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Competency Checklist-One-Person Transfer

Competency Checklist

Procedure Date Initial Comments

Check care plan/CNA instruction for
appropriate transfer technique
Gather equipment, explain procedure &
screen for privacy
Wash hands upon entering room
Ensure bed & wheelchair brakes are locked
Position chair/wheelchair/commode at
resident’s strong side if possible
Lock wheels of wheelchair, remove foot
Assist resident to sitting position on edge of
Place resident’s feet firmly on floor ensuring
resident has proper footwear with shoes
Apply gait belt & stand facing resident with
feet shoulder-width apart
Have resident place hands on staff
member’s shoulders. DO NOT ALLOW
Grasp gait belt firmly at each side of
Brace knees against resident’s knees or
place staff member’s knees on outside of
resident’s knees to block feet from sliding
Have resident lean forward, count to 3 and
have resident push up with legs while staff
member pulls resident to standing position
by straightening legs & hips
If transferring from
wheelchair/chair/commode have resident
place hands on armrests and push up while
staff member pulls resident to standing
Pivot entire body & resident’s body & lower
resident into wheelchair by bending at
knees & hips as resident sits into chair
Apply foot rests
Ensure proper body alignment & positioning
devices in place
Ensure call light is within resident’s reach
Document procedure in designated location

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