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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021) 28:34248–34258


Vapour absorption refrigeration system for rural cold storage:

a comparative study
Divya Arputham Selvaraj 1 & Kirubakaran Victor 1

Received: 21 July 2020 / Accepted: 11 October 2020 / Published online: 16 October 2020
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Value addition of agro products improves the livelihood opportunities for rural farmers. Cold Storage is one of the techniques to
improve the shelf life of agro product. With the increase in the utilization of refrigeration and air cooling using vapour com-
pression refrigeration technology, global warming and ozone depletion due to the refrigerants have also been increased. So, to
overcome this problem, several restrictions were placed on the refrigerant by the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC). There is no way to slow down the growth of this technology, so the focus should be shown on
finding an alternative. Various studies have been carried out on an alternate refrigeration system. This paper attempts to study the
power quality challenges in the conventional vapour compression system. A comparative analysis of vapour compression
refrigeration (VCR) and vapour absorption refrigeration (VAR), power factor analysis and temperature measurement on both
technologies has also been carried out and reported.

Keywords VAR . VCR . Power factor . Refrigerant . Global warming . Ozone depletion

Abbreviation IGBT Insulated gate bipolar transistor

UNFCC United Nations Framework DVR Dynamic voltage restorers
Convention on Climate Change SSB Solid state breaker
VAR Vapour absorption refrigeration SSTW Solid state transfer switch
VCR Vapour compression refrigeration CFL Compact fluorescent lamp
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon LCD Liquid crystal display
HFC Hydrofluorocarbon IC Internal combustion
HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbon
GWP Global warming potential
ODP Ozone depleting potential
PFC Perfluorocarbon
NABARD National Bank for Agriculture
Refrigeration is the removal of heat from a selected environment
and Rural Development
to the desired level and dissipating the heat to the surrounding.
SHE Solution heat exchanger
For the process to work, a working fluid is required, which is
RHE Refrigerant heat exchanger
refrigerant. Historically, even before the invention of refrigera-
THD Total harmonic distortion
tion technology, the concept of refrigeration was there (Gantz
VSD Variable speed drive
2015). It was in practice by utilizing the runoff water from the
fresh snow for food storage, or even the natural ice was harvested
Responsible Editor: Philippe Garrigues
and sent for trade, which is also mostly used for food storage.
Even salts like NaCl and CaCl2 were used to reduce the
* Kirubakaran Victor
temperature up to − 20 °C to − 50 °C. After several decades of
research, the current refrigeration technology was brought into
Centre for Rural Energy, Gandhigram Rural Institute - Deemed to be effect. Refrigeration is required for food storage, pharmaceu-
University, Chinnalapatti, India tical application and even better lifestyle by air cooling, which
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:34248–34258 34249

also uses the same technology. As the rate of growth in- the greenhouse gases (Montreal Protocol, Framework
creases, the consumption rate on the technology is also in- Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol 2002).
creasing. Thus, refrigeration technology has become an un- Harnisch et al. (2002) have estimated the HFC, PFC and
avoidable part of our life. SF6 by atmospheric measurement and compared it with the
Vapour compression refrigeration is the first technology to report submitted by the Annex 1 nation to UNFCCC on 15
come into use. With the industrial revolution, it became easy April 2000. The results have clearly shown that HFC-22 that
for technology to reach domestic market. A mechanical refrig- is the by-product of HCFC-22, reported by Annex 1 countries,
erator with a closed cycle was designed to commercialize the was not the same as the atmospheric measurement, but for
technology. HFC-134a one of the most common refrigerants, atmospheric
Before 1929 cooling technology used sulphur dioxide, measurement and country data agree with each other. So, even
methyl chloride, chloroethane, was used as the refrigerant. more effort in measurement should be shown, so that a better
Most of them have toxicity problems and have a bad odour. restriction on the emission can be brought into effect.
In a measure to overcome these issues, fluorinated alternatives Singh et al. (2019) made critical analysis of the efforts
like CFC, HCFC, and HFC came into effect. Both CFC and made by India to reduce ODP and GWP. As a member of
HCFC are chlorinated components. Chlorine is the major el- the Montreal Protocol, the 1990s Indian Government has been
ement that causes ozone depletion. Among these two, CFC is preparing to phase out ozone-depleting substances. An in-
more stable and reaches the stratosphere without any problem crease in air conditioning and refrigerator would test India’s
and hence causes more damage to the ozone layer than the commitment to the Montreal Protocol. In 2016, 197 countries
HCFC and then came HFC, ammonia, hydrocarbon, CO2 and ratified the Kigali Amendment and India is one of them, where
water, which does not contain any chlorine molecules. Among it falls under group 2 countries. India has actively been taking
these, ammonia and hydrocarbon are highly flammable. part in the reduction of these chemical components. As a part
Hydrocarbon, in particular, will demand high electrical and of it, India has made domestic policies to stay in the lane to
mechanical safety equipment making it an impossible option reach the goal. Ministry of Environment, the Forest and
any time soon. Along with good refrigerant properties, CO2 Climate Change has implemented India Cooling Action Plan
also has unity global warming potential (GWP) and ozone (ICAP). Policy documents and action plans were reviewed
depleting potential (ODP) equal to zero. But it has technical regularly. In the first phase of 2012 to 2015, policy regula-
difficulties, like, it is inefficient, requires high temperature and tions, technical assistance, awareness and monitoring of
high-pressure compressor. Another substitute considered is HCFC consumption in each sector were made. For the second
water, which is environmentally friendly with zero ODP and phase (2017–2023), India will try to move towards low global
GWP, but cannot be used for VCR (Benhadid-Dib and warming potential refrigerants. As a member of the Kigali
Benzaoui 2012). amendment, India will phase down HFC use from 2028.
Once the changes in the ozone layer in the Antarctic were Already R22 usage is reduced to 38% in 2017, R410 usage
noticed, the seriousness of the CFC usage was realized. is reduced to 36% and HCFC is reduced to 38%.
Usually, ozone depletion is caused by halons that include Simultaneously, R32 and R290 usage have increased to 17%
chlorine, fluorine, carbon and bromine, which are most com- and 6%, respectively. R290 has shown low GWP and ODP.
mon in refrigeration and air conditioning devices. Due to high Calm (2002) has discussed the leakage of refrigerant from
stability and chlorine content, CFC plays a huge role in ozone the system, which also has a huge impact on the environment.
depletion. With the help of the Montreal Protocol, restrictions Chiller refrigerant losses occur in different ways at different
were made on the ozone-depleting substances. With HCFC as phases of its life. In the initial phase, losses would be minimal.
a substitute, developed countries were asked to drop the use of Operating and intermittent phases are recurring throughout its
CFC immediately. According to the Montreal Protocol, to lifetime. Finally, the disposal phase is a one-time event when
overcome the greenhouse effect, developed countries should the chiller lifetime is over. Usually, a leak is due to the pres-
phase out HCFC by 2030 and developing countries have to do sure difference, and hence the high-pressure system experi-
the same by 2040. So, to avoid the chlorine, hydrofluorocar- ences more leaks. This leak will also affect overall system
bon (HFC) and perfluorocarbon (PFC) came in as a replace- performance. This leakage also affects the overall perfor-
ment. Before taking a deep breath, it was found that all the mance in case the system is small. The most commonly used
above-mentioned chemical components have the ability to refrigerants R11, R12, R123 and R134a, have a global
trap the heat from solar radiation leading to global warming. warming potential (GWP) of 4600, 10,600, 120 and 1300,
They can cause 50 to 10,000 times more damage than the respectively. It is necessary to provide proper care to reduce
CO2, which no more sounds environmentally friendly. leakage, so several instruments were developed to check any
Ozone depletion itself is interrelated with global warming, as leakage. Proper disposal and reuse of the refrigerant would
ozone-depleting substances are also greenhouse gasses. Under also help reduce its impact on the environment. So, more than
UNFCCC, in the Kyoto Protocol, restrictions were placed on one-third of the disposal phase refrigerant can be recovered
34250 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:34248–34258

and reused. If a refrigerant provides low efficiency, then by do not cause any environmental problems. VAR can also be
default, it does not mean it is an environmentally friendly easily driven by solar energy, reducing the indirect emission
refrigerant. R-123 is the most commonly used refrigerant that by the system. In that case, VAR is preferred to VCR.
does not offer good operating temperature and contributes to
increased global warming. Beshr et al. (2015) has also ex-
plained the environmental impact caused by the supermarket Literature review
refrigerant located at six different US locations. The commer-
cial refrigerator effect on the environment is due to both re- According to Sawicka (2019), more than half of the world’s
frigerant leaks and high electricity consumption. Both direct yearly crop produced is wasted and one-third of food pro-
and indirect emissions were included in the study. duced is lost per year during post-harvest handling. In devel-
Commercial refrigeration also consumes more electricity, oped countries, it brought up to 680 billion dollars loss, and
which would automatically increase its indirect CO2 emission. developing countries, it is around 310 billion dollars. The food
Multiple DX systems, cascade N-40/CO2 system, transcritical produced in one country would be equivalent to food wastage
CO2 booster system and secondary/central DX system are the in another. Per capita waste in Europe and North America is
four models taken for study. GWPs of commonly used refrig- 95–115 kg/year while only 6–11 kg/year is the per capita
erants N-40, L-40 and R-404A are 1273, 285 and 3943, re- consumption in countries like South Asia, South East Asia
spectively. Shifting towards low GWP refrigerant would re- and some African countries. So, proper handling of post-
duce the effect of yearly leakage rate, but it will also increase harvest would result in achieving food security. In developing
the indirect emission for electricity generation. According to countries, the maximum loss is from an earlier stage, and for
Saif and Elhedhli (2015), refrigeration requirement for the middle and high-income countries, it is from the later stage of
cold supply chain is huge as it is required for warehouse and the supply chain. Out of all the solutions presented for reduc-
trucks. Cold supply chains are also huge contributors to green- ing post-harvest wastage, storage has a huge role because
house gases due to direct (leakage) and indirect (electricity most of the losses occur during the storage of crops due to
consumption) emissions. The study includes plants, ware- lack of infrastructure. Traditional storage is not enough to
houses, retailers and transportation. With the help of mathe- meet the need, and it is a must to incorporate modern technol-
matical modelling, calculations for different locations were ogy for agricultural produce storage as it would also help
made. In addition to the leakage of HFC leakage, it also re- preserve generic diversity and achieve sustainability.
leases a large amount of CO2. In China, realizing the need for fresh agricultural prod-
According to Aprea et al. (2012), electricity generation is ucts in attaining food security, Deng et al. (2012) have
also a contributor to greenhouse gases by the emission of pointed out the importance of updating logistics standard
CO2. In the USA after lighting, air conditioning and refrigera- to maintain the cold storage infrastructure up to date.
tion occupy second place in electricity consumption. The State-owned cold chains are more than 30 years old.
Vapour compression system requires a large amount of elec- Several cold chain logistics are discussed. A well-
tricity. So, the concept of total equivalent warming impact developed cold chain logistics would help reduce circula-
(TEWI) was introduced. TEWI involves CO2 emission, starting tion costs and also improve the quality of the agricultural
from manufacturing, operation, maintenance to disposal. It also product. Cold storage could also help to improve the local
includes fossil fuel emission, thus involves both direct and in- economy, especially, for the farming community.
direct emission throughout its lifetime. This makes VCR to Understanding the need to store the agricultural product
have more TEWI. To reduce the refrigeration global warming and also as a support to the Umudike community, where
effect, a search for low GWP refrigerants should be done. R-22 there is no cold storage, Ugwu and Ogbonnaya (2012) have
has 0.05 ODP but 1700 GWP. Alternatives considered for R-22 developed a 0.83TR cold storage room for a temperature
are R-407C and R-422D. The direct contribution by R-22 and range of − 15 to 35 °C. The author has also highly recom-
R-407C throughout their lifetime is 6375 and 5400 kg of CO2. mended the commercialization of technology. Mande et al.
Due to low-efficiency, R-407C also contributes to more indirect (1997) has stated that 30% of India’s agricultural products
CO2 emission. R-422D has more GWP than R-22. are spoiled during storage and transportation. So, the author
From the discussion, it is clear that several efforts were has designed a 10-kW demonstration model of a solar hy-
taken to reduce/altogether remove the damage caused by this brid adsorption cooling system for rural areas in India where
ever-growing technology. To make the efforts more fruitful, electricity is still not reliable, to reduce agricultural wastage.
several aspects were considered to find a substitute-refriger- The system is designed to be maintained at 1–3 °C. The
ant. Even the suggested refrigerant like water cannot be used payback period of this system would be 3–5 years.
in the VCR system. At the same time, in the VAR system, Maheshwar and Chanakwa (2006) has discussed the post-
water along with other chemicals like LiBr and ammonia can harvest losses in India due to cold chain gaps. Poor handling,
be used as a working fluid. Both of these selected chemicals poor storage, middlemen’s presence and lack of preservation
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:34248–34258 34251

technique lead to 30%, 30%, 30%, 5%, and 5% losses, respec- unit making it tough to adapt. Due to the lack of logistical
tively. Due to this gap, about 40 million tons of fruits and data, even foreign direct investment has failed. New policy
vegetables get wasted. In the fourth largest onion producing changes are required to make the technology reach all the
state, Rajasthan does not even have single cold storage. country’s parts equally (Sivaraman 2016).
Maharashtra losses about 50% of its onion produced due to With the view of vapour absorption cycle playing a huge
lack of storage facility. A 24-h delay in shipment of mangoes role in the reduction of environmental pollution, the author
without any cold storage has collapsed the entire cold chain has discussed the recent development in vapour absorption
and resulted in the failure of Vijaya Agricultural Produce cycle.. The most basic cycle is a single effect system.
Export Development Agency. Even though fruits and vegeta- VAR’s commercial model is the single effect and double
bles can provide 8 and 4.8 times more profit, respectively, effect system with lithium bromide-water or ammonia-
than the cereals, due to poor infrastructure, they are not pre- water as the most commonly used refrigerant. For refriger-
ferred. Even a small change in temperature would affect the ation temperature above 0 °C, lithium bromide-water is
shelf life of the fruits and vegetables. Lack of infrastructure used, and ammonia-water is selected to reach temperature
would also reduce the export potential. To improve marketing lower than 0 °C. To improve the potential of the system, a
opportunities, integrated cold storage for the farm is recom- multistage absorption cycle is also developed. The triple
mended by the author. It is clear that cold storage is giving us effect cycle can be developed by using a conventional dou-
an opportunity to achieve food security. ble effect cycle, just by adding a high-pressure generator on
In tropical countries like India, cold storage for agricultural top of it. A newly designed two-stage triple effect cycle
produce is a basic necessity. To reduce post-harvest losses and requires a high-pressure generator, which will increase the
protecting the quality, a controlled environment is required. The manufacturing cost. In order to improve performance, a dif-
optimum temperature for storing tropical fruits like avocado, ferent type of heat exchangers like solution heat exchanger
banana, mango, papaya, pineapple and custard apple is 10 °C, (SHE) and refrigerant heat exchanger (RHE) are introduced
14 °C, 13 °C, 12 °C, 10 °C, 15 °C, respectively (Kader 1993). into the system. Attempt to make a hybrid system by
Under the Kigali Amendment, a plan for developed and connecting VAR with other refrigeration technologies is
developing countries to work together to achieve a sustainable also studied with the view of improving the overall system
cold chain system is considered. The key challenges addressed performance. By introducing an ejector into the system,
in achieving it are related to developing countries. This is due to better mixing of absorbent refrigerant pairs can be achieved,
small farmers’ financial capacity, lack of awareness, lack of which also an effort to improve overall system performance
necessary infrastructure and lack of related skill and knowledge (Wu and Eames 2000). Kim and Infante Ferreira (2008)
(UN environment program 2019). Other challenges include compared the compatibility of solar energy with various
high energy consumption, rising real estate costs and lack of refrigeration techniques and concluded that VAR holds
logistical data. Cold storage would help maintain colour, tex- the first place in utilizing solar thermal energy. In the
ture and nutritional value. It reduces the bacteria formation and VAR system, low-grade energy is enough to run the system
maintains hygiene and humidity (Joshi et al. 2018). without a problem, utilizing solar thermal, waste heat
Only 2% of India’s product is handled in the cold supply (largely available especially in industries) or even engine
chain. Per capita fruits and vegetable consumption in India is exhaust (Mittal and Shukla 2015). This system produces
149 g and 152 g per day, much lower than the Food and less carbon dioxide or at least it does not contribute its
Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health own carbon dioxide by making waste into its source. IC
Organization (WHO) recommendations. Improving India’s engines operate at only 53 to 40% efficiency. The remaining
cold storage might lead to a second green revolution. Lack energy is released in the form of waste heat. This exhaust
of cold storage would also cause instability in agricultural waste heat would be at 450–600 °C, which is more than
products. Due to the lack of cold storage, only the fruits and enough to drive a VAR.
vegetables with longer shelf life are stored. About 60% of The power factor is defined as the ratio of the active power
India’s cold storages are located in West Bengal, Punjab, to the apparent power. Apparent power is the addition of ac-
Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. The government has supported tive power and reactive power. The power factor lies in the
cold storage in India by tax exemption and subsidies. With range of − 1 to 1. Unity power factor means the system
the help of subsidies, between 2009 and 2012, 1066 govern- operates in ideal condition. The power factor is determined
ment cold storages are developed. During the period of 2011– by the phase angle between the voltage and current. A capac-
12 through National Bank for Agriculture and Rural itor or synchronous motor was used to compensate for the
Development (NABARD), 2252 crore rupee was invested in inductive load. Reactive power will cause losses and will, in
cold storage. But due to many reasons, it is still not reaching turn, affect the overall efficiency of the device (Cividino
the small farmers. Even private owners require 17 licences 1992). Power quality still requires a lot of exploring to do as
from the state and central government to start a cold storage it has a lot of misunderstanding.
34252 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:34248–34258

In India, there are several power problems like frequent stored in the form of electrical energy, magnetic energy or
power cuts, regular breakdowns, load shedding, lack of ser- even kinetic energy can be connected to the network through
vice and increased demand-supply graph. Poor power quality DVR. STATCOM can also improve power factor and hence
is also because of the presence of 22% THD, which is due to increase the transmission transfer limit up to 50%. DVR and
the increase in non-linear load. This THD could even cause STATCOM are available in the market for a wide operating
consumer equipment damage. Every 6th distribution trans- range.
former is damaged and requires repair or replacement every The presence of power quality issues is a costly problem as
year. Seventy per cent of India’s population lives in rural it could cause millions of dollar losses. The power quality
areas. Due to long distribution lines and heavy loading, unin- issues arising when the refrigerator, microwave oven, laptop,
terrupted or even electricity itself is a dream for many rural personal computer (PC) and compact fluorescent lamp (CFL)
areas. Providing good quality power required a lot of effort operates together were studied by the author (Farooq et al.
(Pabla 1999). Due to the changing nature of the load, power 2011). An electrical transient analyzer program was used for
quality has become a huge issue in New Zealand. To maintain the study. When the current THD (total harmonic distortion)
dairy farming, irrigating the grasses is a must. For this, vari- increases, then Irms would be more, which would increase the
able speed drive (VSD) fed submersible pumps are used. This line losses. Harmonic distortion also leads to transformer
has resulted in increased harmonics in the rural network. losses like copper loss and core loss. This study was conduct-
Because of this, a high level of fifth harmonics is recorded ed using a power analyzer. The current THD of a laptop is
especially during summer when the irrigation rarely stops and 194%. Power factors of PC, laptop, CFL, microwave oven
the harmonics would be more. It is suggested to use DZn0 and refrigerator are 0.88, 0.21, 0.3, 0.86 and 0.86, respective-
transformers to overcome this problem (Watson et al. 2010). ly. Based on the practical system in Eimanabad, Pakistan, a
Even for long-distance transmission, especially for rural areas, simulation model was designed. Eighteen houses were select-
it has other problems like harmonic amplification (Chen et al. ed and their impact on the 100 kVA distribution system was
2020). studied. About 10.88% of the total load was the non-linear
With the increase in non-linear loads and electromagnetic load. The presence of a non-linear load would distort the volt-
environment, it has become a necessity to answer power age. When the transformer distance increases, especially in
quality-related problems. The common power quality issues rural areas, then the harmonics distortion would also be in-
include voltage imbalance, voltage swell, voltage sag, flicker creasing. The presence of a non-linear load has obviously
and power factor harmonics. One of the major contributors for increased the apparent power consumption. Both the current
this issue is the induction motor, which is an essential part of THD and voltage THD were more than the standard value.
vapour compression cycle. Power quality problems can be Commercial refrigerators, which are a non-linear load, have
identified by circuit breaker trips for no reason, the automated recorded up to 11th harmonics with the power factor of 0.86
system stops for no reason, electronic system fail etc. and current THD of 31.34.
Everything is highly dependent on electricity and even a small A Norton equivalent model was used to design non-linear
interruption could affect industrial and economic activity and load. Mathematical modelling for voltage THD and current
a long interruption could cause more serious problems. IEEE THD was done. Six most commonly used electrical equip-
standard for each and every power quality issues was ments were taken for study. Based on usage, loads were di-
discussed. Methods suggested to improve power quality in- vided for residential, office and commercial appliances and
clude active, passive and hybrid harmonics filter, voltage studied. Using the Norton model, the commercial refrigerator
compensator and uninterrupted power supply (Dwivedi was found to have 15.53 current THD and 0.8 power factor,
2011). Álvarez et al. (2000) have discussed the solution to air conditioner has recorded 23.96 current THD and 0.94 pow-
improve power quality by power electronics. Upgrading er factor, split air conditioner has recorded current THD of
IGBT’s, thyristors and increasing the speed of electronic de- 22.54 and power factor of 0.87 and the freezer has recorded
vices could help overcome power quality problems. Their 9.69 current THD and 0.69 power factor. Split air conditioner,
common solutions are as follows. STATCOM can be used commercial refrigerator and air conditioner contribution on
for reactive power supply and active filtering. When the volt- feeder THD in the presence of other loads are 22.6, 1.57 and
age is not in the specified range, then the dynamic voltage 11.65, respectively. In the system studied, up to 20% loss in
restorers (DVR) would help compensate for it. Solid state power was recorded due to the presence of harmonic distor-
breaker (SSB) and solid state transfer switch (SSTW) are tion (Ghorbani et al. 2015).
sub-cycle breakers and low-level fault breakers. This will help In an average household, 12% of electricity was utilized for
prevent faulty current to develop in the circuit. These technol- space heating and 8% was for food storage. In this study, the
ogies would become commercially possible in future only power quality of domestic appliances was studied and the re-
with more development in this field. STATCOMS can pro- corded result has shown that it has a large number of third
vide solution for voltage sags and micro-interruptions. Energy harmonics and ninth harmonics. If the third harmonics was in
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:34248–34258 34253

Fig. 1 Vapour compression

refrigeration system

phase with the neutral conductor, then it would cause increased electronic equipment with irreparable damages. This urges
losses in the distribution network. A neutral conductor might the need to find a solution.
result in overheating and burning due to overcharging. This Common residential loads like the refrigerator, fluorescent
system has also recorded 80% current THD (Toader et al. 2014). lamp and television were studied. They were studied by
Using MATLAB simulation, a non-linear load of any connecting harmonic shunt filter. The refrigerator has record-
household like LCD TV, commercial refrigerator and adjust- ed a 0.64 power factor. After designing and connecting a
able speed drive (ASD) washer is studied and compared with 20-μF capacitance filter, a 3.3 time reduction in 5th harmonics
the experimental result. In that study, LCD TV has recorded a was noticed. The shunt filter is more suitable for the current
current THD of 42.96 and power factor of 0.856. Commercial source load type. But for other residential devices with voltage
refrigeration has shown that it has harmonics in mA level with source load types like TV, shunt filters cannot solve the prob-
current harmonics of 7.17 and a power factor of 0.546. Even lem. So, an active compensator would be selected in that case
though current harmonics are low, it is present due to third (Pomilio and Deckmann 2007).
harmonics in the device. In ASD washer also, the problem is Singh et al. (2003) have studied the air conditioner with an
due to 3rd harmonics with a current THD of 41.14 and power internal permanent magnet synchronous motor, where it was
factor of 0.196. So, it is suggested to use a harmonic filter to fed through a power quality converter. This helps to get a pure
shape the waveform (Rawa et al. 2014). Harmonic distortion sinusoidal input without any distortion and also helps to
can cause electromagnetic disturbances, which can affect achieve a unity power factor. Singh and Bist, 2013, have

Fig. 2 Vapour absorption

refrigeration system
34254 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:34248–34258

energy is high-grade energy. The refrigerant would be com-

pressed in the compressor to produce high-pressure, high-
temperature liquid. This will then go through the condenser.
In the condenser, the heat is removed by water or air medium
to produce high-pressure liquid. Then in the expansion valve,
expansion of the refrigerant happens. As a result, there will be
pressure and temperature drop. Now, low-temperature low-
pressure liquid vapour mixture of refrigerant would enter the
evaporator. The evaporator is the region where the tempera-
ture has to be reduced to a temperature lower than the sur-
rounding. The refrigerant would absorb heat from the stored
material and would leave the evaporator. This cycle will re-
peatedly continue to bring down the temperature. In VCR,
compressor causes huge vibrations, which lead to huge noise
(Ozturk 2000). So, for large size design, it requires a strong
foundation, which raises the cost of the system.
Fig. 3 Power analysis of VAR system
In case of the VAR refrigeration system, the only differ-
ence is that the compressor is substituted by a generator and an
introduced a brushless DC motor fed through a bridgeless Cuk Figure 2 shows the VAR system. Its main components in-
converter for air conditioning system. This has helped to im- clude generator, condenser, evaporator, and absorber. As there is
prove the power quality in a wide range of operating speeds. no compressor, the absorber will help in the suction of refriger-
Even THD was brought down to an acceptable range. Both the ant into the generator. In the absorber, the refrigerant will mix
design changes would help reduce energy consumption, but it with the absorbent to form a strong solution. The strong solution
only comes at the expense of more investment costs. would be forced to the generator using a small pump. Input in
the form of heat is given to the generator. Once the operating
temperature is reached, refrigerant would enter the rectifier and
Technology the weak solution would return to the absorber. In case of
ammonia/water mixture, if water vapour enters the cycle then
The technology that is discussed in this paper includes VAR the refrigeration effect would get affected. Analyzer is a simple
and VCR systems. distillation column that would remove any extra water vapour
The major components of the VCR system are evaporator, from the working fluid. Then, it will enter the condenser and
condenser, compressor and expansion valve. then to the expansion valve to produce low-temperature low-
Figure 1 shows the vapour compression system. pressure refrigerant. Finally, it will enter the evaporator (cooling
Mechanical input was given at the compressor. Mechanical chamber) to reduce its temperature. This cycle will go on and on.

Fig. 4 Power analysis of VCR

Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:34248–34258 34255

Fig. 5 Experimental set up for

evaporator temperature

Experimental setup will turn off. It will be off until its temperature lies within
the optimal temperature range and will be turned on only
Figures 3 and 4 show the power quality measurement setup when the temperature rises above the optimum temperature
for VAR and VCR systems. Yokogawa power analyzer was level. Figure 7 shows that the VAR system reactive power
used to measure the data. The performance of both the system curve is flat at zero value, and it does not require any reactive
was studied with 1 l of water as load. Data were logged in the power. So, apparent power is equal to the active power, and
power analyzer storage for every 1 min. that is why their curve looks superimposed in the graph. The
Figure 5 shows the experimental set up for temperature presence of reactive power plays a critical role in power qual-
measurement of both the VAR and VCR system. The evapo- ity analysis of the system.
rator temperature of both the system was measured and logged Figures 8 and 9 give the current and voltage THD of VAR
at the same time for every 1 min using a data logger. A K-type and VCR. According to IEEE 519 guidelines, voltage THD
thermocouple was used to measure the temperature. should be below 5%, and current THD should lie below 10%.
Both the systems have zero current THD. In case of voltage
THD, the VAR system lies within the desirable limit. But,
VCR lies above this range. Irrespective of the type of system,
Results and discussion it will affect devices.
Figure 10 shows the power factor of the VCR system. It
Figures 6 and 7 show the power graph of VAR and VCR. P, Q
clearly shows that this system’s power factor lies within the
and S stand for active, reactive and apparent power, respec-
range of 0.8 to 0.6 in most of the time, and the system is non-
tively. In Fig. 6, the presence of reactive power can be noticed.
linear. It is evident that, in this system, the current is lagging
This reactive power does not produce any useful output but
because the load does not completely utilize power. This is
will only increase the apparent power consumption. The sud-
due to the compressor and other electronic subsystems in the
den drop in power to zero in the graph is because once the
VCR system. An induction motor electrically powers the
optimal evaporator temperature is reached, the compressor

300.00 100.00
250.00 80.00
Power in watt

Power in watt

150.00 50.00
100.00 30.00
50.00 20.00
0.00 0.00
















Time in minutes Time in minutes


Fig. 6 VCR system power vs time Fig. 7 VAR system power vs time
34256 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:34248–34258

6.00 0.90
5.00 0.70

power factor
THD in % 0.50
3.00 0.40
2.00 0.20




Time in minutes
Time in minues
Fig. 10 VCR system power factor vs time
current THD voltage THD

Fig. 8 VCR THD vs time
C ¼ reactive power= 2* pi* f * V2
C ¼ 122:4μF
compressor. A single-phase shaded pole type motor is the
most commonly used type, which is an inductive load. It re- The standard range available is 150 μF, which can be used
quires a magnetizing current to run this motor, which amounts in the compensation system.
20 to 60% of the full load current. The presence of magnetiz- Figure 11 shows the power factor of the VAR system. It
ing current will result in more reactive power and it does not can be clearly observed that this system maintains a unity
contribute to the output, and at the same time, it cannot be power factor throughout the entire operation, which means
completely avoided. This becomes an additional load to the the current and voltage are in phase. The energy supplied by
system and front runners to the poor power quality of the the source is completely utilized by the load without any wast-
system. Magnetizing current will increase the hysteresis loss age, which is ideal for any system. This is because the VAR
in the stator and rotor, which will decrease the lifetime of the system does not have any inductive load like the VCR system.
system. This increase in the hysteresis loss will increase the Since there is no compressor, there is no reactive power and
temperature of the stator and rotor, which will deteriorate the hence the power quality of this technology is much better than
winding and insulator. This increases maintenance costs. At the VCR system. Because of this, unlike VCR, in VAR com-
low load or no load condition, the result will be even worse. pensation system, requirement can be eliminated. This re-
Thus compressor is an inductive load that requires non- duces system complexity. VAR is a linear system, making it
working power. This will only increase the power consump- possible to be driven easily by DC-powered solar photovoltaic
tion and hence the operational cost of the entire system. This energy.
increased power consumption also increases carbon emission. Figures 12 and 13 show the evaporator (cold chamber)
For correcting the power factor, it requires a capacitor bank. temperature of the VAR and VCR system. They both were
By considering the actual power 220 W, to achieve a 0.98 at almost similar temperature while the operation starts. But
power factor, reactive power is calculated as 0.1861 kVAr. over time, VCR has reached much lower temperature than the
The required capacitor value was calculated using the follow- VAR effortlessly. VCR is maintained at a temperature range
ing formula: of − 3 °C to 3 °C, while VAR is maintained in the temperature
range 8 °C to 16 °C under the same environmental conditions.
Even though VCR can reach lower evaporator temperature,
the ideal temperature for tropical agricultural produce storage
6.00 lies in the range of 10 to 15 °C. This makes VAR competitive
THD in %

3.00 1.2
2.00 1
Power Factor

0.00 0.4





Time in minutes

voltage THD current THD Time in minutes

Fig. 9 VAR THD vs time Fig. 11 VAR system power factor vs time
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021) 28:34248–34258 34257

25 & Vapour absorption refrigeration could utilize low-grade

20 energy, so even waste heat can drive the VAR system.
Temperature in oC 15
Thus, the amount of indirect CO2 emission by this system
can also be reduced. Therefore, it reduces its TEWI and
makes it a green technology.

0 In many ways, it has been clearly proven that the VAR











-5 system is more environmentally friendly compared to VCR
as well as creating less distortion in the electrical network. It
Time in minute
would be a better choice to consider VAR as an alternative for
Fig. 12 Temperature of VCR vs time the VCR system along with all the possible improvements it
could possibly be adapted to like the integration of green
enough for agricultural cold storage. At the same time, if technology.
needed, the sub-zero temperature can be easily achieved with
Acknowledgements Authors acknowledged the support received from
possible design changes.
the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India.

Authors’ contributions All authors contributed to the study, conception

and design. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were per-
Conclusion formed by Divya Arputham Selvaraj. The first draft of the manuscript was
written by Kirubakaran Victor and all authors commented on the previous
version of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
& Commonly used refrigerants of the commercial refrigera- manuscript.
tion system are causing several environmental damages.
The suggested alternative refrigerants are commonly used Funding The authors did not receive support from any organization for
in VAR, which could be a better alternative to reduce the the submitted work.
environmental impact caused by CFC, HCFC and HFC,
and hence, it has the potential to replace the VCR system. Data availability The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current
study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
& VAR has proved to be a better option with the unity power
factor in terms of power quality as VCR has poor power
Compliance with ethical standards
factor averaged between 0.8 and 0.6. Even though VCR
has a solution to overcome power quality issues, it only Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing
comes at a cost. interests.
& For rural areas, located in remote locations, where it is a
huge challenge to meet electricity demand, renewable en- Ethical approval This paper does not contain any studies with human
ergy is the only solution. VAR can easily adapt to such participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
renewable technologies like solar PV and solar thermal.
Consent to participate Not applicable.
This allows the possibility for rural cold storage to reach
even the remote locations. The temperature ranging be- Consent to publish Authors transfer to Springer the publication rights
tween 10 and 15 °C, which is enough to store tropical and warrant that our contribution is original.
agricultural products, can be achieved without any system
alterations. This opens a path to achieve food security

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