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: Nuclear physics _ . ne cians eG ee S 7 Semi-empyiricat Mass Formula e : > Basic Properties - Mm Less Impostaut — : > 4/8 and ~ Ree decay @ ~ Radioactivity B.—> Deutron Problem > Aurther Bese a and Mahajan (chapter ~ 1st) v ° (For tytexvelis) > SN. Ghoshat (deta > Roy and Nizam ~? Problen Book — yk Lim °) PARTICLE pHysIcs Pe Four Realms oF physics »* Four fundamentag interactions in physics ° Blementry pascticles 7 a (a) Labtovs : (8) Hadwrons pean contended > Baryons © Paxticle—Ant Partcle- © Quark Moder, conservative 2aus fy High energy phystes * Isospin : : * postiy + chawge Conftgation ~ CPT +heosem e Time reversal: hysics — , Tour, Realms oF Paysics: . » = size decreasing U Classicay Mechanics ; Otartum Mechantes SE Me Cnanice: —aeoe Nelowt Macroscopic | Microseople and | Tneveasing ad VKKC ’ vee | PEEEEPEE HEH a -eeeeee eu Herre aE | Raotivistic classical + Bwantum Heng “theo Mechan (CS "' (QT) = Relativiste aM Mocepscopic. 1 MicwoScopic and vee , Vee SSSSSSCSesesIIFFeeCeeeee | 2k B be dioy Dy ka dkreaspul “e207 Mob pout rol wrap invi8 thee 7pr Nop cro uy eacop Jneubeuanpria 00 vaued Nie 4é IR wer ple fe bib Wipro Be ip UO}MDL ie dadrp 2S Le some oc FSD Waamfoq aeLop uo Buoals P a29u- - +--+ sees Fp ee a ---f-- - --- a ca TOPO Fe (ye : be? t 2 fuayinnsg| 9 | orpanaaD ce cee Ir ee eee eerie Hen fae ate eb ee Pe Hee eee 3 ena 5 $Ma}pd>-] ceed £65 4\4) (24 ¢M)| : zs pub | 9254) al 9) G heten | $#3°E lu aol aagSe 5 ouabny ot Ss ae sopan MSI Cl) HoRRO A 2 Ppebipliasalcr| |. wee 5 garnleeod ieee Reappea, z paBuoy | Sox 2!5,9 zw! v ° Sipkbow og jy (dO MHOrPINN |" SoHaoMBl” ee i ao} ab soepny plop! at 5 + oy ~Cotpeetit El| -smapnn weap | + sei ace an RODANT WoL Saf yaa pi | SUMPPH | See v oheSEl| "_gresaw| 5! | Seay Buous i 5 ; wolIbAbK) | KoLjooebul | Babetd|-apyevd | er BSR — eat | dod | yo qpbuaas |Bibypee | aluizyd22} aeysod eR 08 | akiyxbd jpheapebye | “aalueia | gokids| Jo ssw] wBubyoxs] abuby| wolpobs UE # Rouge OF Intractey er Mass of exchange particie @e- Em force > Range Ranges exchange pacticie = oo (pheton) ) Mass of Y= © JL Gravity ) we Ry Teyestotal Astonomicar (Force blo twe (ot binds sattelite to the prmer) CSCC PEC EEE ) Bodi2s on Eavth’) . . »* Blementry posctiches 7 sauctureless » pet oecubly yoltone r) Spacey Coy be considered as a ponte PP No bremal stuctuse: 7? No Extensfon' fn space» cae 1 Fwtdamentea poscticies (abate a Prez ate oF atl) "Notice — mo SE cond ware fundamentar pascticles but ake Pp nO cue not because these both awe Made UP oF S Quarks: ° mt ~ 7? Hadvons ae) BL ain P Mesous Barion- a (oun and Cinwee QuUarKs) 1 Anti Quaks i > 7 ae mode Up of Guatks thas’ Senate ed: “>! toncider them as fundamente pasetfcled- Howe (ee sidered. AS damentar Pascticle- mip be Const Fen oe om se heptons and Quarks qe Fandament or P ~ sot Hadrvss me + Classification oF fandamerttar articles ty ; ee Ee easstffeatton Of elenter bry particle fs done on the basis of; if trey ave [| ~~ combatraiie: colth SRO fwkrsction oY nob- * : ae a heptons (sxx 1 er (iF changed ) * i . ee ortng partiae eer | ; Hadvons (are Forces ) po weRKy gravitationa2) 1 i Had rons | Ln Mesens Baxtons | (spinvinteyer] (Bosons) — Gevmnions) [spin Lainteger] — fOuark ‘ pation) (3 Quarks (ERB) Ql | : ) TeFToNS 5(6 Leptons) Lenton, |symook | nipare, | Spi ects en | “e(postteoy) O-SIL Mex | Stabie \ Yo st elec = ro | Ye | Ve (ante ty, Dgeneration nesdriyo) | VE Smet | stabie- Yo. : wet 106 Mevjez. | ano bs $ nd ; Van | Menpsmrast | Stabe | 4 promt ‘ CandVe y tewt avrtf poscticles > Cot + Ve) y he= -] Le for other Leptons fs. “xevo!! v, ; : My Ydy TT Ve 4 (rexe] reso] : ty Va pet Fes : a) Muon epton MO: (Le) — tits fs ae for second. generation Lepton only.) : Pasetfcle— AE MEL Lael (uty Fu) y bate! Luc fo other Lepfons (s zero« “$e ond 17, i eye Oe) [las : ete Ve Ond thy De 1 Tou. Lepton Re l= parece, (THVt) phere] ’ santipasticie (et © %e) y Le==t Le for other leptons Fs % 27 Ve yay Vat et, Fe pact | Val bs AtB= C+D = Ce) rept > (hd) rept > be) ett (hu) wad A (Le) aegnt (te) Regn ioe Spm s Tang Less (mis ts defined fox thd Fereation Leptons ont 27D ~ “Tr Reactions » Leptons numbers ave Conserved sepatuy” Lepfow Ruane rsosplx (z} N, ene conservation 4) Thin (2) | Component Of Isesple Za 4 Hoo-to at _tsospin- > BARIONS| particle | ant'particie | splu | strangeness | Iso spin(t) ) Nucleus = sit ° Pp P 2 a ¢ n n | as oO, = Thiel lz) | emponent! “tt *t “ Banion Number (8) for Bavions 9S 6x4 for anti Bonons 3) B= -1 Sor others +7 Bzo_ eRelation bo pasdticle and Antipascticies - Sy Mase Mass > Same (spin > Same, charge’ > game In Magnitude but opposite iu Sign: Y Magnetic dipole Moment —> Same Is magnitude, opposite, 15 3) Totat fsctsopic Spin —> Same ‘e Gsospin T) eee (@) tz > same in Magnitude, opposite Im 51qu @ strangeness -> ” &) hepton no >” oat ~~ e@SGeeeeey ti -Hybex chawge > Same in Magnitade bit opposite, ty Stgh ML ontsinsic. panty > Saime foo Bosons ANd Obposite fow u ° pasityy Mean tffe time of decay —> Same ae ; _ Sagmboee Pasetici¢. Grerierauny - Eee | Ant paschicre| a t O= Tat (Bist tt B'tc) 3 ™ Generad &= Jap (B48) (MostHty vsed) Here~ Ge change eee eCeCCCC Te CeCE ® soir, att SCeeece aa JB= Thhed Componott of Fospin. B= Baxion No° S= strangeness T= Topless no- el= Bottomness vo: C= chammess yor SAH Is Formula js Used To Find our the strangeness for the particles? 7 Mm out, Phd out the strangeness of — 44%, 4, 27,4 9 Ig= Q- (8S) a eZ a- (445) 3 3.2 Y-tes 74 e og 8=I (Fox particie) =0)8 B= at (B45) = tes 0 7 tel, G=1)B=0 f= y+ (Ors) 5 b= 2h = H# Hyper charge Cy) — _ y=2@= B+s & ashae charge of Possible Multipliers - - or Avrage +etao charge, of Vasubus charge states of the particle: Le. prous-$ ott xe ote > me pee oe a el 8 x OE : + conservation Laws Tm High Energy physies — Herc, we wofit discuss for — - AtB=c+DdD thot What facts Showa be Conserved for this weattion MM Pastticle physics Fo accuy Via. Feast Stong “jntraction » Second ~ Em frtractions Thbd= coeak intraction. The table below List och an these facts: EES No Conserved = strony Bechonagietic — _weaie Quantity” Twrtracton iy iov, infrachow. he charge « a ve ae : the ue 2 Linear Momentum = > oo et tee ee SB Relatiyrshe & Energy Ye spin ee -“ we 7 be ee a ee a Me naee oa ~ ae rt if u uw neseeat ge Barjoy no* e ve fio it ii oo Ace vy a Ste ‘Ceeececeurecereecoeoeoeresvseere [e- T3 | va ee x We stravgeness Le L x54 vis 7 OT alewed Vs ms “ X 48z2) isnet 1a Hyper charge oa “ x atiow edt jue ae Ss ea oo ia uw Cenjuga u a — Is Time yevesai(t) ue i le Cheage con ~ CEP) Hy us x qugation-+ parity) me cPT “ ee “ 2 EMPORTANT POINTS — > check Conservation oF only these. guaictines and check fe the mentioned order— a& LL Cepbuphe) — TF esc arxe nob conserved then 8 Reaction 1S Forbidden: x Ig Ss > TF In react, Photon fs favored then this coh be “EM” iyitracton: > sf there are neutrhos We upc) thet fr fs weak Inbat— tious ; 7 frangemes>~ ace t) 5 atowed out Pu Loca infractions - DS 22.5 then RAL LOM Not be Allowed or f+ fs Forbidden: 0 Qucrk Modek — ‘youP ~auarks (6 BLLaxks) —3cjouw > Quark, Content (Co charm > Color hypothesis ee 2 QUAKK eonfi'nenett b > ett. -QUONKS > me S hrogerese) S=-l) For othas sao , nes ey sied a eet \ potomatss le =I Sor others Blo we Cant clef ppness CL) And Docemtess (a) > Ay Quas ave Fenmions - SaL For at > Foran Cuarks Baviey No\G is Ly) > for anti Quarks—|B= isospin ts defined only for Up t dowm RuarK — peieawat oa a alo oa 4 Sge-lp For others— I=0 Eind 0 — @ Quark Content — HZ S=o sopomy vand d a) 0 Steaugentss — S=-2 chaege- y= ude eee a) RT. mesm— 0& * B=I19 ‘ eae the chaseges : tH 2th ft ae (ne : Ke: sheugeness— 5 ; BRO = Meson > + chasege- iz on > BB VW) 22> Meson a@& o- 39 icL=0 S- Q= I3+(B+s) @ 23 cd 2 : = 2 a 7 tiso ww = a Seo Be Wana ad = ob gto ony fi = Be Kea 45 +4. Sts! 4 we & 9 t-Ls0o ‘ 3 3 7 + = r 4 + 7 S vo AHere We (of)! dfsutss About the QuasiK content of Barions mod Nasons: le > v% Bavion fs made up of 3 Quarks And Gort Bawlern @ made up of 3 Cnt Quarks: o° Bavion~ Rad » Amt Barion ~ RRC 7 A Meso is made ub of COuavk and Ant Guar) m cry ” onivesse 15 made up of only 3 Quarks — UY, Ps é ee ao Find out iw ‘OxK Content oF p— re” 00) Pfs Baxfon— @a@Q@ sSeqence. @ wooxKtha— 4) > Find out strangeness a) faentieg the pasetfote we? MOK charg er31 8 | ‘15 Baton or Meson o : B= 80K) BaRTR fy S=0 ) A=Iz+G+5) OR: = Meg ? a= b+ Cts) zt ) S=0| sx uquad a ony w) P—a88, we reugeness) Feces : = a BD . ==" Meson — ad = meson Q& i UMS ~ LOE & ss =Ta4eis ~ “0 only wane a 7 eet m~ B= Tea v “hs ap+4ts) : Ny 7 e470 [s=-2] - dss nN bd Ss is Bnew & PEEL oo a = desl = = 8 | = 4. ftitla1 v ~ o Be ae . tee ee cok = Amt Barion— DOK = firth Baxcen — "RO , Qe Tat (849) on Pere 2 i= 3+ Clts) Om + Glts) Bt i > |s=o omy ugud d — pan wand & chasege— aa eee o =k + wv & Bau . Sse? eas 22-2 ae 32 3 3 6- -} debe ior 33 feereeeeert cde ba 3 3 3 es bowel ye a “3 > S a= ha o lor Hypothesis ; - fo since four Quank fs afesmion (S=Yn) and as we K7000 basuioy is made Ub of 3 Quarks ana A mesm | is made up Of O Buark and On antl QUaKK - , Bosuon— ARR anti Boston — @8@ Meson ~ Q& 50 Qccording fo paufi exclusion prcepat, 3 fermions cane oust Ma same stake iy a BAM Hence we need one { R= Fermion more &M+o0 ditfrentiate these Quarks and +hat fs Color: I (rt Is Net welated tothe veal colours) ! , - TRIS: ts called fenlor Hype thes?s!! and aecera|) g te . Hhis hypotnesisy & Guark Cay be Rédy Blue OT Green- i UR dg SR . eal aoa, S ol) ° “a Nag Soy @ TAN Hades aud Ant +Hadyens ave Colorless. 2 (Basubdyst+Mesons) @ Meaiing oF colovjess— > fe=real , {REGHAT? + Nesomsesf eR BH Gms : . Out: Find out +he Quask content of n> using Colour hypothesPs 7 ° A> Ses [steangeness +(s=—3) ae SRSE5q . FE we define a new Quantuni nor that fs Color Buantum N° veeoz there are 3 Quanks (fermions) in a Bains Cant exist. soy their Aluartwn no- wilt be afferent thot 2 Why We define cole Aucrlum no+ : Ok: Fad out +Hhe ouark content OF Pins Oy ah) Ke considering colour hypothesis - sol p> Und , n= tad » ote ut . "REG Ci 2 urda da wR is + Ue Heda + Updir de + ugdy | _ ° Ue dna + Unde de Uy | 7 07 aaa > R95 ae | ° ° ~~” * dededon voles + deg iG +e te Se i * Quank confinement = : He i === flues ave confined within Baxtous and : @ MESON: (Quo HOT adh qT omer B) | % H's impossible fo find a Guank. Psolated cect of a Haden ob We Cant Find cut @ Quovk indebendanty- wi P= dd “Baath a enogy a & are ott Quark Hf Teor TER BHT] Buauks attachert uth each other vesuf strongly - a # af we give vou f Yee high enesgg then— i Guoxkds Wont exist Singie» There is a parr oF OUOKK Qua Ant Guankqnstde » Res ctrelemat we pat AERO Veuy high Enexay (Ottaxk+ arreome) ad = ‘) pak «© Zsospln(potae Isofeeble spin x) # This is asdsed olue to: the fact that the shog Inte | ction ts chasge independant - peveticte. : # paxticesogacr in multpiate ce Sigiet + doublet y biphek pad diferent menombes of a muitiplete faniiy have Pood Same mass but oe fs dferevent - Plon<— wae oo p MASS Same Ne of ae eee # When these pascticles are ae fy Nuclear freed Hen TH is impossibie +o distinguish efco attferent chasge States = thats Why We define A Quantcim Nos Cormmm to Cael Member of Family and also Pe Werantort Noythat fs diferent for Cack member of Family ott sie } = COMMON umrtum No. (Zsospin) He 5 2 TAhd combonentoF & ~I om Pee Ms 2r+L % of 30 sph Behaves similar as spin- eit isospin ill Fool Vector Frotditfon Rute » | . # Tz ts Ike 2 Component OF spin (Sz) that’s why this coily > follow Olgebric addHron Rule » M Vector Addition aud Aigebwic Adaitov! Rule — Ste, ~ BSospine spin, AML or) - P= =e Se Vector Addi'ton = [sinSo} to [S+S2| (En Evtregal step ) . "=H atgeboic Actdition — Sz, Sz2 i fe (Serter Pe, Is) : Sz= Sx) +Sz9 OUuL: check Tso spin Con searvacon in Quaxk Conkent OF proton? fol P= und )Teospinot tet L } [Q-Ty to \z4+| = yecfor sum Ot Yo + te $e (eke spe Hal & re. eightside A eae at ela neo) “Ssospin is Conserved.” ) ./ °? tthe BIL EPEL sah | Vv tAlqebrie Sun) a = + gis Conserved: . FEMI we Cou strange particte as “Strange”? fae ” Cocause Strange -particie ase Pwduced via strong t intraction and decay IQ weak ‘itraction « i: > | # posetty - Space Invest ion ~ Pr Pog AP Pi UYye hy ZH ab fry = (-1* ; orbitar pasctty = (-1) +1 Coven pasty) Engen Value® of pasty bpevetor << rinnsic pwoty — ens Totat patty = orbitar pacity x intrinsic parrty = Cihens = Eryers » chasege. congingatéon (O- ¢: Qs —@ > chasge conjugation means weverbar of the signs of ate type OF Charyes (erectric. chasge » Leptonte charges Basuonic Hhasg ¢ hybex chaxge) 5 TE O physical Lar0 (Reaction) sheding For eee aiiso heids Fox Covrosponding Art? paxHele » be vaud Princtple OF Chovege Conjugateon 15 sad to pactiie- = ABD CED (Allowed) RiB—-y Std (Atporoed ) pase cles axe Also Allowed “I (edd pastry) Anti particles — FE the veachor For ant then these 15 charge Conjugetes oie Reverse) > Tit 27-# > tis an operation in which bis replaced by -* OF invession of Fime. Co-ordinate fs time veversal+ —» xf eqrof motion of the System Ys qlso Q. vatiel gh of MoHOM afjer ime FEVESO Phe TF wy)) be towered * i When peor a, et oo FY. ayy cof = oy ty ee HENCR, Here TIME weveesat Sapmnrne Try Ouses or ct 1s COME et : #0 Effect g time Reversal T oPeratoy ov Vaswions _quantih’es ~ my % position SO tnvaxtent ” : WFr)=HP — me tt Vecoccty Ra¥ valent > ar ™ # Acceleration wet TNVOUENE » eres me oH Foree Fema srvetent "e a # Chehte 22 _ tavascent — Freed - . + magnet Peque’ vosmeyt Freed. = (2arinanient) Ft Momen tump) Pom = mae vauient D+ fngulo ; : ? he lag P- AP Voverent LPT Theereme - pH CPT Is couerved fn aul Frhachono- H According 46 thts +hearem au intanetons (reactions) fr te nataure ame iyvasctert worder the Combined opewation OF Chase conjugation Ce) y space prvexsion (paselty pr) areck vey exsat of time (r)- LF ony intrachon fs vasubne voder any one G the opeva— | fon e,pauslT then Hts effect (8 Compansated boy | Other two . sux: dassify the Feliawing process i” ferms a typed Intraction . Goh eRe CG) otyp > olen @ Pv = pre @) ke she ote u) se Hy tT &) Kaptan @ wea Vt @ a hene QAP P+ LTE tet pons. (qsa-amev)_(2376Mev" J ; Maz Mp pootoe Ca chowge oS tactecess ly neetrova Not outside ber MpzrIp Tt is possibie within, Nucleus bcoz im Changig 1 How Much enexgy in vegutred au there, Q rtp v+K? QQ —l4l > oto > cwewed — L => these fs no -epton iy) the RM BA oF! > +o 4 Gwenved me? le BRB ce 8 ° ti z 3 aot Lb - comsenvedd ~ a Be +L > ot (aL) a comserved “STRONG, ENTRACTION Bi OU+P > ot tH a2 -I4 e+0" > amsewed -% 62> oFl ot! = conserved t~ Tay t fbeeeee 2 2 Ht be 3 tousewed ~~ 330 ei ath Hb 3 covuerveal ST RON INTRACTION @ pri p+n? woz of Y¢Photm) feet Lo paX ELECTRO MATINATIC “LN TRACTION se there Is photon in Rom then these Wl be EM: Mtraction” © coy be Found ii tide SPln State, Corssponding to sek 2 pud-sight no CPt) Is Mh s=5/a. z state So zis not conserved: WD 50, op QD O7atOs5 Comerveok By L-> e+0 + Not Corsevved ' (Net Alowe Reaction) | ao 3 | 69 0 7040 > Cowservedt . Ba 6 00 — Conservecl (Elect Mognettc yeachon) i I> 4 00 ~» Not conserved - GL Ke ott tm P20 A-| 7 tonservect fee (Teak inteact'on )| B20 0 0 3 Umsewved Weak Inteat om) TAL 4 4 ~9 Not emserved ( PTSCCCCCECC CCT IPF PGCE PGUeseses 3 bh tte) 3 Not Conserved (1 0 OF Not Conserved 45 = orl =—l that's wohy cocak Infraction - GN Weak intmchoy we Calculate Hy shangeness ds=! f .., = gnowed ie MD Wo PH Mao 0 1-1 3 conserved ™o> 1 Ato > conserved leak Enachon *-5 oO A+) — Nob conserved ~~ z ™52 60 LK eal =? x 1 > Not Comserw, [=A] aewed mo? 0 4 0 7 Not conserved wy Fa por ax) a PHC E O4+-1 O-1-consewed (wear fntvactien) bo 4 440-3 Conserved FL 6-0 > wot conserved Re ob o-l > Not conservect $2 ~-2 -@+o 3 Not amsewved (2S=21 (weak tinaction) RGF allow ed, OUL” whith OF “Hie Following reaction are alowed aud Ferbrddey ” Featloweel then metion ale Meraction- a) ott > +t &) GP > N+? + 7 (2) othey > Kt (8) ptr = ont +2074 20° (3) athen > Ke + st t) 4 ny +P S) HP > AP+ke © We > m4? O stthay— othr a> {+0 Ot] — Conserved not b> O+) C+o 3 cnseved (Reaction Not Atjowed) Q- otthan + kYkt &> [+0 OH 3 Conserved 68> o+! 0+0 9 Not conserved (Reaction Not allowed) @ xtan — ocep a> Ito ~ttlsa chaxge not Consexved tNot alowed) @ shan > pat Q> Ite Ot) + Conserved o 6 oF! O+] — Carserved Tey £ hot 9 consewed 7 ash Ltt 3 Not consened S$? o+0 1-1 ds=-@ (Not Allowed reaction) GL. op > AP KE ‘ 69 141 o+05 b6imsewed 68> ott [+o > conserved 8 in . ye * @. orp > +00 8 “Ttl— oto > Conserveol 6 o+| O +0 > Not Conserved Reacton Nor Atieweed’ Botte > APtoe? 69 A+! O+0 > Conserve OF! tto 4 conseved 4 \% © law et Not conserved bbe Sp—staee re Oto. -I+0 As=-l. Nat conserved OY Allowed, Weak Intraction b> 4-] ly> Oue ab = aL 2 Orb 2-240 @ pePi— antpamrpan® ‘otteott) or) + (890) as ol 3 conserved Oo + Conserved Gon) hr) (ht) 4 exnsewea Oya OND Orn ShOYy inpbraction O) A+ PY Nt- @) UEP > K% D ACHP > NA Me -I+1 Ws 4 L> 44+0 M4 (veh) 30 OL oy po k%. “+120 > 441) 3 0° as S> o+0 oe ee z= ao = 3 z 1 z= seo Sheil Mod a, This tells aecur phe Shen Struchire fyside the nueles Nucleees 4 sera? en Ky bevels ett ei Aton Sa a aity sad Gar pand NT feling Ere E FE tow can we Say Hat these May be a shey structure fside +he nucleus 2 . The Losege Binding Cnegy of Het? Tom (a-pasctfcle) Suggest Hat fo POUd +WwWe N- Form a SHUBIE YUchens, conpeqrectiony taking the clue from chemicat stagility @ Chised electron scubshen and Shes fe atom, the Phuysicts 6 anchored that. yuceons also fom Sfinilas | Closed subshen aud sheet fy miuclearptie Neetyons aud protons ane Aso axKanged iy same type Shebl Shruchutes * Bolts In favour oFwshgi! Noded — ©) Existence of magic n— 218)20,99 {Gp so) 82) 126 ° Semi Magic, Nov Hf Nand P both ove magic number then necleus fs wy OE SHABIL thay sosoundings® 1 NOP Magic No —> Nedous fs stable « “NE both N and P are Magic rembers > +trghly stable 3-H The Noor Stabe Esotopes (x-same) And Tsotmes (N-sarie) 1S Mose td fo Sonrou nding for nucelewt, having nage YANG CFA» SCC CC ESOC ETT EUS SSS! ecg Ca(x=20) = g Lsotobes Sn (K=50) = Jo otopes of The -theee vatuvaliy occuring Radioactivity Sees decoy to the Stabler, _fbe= 824 N=126) 2. i ae poubty magfe — The veutwn absorbtion css section ana prooton me absorotiby Css Section ave relatively gow nuclett . having magi e. number - eC CCECE (no Infrest) én z : (No Intreat) No tyhres fi The experiment results Summrtzed above implies § Supporé To the shell structure ft the nuctens # note to devlop -the +heory of yucteax Shenk Structure tres necessary to asaume the erustance q a poten (oe with the nucleus: : : + peopie have fricol oiffexent potenttats [ike~ 3-D Pubic Wet porentiak I3™D Hasmonic wSuiatOor potentiar > Wocal sexedion potentint HE Hee; We've Considvaing 2-) Harmonic oseflator pojental,-to Study the Shell structure + VO) = —Vo-tLx™ but this pofentfal have vot provided satisfactory explrnation F vaselous eacperfmentae vesutts : # But TF we Covsldex spin orbit fytactin for indivictuar yodeon albo, then this Conbined potentiad provioles ae sotisfactony explanation +o manimum af exper mental results: Spe obit Tachackion — ov de Pe Ves = ~ 9) AS B= angulas Momentum OF WUCIEO Ba spin Am of Nucleon - “Ves TE not a * Cenfrar potentiae”! Here, Weve assumes a Spin orbit ivtactron od praruectes here) means ovbitek AM 2 and ope Am for Pekdnctuect pasdticy e wit Combine voll form eee These T's wip Combine Fiyth er to any tntnt Aan of T= Py? “Heres spin oxbtt intacton fs not dovituonk + # due 10 spin osbtE lyteaction potential 9 emery Aevels split Further fy two Levels Comes ponding to d-G+4) aud J=(e-b) veg = $e) (LS) FTSCPUTEEe Si Enesegy Level ——<" 2)(P+2) £ Me 3st = [ZPHIBP + 2S Be = (ener) J z= Bs Gtr [aG+9~ £440) 364] Fora singte nuclem 3 S=la. fe-sl to [ats | ee ed Zz z i + 3 ME ” te PMs |g py = BLP ed) (ete) ete YE = a ae a B-tatl) = Cet) —d) | i. 1 Nes[Peith= | “dea (24042) —etet aH) a £7 2444 LE [poet EKA | a A = 2 bir) @) = Hencey the expectation ‘Vaue of he Veg, alll be~ [Mes 7I ge - (EB) F deny [Mes] Jetty = £9 Gd)-9 Magic. numbers (Pafg —9Y- a hh FES wir) coma T= valley {of the Lost ited sevee ~ pect pastty fe cml edd muicleous ae Filecty Ble even Mo- OF metele Poin not contribeube b/e aceordiing to paul!’ exccluston. Principle, tha cit be Fired Wke tL And fhe net effect will be Zev. > oe t= only tis configration will give Tard pasity- fae tiete : Ww neteffect =o eo . a : ‘ of Heme; We assume that only Last Urpatsed nucleon. tof contatbutes 4 a $e tk st we FI Naud Py independant y ; —4—— i Herce— Four Cases — p N Gaoud state Siymbos GQ) even Even. ah oF | estandaxd) di) Even ede -> only Wwe wit fi meuhous - / o (NWI Conta bute ) Wm) odd even 3 pail Confaftuate IV) edd 08d > (Northen Rule ecilt be apbiied) 4F Nowtheium Rwle— : P N toad) Coc) “3. Fil Both Indeperdentty > Fd dpe kp ed dy t in 2dsj=95P = DP ao > dq=S Apa2 ; AN = | 5 calewjate Nowthelem vo-ln) — n= Up —tp)+ Cdn 4£n) “> Two cases may be here— : E- Neo [stoong Rule] then- f= | P= cyietin * eh). Zh N=! (weak wule) 4 ™ Pe Cie tan » it @ Be © ge : © an vo 4 | PESrN=6 P=B)N=6 es > of bes.=> ot 6 My a P= Ti N= (cad~odd) 7 Northam Rube proton Hilf — 3 Pie oo , Pife p N V Piz IPt yy Vee bo TheM0 = fel eal Even-Even . Byen-Evei thot= T= either [Ip-In| or [Ipt TI Noxe — Ty weak rule FrwWo yolues Of T ase possfbte Hue there wit} be any one fr the. obtton- ° GUL! Find out the Geos. enesegy SymboL-for — 23 8 na PHthN=le aan is - basin) | peer ead! id tsps gid \ =IPYn 7 | | i a IP3j2 4 : Wyo, ROS | ldsjo> deSpjher. | Gos= st a northeim Ne’ — : oe M= [op ke} + CN an) N=-} »>Weakole T= efter [3p-Ta] oF CeHW) Te etthev oor L My aud P= Cl) i Hence; G-ss Hee eter otag At Sue Ip | End out Ges: syrabot Al is O Sb > pets Nae i) At os odd ~ even 'S pels;Naly Mn 1Gsie : odd event ids &§ QS —— 5 yy a \a M42 6 eK 7 : ‘a le 7 Hq 'P3p uy Lb + 8 7 t§ ay A Idsjo- 28 =~ 2529 2 eo 36 *te. dsye \PYo. — 2 jos, tae wal He _SP2j > 4 2 16 ty 9 Henee) : + = S BSy.7 d= Lito Gass symboL= S Howe tessymoot= 1* pe cle + P= ey=t ag fo Moment — i HNudleas Nognetic by ustng this) we can calculate Pest Hid cur Giese i | Wes Fov 23 | 6 Ges Fo Na Asya F check Value y dats this coyesponding toUt-L) or (HL) Heve- g=Saqud g=2 we dont Gonside® a (oad— odd Quad even— Hewee- ga (t+) Case even cose in exam) au > whith was odd por n ? if p+ then — Ans by Frestktne N3 then Ans: by Seema, [me SMouse case — Pai) Codd) Hence- guys. (Jt2°3) Une U8 HN on = Ure) ia = 4. sun YE! Find out Mag: dibole mameyt for OFA Geos Symbol For nat > Isp. ests, ea f= Sand her = d=(Rth) Cage. . 5 ” — ~ » > “> > ~ — “° — Su ~ ~ ‘> ~~ SO p=|s(edd) then = (F42:3)4in = (S +23) = 4B 4N © Quachupole Moment — > For even-even nucleti— @=0 per Poodd and N=even ~ a= 7 27-1) as (Seay here <= 3 Ss. > R= RATS 5 Rou prem > For paevorand Node = HZ (81) oF Oe ~. a art 8n= BerZ | onlrcomsider ofd-odd) * Exception to-+he Shett moet cil an = ASI ett “Nan fs exceptional CASe Paq) N=l0 Fanlerr (obeutations Out odde EVEN hq ty : wes ee - lds/, Pip 9. NA Path N= Ie re fp3jo 4 : He es |S eae Isp 2 ie Sins 22). Vdsjo should. but a lage 7 qere-Gs Shoutd ‘corto.s pond Rear | y fo Sin* deliazo Et] Vay * Salata ltt ase DLL | Idsjn = i {Py2 2 Vfspo ad spo [ 'Psfo 94 1s ———— |8p > 2 truodls cohy Ges = P38 ca Fat = Per EF PlaSSyN= 44 Odd — even = Idgj2. —— 2S fp. a 27.31% ———~ $ 2512 —— 2 a Vdsjo 6 § Hye. att 7 WSJ — P=33r N= 42 . odg—even pe —— MPL y plfils ——® Conceptuailyy —> VFsja. but it's Lomng: - ¢ patving ere. beanie the Loneny s/o need One more < to make parry and +he Lost nucleon I's Fined tn Pay, geval Hsyp 7 Me Ab é| spo. EO ——H P32. 3 2p —@ Hotcer 263). Biss : 68 VP3j2—> 4 (2=33 & Approx patring fi Ns > 8 effect : : a a Bey t Be P=34)N= 40 : 2 i > Papa ¢ + nr ae 28 : Pa28iIN=8% 2P Se eee 14 | My fF 7 ory Ly] eee ‘Fay, 8 ny {Roja 2 art e sem rmplstak Mass Formula (aethe -weizsacker rls) oF seni ~empisicad Binding enexay Formulary de This Formula Ts eased on Hiquict Deo moder - # Pecording to this forrnubas the Binding ‘enexgy of the nucleus tn men is given byH ‘ipod Let we have- a) e Nucleus = A) Hete, No-OF PF Z Noof N= A-Z Ef = Arnaz) +5 then, 8 NS Gn ach aCe OMe ¢ ie aly cHteve— ayh -¥ Volume EN yg Avs 15-TS Ag ntl? > Suvfale ENeFY » As = |~80 Og HEA) 5 Coufamb ENOBY y ace ort : | Als | pram Asymmetate Enegy¢, An= 224 6 > paising Energy y S= discussed Fuscther Fold °6 pabring ENCAY~ cpa + 8. “B pafring Epa aa z N A 8 ep even even ever 34 + x, ol odd even odd O° 20 even odd odd og ° odd oad even 35 —35/,3/4 P eg. SE Eudes — 56 enexgy os fred to break the system pe HS constituents OR Enexdtf released cohe Stent 1s, Feomed of the constituents: | Qe) Ends 5 qaz)N + ZF Enon >elonxae) > G-2an+zZP — Auciei AA MSG fet > Be = 3(zmet Ae) Mn) — Amb act BE~ Amxe> “ om= Mass defect @ # The varius tems in Binding enegy Formula ane given Using ulfpulct ctwo moder au a Lite discussion iS GetW— = OD Volume Encagg — : > Youme eneyy Ev Is prepotferae fo the yor of -the Lui axop- are) ; So ReRo Alls VoA Exo var 4 tyr dep oe a tR? Eycava Gil) sueface Enesgy ~ —(Es) demas fs -ve beause the surface tension decreves the Bre. Eg & surface Aga. Esar™ Es carts R= RoAle 3] aij Coujarub EA erty (Ee) > Hc electastodic. energy bi -the charge pasticies frsiae the mucleus > xt ls negative because the Fepulsion Sf Vasctous povfors » electsicaly con poedtace vuistance fx electricany neutral binaig up of +he system: charged ; did 2 t ' PHO ese Will bE FepUlsion bo thems MIS repulsion energy blw protons fs Coulamb energy: Ec ask G2. db, terms wil] be equa 40 | yor op pakss fromed fu) = zeprotms a protons No OF Pars = Zog = al = 2(2-l) | RI &-2)1 zg | ae | w fAsyinmee & EnXH~“The Asymmetty energy orignectes fron the nsymmnchy’ Ola the no bf protm and the Mo-ef newts Twuthe muclens~ “ “y No-op adcess oF Neutrons ex oct ts given by = (A-Z-2) = A-2% > > Hence— Adymim eter enegy is an CA-22)> pairing Enevty— a paling eneegy ts welatedt to paring effect of yeuclesns due fo paul ecejus(on princtbar: = Ov ash _@, ZN) an (Anz 4 S AX'B A Ay @) ES OF Nucleus ~ Nucleus 7 x Z— protons 5 A~L — Neactsons BS OF NUE = AmC- BE = [Jemp+ (A-2Nn (An Xee Mass oF Nucléess f= LleMpt-e)Mn}-sm] xem Hence— * Mass OF Nucleus = Aut = 12Mp + (A-z) Mut ger ce xx | A S$ zmoaGieriay — Awl 2 Ms ; ZMp+(A-z) wnt —[22Mp+A-Z)eN fu] This is town as Sem Empirical Mass. Fovmuta - © Abpikation OF Semi-Embiritaa Mass Formmtat (2) The Vobue of Zazp, Cowtesponding fo not Stable nucleus Fomed= (Best value oF Zy Best Allowed value of z) Te calculate this We have fo minimize, the mass of neces Aze f(z) 7 ; Bag — becowe~for Lowest mass oF yucleus i Binding energy . igheot. awd cystem oll b& Most Stable m™ +H, is ' 4 ; - ) tose it ae) fabirty & 8 -€4 e Ce “ ge oerty an aA ag hees Hf Here We will wrTfeAm as a furct ef z and wilt minimize this fo fina” Zp. bet 6 A(Mu—aytan) Fa5a%3 P= —44n-C(MN+ Mp) &= 4 (aca*h+ ¢an) +then— AM = Fat P4424 2M 7 = O+FP+24z peed After putting eack fhe beauttfal vatues of Pand q aud yase!ous Constovits, we get — an A | qe 4 :015A48 | # for Light nucet— . Zara j= | @ The Most Stavie Tsobar 2. . Wecill #vEn Some «s0baus Lke~ Ax, ty. Av rao ' Zs : ~ quolr we Wit be asked foo Most sabre. Tso bay-eoril be for Which Z= Zq and Sq A ——— Ae gp OOS cis more stable jw See audi. ; vantcn Is more Stable Pi 7 ait tas =3 @ 6 ete x6 yb? ZA= Se ahs & Obes i sm gen. osx ere. Heve~ ZH 5 Zy : 2 “The Mos- Stabe ISobar wil} be whith have z=Za” ‘Hence y fri worlt be Move Stable On) Stavility oF Tsotober- The Most stable “sevtobe will be Fos Which; za Fs approamately equal to aefial Vatite op Zz for that clement Mm perodic -tabte- ui ana SU! Zot veAat=3.8 $98 4+o00IsA7s 2 > BAcA= Bay been zpcas por J Tri js more neaner fo Actual “Value Z= 3s Hence, -this is more Stable then 3 Sur. MP cus-whth ts move Stable — ee and 'ee > ees Zp = A= L =4-5 -) This is More Stqule bc an s actuar A=4- yee > Zhe A= Was z a ™ To deeeine ABlowek Vodesof A for a-fecay— ? ARE CtD Any NUCL Rx" oi] be possible only cohen— moo (G20) conservation. (one Ta) + (mec Ta) = (Oe 4G) + CM DC Hp) (Relativistic) G=Te-TE (A= Get) -Car te) = i (Matta) = ~Goctn xf zo & separdticie re m(erA) ~M(e-2 A-4) — Ma J x c® 7 To be tbte the above veactions aud this happens’ Me abel (stability oF Nucler Agalst poolécay) “the Mass paseabola, is the cuseve mM Vis z- Mass OF Nuclens AM = Ftz)= Fat Prtae Se “its Represents the most stable otabiity of OF nucle Ag atnst B-dlecay 5» Nuclei. Hewey will discuss -f00 Cas ee ~ @ odan © event : as we Know he eee enexgy fs as Fojlotolng — Ep e N A a { odd = even fF 0 even odd odd 2 oeonh even even eve We odd odd even ve : Cow dering patting energy, welt draw mass parabola + . Fos the martioned two cases — =i fe Cc o Cogent OAMAT nis a. cenetbond +0 Fellowing teve Cases — Te EHNA EH odd even odd 0 even odd odd 0 becarse paddy enegy is Ker heve- Hence) We cath get a Mass pavabola Shown b¢loW~ 7 ; eo Sgn sasyss SuSE H 7 i > “his eusie seboesents mass of Vaxbus Tsobaxs tordo ze ~> The most Stable Tsobar coorosponas To Zeke ye xscbais Lolth ZEZA Cofll approach the Sable Ssobar (eza) decaying Via. © decay: Bo dec + Ay 6 Tr Zag t oer ~? The Tsobases with xy xXq ail ApHooaeh the most stable Fsobeur td Z=7A) decaying via pt decay because fn pt decay, the product yucleus have (2-1) atomic no- | Br decay Ay “A ° ¥ zo oo rt 1 +u 4 be Even A Po oN fA Ep even even gel te een odd odd orl Ve even Flexo; We oowll i get Helo mass parrbolas t one Corsespondiing fo even—even (ase Gnd Ofer Corresponding to odd- odd Case- > Mass of Nucleus— A ; M = 2ZMp+ (A-Z) My} —@& wz ; P ) wi C= > - Ep = +Ve For even-even Hence, the dower mass parabola will be Comms pon~ +fo this Case. : ere mass Yalutes Will be reduced iM this case aud these \oas —Ve S\qu oF .erE- >. Ep=—vey Pov Odke -octel Hence: the Upper mass Paraboiq will Corespond this case: a P ° * There docsrit exist any Stable Ischar far odd~ cad Pararoja + there Sst gene- ., vauly two stable Isobars fy () even-even paraboiasprand pt decay coil Se as Shown fy fy. Stabe SF o[Collective Moder | zy A nudes consist of a Central cove and some < a luclensovditnd the Corer The core consist of No- oP NUCILONS = Magic Yor Atom. ucleou: Cc oy ee Cowl } ? fe Loose nucleons outside the coreyhave, Loxpe cent, Fuga fovee On the Cores: : TH their wo: fs-targe they ave dele fo ae form the, The foto onegy of the deformed wicleus can be fet eee o Ew + Evt Er | energy of each : yucidems outside the Core = Egy corospordiveg +o vibationar motion - Ea= enexgy tmnosbonding te Rotehonal Motion + ee xte4 | where re spin, oF wotational state 5sPiM Quantan No OF Rotatioal State Rotational Quarto 10" oo te vas tous Rotational energy ave deucted as — aPor ¢? “> The pasty oF Ai Rotational sevels I's the Ger Pe HH CEven parity ) ; > Geyer votahioual Level are ot, 2h 4h, ot Shea out: The Band oraae gared on oF Cus ZF the enerey of at state 7s 4Ab7 Kev then Umer 1 sthe spin and pacity of state. naving enerRy gs kev: 7 «gand Spectum’ oceures due to Roratonat structures pst ega rertl) © . " Exe 2(o4l) pacity $F = sr) £ => Upt = & Gos LTH) > (L4r)uyey = 6xS2S 4 P+T = 6xskes < olfo aye GUL: The Retationan energy Aevels for am even~ even VYUCpeus are ER= 0 for Ges.(ot) and Epa 4Yukev for at state and higher stake energies ave 146,04 sod Kev’ Fespece tively For theee exerted Stakes: Assign spin and paxity : For these states- ei Eg (rh) Eos 2(244) Ee sey iué = exiys =21 5 eH) oe pasety= tt = ee at) Tey. 3 => joxsouv— I(r+!) at ay pacity = 6 =) slr+i)eus Br Eye UH) gy E St4)_ Soy =) art) = 200X504 w yo posuity — 8 ay res} o f-decaf— G yeloctty of Lx ex poseticles.— (Focusing of ¢- paseetes oy cere Fm= 418 ~ . Fete § Png ie on Vie ‘ Vusveint 7 2 oye- mi ae [Fem Centritugar force fo sustast the cireular Hotion) >} Viz oer mM Ye Radius of helicat Path- oe = pitch oF the tell cag Heltcar path — F=Vany tea d= Greese ) 2 a sino fe ON THLA Range of tes o-parcttele. (osiger haw) — The dspace thaegh eohich an acpascticle paves fl a specified mater at -b @ stobbing, fo Contixe athe moctenad, Is Caued. the Range of the d- puede th tho matertar The Range debendd on the Di nitiar enesegy of the o- pastiche. €). Hie tonization potential. of the gas for medium cat). Mme Chanées of -the Callisto, fe a- BD poses and molecules of Gas Dp) on the temperature and. pressure of the Cas on frcweasing Ty thermar oe eexey af tras Molecules hos been tcreased 80 <- i pout'cle have to make [tHe Pa>P; 7 : efforts to Conize. the Molecules- . : : fences Range of Tr wit be Lasegex bye energy delivered fs hess thaw 5 before fy Conlzation< pt Guetg ee heuo~ eee ete The Range fn Standesed: eT 1S propotfonae to v8. Rave | [Re ave v= velocity of & pasctiole- | yeRange-Erengy Relatonshi~ . # Eneegy = 4 3 3 3 =av RE \ 7 RA CE) | ~ Reese « Gueiger “Nuttat Laud — (Reintion bho Range and decay constere) . d= decay Constant of Nucelr frome Which the Sy Mpwuttae has been efecteds - : | a= Aram T° | Rand 6 are Co tant Mis 1s exberimentebup ; 3 obsernvecl Law | Pots Hence — , I fr. R= be Hence- gna = At Gkn(oEr*) ANAZ=CHD LNE 0 d-Disintegaton Energy (s-vabice) Decay oF Kposeticle fs “represented as— bx sé ere Oty + Vey Energy inuclous) AR * avyaaue.g the RK ~ (oicl'sbin:tregation EnCy) the Q-value of the d—fecay process 7S knoton. a adiskytregation enegy, Which fe +he totes energy refensed In the oisintregation processy aud fs givey by O= KG g-KEC r Qa 5 (RA) — mM (a4 AAP MA] He? Chef RIK) ay | ea i? I i ee} ne} sae 5 at (Righetert) > For heavy nucets Aro lve) So the decay Can occur Shoutanows (ys Ws; the Re ts possiele ‘ Ax AY y + The pQVatue- Zo ; Orvabue. = KEE Kee Be Ty + Te caek) . a ai z Re My Vy tg Mave ¢ Mommenctuene coll be Conserved » Hence we Con Write ~ Om MyVy + meV : Vy =e So ¢ Va 2 B= my FA 3) stom vy > = emf) gre = me 2 Mavi “Fe (Ere) a eet T= & Octet me ee My (A-y) amt =: Th= 8 (4) 9 Tee 8d] a (For very heavy nucete) @ > ramow theory Of A-AeCAY— Gamow expladn the emissian of ) acpacttete From heavy nuceus Uthrg Quarta mechanlal © swimee effect ane the transmission poobability of , de pasties given ase Fos potentraz MO) - b Ts He | {ere} ax} aaa ved) For porentrar foserner- Vo f 2K ok Jee Kee [or(ve 7 b i eee ¥” Fi * poobeutes oF d-paretfote — | h High coniztng power : ay Range J =H HEPA Eet} tii) fheve ane Same enKgy of au +e An parttcies enittteg - dv) The d-particte epi] be afktedt. from magneto and dectric Fid: > ‘ he AL TO Lanel B ov both decayss the NU ChERE me Teusformed to Anyone of [Hs excited states and fim here this cofit rete to He brs by emitting me a photon of energy ordex of Mey: = This, photor fs Known as tag emitting age been a: Nucleus (5 excited oo Feoucto \S Le Fray. f Nature of C Y- Rays — G) Ruch More penetroctg thay dand B ays: ay They ave. unceflected by Eek Quad Mop. W) Enexegy of Rays fs ovdler of Mev: v Ee ho= he E= jays v ART # eae ee meters = ES (intost gn Siectuhiit. Aue ty abssreh'on Pee or Scattering or Both) SS ee ee Nay? ease (cxtexstty) Ano cocpert men tatuy Fé was ey Heat the Piteusity FUAUOH OO ald Tale observe beawse intensity ts veductng > 5 j-dt= 4rd 3 AE = - Ad > = Top eee | Here w= absorbtion coffiueny © 7 (Attenuation cofficent) ° pytactin oe yous 0 Wott Matter — g (penetration depth > the Length Where- I= ze ie oo & pele oud => dd=! [4-4] ) g Note- wads happen only fu the presence of ah 5 nucles that I's requtrved +o Conserve Momeytum- 7 Prey of Proton Showtd_be~ > Ez loo Mev} Fr paty production- 5 whap?? 7 pt? ogee EL fr 02 MEV. Restey ” OSI Mev « oe O-St mev: eneegy of Caude~ = Rest emeseey eT ; « VnanA~ a E>psonmer ef - fae IS no pal produc tim f in foee spoce. : encxgy of 1 b> par bipdutcrton oceunes at higher enesegtes + Hues () Photo electric effect ect (i), Compron effect Cseattent neg 4 photon by e: Feays aii) pat production neater) La! by WARAS, oe ) spacr production— NSD eT : >? Y —etet a P sphote eectic erectana combfm effect occ res at Lower} | 2 There are Individual: Huss Sect ons 4 Transition Ruled of. ¥=decoufy— probability to 6 CK: “at > 4 parity 9 change Ive! Tf=4 : Coteuate ~ La. (Te Eg] 6 (xe+Te| L= 35495 Geefeie_. order-2b Moment magnenes order—2" — Repweserttation CML) pasty sen Nomewts > pelority decreases toith increaament WL. L=3 + representation (EL) pasty Cit Bectic Moment EB PautyeCis =| change Magnetic manent Ma poitye Ciitlty (charge ) MEgHEHE Gut of Ez qnd M33 & Will be theres (rif]Cit at CNo change) MY p= eat = Cl) CChauge) h=5 es, petlh = -1 (chauge) rts p= ST = 1 Clo change) Tat Le ae 53 [Es>mqres oe > s| ees Fiustome then twether Wil be ovraws- ae POS a Lex |rp- sel te [ter Te] | = 252 p= Cece (No change) : M2 P= Nt = —1 Cchauge) M2. Pe C= C13 -1 (charge) ~~ M3 P= 84 = 1 No change) a aan oa es = ve you ut _y 2t Oo > 2 y spauty— No change . 23 Web TFS 2 El peGnl= -1 (thage ) i P= EN | Ce change ) ML EQ P= (I)? ] (No chauge ) mae P=Q)82 4 (Change) = 3° 5 st | fr ' = Shavge | (12934) Mi P= en. 1 (Nochonge) Et p= (et)yi= -1 (chauye) = @) tf rece) No vadlate Paity MULES Are EVO LL > Eleetic Moments EL podty= (-1) Magnetic Moments = ML posdty C1) wn Ss ES (parity wules val be Tevercsed) pascitly — No change Le Om 213,45 Lt! L=l$os| ee StS Slo Ee © wh = Ents |} (Nochange ) mt? Pe Ne | (change) ile Eo Ely Ed x3, EY nes rane “Ms e Geckhouw ing Précess— Difernak evvation — E& 4 any excetred Stocte oF Nucleus 7 — a foo wy tK-sheii 7) fl Gos OF Nuct eus , Ma the ke of the electron ill be givencas — KE = (Ey &) ~ 6-E Of em Cenegy vequtred to break the e~ From orbit) adecay= Nature of B “Berays or pastttclesareveny hirgh eneay SEE tae a 7 @ > Move re penetentng than + > Low conizteg pore er velostve te A-parctcles (ele chowige fs £ess) ~> move deflechhg Im M-F- fhen & (mass Is e859 velocity? | = unirkethe A- ~pasctictes , the emitted B pasencies as not Movie enexgetic > 4 (the erexay of ot f ~peucticles Ok Ne nat same) * Fusing of p—pauchieles iy MoE Ceimijax to & parate ) estoy tee Ru leds ano 7 Tk re TOT BES ede 7 ; 4c pastry change ian BES eS ealngr Fermi transition "o -T tromsitia Me “Toso; anowed | No Oo ° ort : excepk O<0 Qe pas 7 y 7 seca ae ori aye i except Of 2 except O< PL 2 OL=2y $ No : “byt ay 3 Forbinden ‘ cxcopr 07 L exceph Of 2 OL=3r Mid | yes & : : #23 3) Forbidden sep? ey i except O«7 2 exceproe73 tens wh | ey tpnmeven : : yas: | Forbidden I, Me) cs Ee shy tort) fLy=od f— { : L pexeepe OS Cre -) except | “ pouasedty ACL HEASE aooustcer + Potty =change Fixst Forbidden. by mixed Fermi avd Ge T+ Hausitior pasihp— No change AHlowed ransition by nined Fermmrand GT tansittan * parity = change Fist forbidden aud hive goradien by Fevmr -Hesitin GT teaysition Rte nue ‘ but piiosuty Wve to Frst forbidden by bute 5 O4e: Ot_yo+ Pasty = No Change Ayowed by Feel’ peyst ton rule + Oud: ot—> at parity = No change 4t=! Auowed. by Get Houston “eute. ar a 4t=1 Pasty = change First forvidden bap Fermi trans (Hone but oF 5 3% paxitg — Ne change si-!t frlowed. buy Ge transition; Second Fate bit ex foatoonent uy Maes # suciensy Lol eago ES O- Fras forbidden pp decay to yuceus Yi te the Angular Monen tan (x) dud paxtty Cp) US denoted bY doped, © q xP and ii for X sthen fing rPhor y- 5 at i i w x4 or) at cil) 3x wy ar aE th) Ato) =P T-s=t 2 Coca) rq) 9 LL? : Totar Aingutose Momenctum oe spin arnt: © Ovbrtad AM: ? SPs Hyas ie tt Allowed-transitim- 4L=o, aTeds ase3-2 : Teens pee bso. encePt OL=0 for au Values of ab the “hansih'on t's » Fovbi del en— a e > 7 6L=} Fxs+ forbiaden ) QL=2 Second forbrdclen ) GL=3 hl yd fostaden | nexgetics Of prdecay_ @ .., Bfrerent types ey B-clecay ~ ) Brdecay Ais ‘di) Btdecay Cet) . ; ; Gi) Electron captere CaN particle ae ttserar ) mall A=ATN vernain Constaut: i oF decoy A Ay 9 Py ye 4 4 ayo A> Pt Se 4 ve | Ly hecs Heeotf—] | Relativistic enoepy Conservation — i 2 ee = SA 2 et, Yo j onuear, BW vich 4 Tr = Siete tty ft} meer Tp ies a xed za TV En tems of Atomic Masses — Atomic mass of 2X7 Ay Aye x = My +eme 5 Am =f Amg—zme | Hence— ={ fams- zmet oe Ana —criyerf =m] mee = [EA My | xe happen prdecay shoud be- com A AAS] Bn SMe °B decay ° 4x sy Ay 4 e z zt PO n+ 0 +%e Mp Me “Mego this exis not possible [n tree space TH Cn happen only Insiqe the yucteus because there the wequlred. CNG om KARISGTV OH by P-Py»N-N alud Nep Strong introctions- Relotiviste en enesegy conservation — Ae 7 {owe Tf a} 8 My ¢ a +} mC” + Tg +f Nucie4s Mass Qa KEF-KE? = Ty4+ Te Te V Met =Me— Ee: Ruativistic enexgy tous exvation— O+T : ie My. cht Ta be } Mea Ty pl = aot: + Ty = TW-Tx-Te- die —f Ayy* Aut ee (en wequared. fo break the = Frorn orb) In Atomic moss Formadty ; | Q= fetta znd + me — ft gfrtoned doe Ee- Sef Anges qe-| - © Bospeetumn anel Yq orl rupert frsbechune: me phe SOME spectrin Shawn © IS experimentany observed. © OnE IS same for pr Ana B- Process. A Enesegy of pp posctict 8) ; what +his spectrum Implres — > All B- partcles emitted donot have same enexgi es unlike x—poseticles + : : Cau emitted &-pasticles have Same enescgtes ) “> Hewes Emax vepwesents Max Possible eneegy for Bo pascticles - zrtuwas’ experimentaluy observed thot Emax Loads equat to amxce™s Emax = amxc G mass defect (lifference) (Me~ME) Bk 9 he value of the RX" Shoud have tobe equa to8 Emax for au g pascticies enmitteds but &= Ep + Evntnocn fei bch means these Ps Some unknown pasdicle bith B puctiofe, Who is taking tonole enecgy s This Lnknowr pavaiae (eas Founol AF FOC 50 Ycod <— _ becouse the mass sheutd be Zero oC Yeruy Less for i€ anc this Showed be” CKasweless evo + Why 15 mass Shouts be Rew or very Less 7 because: exberimentaliy tt was observed -that= Erman foB = Q = Amxc® tohen I+wis abponing-. the cnogy YF eniHed Bo Pooctice, which fs equal to Groe= Omer, then the mass of that unknown pasctitre Show be zene aucl sine) Hhewe Con be a mistake tn experi- Menta observation but the mass of Unknown pasctice,, Showa be very Less* © sph anol Lebron vor Conservation Mm. Bractay aud proecay — : d M—> P+ tO) Hence, the unknown pasticle. should have spas otebton ro Consexvetion — mm —> p+ Se + J be> ° bp +f! Le showd be ) For thi's: Hence; TH+ Showed be Ant? Pasetéeter aug thts shauta be Leptione . DLCHUSL AL Leptons ase, S= = Yo) this fact atso Subp ont: S=lb Valuer b Tt Was nome as pane antf neutrino C%) “Bt de — Print fet. cd Spin Sab sok me (mervation S=h me gh Ors fFS=VYo_ Heuet-- sm Yo P+ cere ) ae oO => GI) ND Positron (a nti pascticye ) Hence Le=} for unknown pastitie. Later [t WOS Named aS neutrino (Ye) « Constituents Of Nucel — 4 y N+P i (Nucleus) <= N= A-z Pr As Nass Numbex A= Atomic No- > Nand p Comb inedly ave coiled Qs Nucléena- + There’ is strong intrachH'on dw +he nucleons . = p- Py Np byppraction 7 Strong interaction is charge indeperi ent - ? Nand p bothave spin half. particles: > Were (5 coulamb ivtraction kw the protons in the nuclenss but this js megiigible. Oy y to Ishong inteaction. © Isobar, Lsotopesy Lsotones and Mfreor nuciesi— TsobaY— Nass No same fo ~at« Me etn rsotopes- Z= Same N= different eS * ta, iy me 4 Me SOHMES— Nowop Nutzons N=same, Hs a Seay 7 € aN ‘ N=" Net ; Marox Nuctel— yuciefnohfchz aud N ave Mterthanged ans ffs same Nene; thetr 2 differ by 4+ wie; +H Ne and Ne BN and 1S y es Z=6 ee =7 Zeb Nes N=6 NE Nee » Nuclear Mass— Hass oF Nudes (2%) An ho ZM pt Anz) My = Ang — ZMe~ Bineling Energy of em~—pequcrech enetegy ty hyva the ettam. narkevely fs camed BE oO clectim: 6-& oF asystem — o Energy vegutred te diswte* in is consti tecentse OR : o Energy released when syaterc fs foomed by fs Cousti~ , Fuercts. Atte —> s+ ergy POE OF a jucteus (Ax) — | > This nucleus has been foamed by x pwtms and N=AWZ . a stlcaieae ZR AAW?) N —> eX eers oe Bre-Cqhis aise due to BeE= Omxc® mass defect) DS BEL = (Mem xem => b= {@mpy NMx } Any face Tnatomic Mass Format— BESS [amp Nit — fA zutel bet Pg ERI ts De net (Ee { Zn. a BE [AP e nny Set Tye? > H&E > +ve hey stabit: 7 If BE= ~vey They dca aie ° onfh of Atomic Masses las Lawnu: 6x07 kg Famu= 93[-5 Meyer le“ Gel 107 oF fede > 0-51) Mev/ea = [67 N10 B= [ Ooqe amu = board ky = 1oons anne i ng Fraction. FracHou — f= am - "oncking fraction 's lefive 03 Mass deFect per nutes cginding enexgy Per nucleon) 8 . => Fe (einding Fractiou) fs \ You sma for vesuy 7 ' aught yucel y cural Joes =) A ev reper eee ere on incweastug vaplaly cena h {| : é oth and reaches a etl: 1 | Yauite.8 Mev: for the s no EE § igor aos Pho A 20° 7 \ : a si 2th ay 2 \ i yoo? there. after the. ree. y Z ; 7 Phe cusnver Te: Hh — tip 8 16 au%e 0. Fo the ‘iso (88 Slovo er reaching a Max Value af et Mev) ‘Poe ite S6e OF A Is incrersed stil fiucther the cwrve “decreases ee a iF PO Dt the verge A=|6f018, this ty meg. ie. considered +o be vitally tsbantt wrth & mean Valle ers. Mevs > For Av! 80, that is For heavy puctel’, he FE value te~ Caeoses monetonicany Colm mneweasing A and it ls ss Mev- for +he hewest yuclec. é > Rope fluctuation in farther ts For veup Ahr clas wlth peaks in the cuxve of this region corresponding to avey-even nucle MKC Hes Ber co: Belawe Lven-even riucee are Most sta bie than Sossoundt'vg- —> Peaks jm the Cumve are also Seen Qk XOT ME 2Os28/ SO, B>ri24) those ark caued magic Vo. btox the yucet ‘wie Magic. Mor ae Stobres thay Soncoundiug # Nuclear cen: In= No-OF nucleus Yolumne =A = AL 3 Uo pe. SoReal [R=Roals se fre = Costant nucheax oi Is Coutant aud same for ate Nuclet» pole e Nuclear Magnetion Rroment— Similox. He as we've alone th Shell Moder- SS ae ®* Nuclear Elechtg. Moments > Monepole Moment yo EMAC -> Dipole Moment or? Guarini pore moment ‘ + octopoie. Memart at, Nucleus (Ss Made upof protoms (He charges) + tevice; there fs a distrusted. chase , ack Hentes Alc to MUittbele exbersi'on there mary erst vases Moments fox this disttbution - “~~ Ho The vardous Electsic Monients ave wvitten as ~ r= fyray, aye @ Here perator comospondine-fo the oxter of “ Momertts ; [- © order OF Moment = 2b * parity of 3 cpermtor= ent : or poxtty of moment of order 2 pasty = (nba § even y b=evert oolds todd st SE The moments toith edot posuty’ Vanishes for Nucletts, 0 my with even pouty Sarviveg- iN L over oF Moment. Pasty — SuKvive or : : ab ent yaulsh bao ote Pn y enteeire| survive (ronop ole. even Qe ze i mom ent) ie ‘ k=! ot. 2 Dipole (le -t oda fvant sh; * Moment odd ao i 2 CH= | Non-ze7 Quachupole even Momente HW obe=g Bug ene xere OCfapole Moment oda h=odal +hen Zero > 7 "y ; | Bectaic Dipole Monten — Electetc diboe. Moment for a nuctees IS Zero im the Gras " * €lectaic Moment-cay be non—zesxio fora MUCIELLS TF the chasge bist buts fs not Sphertcaty symmetrte + ing busion P + oomeer Pe RP ' SPheica ily iG Symm etic. Pe Cuncbrtbole, Mament-— Fe $r) be the. Volume clensity: oF chasge F the Nucleus colth Hs centre of mass at the ongin so owt = Pasties eee \ the Quadrupole Moment @ fs deftned as— 7 ; B= LL (sAa)pBard ex charge of poorm- *\ Heres nucleus fs assumed to have a _Sumetyy avel’s ama ong x-axks. Ceneage distribution js symifetric aemg

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