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1. What is the best form of treatment?

- Cheapest form
- What the orthodontist says
- Give all possible treatment options

2. Pt. took a new medication & suddenly develops itching, rashes, redness &
difficulty in breathing? - Drug Interaction - Hypersensitivity Reaction

3. Female patient presented with pain, requested a female doctor or nurse present.
The nurse went to 10 min break. What you do?
- Wait until nurse come inside clinic
- Ask her to wait outside until nurse comes back to the clinic
- Refer her to another hospital

4. External approach for quality health care?

- Mortality & morbidity rate - Accreditation - Root cause analysis - Supervision

5. Senior doctor was filling the file record of a pt. & he wrote something wrong..?
- Tear the paper & write on new one
- Erase it with white correctors
- Strike on it & write an error
- Continue writing

6. Most common rout of infection in hospitals? - Hands

7. Disease transmission in hospitals mostly due to?

- Sterilization (Poor Infection Control Measures)

8. An intern is asked to do a procedure which he has not done before & there’s no
one to guide him, he should?
- Tell the patient that he doesn’t know the procedure - Wait for the senior
- Do the procedure anyway - Call colleague to tell him what to do
9. Main concern with prescribing Opioid Drugs?
- Addiction or Abuse - Cardiac Problems - Respiratory Problems

10. What is the Adverse Event?

- An event that results from adverse a drug reaction (medical error)
- An event from poorly trained doctor who didn’t receive adequate education & training
- An event that resulted in serious harm to the patient caused by medical team and
is unrelated to his underlying medical condition of the patient
- An event due to poor standard and quality of an organization

11. Most common medical error in hospital? - Diagnosis - Medication - Treatment

12. Why is medication considered as the most common medical error in hospitals?
- Nurse Carelessness - Problems of Communication
- Look-alike & Sound-like drugs - Using Manual System

13. How to avoid look alike, sound alike drugs issue? - Tall Man Lettering

14. Look-alike, Sound-alike principle in drugs should be quoted, how to avoid

confusion? - Highlight the names

15. Periapical view of incisors with severe Root Resorption (RR), mild space is
present between the lateral and central incisors, the patient wants to undergo
retreatment to close the space, what should you do?
- Do not carry-on with the treatment
- Proceed with the treatment
- Carry-on with the treatment for all teeth except the one with the root resorption
- Inform the pt. about the risks and carry the treatment with CONSENT

16. Company offers you 1000 $ to advertise for a drug in your abroad presentation?
- Accept and disclose about your finical interest - Refuse the money

17. Dr.’s drug research about to get published but you’ve discovered a side effect?
- Talk with the doctor - Report the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
18. 81 years senior doctor forgettable and writes prescription for the patient and
you try talk to him but he became angry & denied, what should you do?
- Tell your colleague
- Forget about him
- Report to hospital administration
- Talk to him

19. A female patient came to your clinic and the nurse go for 10 min was not there
and you want to examine the patient, what should you do?
- Tell the patient you’re going wait until nurse to come back
- Tell the patient to wait outside until the nurse comes back
- Proceed with the examination

20. Most appropriate measure to ensure not having any conflict in research paper?
- Participate only in the analytic part of the research
- Involve many researchers with different conflicts
- Disclosure of any conflict

21. Company gives you money to describe a drug to patients, this is considered as..?
- Conflict of Interest!! OR - Bribery (Unethical)!!

22. A researcher found that his research is similar to a published paper & wants to
take information from the other paper, what should he do?
- Copy the results from the other paper as both studies are similar
- Paraphrase any similar information and cite the other paper
- Copy the discussion part of the paper, and cite the other paper
- Write all the results without citation as his study is more recent

23. Referral patient and you didn’t like the diagnosis and treatment of the patient,
the patient asks you about the previous hospital treatment if it’s good or not?
- Tell the patients that all the treatment was wrong - Continue with the same treatment
- Contact the doctor in the previous hospital & ask him for more understanding
24. The risk of treating an uncontrolled diabetic patient? - High Bone Resorption

25. Which of the following is a part of the first international patient safety measure
in hospital according to World Patient Safety?
- Following published and up to date standard of hand hygiene
- Use double identification in recognizing patient
- Using labels to categorize medications
- Using timeout prior to surgical to surgical procedure

26. External health care quality improvement to improve care?

- Credentialing - Accreditation - Leadership Commitment - Electronic Health Records

27. Dentist decides to do surgical extraction of mandibular third molar even though
he is does not have experience. By doing that he contradicts which law of ethics?
- Beneficence - Non-maleficence ‫ عدم اإليذاء‬- Autonomy - Justice

28. Non-maleficence? - To do good - Not to harm

29. Dentist refuses to treat AIDS pt., which ethical concept? - Justice - Autonomy

30. Doctor transfer pt. to other doctor without reason what he ignores?
- Autonomy - Confidentiality - Justice

31. When you talk to your colleague about a case, you broke..? - Confidentiality

32. You’re allowed to break confidentiality for..?

- Learning Lessons - Consultation or another opinion

33. Self-Governance is referred to which principle in the code?

- Veracity ‫موثوقية‬ - Justice - Autonomy ‫ االستقاللية‬- Beneficence ‫اإلحسان‬

34. Pt. with wrong dental treatment referred to you, what should you do?
- Tell the patient that the previous doctor has made mistakes
- Don’t tell the patient and start treating him
- Write report to the HCO????
- Tell patient that you have to return to the previous doctor to fix his work
35. Medical rep. asks the doctor to use a new drug with his patient, and he will give
him ticket to travel to in a vacation, if the doctor accepts this deal what this called?
- Benefices - Malpractice - Medical Bias - Conflict of Interest

36. Which of these is the three principle ethical concept?

- Commission – Competence – Autonomy - ‫ االستقاللية‬- ‫ االختصاص‬- ‫ العمولة‬-
- Profitability – Autonomy – Commission - ‫ العمولة‬- ‫ االستقاللية‬- ‫ الربحية‬-

37. Dentist refers a pt. to a specialist without discussing anything with him what’s
the dentist ignoring ethically? - Veracity - Autonomy

38. A Down’s syndrome pt. came to do FDP; he couldn’t fully understand the
dentist, so the dentist should..? - Take the relative’s permission

39. The doctor treats every pt. with the same equity? - Justice - Beneficence

40. Dentist manager punished one of the team due to fault, this will..?
- Improve work - Make the team afraid to make similar mistakes

41. Pt. admires a female dentist & wants to keep in touch with her, she should..?
- Do business with him - Refuse any type of communication

42. Droplet infection protocol? - Mask and hand disinfection

43. Before giving any medication it’s necessary to ask the pt. about?
- Allergies - The use of any other drugs

44. Parents make their child take money from people and make him fall and cry
(something like that) the word description of this type of hurt to the child?
- Emotional (Sympathy) - Physical - Mental

45. A patient with renal failure wants to preserve his teeth, which material would be
contraindicated in this case? - Glass Ionomer - Composite - Fluoride Application

46. Mother took her child to dental clinic, dentist starts working without washing
his hands, and the mother complains about the dentist’s behavior, what infection
control procedure did the dentist break? - Block every root of disease transmission
47. Patient cured from Tuberculosis (TB) how to treat him?
- Wearing a mask or a face-shield - Wearing a respiratory mask
- You should wear a mask & open window for ventilation

48. Why should dentists right down the patient’s complain in the file?
- So they won’t forget it (for records)
- To make the patient feel that he is important or concerned

49. Patient’s decision that no one can touch parts of his body without permission?
- Autonomy - Consent

50. The least important thing to be written in the consent?

- The diagnosis - The risk percentage - The expected cost

51. Dentist sent a pt. to his colleague for consultation after examination - report, pt.
asked him if he will continue the treatment with them, doctor said NO & resend him
to the first dentist, this attitude considered..? - Ethical - Professional - Unprofessional

52. Patient came to you and starts giving detailed description of his condition but
your consultation time is almost over what should you do?
- Ask him to come again later
- Ask him to see another doctor
- Ask him to stop giving details
- Listen patiently and then address to his problems

53. A pt. with multiple conditions to be addressed. How would you approach?
- Team-up all concerned specialties to formulate a comprehensive treatment plan

54. A medial representative comes to your clinic and tells you many good things
about their new drug for diabetes, and leaves many samples, what should you do?
- Sell the samples for a low cost - Provide the samples to medical store - Refuse to use
- Refer the efficacy & benefits of the proposed drug in an academic journal

55. At the beginning of an operation day in the clinic, you should use water/air spray
for 3 minutes to get rid of which type of microorganism? - Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
56. How to reduce the risk of skin contamination?
- By the use of a disinfectant
- By the use of a chemical
- By wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- By washing the skin for 2-3 seconds

57. 45 year-old female consuming Bisphosphonates, which of the following is true?

- Oral Bisphosphonates have more effect in orthodontic treatment than I.V.
- I.V. Bisphosphonates have more effect in orthodontic treatment than oral
- I.V. Bisphosphonates have no effect in orthodontic treatment
- Oral Bisphosphonates have no effect in orthodontic treatment

58. Action of bisphosphonate? - Inhibits bone resorption by inhibiting osteoclasts

59. Pt. with Diabetes type-2, concerns with orthodontic treatment? - Alv. Bone Loss

60. What is the treatment used for Diabetes type-1? - Insulin

61. A doctor went to a conference & was offered 1000$ for the lecture, should the
doctor take that money? - Unethical NOPE

62. Consultant asks an intern to write a treatment plan for a pt., the intern should..?
- Ask the consultant to read it
- Ask the consultant to co-sign the plan
- Refuse to write the plan, since it is not legal for him to do that
- Write the plan and immediately discuss it with the patients

63. What should you do when you have to break bad news to a patient?
- Tell the patient directly
- Do not tell the patient
- Tell the patient parents first

64. What’s the thing that should not be placed in dental area?
- Magnesium - Potassium Chloride - Calcium sulfate
65. Ethical community didn’t accept your research, what should you be doing?
66. Which of the following is a characteristic of a Medical Error?
- Preventable
- Always results in serious harm to the patient
- Always result from inexperienced doctor
- Commonly associated with surgical procedures

67. Adult patient came for orthodontic treatment and she was diagnosed with (Body
Dysmorphic Disorder), what should you do?
- Proceed with orthodontic treatment after informed consent
- Provide counseling for the patient
- Refer for psychologist
- Refuse to do the treatment

68. A pregnant woman that has mild upper and lower arch crowding and wants to
undergo orthodontic treatment, what should you do?
- Start orthodontic treatment immediately
- Don’t carry-on with treatment, she’ll need x-rays which can’t be taken due to pregnancy
- Carry-on with treatment since x-rays are not necessary as the pt. will not need extraction
- Advice the patient to delay the treatment after delivery, as hormonal changes can
have unpredictable effect on the orthodontic treatment

69. Pt. who got pregnant during orthodontic treatment, most appropriate measure?
- Remove the braces for the first trimester since it is the critical time
- Continue the treatment normally
- Hold the treatment with passive arch wire until delivery
- Inform the patient about the possible complications that may arise, and
discontinue all forces when the patient enters the third trimester

70. A periapical of an upper canine with 25% it’s root resorbed, pt. wants re-ortho?
- Do not accept this case
- Accept the case and take consent from the patient
- Start orthodontic treatment and bypass the tooth
71. A pt. was referred from a rural area to a central hospital, the consultant in the
central hospital does not agree with the treatment offered in the rural area?
- Advice the patient to change the referring doctor
- Proceed with his new treatment plan for the patient
- Tell the pt. about the wrong treatment offered & advise him to sue the referring doctor
- Contact the referring doctor to clarify the reason for his/her treatment plan

72. A 9 year-old patient with history of Burkit Lymphoma, received chemotherapy

since he was 7 years old, what is the orthodontic management?
- Start treatment immediately
- Start treatment after one year
- Orthodontic treatment contraindicated
- Get clearance from patient’s physician

73. An 11 years old boy that had Burkitt Lymphoma and was treated with
chemotherapy, what are the risks during orthodontic treatment?
- Infection and mucositis
- Infection and recurrence of the tumor
- Recurrence of the tumor and mucositis
- Difficulty of tooth movement and recurrence of malignancy

74. Which ortho procedure requires using prophylactic antibiotics for cardio pt.s?
- In Molar band Placement Visit (Risk of Bleeding)

75. Best method for patient identification is..?

- Use 2 identifiers 1 first name and other last name
- Use 2identifiers one is name and other city of birth
- Use3 identifiers first and middle and last name
- Use 2 identifiers patient name and room number seminal error

76. Definition of Morality? - Professional code - Justify the society

77. Incompetent patient? - Dementia

78. A patient with Alzheimer’s dementia presents with his personal care worker. His
daughter, who is his legal guardian, is unavailable. What is required to obtain
informed consent for an elective invasive procedure?
- The patient’s presence implies
- Obtain consent from the patient’s daughter

79. When you diagnose your pt. in the waiting area, you break? - Patient’s Privacy

80. Better way to avoid medicine problems? - Using Computerized Systems

81. An intern that works in a hospital wants to examine a patient, when does he
need to ask for permission from the patient?
- No need to ask in a teaching hospital
- Always ask for permission, unless the pt. is in an emergency situation or coma

82. Non-maleficence? - It’s the patient right to be not exposed to unnecessary harm

83. (Long case scenario) of a female patient using bisphosphonates, how much time
is needed for the patient after cessation of the drag to start orthodontic treatment?
In (Profit 6th, Page 259) it says you start orthodontic treatment after 3 months
because most of the drug will be remained only on surface by that time, but need
years to be fully eliminated

84. A dentist giving lectures on oral health to the staff and other members. Which
ethical principle is he following by doing that?
- Morality - Fidelity ‫ أمانة‬/ ‫ إخالص‬- Justice - Beneficence ‫اإلحسان‬

85. Providing high-quality treatment for the benefit of the pt., ethical principle is..?
- Justice - Maleficence ‫اإليذائية‬ - Beneficence ‫اإلحسان‬

86. According to world patient safety, first thing to ensure pt. safety in a hospital is?
- Calling timeout in the surgery room - Asking about the patient address

87. Patient had skin rash itching after taking a drug..? - Hypersensitive to Penicillin

88. The best patient safety goal in a hospital? - Using time-out protocol for the team!
89. External healthcare quality improvement to improve..?
- Credentialing - Accreditation
- Leadership Commitment - Electronic Health Records

90. Which of the following has worse effect during orthodontic treatment?
- I.V. Bisphosphonates for Cancer Treatment
- I.V. Bisphosphonates for Osteoporosis Treatment
(Because cancer patients receive it in larger doses & in a shorter duration of time)

91. During research, an adverse effect happened to the medication used?

- Write a new consent & tell the patient sign again
- Report the incidence to IRB/RBC
- Do nothing
- Pay compensator
IRB/RBC: Institutional Review Board / Independent Ethics Committee

92. What’s the role of medical health technicians in hospitals?

- Implement whatever orders they get from the specialist

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