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Topics: Comprehension, Nouns

and Subject - Predicate

General Instructions: (Set B)

1. The paper is of 25 marks.

2. Read each question carefully before attempting the answers.
3. Ask your teacher and clarify your doubts while attempting the form.
4. See the points beside every question and choose your answers
5. Check your answers before submitting the form - you will not be able
to make any changes once you submit
the form.
6. Marks will be deducted for spelling errors.

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Your answer

Your answer

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions

that follow:

A. Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

i) Name the two characters that the above story is about. 1 point

Your answer
ii) How did the dove help the ant? * 1 point

Your answer

iii) Which word from the passage means 'ge!ing 1 point

submerged in water'? *

Your answer

iv) How was the dove in danger? * 1 point

Your answer

v) Say whether the following sentence is true or false: 1 point

The ant forgot about the dove's help. *

Your answer

2. Which word is the material noun in the given sentence? 1 point

This loaf of bread is made of "our. *

Your answer
3. From the sentence given below, #nd the noun and 2 points

state the kind. This is the talented singer I was speaking

about. *

Your answer

4. Rewrite the given sentence correctly. My sister wishes 2 points

to go to london *

Your answer

5. A sentence has two pa$s: a ______ and a predicate. * 1 point



none of the above

6. Which of the following nouns is not wri!en correctly? * 1 point

Robert louis stevenson

New Delhi

Roald Dahl
7. Choose the correct collective noun for the following

A. * 1 point



B. * 1 point




8. Ruchi and Naresh are intelligent. Which is the predicate 1 point

in the sentence? *

Ruchi and Naresh


are intelligent
9. The old man is holding a stick. - Which pa$ is the 1 point
subject in the above sentence? *

a stick


the old man

the old

10. This kind of noun is used when referring to a group of 1 point

people, animals or things. *

common noun

proper noun

collective noun
11. _________ played with her teddy bear all day. Choose 1 point
the best answer from the options below. *

My cousin

My brother

Rina and my brother

12. Come here just now! - In this sentence which pa$ is 1 point
the subject? *



You (hidden)
13. The children ________________. Which will be the best 1 point
predicate to complete the sentence? *

and the dog.

are playing together.

blue shirt.

14. Sentences wri!en as questions can also be divided 1 point

into subject and predicate. State whether the above

statement is true or false. *


15. big cake my made mother a. - If you rearrange the 1 point

words to make a meaningful sentence which option will

be the subject? *


My mother


16. Which of the following are complete sentences? 2 points

[Select the two correct options.]

I visited my grandmother.

I coughing.

Speak slowly.

My grangmother and I.

17. Which of the following sentences is wri!en with 1 point

correct punctuations? *

my Mother is a Dancer

My Mother is a dancer?

My mother is a dancer.

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