils 16, 17 positioned transversely with respect to 20 square wave that is proportional to the rate of change of
the measurement electrodes with an iron core 19 (see the magnetic field (dB/dt) passing through the flow
FIG. 2) linking the two field coils. A flux pickup coil 18 tube, the output current of the amplifier 31 (i.e., the
is aligned with the field coil 16 to encompass the flux magnetic field current) that energizes the field coils 16,
passing through the flow tube. The magnetic field 17 to produce a corresponding magnetic field will nec
driver circuit is connected directly to the field coils and 25 essarily be a triangular wave form with a frequency of
provides the field excitation energy. 7.5 Hz. This relationship is depicted by the wave forms
The detection circuitry 20 consists of a pre-amplifier of FIGS. 6A, 6B and 6C. Details of the operation and
21 connected to the electrodes 14, 15, a demodulator 22 advantages of providing a separate reference coil to
receiving the amplified measurement signal, an analog sense a time varying magnetic flux are given in U.S. Pat.
to-digital converter 24 which supplies to a display unit 30 No. 3,433,066.
25 a digital output signal that is representative of the When the magnetic field coils 16, 17 are energized by
flow signal. Also included as part of the signal process the triangular current wave, the lines of flux trans
ing electronics is a sequence controller 26 that provides versely extending through the flow tube 12 interact
the necessary timing and wave forms to operate the with the flowing fluid such that a voltage signal is in
system. 35 duced proportional to the velocity of the flowing fluid
FIG. 2 provides in perspective view details of the that is detected at the measurement electrodes 14, 15.
magnetic flowmeter primary element 10. The flow tube However, unlike conventional capacitively coupled
12 terminates in respective flanged end connections 27, magnetic flowmeters which employ high-impedance
28that facilitate mounting within a piping system of the amplifier circuitry to measure the voltage induced at
type having conducting contacts with the fluid that are the electrodes, an important aspect of the present inven
located within industrial process plants. The flanged tion involves the measurement of a current signal pro
end connections also serve as a convenient anchor point portional to the rate of change of the induced voltage
for the dielectric liner 13. The measurement electrodes signal produced by the electrodes. This is accomplished
14, 15 imbedded within the liner (see also FIG. 2A) are by the preamplifier/demodulator circuit shown in detail
positioned at right angles to the longitudinal flow axis of 45 in FIG. 4 which operates as a low-impedance current
the flow tube. Additionally these electrodes are of rela to-voltage converter.
tively large surface area to more effectively sense the Considering the operation of the detection circuitry
flow induced signals. Although not shown for the sake 20 in further detail, it will be recalled that for a capaci
of clarity, a field cover surrounds the flow tube to pro tively coupled magnetic flowmeter the amount of
tect the field coils 16, 17 which are mounted atop the 50
charge (Q) stored at an electrode is given by:
flow tube from the often hostile process environment.
Within the central portion of the top (as viewed in FIG.
2) field coil 16 and within the flux field established by
the coils, the flux pickup coil 18 is similarly mounted on where, C is the electrode capacitance; and E is the flow
the flow tube. This coil like the field coils is thus per 55 induced voltage.
pendicular both to the flow axis and the measurement Since the flow voltage is a function of the velocity of
electrodes. It will be appreciated that this arrangement the fluid (v), the diameter of the flow tube (D) and the
of measurement electrodes and coils will in response to magnetic field intensity (B), the expression above may
the flow of a conductive fluid through the flow tube be written as follows:
generate a voltage signal that is capacitively coupled to 60
the detection circuitry 20 by the positioning of the di Q oc CvdB
electric liner between the process fluid and the elec
trodes. Differentiating with respect to time (and assuming the
Turning now to the operation of the magnetic field time rate of change of both the fluid velocity and the
excitation portion of the measurement system, particu 65 electrode capacitance over the sampling period is negli
lar reference should be made to FIGS. 1 and 3 and the gible) yields the following expression for the flow signal
wave forms shown in FIGS. 6A-6C. The sequence current-iF:
controller 26, which employs digital counters and other
41B to essentially the same voltage as system ground,
Because the magnetic field is established by a triangular thereby clamping the voltage at the measurement elec
drive current (FIG. 6B), the time rate of change of the trodes 14, 15 at about zero volts. To make the on-line
magnetic field (dB/dt) and necessarily the flow signal 5 capacitance measurement, as will be more fully ex
current will be a square wave. plained presently, this system ground is not connected
Since the flow signal current and the time rate of electrically to the adjacent piping system and hence to
change of the magnetic field are measurable quantities the process fluid. Upon energization of the magnetic
while the flow tube diameter is a constant, in order to field, a signal current proportional to the rate of change
determine the fluid velocity the electrode capacitance 10 of the induced voltage in the form of a 7.5 Hz square
must be known. This capacitance measurement can be wave thus flows from the measurement electrodes
taken into account in various ways. For example, the through the respective feedback resistors 43A, 43B of
capacitance attributed to having the measurement elec the amplifiers 40A, 40B. This produces a corresponding
trodes buried in the liner can be initially measured dur voltage at nodes 44A, 44B which is in turn fed to a
ing manufacture and assumed to remain constant under differential amplifier 45 to produce an output signal
process flow conditions. However, this approach has 15 voltage essentially representative of the flow velocity.
the drawback of not taking into account changes in FIG. 6D shows this wave form which has been gated
capacitance due to temperature effects and changes in by timing signals from the sequence controller 26 to
liner thickness either due to fouling or wear. It is also permit sampling of the current signal about the mid
possible to make the initial capacitance measurement point of the flow signal measurement cycle.
and provide temperature compensation by comparing 20 To concurrently measure electrode capacitance and
the dielectric of the liner material at measured tempera still keep the measurement electrodes 14, 15 near
ture to the dielectric at a reference temperature (e.g., ground (i.e., at zero volts potential) so as to avoid stray
25 C.). In addition to being insensitive to capacitance leakage problems and to forego the need for localized,
changes due to variations in liner thickness, this ap internal shields about the electrodes, the arrangement of
proach requires complicated circuitry and even the 25 FIG. 5 is used. As schematically depicted, a voltage
possible addition of a microprocessor to the system source 50 is interposed between the system ground of
which has stored the various dielectric values plotted the conducting shell 60 and the conducting fluid-con
over the anticipated temperature range of the flowme tact portion of the adjacent flow pipe 100. For illustra
ter. All of this significantly adds complexities and costs 30 tive purposes the flow tube and adjacent flow pipe are
without still providing an accurate measure of electrode shown in exploded view without the corresponding
capacitance. flanged ends. When joined in an actual flowmetering
In accordance with another important aspect of the system, the rubber gaskets (not shown) that seal the
present invention, electrode capacitance is measured connection between the flow tube and adjacent flow
on-line, preferably at the same time the flow signal 35 pipe provide the necessary electrical isolation to sustain
current measurement is being made. The term "on-line the voltage differential between the two.
measurement' is to be construed in its broadest sense to
include an attendant measure of the electrode capaci Referring once again to FIG. 4, the voltage differen
tance while the flowmeter system is operational with tial between system ground and the process fluid is
fluid flowing therethrough. Significantly, the concur maintained by injecting through an integrating ampli
rent capacitance and flow signal measurement is at fier 49 a square wave voltage from the sequence con
tained without any interference between the two and, troller 26 at one-half the frequency of the flow signal
importantly, in a manner that makes the overall mea square wave voltage, i.e., 3.75 Hz. (See FIG. 6E.) This
surement system insensitive to stray capacitance and produces a triangle wave voltage of corresponding
other leakage voltages. The two measurements in frequency between the two grounds which causes a 3.75
volved are the above described flow signal current (i.e., 45 Hz square wave current proportional to the value of the
proportional to flow velocity, the rate of change of the capacitance presented by the measurement electrodes
magnetic field and electrode capacitance) and the mea 14, 15 to flow from each electrode to the nodes 44A,
surement of a second current proportional to the same 44B. Thus, the output of both input amplifiers (nodes
electrode capacitance and a generated rate of change of 44A, 44B) contains two composite wave forms-that is
voltage that is controlled to be proportional to the rate 50 two square wave voltages, one at 3.75 Hz correspond
of change of the magnetic field. The ratio of these two ing to the current flowing from the electrodes for mea
measured currents yields an output signal indicative of suring the capacitance thereof and one at twice that
the flow velocity that is independent of the rate of frequency corresponding to the induced flow signal. As
change of the magnetic field and the electrode capaci evidenced from the connection of the amplifiers and the
tance. 55 polarity of the electrodes, the various voltages as shown
Referring specifically to FIGS. 4 and 5, a pair of by the wave forms of FIGS. 6A-G are noninteractive
operational amplifiers 40A, 40B connected in a differen and may be effectively separated from one another to
tial current-sensing mode constitute the low-impedance produce the desired outputs. For example, the 7.5 Hz
pre-amplifier 21 of the detection circuitry 20. For the flow signal voltages cancel from the composite after
embodiment being described, the flow tube 12 sur 60 being dropped across equal-valued summing resistors
rounding the liner 13 and the measurement electrodes 46A, 46B. Then a summing amplifier 47 receives the
14, 15 is stainless steel and thus forms an electrically 3.75 Hz voltage to yield at the output of a differential
conducting shell 60 which is connected directly to sys amplifier 48 a signal primarily indicative of the elec
tem ground at node 42. The shields of input leads 41A, trode capacitance. Similarly tracing the signal flow
41B of the amplifiers 40A, 40B are also connected to 65 from the measurement electrodes though the amplifier
system ground at node 42. The circuit network com network 45 reveals that the capacitance-measuring volt
prised of the amplifiers 40A, 40B and their respective age signal is canceled from the composite to yield a
feedback resistors 43A, 43B hold the input leads 41A, flow related signal at the output of the amplifier 45.
4,513,624 8
Both the capacitance and flow signals are fed to other the electrodes is at system ground while the adjacent
circuitry (200) that simply takes the ratio of the magni piping is not.
tude of these two square-wave voltages to yield a mea Still other modifications are possible. For example,
surement signal proportional to the flow velocity. As the wave forms and frequencies disclosed are merely
further explanation, circuitry 200 includes conventional 5 exemplary, as it would be possible with minor circuitry
dimodulators 210 and 220 which receive respectively changes to use other wave forms and frequencies. Spe
the two capacitance and flow signals and generate two cifically, the low frequency operation of the present
corresponding level signals having amplitudes equal to system has been described in terms of U.S. standards
the magnitudes of the square-wave voltages of the ca (i.e., 60 Hz), but the principles set forth above are appli
pacitance and flow signals. A conventional divider 230 10 cable to a wide range of frequencies. It is contemplated
produces the measurement signal by taking the ratio of the system will have an operating range of from 1 Hz to
the two level signals. The measurement signal may be 100 Hz. Furthermore, the electrode capacitance mea
utilized in a variety of ways; for example, it can be surement has been described throughout as occurring
converted to a corresponding current signal to produce concurrently with the flow signal measurement. How
a 4-20 mA control signal for an on-line controller. Or, 15 ever, as will be appreciated the capacitance measure
as depicted in FIG. 1, the measurement signal may ment can be made at various intervals (even randomly)
undergo digital conversion (e.g., by a voltage-to-fre provided that the intervals between such measurements
quency converter) to provide a suitable signal for indi are short enough so that no significant deviation in
cation on the display unit 25. capacitance occurs that would introduce unacceptable
Alternate Embodiments
20 errors in the flow signal measurement. Also a micro
processor could be employed in the system to enhance
As is evident from the preceding, there has been processing capabilities. Additionally, the measured sig
described a magnetic flowmeter system that is simple in nals (capacitance and flow) can be digitized at any con
construction and operation which achieves the key venient point beyond the low-impedance preamplifier
facets of the invention. However, alternative variations, 25 network.
particularly in the area of flow tube design, may be Although several embodiments of the invention have
made. Although the variations to be described below been set forth in detail above, this is solely for the pur
are desirable in certain instances involving non-opera pose of illustration as additional modifications may be
tional considerations such as safety, ease of installation, come apparent to those of skill in the art. Therefore, the
handling, mechanical strengthening and/or manufac 30 invention is not intended to be limited by the foregoing
turing economics, it should be emphasized that they description, but rather only by the appended claims.
have no influence on the electrical operation of the We claim:
system as clearly illustrated in the preferred embodi 1. A magnetic flowmeter for measuring the flow rate
net. of a flowing fluid comprising:
In FIG. 7 a flow tube 70 is shown which differs from 35 a flow conduit having a dielectric portion through
that shown in FIG. 2A in that an outer metal shell 71 which a fluid whose rate of flow is to be deter
surrounds an inner flow tube 73 whose assembly is mined is adapted to flow;
similar to that one in FIG. 2A. In other words, the means for generating within said dielectric portion a
original flow tube 12 can be thought of as having an time varying magnetic field transverse to the direc
other, larger diameter metal tube concentrically posi tion of flow;
tioned about itself. Between the inner tube 73 and the electrode means capacitively coupled to the interior
outer metal shell 71 an insulating layer 72 provides of said flow conduit through said dielectric portion
electrical isolation. This outer shell 71 can be electri for detecting an electrical signal induced by the
cally connected to adjacent pipework while the con intersection of the flowing fluid and said magnetic
ducting portion of the inner tube 73 is connected to 45 fields which is a function of flow rate; and
system ground discussed in connection with the FIG. 5 low-input-impedance means having an input impe
arrangement thereby maintaining all exposed piping at dance which is less than a prescribed percentage of
the same potential. This provides safety advantages in the capacitive impedance presented by the capaci
certain situations. In this embodiment either the inner tive coupling between said electrode means and the
tube 73 or the outer shell 71 may be the source of me 50 fluid,
chanical strength for the confinement of the fluid, in and said low-input-impedance means being coupled
which case the other cylinder functions merely as an to said electrode means for producing a current
electrical shield. signal proportional to said induced electrical sig
FIG. 8 shows another variation wherein a flow tube nal, whereby said current signal is indicative of the
80 is made of a dielectric material 81 rugged enough to 55 flow rate of said fluid.
provide the required strength for fluid containment. In 2. Apparatus as claimed in claim 1 including at least
this instance a metal shell 82 surrounds the dielectric one field coil for producing said time varying magnetic
material. Because the shell functions primarily as an field, said magnetic field being established by an input
electrical shield, it can be relatively thin metallic strip voltage of predetermined frequency that generates a
located only in the vicinity of the electrodes, nor need 60 triangular wave form magnetic field of corresponding
this strip be a continuous band around the periphery of frequency.
the flow tube 80. The shell can be enclosed by a field 3. Apparatus as claimed in claim 2 including a flux
cover (not shown) which may or may not be connected pickup coil for generating a square wave voltage pro
to the adjacent pipework. This embodiment is economi portional to the time rate of change of said magnetic
cal to manufacture as a substantial amount of metal has 65 field.
been removed from the primary element design. In 4. Apparatus as claimed in claim 2 wherein said pre
operation, this embodiment would parallel that of the determined frequency is in the range of about 1 to 100
preferred embodiment in that the shell 82 surrounding cycles per second.
5. Apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein said low 13. Apparatus as claimed in claim 12 wherein said
input-impedance current signal producing means in on-line capacitance measurement is performed concur
cludes means to produce a flow signal current that is a rently with said flow rate signal.
square wave proportional to the time rate of change of 14. Apparatus as claimed in claim 12 including mea
the magnetic field. 5 suring means for making said capacitance measurement
6. Apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein said low while holding said measurement electrodes at about
input-impedance current signal producing means in zero volts relative to system ground.
cludes a low-impedance amplifier network wherein the 15. Apparatus as claimed in claim 14 wherein said
inputs of said network are clamped to about zero volts 10 measuring means includes:
referenced to system ground, and said flow conduit a low-impedance amplifier network wherein the in
similarly being tied to said system ground. puts of said network are clamped to about zero
7. Apparatus as claimed in claim 6 including differen volts referenced to system ground, and said flow
tial amplifier means receiving a signal from said ampli conduit being tied to said system ground;
fier network and producing at the output thereof a 15 means for interposing a voltage source between said
signal primarily representative of the flow rate. system ground and the conducting fluid-contact
8. Apparatus as claimed in claim 1 including means portion of the piping system adjacent said flow
for measuring the capacitance between said electrode conduit at a frequency different from but propor
means and said flowing fluid. tional to that of said time varying magnetic field
9. Apparatus as claimed in claim 8 wherein said ca whereby a capacitance signal current proportional
pacitance measuring means is performed concurrently 20 to the capacitance of said measurement electrodes
with said flow rate current signal and includes means and the time rate of change of said magnetic field is
for performing said capacitance measurement while caused to flow from said measurement electrodes;
maintaining said electrode means at about zero volts. means for supplying, along with said flow rate signal,
10. Apparatus as claimed in claim 9 wherein said 25 said capacitance signal current to said amplifier
capacitance measuring means includes: network for producing one signal representative of
a low-impedance amplifier network wherein the in flow rate and another signal representative of the
puts of said network are clamped to about zero electrode capacitance; and
volts referenced to system ground, and said flow means for taking the ratio of said flow rate signal and
conduit being tied to said system ground; 30 said capacitance signal to produce an output signal
means for interposing a voltage source between said proportional to flow rate that is independant of the
system ground and the conducting fluid-contact time rate of change of said magnetic field and the
portion of the piping system adjacent said flow capacitance of said measurement electrodes.
conduit at a frequency different from but propor prising:16. A magnetic flowmeter system of the type com
tional to that of said time varying magnetic field 35
whereby a capacitance signal current proportional a primary element including a flow conduit adapted
to the capacitance of said measurement electrodes to be inserted in a flow piping system through
and the time rate of change of said magnetic field is which a fluid whose flow rate is to be determined
caused to flow from said measurement electrodes; flows, said primary element including means for
means for supplying, along with said flow rate signal, 40 creating a time varying magnetic field passing
said capacitance signal current to said amplifier through said fluid and electrode means capaci
network for producing one signal representative of tively coupled to said fluid for detecting an in
flow rate and another signal representative of the duced signal proportional to the flow rate of said
electrode capacitance; and fluid generated by the flowing fluid in response to
means for taking the ratio of said flow rate signal and 45 said magnetic field;
said capacitance signal to produce an output signal a secondary element having detection circuit means
proportional to flow rate that is independent of the for processing said induced signal to produce a
time rate of change of said magnetic field and the corresponding output flow rate signal;
capacitance of said measurement electrodes. said primary element and said secondary element
11. Apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein said 50 being conected to a first node and (referenced to a
flowmeter operates in the frequency range of about 1 to first voltage potential,) the adjacent fluid-conduct
100 cycles per second. ing contacts of the conduits of said flow piping
12. In a magnetic flowmeter of the type wherein a system at either end of said flow conduit being
time varying magnetic field is caused to press through a 55 connected to a second node (and different poten
tial); and
flow conduit adapted to carry a flowing fluid whose means for maintaining a prescribed voltage difference
velocity is to be measured, and having measurement between said first and second nodes.
electrodes positioned within said conduit within said 17. A magnetic flowmeter system of the type com
magnetic field that are capacitively coupled to said prising:
flowing fluid whose rate of flow is to be measured by 60 a primary element including a flow conduit adapted
producing at said electrodes an induced electrical signal to be inserted in a flow piping system through
proportional to flow velocity, and including detection which a fluid whose flow rate is to be determined
circuitry means for providing a flow rate signal, the flows, said primary element including means for
improvement in such flowmetering apparatus compris creating a time varying magnetic field passing
1ng: 65 through said fluid and electrode means coupled to
means for producing an on-line measurement of the said fluid for detecting an induced signal propor
capacitance between said measurement electrodes tional to the flow rate of said fluid generated by the
and said flowing fluid. flowing fluid in response to said magnetic field;
4,513,624 12
a secondary element having detection circuit means tional both to the value of the capacitance between
for processing said induced signal to produce a said electrode means and said fluid and a generated
corresponding output flow rate signal; rate of change of voltage which itself is propor
said primary element and said secondary element tional to the rate of change of said magnetic field.
being referenced to a first voltage potential, the 5 18. Apparatus as claimed in claim 17 wherein said
adjacent fluid-conducting contacts of the conduits detection circuit means includes low-input impedance
of said flow piping system at either end of said flow means for producing a current signal indicative of the
conduit being connected to a second and different flow rate of said fluid.
potential; and 19. Apparatus as claimed in claim 18 including means
said electrode means being capacitively coupled to 10 for combining said capacitance current and said low
said fluid and including means for generating a input-impedance current signals to yield an output sig
current flow from said electrode means to produce nal that is an accurate
sk k sk ck
of fluid flow rate.
an on-line capacitance current signal that is propor









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