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HOUSEHOLD SURVEY – End-line Evaluation for

CHANGE: Improving Access to Education in Ethiopia

for Most Marginalized Girls (“CHANGE project”)

Submitted to: People In Need (PIN)

Submitted by: DAB Development Research and Training

May 2023
Addis Ababa
Household Survey Endline Evaluation for CHANGE – Cohort 3
Household Survey Tool for CHANGE ENDLINE Evaluation – English
CHANGE: Improving Access to Education in Ethiopia for Most Marginalized Girls Project



  Pre_1 Country [_] 3 Ethiopia
Pre_2 Local Language of Instruction [_] 1: Amharic [_] 2: Gedeofa [_] 3: Afan Oromo
Calendar system used with
  Pre_3 respondents [_] 1 International (Gregorian) [_] 2 Ethiopian
[_] 801 Oromia Region (Eth) [_] 802 Southern Nations Nationalities People
Pre_4 Region of Interview Region (Eth)
Pre_5 Zone of Interview
Pre_6 District (Woreda) of Interview [_______] #1-9995
Pre_7 Cluster of Interview [_______] #1-9995
  Pre_8 Urban or Semi-urban area [_] 1 Urban [_] 2 Peri-urban
Pre_9 Language of interview [_] 1 Amharic [_] 2 Afan Oromo [_] 3 Gedeofa [_] 99 Other
  Pre_10 Year (of interview) [_______] #2023
  Pre_11 Month (of interview) [_______] #1-12
  Pre_12 Date (of interview) [_______] #1-31
  Pre_13 Time of Interview Start [_______] #00.00-23.59
  Pre_14 Assign Unique Household ID number [_______] #
Unique Girl ID number
Note to enumerator: this unique ID
number should be the same as the ID
numbers provided for the ‘Girls
survey’ and the ‘EGRA/EGMA
  Pre_15 assessment’ [_______] # -
Enumerator: after introducing
yourself, please read the HH consent
form. Check the willingness of the
  INTRO_1 respondent. Is consent given? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
[_] 1 No interview - no one at home [_] 2 No interview - No adult at home
[_] 3 No interview - Adults request reschedule [_] 4 No interview - Respondent
couldn’t speak any language in common with the interviewer
if INTRO _1 [_] 5 No interview - other reason [_] 6 Refusal - Adults not able to interview
=2 (no to Record: Reason for refusal / non- (illness / infirmity) [_] 7 Refusal - Adults say reschedule is not possible
  interview) INTRO_2 interview at this visit [_] 8 Refusal - Direct refusal [_] 9 Refusal - other reason
=1 (yes to If Yes to Interview at this visit -> go
interview) to HH_1
If need to reschedule -> STOP &
If INTRO _2 = 3 reschedule.
=2 (no to If No to interview -> STOP and
interview) continue to Next HH
HH composition      
If INTRO _1 =1
(yes to Are you the head of this household or
interview) HH_1 caregiver? [_] 1 HH [_] 2 PCG [_] 98: Refusal
HH_2 What type of employment are you in? [_] 1 Employed [_] 2 Self-employed [_] 3 Not employed
Note: HH_3 What is your main current occupation [_] 01 Armed forces [_] 02 Students
interviewer to that is what kind of work do you do [_] 03 Domestic chores inside the home (non-agricultural, e.g. child raising,
clarify if a most of the time? [Select only the cooking)
respondent is main occupation, i.e. the activity that [_] 11 Senior government official, traditional chief, or head of village
self-employed [CARER] does most of the time. [_] 12 Manager, director, or chief executive
they should Prompt if necessary.] [_] 21 Engineers and science professionals (e.g. physicists, chemists, biologists,
still pick the architects, IT specialists) [_] 22 Health worker (e.g. medical doctor, nurse,
most relevant midwife, healer)
job from the [_] 23 Teacher (e.g. primary, secondary or university teacher)
list [_] 24 Other professionals (e.g. lawyer, police officer, accountant, banker, cleric,

writer, artist)
[_] 40 Office or service clerk (e.g. secretary, cashier, teller)
[_] 51 Salesperson or service worker (e.g. retailer at a shop, market, or stall;
waiter, cook)
[_] 61 Farmer or fishermen selling produce
[_] 62 Farmer or fishermen using produce for subsistence only
[_] 71 Extraction and building workers (e.g. miners, stone cutters, builders,
[_] 72 Metal, machinery and related trade workers (e.g. blacksmith, tool maker,
machinery or electrical mechanic) [_] 73 Artisan and craft workers (e.g.
potter, weaver, carpenter, leather worker, shoemaker, food processor) [_] 80
Plant and machine operators, assemblers, drivers, or ship crew
[_] 91 Unskilled sales and service worker (e.g. street vendor, hawker, shoe
cleaner, domestic helper, cleaner, doorkeeper, garbage collector)
[_] 92 Unskilled worker in agriculture, mining, manufacturing or transport
[_] 96 Does not have an occupation
[_] 0: No school level completed
[_] 1: Attended pre-primary
[_] 2: Attended grades 1–4
[_] 3: Completed grade 4
[_] 4: Attended grades 5–8
[_] 5: Completed grade 8
[_] 6: Attended grades 9–10
[_] 7: Completed grade 10
[_] 8:Attended grades 11–12
[_] 8: Completed grade 12
[_] 9: Some years of higher education/ university
What was the highest school grade or [_] 10 Higher education/ university completed
  HH_4 class that you attended/completed? [_] 99 Don't know
Note to enumerator: the respondent’s view of the head of household should be accepted, with the focus on being responsible for the
household. The head of household should be someone who lives with the household all or some of the time. The head of household may

live elsewhere some or most of the time (e.g. for work, or if they have multiple wives or husbands). However, they must have a close
connection with the members of the household - they should not be selected simply because they are the senior person in a village or clan.
Ask or Record: What is the gender of
HH_5 the head of HH/CG? [_] 1 male [_] 2 female
[_] 1 [GIRL]'s mother [_] 2 [GIRL]'s father
[_] 3 [GIRL]'s brother [_] 4 [GIRL]'s sister
[_] 5 [GIRL]s husband [_] 6 [GIRL]'s Mother in Law
[_] 7 [GIRL]'s Father in Law
[_] 8 Other female relative (e.g. aunt / grandmother) [_] 9 Other male relative
What is your relationship with [GIRL’s (e.g. uncle / grandfather) [_] 10 other, non-relative [_] 11. Employer [_] 97.
HH_6 name]? Other _______ [_] 98 Refusal [_] 99 Don't know
[_] 1 Yes, is HH [_] 2 Yes, is Primary Caregiver [_] 3 Yes, is both HH and PCG
Ask or record: Is [GIRL]'s mother a [_] 4 Yes, is other member of household
If HH_6 is Not 1 HH_7 member of the household? [_] 5 No [_] 98 Refusal [_] 99 Don't know
[_] 1 Yes, is HH [_] 2 Yes, is Primary Caregiver [_] 3 Yes, is both HH and PCG
Ask or record: Is [GIRL]'s father a [_] 4 Yes, is other member of household
If HH_6 is Not 2 HH_8 member of the household? [_] 5 No [_] 98 Refusal [_] 99 Don't know
For how long does the [GIRL’s name]
HH_9 stayed/ lived with you? [_______] months [_] 98: Refusal [_] 99: Don't know
How many adults (people aged 18 or
over) normally live and eat their
HH_10 meals together in this dwelling? [_______] #1-20[_] 98: Refusal
  HH_11 How many of them are women? [_______] #0-20 [_] 98: Refusal
Ask or record: Are there any children
or young people aged from 10 to 19
HH_12 in the household? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No [_] 98: Refusal
If HH_12 = 1
(eligible How many of these (aged 10-19) are
children in HH) HH_13 girls? [_______] #0-20 [_] 95 more than 20
How many of these (aged 10-19) are
HH_14 boys? [_______] #0-20 [_] 95 more than 20
HH_15 How many of these go to school? [_______] #0-20 [_] 95 more than 20HH_
HH_16 Check girl tested for learning at school/intervention level lives here (project/evaluator to adapt wording)
Note: Encourage the HH/PCG for more questions, and proceed with the questions that follow. Employment status or income may not be suitable for the HH heads, but

inform them that the purpose is not to dive into personal issues, but relate how the HH standing is associated with the learning of the Girl.
  HH_17 What type of employment are you in? [_] 1 Employed [_] 2 Self-employed [_] 3 Not employed
interviewer to What is the
clarify if a main
respondent is- HH/PCG What is the main occupation of
unemployed, source of [HH]/[PCG]; that is what kind of work
they should income? does [HE/SHE/YOU] do most of the
still pick the E.g. salary, time? [Select only the main
most relevant farming, etc. occupation, i.e. the activity that [HH]
job from the (or simplify does most of the time. Prompt if
list list) HH_18 necessary.] Write note: [________________]
[_] 0: No school level completed [_] 1: Attended pre-primary
[_] 2: Attended grades 1–4[_] 3: Completed grade 4
[_] 4: Attended grades 5–8[_] 5: Completed grade 8
[_] 6: Attended grades 9–10[_] 7: Completed grade 10
[_] 8:Attended grades 11–12 [_] 9: Completed grade 12
What was the highest school grade or [_] 10: Some years of higher education / university
  HH_19 class that [HH] completed? [_] 11 Higher education/ university completed [_] 99 Don't know
[_] 1 Yes, is HH [_] 2 Yes, is Primary Caregiver
Ask or record: Is [GIRL]'s mother a [_] 3 Yes, is both HH and PCG [_] 4 Yes, is other member of household
HH_20 member of the household? [_] 5 No [_] 98 Refusal [_] 99 Don't know
HH_21 [_] 1 Yes, is HH [_] 2 Yes, is Primary Caregiver [_] 3 Yes, is both HH and PCG
Ask or record: Is [GIRL]'s mother a [_] 4 Yes, is other member of household [_] 5 No
member of the household? [_] 98 Refusal [_] 99 Don't know
HH_22 Is [GIRL]'s mother alive? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No [_] 99 Don’t know
HH_23 [_] 1 Yes, is HH [_] 2 Yes, is PCG
[_] 3 Yes, is both HH and PCG
Ask or Record: Is [GIRL]'s father a [_] 4 Yes, is other member of household
member of the household? [_] 5 No [_] 98 Refusal [_] 99 Don't know
HH_24 Ask or record: Is [GIRL]'s father
alive? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No [_] 99 Don’t know
HH_25 Can [GIRL] speak [OFFICIAL
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION] [_] 1 Yes, very well [_] 2 Yes, a little
Amharic/ Gedeofa/Afan Oromo? [_] 3 No [_] 99 Don't know

{prompt as necessary}
Can you speak [OFFICIAL
Amharic/ Gedeofa/Afan Oromo? [_] 1 Yes, very well [_] 2 Yes, a little
HH_26 {prompt as necessary} [_] 3 No [_] 99 Don't know
About HH’s economic status
[_] 1 Non-traditional house (e.g. from concrete, bricks or wood)
[_] 2 Traditional house / hut (e.g. from thatch or mud)
[_] 3 Informal structure or shack [_] 4 Tent [_] 5 Flat in a block of flats
Record: In what type of dwelling does [_] 6 Single room in a larger dwelling structure or backyard
HH_1econ the household live? [_] 97. Other (Please specify) [_] 99 Don't know
[_] 1 Mud [_] 2 Thatch [_] 3 Wood [_] 4 Tin/Iron sheets
Ask or record: What is the material of [_] 5 Cement/concrete
the roof of the house? {code first that [_] 6 Roofing tiles [_] 7 Asbestos [_] 8 Cardboard [_] 9 Tarp/Plastic
HH_2econ applies. prompt as necessary} [_] 97. Other (Please specify) [_] 99 Don't know
[_] 1 unable to meet basic needs without charity
Please tell me which of the following [_] 2 able to meet basic needs
phrases best suits your household [_] 3 able to meet basic needs with some non-essential goods
situation: [_] 4 able to purchase most non-essential goods
HH_3econ Prompt. Select one answer. [_] 5 plenty of disposable income [_] 98 Refusal [_] 99 Don't know
Over the past month, how many
days, if ever, have you or anyone in
HH_4econ your family experienced the following:
[_] 0 Never [_] 1 Just one day
[_] 2 Few days (two to four days over the month)
Gone to sleep at night feeling [_] 3 Many days (more than four days)
HH_4econ1 hungry? [_] 4 Most days/Always [_] 98Refusal [_] 99 Don't know
[_] 0 Never [_] 1 Just one day
[_] 2 Few days (two to four days over the month)
Gone without enough clean water for [_] 3 Many days (more than four days)
HH_4econ1 home use? [_] 4 Most days/Always [_] 98Refusal [_] 99 Don't know
HH_4econ1 Gone without medicines or medical [_] 0 Never [_] 1 Just one day
treatment? [_] 2 Few days (two to four days over the month)
[_] 3 Many days (more than four days)

[_] 4 Most days/Always [_] 98Refusal [_] 99 Don't know
[_] 0 Never [_] 1 Just one day
[_] 2 Few days (two to four days over the month)
[_] 3 Many days (more than four days)
HH_4econ1 Gone without cash income? [_] 4 Most days/Always [_] 98Refusal [_] 99 Don't know
Which of the following does your
household have access to in the [_] 1 Electricity [_] 2 Running water
HH_5econ house? (Tick all that apply) [_] 3 A phone [_] 4 Internet [_] None of the above
Is [BENEFICIARY GIRL] able to use
HH_6econ the phone? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 Only with permission [_] 3 No [_] 99 Don’t know
Status of [Girl] on transition
Enumerator to read: Is the [Girl] prepared to start a formal school, or has started to engage in other forms of SHG/IGA? We are interested in understanding the status of the
learning of the [Girl] and seek to know the main reasons why [GIRL] is not, if any. Can you please give us the status and some possible reasons why [girl] is not ready to
start a formal school or engage in SHG/IGA, If any? [Enumerator to can probe further here]
HH_1sch Is the [Girl] ready to go to formal school? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No [_] 3 Do not know
If HH_1Sch = 2
(proceed to
HH_3sch) HH_2sch What are the reasons for the [Girl] not to go to formal school?
HH_2sch_1 There isn’t enough money to pay the costs of (name)’s
schooling [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_2 (Name) needs to work, earn money, or help out at home [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_3 It is unsafe for (name) to travel to/from school [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_4 It is unsafe for (name) to be in school [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_5 The school does not have a program that meets (name)’s
learning needs [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_6 No one available to travel with (name) to/from school [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_7 Transport services are inadequate [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
To attend school (name) needs special services or
assistance such as speech therapist, support worker, sign
HH_2sch_8 language interpretation that are not available [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_9 To attend school (name) needs assistive devices/ technology
such as Braille textbook, hearing aid, wheelchair, etc that are
not available [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_10 Teachers do not know how to teach a child like (name) [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_11 (Name) was refused entry into the school [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No

HH_2sch_12 (Name) cannot move around the school or classroom [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_13 School is too far away [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_14 Child says teachers mistreat her at school [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_15 (Name) cannot use the toilet at school [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_16 (Name) is too old to attend school [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_17 (Name) is not mature enough to attend school [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_18 (Name) has completed enough schooling [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_19 (Name) is married or about to get married [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_20 (Name) has a child or is about to have a child [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_21 (Name) is not interested in going to school [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_22 Schooling not important for (name) [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_23 School does not help (name) in finding a good job [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No
HH_2sch_24 Other ___________________
HH_3sch Is the [Girl] engaged in SHG/IGA? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No [_] 3 Do not know
If HH_3Sch =
2 (proceed to What are the reasons for the [Girl] not to engage in
HH_4sch) HH_4sch SHG/IGA? Specify: _____________
If HH_3Sch =
1 (proceed to
HH_5sch) HH_5sch What are the engagements of [Girl]? Specify: _____________
HH/PCG views on the intervention project
Enumerator to read: We want to know your views on the intervention project and its implication for the success of the [Girl] either in transitioning to formal school or her
engagement in SHG/IGA? Can you please give us your views, and some possible reasons why [the Project] has/hasn’t reach your expectations, If any? [Enumerator can
probe further here]
Have you been aware of the [intervention project] and its
HH_1View major activities? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No [_] 3 Do not know
If HH_1view =
1 (proceed to Has the [intervention project] brought about positive changes
HH_2view) HH_2View in the life of [Girl]? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No [_] 3 Do not know
If HH_1view = HH_3View What are some of the positive changes you observed on [_] 1 [Girl] ready to start formal school [_] 2 [Girl]
2 (proceed to [Girl]? engaged in SHG/IGA [_] 2 reduced early marriage
HH_3view) [_] 3 No harassment to [Girl] [_] 4 [Girl] motivated to
and proceed do things by her own [_] 5 Service achieved at a near
to PCG_Per1 distance from home [_] 6 Improved view of the
community on [Girl] education [_] 7 Do not know [_] 8

Specify _____
[_] 1 couldn’t solve the problem at the HH [_] 2 [Girl]
not exerting commitment [_] 2 [Girl] not exerting
commitment [_] 3 No follow-up [_] 4 [Girl] got
married [_] 5 Home-school distance [_] 6 negative
Which of the following are possible reasons for the view of the community [_] 7 un-supporting leadership
[intervention project] failing to achieve positive changes on by the Government officers [_] 8 Do not know [_]
HH_4View [Girl]? 9 Specify ______
HH_5View In your opinion, should the project be continued? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No [_] 3 Do not know
How do you rate the commitment of the district/zone/regional [_] 1 Very high [_] 2 High [_] 3 Not sure
HH_6View government during implementation of the project? [_] 4 Low [_] 5 Very Low
Do you believe, the district/zone/regional government is
HH_7View ready to take over the project and successfully implement it? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No [_] 3 Do not know
Girls’ Education – Perception
[_] 1 Increase one's earnings
[_] 2 Enables one to find a job with better working
[_] 3 Improves marriage prospects
[_] 4 Enables one to move to better places
[_] 5 Increases one's social network/number of friends
[_] 6 Increases quality of one's friends
In your opinion, what is the main reason that one should have [_] 7 It is not necessary
HH_Per1 education? [_] 97 Other (specify) __________
[_]1 None [_] 2 Primary [_]3 Lower secondary
What is the highest level of education you would like [Girl] to [_]4 Upper secondary [_] 5 College or university
OI 3.1 HH_Per2 complete if finances and opportunities are available? [_] 99 Don't know
Who should have a higher level of education in a family? [_] 1 Husbands [_] 2 Wives [_] 3 Both husbands and
wives [_] 4. Boys [_] 5. Girls
HH_Per3 [_] 6. Both boys and girls [_] 97 Others
Enumerator to read: How much do you agree with the following statements?
School is not important for teaching girls how to grow up – [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
they can learn this from their parents specially, from their [_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
HHCG_Per1 mothers. [_] 99 Don't know

OI 3.1 HHCG_Per2 There is no point in disabled people going to school because [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little

[_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
they will not be able to get ‘proper’ jobs anyway? [_] 99 Don't know

HHCG_Per3 Husbands should be more educated than their wives. [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
[_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
[_] 99 Don't know

HHCG_Per4 [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little

Families should focus first on educating their boys, then they [_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
can start to think of the girls’ education. [_] 99 Don't know

HHCG_Per5 Children with physical disabilities are likely to do worse in [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
class – even if they try as hard and concentrate as much as [_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
those without disabilities. [_] 99 Don't know

OI 3.1 HHCG_Per6 It is important that boys have more education than girls.   [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
[_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
[_] 99 Don't know
OI 3.1 HHCG_Per7 [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
When girls marry, they should keep going to school, even if [_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
they have to take care of their husband and household.  [_] 99 Don't know
OI 3.1 HHCG_Per8 [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
Daughters should go to school only if they are not needed to [_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
help at home.  [_] 99 Don't know
OI 3.1 HHCG_Per9 Families should spend the same amount of money on [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
educating their daughters as they spend on educating their [_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
sons.  [_] 99 Don't know
HHCG_Per10 Scenario: Imagine that a family has six children and not very [_] 1: The boys should be prioritised over the girls
much money. How should they decide who gets to go to [_] 2: The older children should be prioritised over the
school? younger children
[_] 3: The children without physical disabilities should be
prioritised over the children without
[_] 4: The children without mental disabilities should be
prioritised over the children without
[_] 5: The children that are naturally cleverer should be

prioritised over the less clever ones
[_] 6: The children that are more obedient and likely to
stay in school should be prioritized
[_] 7: You cannot say without knowing more about the
family’s situation
[_] 8. The family should find ways to send all of them
[_] 9: It should be done randomly
[_] 99: Don't know
[_] 1: The boy
[_] 2: The girl
[_] 3: The one that is not mentally disabled
[_] 4: The one that is not physically disabled
Scenario: Imagine that a parent has twins – a boy and a girl. [_] 5: Both – they should be equal, so maybe one would
They both scored 80% on their Grade 8 exam and want to go have to go first
to secondary school. However, there is only enough money [_] 6: None of them– they should be equal, so neither
for one child to study. Which one should go to school? should go
HHCG_Per11 [_] 99: Cannot say/refusal
Perceptions on CAG’s work
[_] 1: Yes
[_] 2: No (skip to community meetings section)
[_] 99: Don’t know (skip to community meetings section)
HHCAG_VIS1 Does your community have a CAG? 
If Have any of the CAG members visited your HH to discuss [_] 1: Yes
HHCAG_VI issues related to the education of your children (especially [_] 2: No
S1=1 HHCAG_VIS2 girls in the change project)? 
If How many times did a CAG member visited your HH in the
HHCAG_VI last 6 months to discuss issues related to the education of
S2=1 HHCAG_VIS3 your daughter(s)? __ insert number
If HHCAG_VIS4 How often do CAG members visit you?  [_] 1: More than once per month
HHCAG_VI [_] 2: Once per month
S2=1 [_] 3: Once every two months
[_] 4: Once every three months
[_] 5: They don’t have a regular schedule, they visited us
when its necessary 
[_] 6: They didn’t visit us individually but they reach to us

through campaigns 
[_] 7: Other, please specify_________
[_] 99: Don’t know 

If Have any of the CAG members contacted you through a [_] 1: Yes
HHCAG_VI campaign to discuss issues related to the education of your [_] 2: No
S1=1 HHCAG_VIS5 children (especially girls in the change project)? 
S5 = 1
How many campaigns have CAGs organized in your
HHCAG_VIS6 community? __ insert number
[_] 1: Once per month
[_] 2: Once every two months
[_] 3: Once every three months
[_] 4: Once every six months
[_] 5: Once per year
If [_] 6: Other, please specify_________
HHCAG_VI How often do CAG members organize community campaigns [_] 99: Don’t know 
S5 = 1 HHCAG_VIS7 on education? 
If [_] 1: Yes
HHCAG_VI Do you think you benefited from CAG’s messages/counseling [_] 2: No
S5 = 1 HHCAG_VIS8 delivered during their visit or campaign?   [_] 99: Don’t know 
[_] 1: My knowledge on the importance of education is
[_] 2: They helped me to send my daughter(s) to school 
[_] 3: They helped to re-enroll our daughter(s) after
If she/they dropped out
HHCAG_VI What are the benefits you get from the CAG’s activity? [_] 4: They helped our daughters to improve in their
S8 = 1 HHCAG_VIS9 (multiple choice)  educational level  [_] 5: Other, please specify_________
Read the statements below and ask the parent to select the most appropriate response. If HHCAG_VIS1=1
[_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
[_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
IOI 4.1 HHCAG_1 It is important that my community has a CAG group  [_] 99 Don't know
IOI 4.1 HHCAG_2 CAG’s work is important  [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little

[_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
[_] 99 Don't know
If [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
HHCAG_VIS2 I appreciate when CAG members visit me to discuss girls’ [_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
=1 IOI 4.1 HHCAG_3 education  [_] 99 Don't know
I think it is important for our community that CAGs organize [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
community awareness raising activities on girls’ education  [_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
IOI 4.1 HHCAG_4 [_] 99 Don't know
I think it is important that CAGs follow up the attendance of [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
girls and report dropouts  [_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
IOI 4.1 HHCAG_5 [_] 99 Don't know
I think it is important for our community that CAGs track drop [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
out girls and support them to go back to school  [_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
IOI 4.1 HHCAG_6 [_] 99 Don't know
I think it is important that CAGs support distribution of school [_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
materials   [_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
IOI 4.1 HHCAG_7 [_] 99 Don't know
[_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
[_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
IOI 4.1 HHCAG_8 I respect what CAG members say  [_] 99 Don't know
[_] 1: Agree a lot [_] 2: Agree a little
[_] 3: Disagree a little [_] 4: Disagree a lot
IOI 4.1 HHCAG_9 I can see an impact of CAG’s work on our community  [_] 99 Don't know
Community Meetings & Support services
2 skip this
section HHCG_CMS1 Do you attend community conversations? [_] 1 Yes [_] 2 No, never [_] 99. Don’t know
PCG_CMS1= How often has girls' education agenda officially been raised [_] 1: Often [_] 2: Sometimes [_] 3: Rarely
1 HHCG_CMS2 in the community conversations? [_] 4: Never [_] 99: Don't know
HHCG_CMS3 How often has girls' education agenda been fully addressed [_] 1: Often [_] 2: Sometimes [_] 3: Rarely
by the local authorities? [_] 4: Never [_] 99: Don't know
HHCG_CMS4 How often are girls' education cases referred to an [_] 1: Often [_] 2: Sometimes [_] 3: Rarely
appropriate and quality support services (such as Community [_] 4: Never [_] 99: Don't know
Action Groups, House to House Visits, Campaign about girls’

education, community forums, family counselling)?
Security issues
Is there any conflict or any security-related unrest taking [_] 1: Yes [_] 2: No
HHCG_SI1 place in your surrounding?
[_] 1. I am not emotionally stable (feeling scared for my
life all the time) [_] 2. Food is scarce
[_] 3. No health/ electricity/ water/ police services
[_] 4. No education – I can’t send my children to school
How has the conflict or unrest taking place affected your [_] 5. have more household responsibilities
HHCG_SI2 livelihood? [tick all that apply] [_] 97. Other please specify _________
How would you think such security issues would affect [girl’s]
HHCG_SI3 ability in pursuing her education.

Any other ideas the interviewee HH/PCG speaks about the HH and the [Girl] education. __________________________________

Thank you.


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