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Economic evaluation with sensitivity and

profitability analysis for hydrogen production from
water electrolysis in Korea

Boreum Lee a, Heetae Chae a, Nak Heon Choi b, Changhwan Moon b,

Sangbong Moon b,*, Hankwon Lim a,**
Department of Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering, Catholic University of Daegu, 13-13 Hayang-ro,
Hayang-eup, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 38430, Republic of Korea
Elchemtech Co. Ltd, World Meridian Venture Center 2Cha 611, Gasan-dong, Geumchun-gu, Seoul 08505, Republic
of Korea

article info abstract

Article history: Economic evaluation for water electrolysis compared to steam methane reforming has
Received 10 October 2016 been carried out in terms of unit hydrogen production cost analysis, sensitivity analysis,
Received in revised form and profitability analysis to assess current status of water electrolysis in Korea. For a
28 December 2016 hydrogen production capacity of 30 Nm3 h1, the unit hydrogen production cost was 17.99,
Accepted 30 December 2016 16.54, and 20.18 $ kg H1
2 for alkaline water electrolysis (AWE), PEM water electrolysis (PWE),

Available online 8 February 2017 and steam methane reforming (SMR), respectively with 11.24, 10.66, and 11.80 for
100 Nm3 h1 and 8.12, 7.72, and 7.59 $ kg H1 3 1
2 for 300 Nm h . With sensitivity analysis (SA),

Keywords: the most influential factors on the unit hydrogen production cost depending on the
Economic evaluation hydrogen production capacity were determined. Lastly, profitability analysis (PA) pre-
Water electrolysis sented a discounted payback period (DPBP), net present value (NPV), and present value
Cost estimation ratio (PVR) for a different discount rate ranging from 2 to 14% and it was found that a
Sensitivity analysis discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR) was 14.01% from a cash flow diagram ob-
Profitability analysis tained for a hydrogen production capacity of 30 Nm3 h1.
Steam methane reforming © 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

requires the use of H2 as a reactant to chemically convert CO2

Introduction into useful chemicals such as a synthetic natural gas (SNG)
[4,5] and methanol [6,7]. Hydrogen is an energy carrier that
Hydrogen has been extensively used in conventional indus- should be produced from various sources [8] and numerous
trial sectors such as petroleum, petrochemical, chemicals, methods have been used for hydrogen production such as
and fertilizer [1e3] to name a few and recent advancements in steam reforming, partial oxidation, water-gas-shift reaction,
fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) with CO2-free emissions pyrolysis, plasma reforming, biomass gasification, and water
have initiated a significant increase of hydrogen demand. electrolysis (WE) [9e18]. Currently, steam methane reforming
Moreover, a newly emerging technology like CO2 utilization (SMR) as shown in Equation (1) is considered as one of the

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: sbmoon@elchemtech.com (S. Moon), hklim@cu.ac.kr (H. Lim).
0360-3199/© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 6 4 6 2 e6 4 7 1 6463

most economical processes for hydrogen production and this to AWE. At the same time, some challenges still existing for
technology accounts for about 48% of global hydrogen pro- PWE such as cross-permeation phenomenon, thicker mem-
duction [19,20]. branes, and expensive materials and components were iden-
tified in order to provide future research directions. Clarke
et al. [32] constructed a stand-alone PWE system operating at
CH4 þ 2H2O / CO þ 3H2 (1) up to ~4 kW input and the system was self-pressurizing and
fail-safe. Millet et al. [33] also reported their recent advances in
However, because this SMR uses methane or fossil fuels as PWE technology including electro-catalyst, membrane elec-
reactants and produces CO2 contributing to global warming, trode assemblies, cell efficiency, safety, stack design and
more environmentally friendly hydrogen production methods optimization, etc. for electrolyzers with a hydrogen produc-
are being sought to meet an increasing hydrogen demand and tion capacity of 5 Nm3 h1. Grigoriev et al. [35] investigated the
environmental standards simultaneously. Among many al- possible safety issues related with high pressure PWE oper-
ternatives, WE is considered as the most practical method for ating at pressure up to 130 bar and pointed out that hydrogen
the production of hydrogen with no fossil fuels used and no concentration in the oxygen gas and vice versa were the most
CO2 produced [8]. influential risks. They also proposed possible solutions to
In WE, hydrogen is produced from water by splitting water reduce contamination levels such as the use of thicker
into hydrogen and oxygen via applied electricity (Equations membranes, membranes with low gas permeability, and
(2)e(4)) and this process is environmentally-friendly with no external catalytic gas combiners. Rahim et al. [39] developed
additional hydrogen purification unit required [21]. Among mass transport model suitable for PWE and discussed several
various WE techniques, alkaline [22e30] and polymer elec- issues encountered in PWE model.
trolyte membrane (PEM) WE [31e41] are considered as two In addition to technical reports mentioned above, eco-
primary types of WE currently being developed for near-term nomic analysis for WE at various capacities has been reported.
commercialization. Genovese et al. [42] performed a comprehensive economic
analysis for both AWE and PWE based on state-of-the-art
technology of WE in the US and estimated a base-case H2
Cathode (): 2Hþ þ 2e / H2. (2) production cost in 2009 of 5.20 $ kg H1 2 for a forecourt refu-
eling station with a H2 capacity of 1500 kg H2 d1 and
3.00 $ kg H12 for a central production facility with a H2 capacity
Anode (þ): 2H2O / O2 þ 4Hþ þ 4e. (3)
of 50,000 kg H2 d1. For PWE, Ainscough et al. [43] estimated
respective H2 production costs of 5.14 $ kg H1 2 and
5.12 $ kg H1 1
2 in 2013 for a forecourt (1500 kg H2 d ) and a
Overall reaction: 2H2O / 2H2 þ O2. (4)
centralized production (50,000 kg H2 d1) of H2 based on
Hydrogen Analysis version 3 (H2A v3) in the US. They also
One of the most promising areas for H2 produced from WE projected reduced H2 production costs of 4.23 $ kg H1 2 and
is a H2 fueling station for FCEVs. Fig. 1 shows a process flow 4.20 $ kg H1 2 in 2025 for a forecourt and centralized produc-
diagram for a H2 fueling station using alkaline water elec- tion, respectively. Parthasarathy and Narayanan [44] sum-
trolysis (AWE), high pressure PEM water electrolysis (PWE), marized H2 production costs of 0.75 $ kg H1 2 for SMR,
and SMR. Basically, a produced H2 from WE is stored and then 0.92 $ kg H1 2 for coal gasification, 1.21e2.42 $ kg H1 2 for
dispensed to FCEVs while the one from SMR should be purified biomass gasification, 2.56e2.97 $ kg H1 2 for electrolysis, and

using pressure swing adsorption (PSA) to meet strict re- 4.98 $ kg H12 for a photocatalytic process from various sources

quirements for FCEVs before being sent for storage and based on several studies. In addition, Gim and Yoon [45] per-
dispenser. Contrary to AWE and SMR requiring a compressor formed comparative economic analysis for on-site hydrogen
to pressurize the produced H2 for dispenser, no compressor is refueling stations in Korea using AWE and SMR. For a H2
necessary for high pressure PWE due to the production of production capacity of 30, 100, and 300 Nm3 h1, they reported
pressurized H2 enough for a dispenser. Zeng and Zhang [22] a unit hydrogen production cost in 2012 of 14.6, 10.0, and
reported a comprehensive review for AWE examining the 7.8 $ kg H1 2 (AWE) and 17.2, 10.7, and 7.1 $ kg H1 2 (SMR),
current status of the technology and identifying the R&D areas respectively. Their results showed that AWE is more
to be addressed for the commercialization of AWE. In addi- economical for a H2 production capacity 100 Nm3 h1 while
tion, future research directions focusing on electrode mate- SMR is more feasible for a H2 production capacity
rials, electrolyte additives, and bubble management, etc. were 300 Nm3 h1 based on economy of scale.
extensively discussed. A lot of works have been focused on the With growing interests in WE worldwide including Korea
development of efficient electro-catalysts for hydrogen evo- as a practical and environmental-friendly method to meet
lution reaction or oxygen evolution reaction [24,26,28]. More- increasing hydrogen demand, it is a timely approach to
over, Egelund et al. [30] demonstrated a low cost method for investigate the economic feasibility of WE while reflecting its
electrode manufacturing and reported a metallic composite current status in Korea. To assess an economic status of WE in
electrode material to improve oxygen evolution reaction at Korea, an economic analysis targeting hydrogen production
high temperature in commercial AWE. For PWE, Carmo et al. capacity of 30, 100, and 300 Nm3 h1 was carried out through
[37] presented a state-of-the-art PWE technology showing unit hydrogen production cost calculations based on cost data
higher current density and better partial load range compared obtained from a commercial supplier (EM Korea) and
6464 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 6 4 6 2 e6 4 7 1

Fig. 1 e H2 fueling station using (a) alkaline water electrolysis (AWE), (b) high pressure PEM water electrolysis (PWE), and (c)
steam methane reforming (SMR).

comparison studies with SMR were also performed. In addi- and reported with an average currency exchange rate of
tion, various economic analysis methods like sensitivity $1 ¼ 1200 won in 2015.
analysis (SA) and profitability analysis (PA) in terms of cash
flow diagram of a proposed project using a 30 Nm3 h1 PWE Capital cost
have been carried out with an aim to examine the feasibility of Purchase costs obtained from EM Korea, a Korean company
the project [46,47]. selling a wide range of WE equipment, were used for this
study with ones for SMR in Korea from a previous literature
[45]. Based on capital costs, itemized annual capital costs were
obtained by applying capital recovery factor (CRF) defined in
Equation (5).
Cost estimation N
i ð1 þ iÞ
; (5)
ð1 þ iÞ  1
Total cost is defined as the sum of capital costs and operating
costs in cost estimation, where capital costs include hydrogen where i is a discount rate (a conservative value of 8% in Korea
production equipment, storage, compressor, pump, used in this paper [45]) and N is economic analysis period,
dispenser, construction, and supplement while operating which is normally 10 or 20 years. Supplementary costs were
costs consist of electricity, labor, maintenance, other oper- assumed to be 20% of total equipment costs. In addition,
ating cost, water, land rent, and natural gas. In this work, cost following assumptions were made when converted into
estimation methods proposed by Turton et al. [46] and Sinnott annual capital cost.
and Towler [48] were extensively used and a chemical engi-
neering plant cost index (CEPCI) of 562.9 as of May 2015 was (1) There is no salvage value.
used for cost calculations to reflect the most recent cost data (2) For AWE and PWE, CRF is 0.1490 (n ¼ 10 years, discount
[48e50]. With cost estimation, a unit hydrogen production rate ¼ 8%) with 0.1019 for SMR (n ¼ 20 years, discount
cost for AWE, PWE, and SMR in Korea with hydrogen pro- rate ¼ 8%).
duction capacities of 30, 100, and 300 Nm3 h1 was calculated (3) A stream factor (SF) of a proposed project is 0.7.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 6 4 6 2 e6 4 7 1 6465

Operating cost 2 3
2 4 X
Operating costs are composed of electricity, labor, mainte- dDDB
k ¼ FCI  dj 5 (7)
nance, other operating cost, water, land rent, and natural gas. n j¼0

The annual electricity and water costs for WE were obtained

directly from EM Korea. The annual costs for land rent and ½FCI  S
natural gas were calculated based on the previously reported k ¼
dSL (8)
data [45]. In calculating the rest of operating costs, following
assumptions were made.
5) A project life is 10 years.
(1) The annual labor cost of full-time and part-time
6) Annual revenue of $572,162 obtained from EM Korea is
workers in Korea is $34,167 and $16,667, respectively.
used for a hydrogen production capacity of 30 Nm3 h1.
(2) Electricity price reflecting seasonal variations is used.
7) A unit hydrogen production cost including VAT is
(3) The maintenance cost is 2% of the total capital invest-
29.43 $ kg H12 and the average number of cars per day is
ment (TCI) and other operating cost is 1% of the TCI.
8) A range of a discount rate from 2 to 14% is used.

Cost exponent (n)

Costs for different capacities are well estimated based on a
general relationship between cost and capacity with a cost Results and discussion
exponent as shown in Equation (6) [46,48].
 n Unit hydrogen production cost
Ca Aa
¼ ; (6)
Cb Ab Cost estimation was carried out targeting hydrogen fueling
where C is purchase cost, A is equipment capacity, and n is stations with hydrogen production capacities of 30, 100, and
cost exponent. 300 Nm3 h1. Their respective itemized cost estimation and
In this paper, a good approximation of a six-tenth rule unit hydrogen production costs for alkaline water electrolysis
(n ¼ 0.6) was frequently used when no cost data with different (AWE), PEM water electrolysis (PWE), and steam methane
capacities are available [46,48,51] while actual cost exponent reforming (SMR) are presented in Tables 1e3. In estimating
was used when cost data were available. capital costs, both AWE and PWE sold by EM Korea were
chosen for this study and high pressure PWE with no addi-
tional compressor required was used while a compressor was
Sensitivity analysis (SA)
still necessary for AWE. As for SMR, cost data based on a
previous literature [45] coupled with CEPCI to reflect cost data
For identification of key parameters in cost estimation,
in 2015 were used for comparative studies with WE in Korea.
sensitivity analysis is widely used. The effect of a specific
Total costs are the sum of capital and operating costs and both
parameter on a unit hydrogen production cost was investi-
itemized and total unit hydrogen production costs are pre-
gated by varying its value (±20% as a preliminary study) while
sented for comparative studies. Unit hydrogen production
all others fixed [46,47,50,52,53]. The parameters studied in this
costs were calculated by dividing total annual costs by the
paper were natural gas, land rent, water, other cost, mainte-
amount of hydrogen produced. For the hydrogen production
nance, labor, electricity, supplement, construction, dispenser,
of 30 Nm3 h1 suitable for small scale applications, unit
compressor and pump, storage, and hydrogen production
hydrogen production costs of 17.99, 16.54, and 20.18 $ kg H1 2
were obtained for AWE, PWE, and SMR, respectively as shown
in Table 1. In this case, the order of unit hydrogen production
Profitability analysis (PA) cost was SMR > AWE > PWE. Same analysis has been done for
the hydrogen production capacity of 100 Nm3 h1 suitable for
To investigate the feasibility of a proposed project, a cumu- medium scale applications and respective unit hydrogen
lative cash flow diagram (CCFD) was constructed to under- production costs were 11.24, 10.66, and 11.80 $ kg H1
2 for AWE,
stand the relationship between capital investment and PWE, and SMR. These values are lower than the ones obtained
expected profits. The following assumptions were made to for 30 Nm3 h1 for all equipment and the order of
assess economic feasibility of a hydrogen fueling station with SMR > AWE > PWE was obtained still showing the advantage
a capacity of 30 Nm3 h1 [54e56]. of WE. However, respective unit hydrogen production costs of
8.12, 7.72, and 7.59 $ kg H12 were obtained from AWE, PWE,
1) Construction period is 2 years. and SMR for the hydrogen production capacity of 300 Nm3 h1
2) Working capital investment (WCI) is 15% of the total capital suitable for large scale applications with a new order of
investment (TCI). AWE > PWE > SMR. These results confirm the benefit of
3) Taxation rate is 30%. employing SMR for large scale hydrogen production.
4) A modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) The percentage distribution of capital and operating costs
combining double declining balance (DDB, Equation (7)) to unit hydrogen production cost for hydrogen production
and straight line (SL, Equation (8)) is used to calculate capacities of 30, 100, and 300 Nm3 h1 is shown in Fig. 2.
depreciation. Apparently, unit hydrogen production costs decreased with
6466 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 6 4 6 2 e6 4 7 1

Table 1 e Itemized cost estimation for a hydrogen production capacity of 30 Nm3 h¡1.
Items AWEa/$ y1 Hydrogen PWEa/$ y1 Hydrogen SMRb/$ y1 Hydrogen
production production production
cost (AWE)/$ kg H1
2 cost (PWE)/$ kg H1
2 cost (SMR)/ $ kg H1

1. Capital cost 154,924 9.33 123,814 7.46 168,833 10.17

H2 production 49,676 2.99 44,709 2.69 58,647 3.53
Storage 4244 0.26 4244 0.26 4244 0.26
Compressor, Pump 21,219 1.28 e e 21,219 1.28
Dispenser 21,219 1.28 21,219 1.28 21,219 1.28
Construction 42,438 2.56 42,438 2.56 42,438 2.56
Supplement 16,127 0.97 11,204 0.68 21,066 1.27
2. Operating cost 143,878 8.66 150,818 9.08 166,309 10.01
Electricity 50,142 3.02 64,332 3.87 8596 0.52
Labor 50,833 3.06 50,833 3.06 50,833 3.06
Maintenancec 15,833 0.95 11,000 0.66 30,812 1.86
Other operating costd 7917 0.48 5500 0.33 18,295 1.10
Water 433 0.03 433 0.03 e e
Land rent 18,720 1.13 18,720 1.13 e e
Natural gas e e e e 57,773 3.48
3. Total cost 298,802 17.99 274,632 16.54 335,142 20.18
Cost data obtained from EM Korea currently selling water electrolyzer in Korea.
Cost data based on a previous report by Gim and Yoon [45].
2% of total capital investment (TCI).
1% of TCI.

Table 2 e Itemized cost estimation for a hydrogen production capacity of 100 Nm3 h¡1.
Items AWEa/$ y1 Hydrogen PWEa/$ y1 Hydrogen SMRb/$ y1 Hydrogen
production production production
cost (AWE)/$ kg H1
2 cost (PWE)/$ kg H1
2 cost (SMR)/$ kg H1

1. Capital cost 314,089 5.66 254,975 4.60 297,678 5.37

H2 production 136,574 2.46 92,071 1.66 115,692 2.09
Storage 8739 0.16 8739 0.16 8739 0.16
Compressor, Pump 37,760 0.68 e e 37,760 0.68
Dispenser 39,666 0.72 43,697 0.79 39,666 0.72
Construction 55,449 1.00 87,395 1.58 55,449 1.00
Supplement 35,901 0.65 23,072 0.42 40,372 0.73
2. Operating cost 309,630 5.58 336,143 6.06 356,964 6.43
Electricity 160,455 2.89 205,861 3.71 15,043 0.27
Labor 67,500 1.22 67,500 1.22 67,500 1.22
Maintenancec 35,248 0.64 22,653 0.41 62,587 1.13
Other operating costd 17,624 0.32 11,326 0.20 33,701 0.61
Water 1443 0.03 1443 0.03 e e
Land rent 27,360 0.49 27,360 0.49 e e
Natural gas e e e e 178,133 3.21
3. Total cost 623,719 11.24 591,118 10.66 654,641 11.80
Cost data obtained from EM Korea currently selling water electrolyzer in Korea.
Cost data based on a previous report by Gim and Yoon [45].
2% of total capital investment (TCI).
1% of TCI.

increased hydrogen capacity and it results from the reduction using CEPCI. Based on our estimated data for hydrogen ca-
in the contribution of capital costs with hydrogen capacity due pacities of 30, 100, and 300 Nm3 h1 coupled with a non-
to economy of scale [45,46]. The US DOE reported a unit regression method and a currency exchange rate of
hydrogen production cost of 4.90e5.70 $ kg H1 2 in 2009 for a $1 ¼ 1200 won, expected unit hydrogen production costs of
forecourt fueling station [42] with a hydrogen production ca- 5.77 and 5.63 $ kg H12 were obtained for AWE and PWE,
pacity of 1500 kg d1 (approximately 700 Nm3 h1) and this is respectively with a hydrogen production capacity of
equivalent to 5.28 and 6.15 $ kg H1 2 in 2015 when converted 700 Nm3 h1. For a case of a currency exchange rate of
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 6 4 6 2 e6 4 7 1 6467

Table 3 e Itemized cost estimation for a hydrogen production capacity of 300 Nm3 h¡1.
Items AWEa/$ y1 Hydrogen PWEa/$ y1 Hydrogen SMRb/$ y1 Hydrogen
production production production
cost (AWE)/$ kg H1
2 cost (PWE)/$ kg H1
2 cost (SMR)/$ kg H1

1. Capital cost 642,605 3.87 492,913 2.97 510,014 3.07

H2 production 343,677 2.07 177,989 1.07 215,052 1.30
Storage 16,895 0.10 16,895 0.10 16,895 0.10
Compressor, 63,889 0.39 e e 63,889 0.39
Dispenser 70,199 0.42 84,475 0.51 70,199 0.42
Construction 70,772 0.43 168,950 1.02 70,772 0.43
Supplement 77,173 0.47 44,603 0.27 73,207 0.44
2. Operating cost 705,188 4.25 789,387 4.75 751,152 4.52
Electricity 467,037 2.81 599,202 3.61 65,185 0.39
Labor 84,167 0.51 84,167 0.51 84,167 0.51
Maintenancec 75,770 0.46 43,792 0.26 111,694 0.67
Other operating costd 37,885 0.23 21,896 0.13 68,365 0.41
Water 4330 0.03 4330 0.03 e e
Land rent 36,000 0.22 36,000 0.22 e e
Natural gas e e e e 421,742 2.54
3. Total cost 1,347,794 8.12 1,282,299 7.72 1,261,166 7.59
Cost data obtained from EM Korea currently selling water electrolyzer in Korea.
Cost data based on a previous report by Gim and Yoon [45].
2% of total capital investment (TCI).
1% of TCI.

Fig. 2 e Percentage distribution of capital and operating costs to unit H2 production cost.

$1 ¼ 1000 accounting for its fluctuation, these values increase analysis data for WE based on cost data from a company (EM
to 6.93 and 6.76 $ kg H1
2 , respectively. Therefore, even though Korea) currently selling commercial electrolyzer in Korea.
direct comparison is not possible between US and Korea due
to several factors such as natural gas price, electricity price, Sensitivity analysis (SA)
labor, exchange rate, etc., it can be concluded that a reason-
able range of unit hydrogen production cost for WE in Korea is Sensitivity analysis is frequently employed in cost estima-
obtained when compared to one in the US. Furthermore, it is tion to identify key factors to affect unit hydrogen produc-
very meaningful to have the most up-to-date economic tion cost, for example, and to understand their correlation.
6468 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 6 4 6 2 e6 4 7 1

Fig. 3 e Sensitivity analysis for different H2 production capacities.

In this study, effect of all itemized factors presented in production equipment more influential compared to
Tables 1e3 on the unit hydrogen production cost was stud- 30 Nm3 h1. Lastly, for a hydrogen production capacity of
ied thoroughly by varying the factors (±20%) and SA results 300 Nm3 h1, for both AWE and PWE, electricity became
for a hydrogen production capacity of 30, 100 and more influential on the unit hydrogen production cost while
300 Nm3 h1 are shown in Fig. 3 with the most influential labor, an important factor for 30 and 100 Nm3 h1, became
factor marked with the symbol (*). For 30 Nm3 h1, H2 pro- less significant. For SMR, natural gas was still the most
duction equipment for AWE, electricity for PWE, and natural important factor, but less influential for a large scale
gas for SMR were the most influential factors on unit hydrogen production (300 Nm3 h1) compared to small or
hydrogen production cost. The next ones were labor and medium scale hydrogen production (30 and 100 Nm3 h1).
electricity for AWE while H2 production equipment for PWE One interesting thing to note is that the effect of H2 pro-
and SMR. For an increased H2 production capacity to duction equipment on the unit hydrogen production cost for
100 Nm3 h1, a similar trend was observed, however, elec- AWE and SMR became significant from 30 to 100 Nm3 h1
tricity and H2 production equipment became more dominant while it was less compelling with increased H2 production
for AWE and electricity was more influential for PWE. For capacity from 100 to 300 Nm3 h1. For AWE, PWE, and SMR,
SMR, natural gas and H2 production equipment were still key the effect of labor on the unit hydrogen production cost
factors, but effect of natural gas was less dominant with H2 became minor as H2 production capacity increased.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 6 4 6 2 e6 4 7 1 6469


To assess the current economic status of water electrolysis

(WE) in Korea, various analysis methods such as cost esti-
mation, sensitivity analysis, and profitability analysis have
been tried for alkaline water electrolysis (AWE), high pressure
PEM water electrolysis (PWE), and steam methane reforming
(SMR) with a hydrogen production capacity ranging from 30 to
300 Nm3 h1. Based on cost estimation, it was found that the
order of unit hydrogen production cost was SMR
(20.18 $ kg H1 1 1
2 ) > AWE (17.99 $ kg H2 ) > PWE (16.54 $ kg H2 )
3 1 1
for 30 Nm h while AWE (8.12 $ kg H2 ) > PWE
(7.72 $ kg H1 1 3 1
2 ) > SMR (7.59 $ kg H2 ) for 300 Nm h indicating
Fig. 4 e Cash flow diagram (CFD) for a small scale hydrogen that small scale applications favor WE contrary to large scale
fueling station (30 Nm3 h¡1) with different discount rates. applications favoring SMR. Through sensitivity analysis (SA),
the effect of key factors on the unit hydrogen production cost
was investigated and different key factors depending on a
In summary, different key factors to affect the unit hydrogen production capacity such as H2 production equip-
hydrogen production cost were identified for different ment, electricity, natural gas, etc. were determined. Finally,
hydrogen production capacities based on SA and this can be the profitability analysis (PA) for a 10-year project with a
used as a useful tool to understand the relationship between hydrogen production capacity of 30 Nm3 h1 coupled with
cost variables and unit hydrogen production cost. cash flow diagrams for different discount rates from 2 to 14%
provided a discounted payback period (DPBP), net present
value (NPV), and present value ratio (PVR) for each discount
Profitability analysis (PA): cumulative cash flow diagram rate with a discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR) of
(CCFD) 14.01%.

As a profitability analysis, a cumulative cash flow diagram for

a 10-year project with initial a construction period of 2 years
and variations of discount rates from 2 to 14% for a hydrogen Acknowledgements
production capacity of 30 Nm3 h1 was constructed (Fig. 4).
Clearly, different discounted cash flow patterns were obtained This work was supported by the New & Renewable Energy
depending on discount rates. The highest discounted cumu- Core Technology Program of the Korea Institute of Energy
lative cash position, also known as a net present value (NPV), Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP), granted finan-
of $1,042,000 was obtained with a discount rate of 2% while cial resource from the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy,
$34,000 with a discount rate of 14%. In addition, a discounted Republic of Korea (No. 20153010041750).
cash flow rate of return (DCFROR), a maximum discount rate
to guarantee a net present value of at least zero at the end of
the project period, was found to be 14.01% for this project.
Finally, a discounted payback period (DPBP), NPV, and present
FCEVs Fuel cell electric vehicles
value ratio (PVR), defined as the ratio of all positive cash flows
SNG Synthetic natural gas
and all negative cash flows, for different discount rates [46]
WE Water electrolysis
were calculated based on PA as shown in Table 4. From this
SMR Steam methane reforming
analysis, a general trend of higher DPBP, lower NPV, lower PVR
PEM Polymer electrolyte membrane/proton exchange
for higher discount rate was obtained clearly showing the
effect of a discount rate in the PA.
AWE Alkaline water electrolysis
PWE PEM water electrolysis
PSA Pressure swing adsorption
Table 4 e Analysis from cumulative cash flow diagram for US United States
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2 6 8 10 14
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NPVb/1000$ 1042 572 397 253 34
TCI Total capital investment
PVRc 1.87 1.50 1.36 1.24 1.03
CCFD Cumulative cash flow diagram
DPBP (discounted payback period). WCI Working capital investment
NPV (net present value).
c MACRs Modified accelerated cost recovery system
PVR (present value ratio).
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