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you are parking up the wrong tree mine friend ne was an impetuous fiend of tue family with molestionable pretencencies wister horn I believe or perhaps young master vates am enber of the edge clam gang if Im not miss snake in goes by jarl van lootstoof thick names the blouse berry gobbler they sad he molested her pirates pull dove the bottom over two please bikini wuile tie motuer fetcne* nice tea twas then he laces eges of all from grays a no time crasued an aside of * moutn in a we smell virl from taxis todays splat cuested aga star then cometh shins wages floptimus grime his bald excus- -what over hope is yours was my wipe also plaster of trumpets creases wept over potty nose ever rzunpynnose suredded weep for melt to nide a bear of gloves they sad ne gave her a wonderful filling before ne fool of is hers —fjBed office horse forget us our sence forgive us our since amen and a wild stupor bundle plot story sign blot starry shine agreed flag blow squirt cookies for ovary run went wanta by the gnone of tan rather called his fancy ragged an an article of clothe of he licked to rubber with o11 in the tub and bring the camera How those aap spote carry glove Candied allure enough her dear puny guees on the floor buyer choes riddle wet shining Stodd forgive us her skin ne catheter up in a towel they felt story for when on otuer new matter ever of happily mimp is a thing with fatners vot piece of hath these tree creams pickle wet riding had a minnow sent pass tine a doll falyg a, parkx bark these girls & boys shall not retura. pot for you mizteraxx ‘AtSter! Tloptimus grime relive us your eins for see that it false of art never droopy cont. inued what onlyone evretand tue starry lad when all office friends argon 4 man field offic: course aglow story a low story tor tue log of tne lad would squirt tor fetish baby token gleam snip sin address of a sweaty preteen nole yellow mouth smokes figure signs poor master norn in his uncomfurtable youth beach of a muddy lake and strange new girls on Gisplay there in you please bikinis you and you and you please between me and later a gorl in her pointies blueshiny in the night of tne open bedroom hot summer trip to tue bathroom with little baby roaches by tne tooth brusn blueshiny moundiugging too not for a blanket first love panties we lay to rust this lover of brave gérls otherpants xen teens coop taint white cotton panties lick stories of secret a teary series of miss appearencances the fuck tired unity a fall things serpents becup them a sin moon watcn over worlt with not end love climb sin at the eye a night felloffa- saurus mouthbothering finish splotch town by the river tree green roses ister stumpf uad a girliriend climbed nis roomate wnenever is prick was hard ana wiate more make movies for the website permission with fear and reluctance became the only way he could get hard worrying about the pleasure of is friends dick and the way his girl friend adored it and he would stroxe it when he cleaned ner and eventually when he was on special occasions allowed to fluff his big dicked friena off camera he would marry her and his friend would father the chilaren uister horn mister thorn mister thump & mister cane mr cane carried a cane and ar hump had a hump in is back all of them were questionable indeed one man with many visguises perhaps a fake hump a detachable cane a .lue on peel off mustacsue mess stasi moose stash sinners only in their mind sigh except pernaps for young master orn in the days of is feverish youth the wuirl is to munch witn us te tne word is screw auch with us has cunts eaten peach is in scream wnat had become of then all our gallery of stalwart neroes witn crine in their veins and lust in their overworked lions overlooked loins where are tue toes of yester queer all all are sleeping onto the hill climb in their veins swell any wits over nappy weal nappy wneel tiny bed in a tiny trailor your my mermaid im your sailor would to god to do again rabbits of filthy grace grace in the rut o. rabbits cry for your edamane hemlock soda attached so much to tne memory of lite cling to the memory of tue adventure of tne proud and curicus flesh ner body promises unboundea delight tiie name or that the camera leaps from star to star ot me jumping like a cat on a wall three groan poses Amposcible stupid nope persistent folly or why did ya half to die oh why did you pave to wake a nasty piece of tissue scraps of lawless wipe buttermurk enraged against his finitude a god too wixx pig for the dog hes stunk in tuft ham inside this one face rotting monkey but the art was a playful fuck you a spurt of affirmation 0/24/23 a day that shall leave in blasphemy for the pretty blonde bridge boy, scratch on sight of amount in, help out a nice boy job --- my guest friends jolty flop, love opitter mysteries +- give us this gay our daily head, reternal process glooming on, red love lays seen, a prayer frays- tom oh bed lamb tom violence the smell offer breath --as if a girl ~sa made of kittens s-retail me the cmall office reeking since, the banking of am arrogance, glee gleam roses, abby that me wet once oh stunted romp oh terrible iron priem ship rth and its wxmathxx impossible t unhave-able angels happy to-have w°t you wants --wetty or not, betty or not, four eyes only, free clean poses, flap sitk swings mistouched in her swim whereby the ungentleuan in question hero 3esx lusted me on my pirates ade a pass at puny sweets anent a routine preteen swinuing pole party fondled vacant, fair as eyes lost, go sat the tahle -- the cradle rubber was him stalled in is carsophagus with little glow slunber past, irreverence over, glistening demise --eat rib skin pie old fool, vegone with your bold young sins foretold wrong sense, flat as the sparkle of crime, with the earlist buds of Yjordyn jo: Vanished as unvept snow or ash on anulled mans sl-ve -- vet tweens went sweet to thei arrival -- top fevers seen, unclean revels, au an field office course -- re wheel all office we turm --expended reanimation --please for a crash of water -- wipe cotton pointings, wait bottom pointies, a never runs trough it, reven pelt roce, fool up you yes niddle whirl, a see enjoyk sir glistening device, bemember those first ill glitte wee member toes first ill glitters serpentonical futality of Chuluoz, deferred as it i el flat as the qu een of wands --{oldtimers sayings, an oral sword, plots ever Seen, my near holds, bathe repent.--- this in me mouse , chains ker golden happy mel stamp rride over ny face,we & the yellow ever poiise, for over so long team wet point was is gawe, gust in the dim, blurry ragged lusty guilty bloody snot wiped n the nearest red hydrant -- an old racehorse yclept tons of paste a town on cri: river, grimier ever, holograms ache, forget us our seni No* 0 merry but ~ hurry cepry blurry go round and down and ~~entually drown in little gross under plant= a necessary oval, guesses very evil, a dreswig arise : bartender is the night - to fetch a squeal of daughter, forget the sorry office crimes, this had starry office climb sand missed demeanors, custard of trumpets, complaints ~bout saddle lessons & adorable abdonens with poke out jelly mufftns --‘gorls in the swim shoot ~ds, emerging to accuse hic seuinal exuberance, streams of fey sinner many squirts, a eroan man = we much go from where else, lick starry a aecr-t, hide bottom candies, not story mine, blot sorry nine, plot squirty s lim, found by the river slip suffer tan please, he feel of a sore, felt office source. --he flu o*fice hearse , flw of is hurte, flew of course --you may mow fluff the bull, a croan man is sin procession there, stuffing your bride with ‘ero batter poor cuckoo bird lips offer ten Please, a young girls best hugs, lost in the rowdy joy of it, the greass of is mastery the fire sperm in oral canyon plum7ly “lows her belly fast bis vith a large lads baby “ut you can eat the laughed over prom cream am an fill of ie our= a full again Yeaps horn a traffic resigne of 11 tat thin waits plaster of trumpet d--nk you for the laugh water fizz you sval mut u vain furzy tool glows you,rise review please bikini ogre uy bed “addy crumbs doer bread at knife baker -tutter makers totter plump age nudes *y to stay how they bird im the flyer of tine all the starries plaid togatrer cratch these litters in the wall se wheel all of these return ill office we turn ‘itty question to the hairy end lace i6 eugs to ri 2 *n haste cries tie in is ince cuck never lasting thic illusion went “*nesis has! shredded weep from times we get said, far crisis the end of the law, tumors of wore | pretender old girls, sweet cop in panties, flowers of ‘ubble lawn Onderdonkers Ontology test test atest reckles sie yo te he knows uo mckxkskkekkkkkedddcdssff fffaad fas continue the test but is it fixed not yet it is notoyert fixed not yet fixed finish blota could it finally work finnegans wake begainagain beginagain sinagainmake sincagain nake sine again make he thinsiest wanure over duuped rfrzo frozentthabhhhhhahhbyyyyyyy¥¥¥YYYYYYIY bi © test test test test test ontology of onderdonker Oliver Onderonderk, “he charmingly named ontologist of the year “024 via a post academic gimiicky approach of tue matter of tittering waters tzar tissue d-da defended the thesis that joyce was pieces of glue* hilocophy not good but could flew ossify full officer **nral colonel must-rd capt in gand‘r> my stinky is my newer slow far hero to piece of ‘arse melting whive horse arse agq99999999 she remekered the way he locked af ner she remem bird the weigh he looked adder +. tied of various furrious injuries dyed of furious in juries 9 number of jury angry over a I2 year old in Cleveland ‘ a little girl in never leave land a sad Little body on the slide of tne wrote mister cane with his ashplant quéting joyce as he spanked a special friend chalice in lumber wand an oral sword thank you pieces more give us the stay our daily skin happy new star hobby view scar flabby sweet mommy no where handy Nyquill jack son little girlboys pants nave of shelf off oldendecker was doing nis owm sick naked lunch the oral metaphor was xm apt EPORS REL KECEEY any BEERS CM SVeR Ler OURS’ APT OMELET AEE LOMRE, ewbbEndae Phase is own sink naked lunge lurch into the void ski] and close bones on the packaging fool and cross moans graze anatomy eprays anatomy what little there was left wiiat little there was left was is he catheter up in a trowel a gamer nad open lips new matter ever of happily lick star forgets house blurry gobbler flat jested over ny dad potty foriver down riverend lever habit chew star 4s finish object lay your sleeping head my love tumid in ay draping yawp afar cry frumpy for father sins and signs of nappy returns a with over waiff offer stiff of her nappy wheel a snip incider panties just for thee on feather stay on rather stay nere with you in sorry hold cleveland hotel witn baby roaches dear fanny pour your pots a penny for your tots fewer pant skids slipper he went rut clipper we when runt the fevers Delievers and favors of deceivers receivers and slavers of ner infauous glues berry pie cycle cone preyellowing wy chew irom thief im such a cute bear of plants some on had porter into them some run had porter onto nim he had tricd to be a goed slept farther in the cruel context of enveloping guess thuds and the weep ing of new wet pint end drumming of little feet on nardwood floor refrequently beglimmering her maddenin, way through the living room relentlessly splat chested and necklace below the here there was to thin hocting_a préteen swiaing pole party for friends of the bad breat! brat breath princess hated brusiing her chief but he got to like the stink because it came with a dire proximity a glee minor eyes drank” you for the pata later he felon due tiue we felon to grime and sprays away from heavenly Cleveland

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