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Health Communication

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Communication between Advanced Cancer

Patients and Their Family Caregivers: Relationship
with Caregiver Burden and Preparedness for

Amy K. Otto, Dana Ketcher, Richard E. Heyman, Susan T. Vadaparampil, Lee

Ellington & Maija Reblin

To cite this article: Amy K. Otto, Dana Ketcher, Richard E. Heyman, Susan T. Vadaparampil, Lee
Ellington & Maija Reblin (2020): Communication between Advanced Cancer Patients and Their
Family Caregivers: Relationship with Caregiver Burden and Preparedness for Caregiving, Health
Communication, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1712039

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Published online: 08 Jan 2020.

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Communication between Advanced Cancer Patients and Their Family Caregivers:

Relationship with Caregiver Burden and Preparedness for Caregiving
Amy K. Otto a, Dana Ketcher a
, Richard E. Heyman b
, Susan T. Vadaparampil a
, Lee Ellington c
and Maija Reblin a
Department of Health Outcomes & Behavior, Moffitt Cancer Center; bFaculty of Health, New York University; cCollege of Nursing, University of Utah

Cancer impacts spouse caregivers, especially when couples engage in dyadic coping around the cancer.
Communication is a key factor in this process. Our goals were to describe cancer-related communication
between advanced cancer patients and their spouse caregivers, and to describe how dyadic communication
patterns are related to caregivers’ reported burden and preparedness for caregiving. Caregivers completed
measures of caregiver burden and preparedness for caregiving. Then, the patient and caregiver were asked
to interact with each other in two structured discussions: a neutral discussion and a problem discussion
focused on cancer. Discussions were coded using the Rapid Marital Interaction Coding System (RMICS2).
Caregivers reported moderate levels of preparation and burden. Greater caregiver hostility communication
predicted higher levels of caregiver burden, whereas greater caregiver dysphoric affect communication
predicted lower levels of caregiver burden. Whereas positivity was more common than hostility in couples’
communication, patient hostility was a significant predictor of caregiver preparedness. Patient neutral
constructive problem discussion was also associated with increased caregiver preparedness. Caregiver
outcomes are an understudied component to dyadic cancer research. Our paper describes observational
data on cancer-related communication between caregivers and advanced cancer patients and communica-
tion’s influence on caregiver outcomes. This work provides the foundation for future evidence-based
communication interventions that may influence both patient and caregiver outcomes.

Introduction 2014; Traa et al., 2015). Other work has found that commu-
nication is a specific unmet desire for caregivers, who recog-
Life-limiting cancer impacts both the patient and their spouse
nize that communication can be difficult but want more of it
caregiver. Not only will the cancer become a stressor for both
(Fried, Bradley, O’Leary, & Byers, 2005). A systematic review
(e.g., both spouses will be taking on new roles and may be
of psychosocial interventions for cancer caregivers suggested
worried about the patient’s health), but patients and their
that communication skills interventions might particularly
spouse caregivers often engage in dyadic coping. This involves
improve caregiver quality of life (Waldron, Janke, Bechtel,
making sense of and negotiating how to manage the illness
Ramirez, & Cohen, 2013). Additionally, worse dyadic com-
together. Various models and theories of dyadic coping exist
munication is associated with lower concordance between
(Traa, De Vries, Bodenmann, & Den Oudsten, 2015), but the
patient and caregiver preferences regarding end-of-life deci-
Cognitive-Transactional Model of couples’ adaptation to
sions (Shin et al., 2015), which may increase the risk of
chronic illness is a recent model that synthesizes and extends
patients receiving medical care that is inconsistent with their
previous work (Badr & Acitelli, 2017). In this model, indivi-
preferences. Perceived or actual incongruence between
dual appraisal and coping becomes dyadic when the owner-
a patient’s received care and preferences is also associated
ship of an illness is shared, or in response to the sharing of an
with greater patient physical distress and psychological dis-
individual coping process. Further, the effectiveness of coping
tress (Mack, Weeks, Wright, Block, & Prigerson, 2010), lower
on individual or relationship outcomes is dependent on self-
quality of life (Mack et al., 2010), and greater health care
and dyadic-efficacy.
utilization costs (Teno, Fisher, Hamel, Coppola, & Dawson,
Because individual coping processes often need to be
2002). Interventions that improve communication, and thus
shared to encourage dyadic coping, communication is a key
quality of life (Waldron et al., 2013), then have the potential
component to the Cognitive-Transactional Model (Falconier
to improve well-being for both patient and caregiver.
& Kuhn, 2019). Several reviews on couples coping with cancer
However, the evidence base is scant when it comes to deter-
have suggested that better communication between couples is
mining what is normal or ideal for communication about
associated with more congruent beliefs and goals and higher
cancer for patients and their spouse caregivers (Badr, 2017).
levels of intimacy and relationship satisfaction (Li & Loke,
Some research indicates that positive communication, such as

CONTACT Maija Reblin Department of Health Outcomes & Behavior, Moffitt Cancer Center, 12902 Magnolia Dr, Tampa, FL 33602,
© 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

self-disclosure, partner responsiveness, and engagement will gastrointestinal oncology clinics at a National Cancer
facilitate positive psychological outcomes in couples coping Institute Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.
with cancer, whereas more hostile communication behaviors, Inclusion criteria for patients were (a) a diagnosis of stage
such as criticism, will compromise these outcomes (Manne & III or IV non-small cell lung cancer or pancreatic, esophageal,
Badr, 2008). gastric, gallbladder, colorectal, hepatocellular, or bile duct
Thus far, little attention has been paid to caregiver out- cancer; (b) a Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) score of
comes. A recent priority statement (Kent et al., 2016) identi- 70+ at time of enrollment; (c) a physician-estimated prognosis
fied informal cancer care burden as a key area for research. of more than 6 months; and (d) undergoing active treatment
Although some research exists to determine factors that influ- at the cancer center. Patients had to be cohabiting with
ence caregiver burden, much of this work focuses on popula- a spouse or partner who self-identified as providing some
tions with early-stage cancer (Manne et al., 2004; Scott, care and who also agreed to participate in this study. All
Halford, & Ward, 2004; Van Ryn et al., 2011). Notably, participants were required to be over 18 years of age and
caregivers for patients at later disease stages are at increased able to communicate in English.
risk for anxiety and depression (Kurtz, Kurtz, Given, & Given,
2005; Rhee et al., 2008; Rumpold et al., 2016). Some research
suggests that communication between caregivers and patients
is a determinant of caregiver burden, as would be expected Participants provided informed consent and were asked to
from the Cognitive-Transactional Model (Falconier & Kuhn, complete a self-report questionnaire independently. Patients
2019). Without effective communication, dyadic coping is and caregivers reported on demographics. Caregivers also
impeded. Further, self-reported preparedness for caregiving completed measures of caregiver burden and preparedness
is important. Caregiver preparedness in previous work has for caregiving:
been shown to be a key factor for caregiver well-being and
can predict aspects of role strain (Archbold, Stewart, Montgomery Caregiver Burden Scale (MCBS)
Greenlick, & Harvath, 1990), quality of life (Rha, Park, Song, The MCBS is a 14-item, 3-subscale measure assessing the
Lee, & Lee, 2015), and multiple dimensions of mood impact of caregiving on three dimensions of burden:
(Schumacher, Stewart, & Archbold, 2007). Objective Burden, Demand Burden, and Stress Burden
More research is needed with a focus on communication in (Montgomery, Gonyea, & Hooyman, 1985; Montgomery,
couples coping with advanced cancer (Given, Given, & Stull, & Borgatta, 1985). Objective Burden is the perceived
Kozachik, 2001) and to determine how patient-caregiver com- interruption of tangible aspects of a caregiver’s life. Demand
munication impacts caregiver burden. Additionally, little Burden is the perceived demands of caregiving responsibil-
research has been done to determine how communication ities. Stress Burden is the perceived emotional response to
impacts caregiver preparedness for caregiving. caregiving responsibilities (Ferrell & Mazanec, 2009;
Montgomery et al., 1985). Responses are given on a five-
point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (a lot less) to 5 (a lot
First, we sought to describe cancer-related communication
between advanced cancer patients and their spouse Family Care Inventory (FCI) – Preparedness subscale
caregivers. Second, we aimed to describe how dyadic commu- The 8-item Preparedness subscale of the FCI assesses the
nication patterns are related to caregivers’ reported burden perceived level of preparation for various facets of caregiving
and preparedness for caregiving. We hypothesized that more such as dealing with physical needs and emotional problems,
positive communication during stressful cancer-related dis- as well as previous caregiving experience (Archbold et al.,
cussions would be related to higher self-reported caregiver 1990; Schumacher et al., 2007).
preparedness and lower self-reported caregiver burden, After completing the questionnaires, the couple was asked
whereas more hostile communication would have the inverse to interact with each other in two structured discussions used
effect. in previous research (Manne et al., 2004). First, couples
engaged in a 10-minute neutral discussion in which they
were instructed to talk as normally as possible about some-
Materials and methods
thing they recently saw on television or read. Next, partici-
The present study is a secondary analysis of data gathered as pants independently completed the Cancer Inventory of
part of a prospective observational study of couples coping Problem Situations (Heinrich, Schag, & Ganz, 1984), in
with advanced cancer. A detailed description of study meth- which a list of 20 common cancer concerns (e.g., lack of
ods can be found elsewhere (Reblin et al., 2018). All proce- energy, finances, overprotection) are rated as being not
dures were conducted with Institutional Review Board a problem, somewhat of a problem, or a severe problem.
approval. After completing this measure, concerns that (a) at least one
member of the couple rated as a severe problem, or (b) both
members of the couple rated as at least somewhat of a problem
were used as a prompt for a cancer-related problem discus-
Couples consisting of advanced cancer patients and their sion. Couples were asked to have a 10-minute conversation
spouse caregivers were recruited from thoracic and describing the concerns, how the concerns made them feel,

and why they felt the concerns were a problem. Discussions Table 1. Descriptions and examples of RMICS2 codes.
were audio-recorded . Code Definition Examples
Trained coders coded and timestamped communication Hostility, Intense negative affect. Includes ● Why are we still even
behaviors within discussion audio recordings using the High- contempt, belligerence, and in this relationship?
Intensity character assassination. ● Of course – you always
Rapid Marital Interaction Coding System, 2nd Generation (HH) think about yourself.
(RMICS2; Heyman, Wojda, Hopfield, & Salas, 2015). That’s just what you do.
Although the problem discussion was of primary interest for
the present study, both discussions were coded using Hostility, Low- Mild to medium intensity ● I’m bothered by you
Intensity negative affect. Includes blame/ not fixing anything
RMICS2. The unit of analysis used in the present study was (HL) criticism (focus on behavior around the house.
speaker turn, whereby each time an individual takes the floor instead of character) and ● Shut up.
to speak is a turn. For instance, an interaction where the
Constructive Includes descriptions of the ● When I take that
patient speaks, the caregiver speaks, and the patient speaks Problem problem, solutions, and medication I feel
again consists of three turns. Codes represent the emotional Discussion questions. groggy.
valence of the speaker’s behavior (verbal and paraverbal) (PD) ● We could be better at
during the turn and are organized into a continuum from
negative (i.e., hostile) to positive: high hostility, low hostility, Positivity, Measured positive affect and ● This is my favorite
constructive problem discussion, low positivity, and high posi- Low- low-level bonding within the time of day.
tivity. Constructive problem discussion represents a more emo- Intensity couple. Includes (low-intensity) ● I appreciate that you
(PL) self-disclosure, humor. cleaned the house the
tionally neutral discussion of the problem or conversational other day without me
topic. Two other communication codes exist outside of this asking you to do so.
hostility-positivity continuum: dysphoric affect and other.
Each speaker turn is given a single communication code. If Positivity, Intense positive affect, and ● I love you.
High- statements that focus on deep ● You’re the funniest per-
a speaker turn includes more than one type of communication Intensity connection and character. son I know.
behavior, it is coded based on the most salient behavior (PH) Includes (high-intensity) self-
during that speaker turn. If multiple behaviors are equally disclosure, humor.
Dysphoric Sad or depressed expressed ● I’m useless. I can’t
salient during a speaker turn, the code is assigned using on Affect (DY) emotional states. Includes even mow the lawn
a hierarchy based on intensity and valence: A high-intensity negative self-evaluations and anymore.
code supersedes a low-intensity code; a negative code super- helplessness. ● I just don’t know what
else I can do.
sedes a positive code, which supersedes the neutral code,
which supersedes the “other” code. Other (OT) Talk about the experimental ● Do you think the
Codes and examples are described in Table 1. Because situation. recorder stopped?
high-intensity behaviors were relatively infrequent in the pre-
sent study, high- and low-intensity hostility were collapsed
into a single hostility variable for analysis; similarly, high- and
low-intensity positivity were collapsed into a single positivity discussion. To address the second aim, these patient and
variable. The frequency of each code was calculated and caregiver difference scores (for hostility, positivity, construc-
divided by the total number of speaker turns in the discussion tive problem discussion, and dysphoric affect) were entered in
(including both patient and caregiver speaker turns); thus, a path analysis as predictors of caregiver burden and prepa-
participants were left with a total score for each of the five redness for caregiving.
codes (i.e., hostility, constructive problem discussion, positiv-
ity, dysphoric affect, and other) that represented a percentage
of the total speaker turns in the discussion.
A random sample of 20% of problem discussions was Table 2 provides demographic information on the sample,
coded by a second coder to calculate interrater reliability; which comprised 84 patient-caregiver dyads.
interrater agreement was excellent, with kappa values on all Descriptive statistics for communication and caregiver self-
codes collapsed by interaction ranging from .76 to .98. report variables are displayed in Table 3. On average, care-
givers reported relatively high levels of Objective Burden
(M = 22.23), only slightly below the cutoff score of 23
(Montgomery et al., 1985). Demand Burden was somewhat
To address the first aim, descriptive statistics were calculated lower (M = 11.80), but the average Stress Burden was over the
for the neutral and problem discussion communication vari- established cutoff of 13.5 for elevated levels (M = 14.02).
ables. Paired-samples t-tests were conducted to evaluate dif- Caregivers reported feeling moderately prepared for caregiv-
ferences in communication between caregivers and patients as ing on average (M = 21.33, possible range = 0–32).
well as between men and women. In both the neutral and problem discussions, patients and
For each participant, a difference score was calculated for caregivers averaged 50 speaker turns each. The most common
each RMICS2 variable to account for any baseline individual type of behavior in both discussions was constructive problem
differences in communication; for example, those who are discussion. The problem discussion had comparatively more
more hostile during a neutral discussion would be expected affective codes (i.e., hostility, positivity, and dysphoric affect),
to be more hostile during a cancer-related problem which is unsurprising given the discussion topic. In the

Table 2. Demographic characteristics (N = 84 dyads). communication variables and Objective Burden. Patient com-
Patients Caregivers munication variables also were not associated with Demand
Variable M SD M SD Burden or Stress Burden. However, greater caregiver hostility
Age 66.6 9.3 64.4 9.1 was associated with greater Demand Burden (B = 0.27,
Years in relationship – – 34.2 15.6 z = 3.16, p = .002) and greater Stress Burden (B = 0.16,
n % n %
Female 24 28.6 60 71.4 z = 2.11, p = .035); that is, when caregivers exhibited more
Ethnicity hostility, they perceived caregiving to be more demanding and
Non-Hispanic/Latinx 81 96.4 77 91.7
Hispanic/Latinx 3 3.6 5 6.0 felt more stressed about caregiving responsibilities. Greater
Missing 0 0.0 2 2.4 caregiver dysphoric affect was associated with significantly
White/Caucasian 79 94.0 77 91.7
lower Stress Burden (B = −0.18, z = −2.18, p = .029), meaning
Black/African American 4 4.8 3 3.6 that when caregivers exhibited more sadness, they felt less
American Indian/Alaska Native 1 1.2 1 1.2 stressed about their caregiving responsibilities.
Other 0 0.0 1 1.2
Missing 0 0.0 2 2.4 Patient hostility was significantly associated with caregiver
Education preparedness (B = 0.62, z = 2.00, p = .046), such that when
7–11 years 3 3.6 2 2.4
High school graduate or equivalent 13 15.5 13 15.5 patients exhibited more hostility, their caregivers felt more
Some college, or vocational school 28 33.3 30 35.7 prepared for caregiving. Patient constructive problem discus-
College graduate (4 years) 15 17.9 13 15.5 sion was also associated with increased caregiver preparedness
Some graduate or professional school 6 7.1 6 7.1
Graduate or professional degree 19 22.6 20 23.8 (B = 0.34, z = 1.97, p = .049). No caregiver communication
Employment variables were associated with caregiver preparedness.
Not currently employed 64 76.2 51 60.7
Employed part-time 5 6.0 10 11.9 As the Cognitive-Transactional Model suggests that prepa-
Employed full-time 14 16.7 20 23.8 redness for caregiving (conceptualized as a form of self-
Missing 1 1.2 3 3.6 efficacy) may be a mediating factor in the relationship
Annual household income
$10,000–$24,999 5 6.0 4 4.8 between dyadic communication and caregiver outcomes, pre-
$25,000–$39,999 12 14.3 13 15.5 paredness was also explored as a potential mediator of rela-
$40,000–$49,999 8 9.5 8 9.5
$50,000–$74,999 25 29.8 23 27.4 tionships between communication variables and caregiver
$75,000 or more 32 38.1 35 41.7 outcomes. Preparedness was removed from the model as an
Missing 2 2.4 1 1.2
outcome, and considered as a mediator of the remaining
significant effects between hostility and Stress Burden, hosti-
lity and Demand Burden, and dysphoric affect and Stress
problem discussion, patients and caregivers did not signifi- Burden. However, preparedness did not significantly mediate
cantly differ in hostility (t = −1.83, df = 83, p = .072) or any of these effects.
positivity (; t = 1.16, df = 83, p = .251), but patients expressed
significantly more dysphoric affect than caregivers (t = 3.15,
df = 83, p = .002). Analyses comparing males and females
revealed no significant differences in any of these communi- This is one of the first studies to outline how advanced cancer
cation variables. patients and their spouse caregivers communicate about can-
Analyses to determine communication factors associated cer. Because communication is a critical process through
with caregiver preparedness and burden (see Figure 1) found which couples make sense of cancer and coordinate coping
no significant relationships between patient or caregiver (Badr, 2017; Traa et al., 2015), it is important to establish

Table 3. Descriptive statistics for communication and caregiver self-report variables (N = 84 dyads).
Patients Caregivers
Variable M SD Mdn Min Obs Max Obs M SD Mdn Min Obs Max Obs
MCBS Objective Burden – – – – – 22.23 3.71 22 14 30
MCBS Demand Burden – – – – – 11.80 3.03 12 4 19
MCBS Stress Burden – – – – – 14.02 2.48 14 8 20
FCI Preparedness – – – – – 21.21 6.28 21 5 32
Communication Variables: Neutral Discussion
Hostility (High & Low Intensity) 0.23 0.71 0 0 4 0.34 0.96 0 0 5
Constructive Problem Discussion 45.39 4.98 46.78 28 52 45.86 5.77 47 25 67
Positivity (High & Low Intensity) 2.99 3.43 2.26 0 16 2.78 3.38 2 0 16
Dysphoric Affect 0.24 0.82 0 0 5 0.05 0.26 0 0 2
Other 0.91 1.77 0 0 8 1.15 2.13 0 0 11
Grand Total (All Speaker Turns) 49.81 4.1 50 31 69 50.18 4.10 50 31 69
Communication Variables: Problem Discussion
Hostility (High & Low Intensity) 0.57 1.39 0 0 8 0.97 2.00 0 0 11
Constructive Problem Discussion 39.29 6.64 40.79 23 54 40.33 6.04 41 20 49
Positivity (High & Low Intensity) 7.19 5.38 5.88 0 29 6.45 4.79 6 0 24
Dysphoric Affect 2.03 3.22 0.81 0 13 0.96 2.17 0 0 13
Other 0.92 1.57 0 0 8 1.28 2.24 0 0 10
Grand Total (All Speaker Turns) 50.01 3.9 50 33 60 49.99 3.90 50 40 67

Figure 1. Simplified diagram of path model with results.

Note. Predictors represent difference scores (neutral discussion score subtracted from problem discussion score). Bolded lines indicate significant relationships
(p < .05); thin, dotted lines represent non-significant relationships (p > .05).

a sense of what typical and beneficial communication patterns When both individuals have agreed to the same expectations,
look like before developing interventions. it is less likely for conflict to arise.
The majority of communication about cancer in our Although positivity was more common than hostility in
study was emotionally-neutral constructive problem discus- our study, patient hostility was more strongly associated with
sion. However, about 20% of talk in the problem discussions greater caregiver burden and, interestingly, preparedness. This
was more affective; of this affective talk, positivity vastly may be due to the greater weight that negative emotional
outweighed both hostility and dysphoric affect. This sug- communication may carry in impacting psychosocial out-
gests that most of couples’ discussion about cancer-related comes (Gottman, 1994; Manne, Badr, Zaider, Nelson, &
concerns may involve information exchange, deliberation, Kissane, 2010; Manne et al., 2004). In contrast, previous
and logistics, rather than emotional expression. This is work on dementia patient-caregiver communication and care-
similar to patterns seen in other cancer-relevant interperso- giver depression indicates that patient positive communica-
nal interactions between patients and caregivers and their tion is linked to lower levels of caregiver depression (Braun
providers (Ellington, Clayton, Reblin, Donaldson, & et al., 2010). Our finding that caregiver hostility is associated
Latimer, 2018; Laidsaar-Powell et al., 2016). However, with more subjective types of burden may indicate that hosti-
when couples do express emotion, it most often is positive lity disrupts this congruence of expectations, leading to higher
and rarely hostile. These patterns are similar to findings in perceived caregiver burden. Evidence from research on dyads
previous research on non-clinically distressed couples coping with cancer indicates that communication that inhibits
(Braun, Mura, Peter-Wight, Hornung, & Scholz, 2010; open communication, like hostility, can have an adverse effect
Heyman, Eddy, Weiss, & Vivian, 1995; Manne et al., on outcomes (Regan et al., 2015). Alternatively, when expec-
2004). Further, these are, on average, long-term relation- tations differ such that caregivers take on more than they can
ships among older adults. Previous research has shown that cope with, they may deplete their emotion-regulation capacity
this population tends to optimize positive experiences, often and respond with hostility (Arndt et al., 2014; Trougakos,
by avoiding conflict (Luong, Charles, & Fingerman, 2011); Beal, Cheng, Hideg, & Zweig, 2015).
more hostile relationships may have ended prior to this Only caregiver communication was associated with per-
point. ceived caregiver burden, whereas only patient communication
Patient-caregiver communication patterns were not related was associated with preparedness for caregiving. Although
to Objective Burden, although they were significantly asso- subjective burden and caregiver preparedness have often
ciated with more subjective types of burden (i.e., Demand been highly correlated in previous research (Fujinami et al.,
Burden and Stress Burden). This is similar to other work 2015; Grant et al., 2013), our findings may indicate how these
that suggests that although the actual tasks caregivers take two related measures are distinguished conceptually. Burden
on are important, the appraisal of tasks as either demands may be a more intrapersonal assessment of one’s own current
or opportunities can shape the caregiving experience capacity, whereas preparedness for caregiving may be a more
(Fletcher, Miaskowski, Given, & Schumacher, 2012; Kang interpersonal assessment of one’s future capacity, based on
et al., 2013). Communication specifically may be the status of another individual. For example, a caregiver at
a fundamental mechanism by which couples mutually any given time may feel overwhelmed and thus indicate high
appraise caregiving and process stress associated with cancer levels of burden, but because the patient seems to be improv-
(Li & Loke, 2014). For example, more effective interpersonal ing, the caregiver may also indicate a high level of prepared-
communication may ensure patients and caregivers have con- ness for future care. Similarly, our finding that increased
gruent and mutually-agreed-upon expectations for care. patient hostility and constructive problem discussion was

associated with greater caregiver preparedness may indicate To address all of these issues, a larger, more naturalistic, long-
that when patients are able to better communicate about their itudinal study would better inform the ongoing process of
issues and even express anger, the caregiver may have a better communication’s impact on caregiver preparedness and
sense of what is needed and the caregiving task may seem less burden.
daunting. Previous research indicates that although avoidance
and protective buffering – hiding negative information or
emotions from one another – are common in couples coping Implications
with advanced cancer, these strategies are associated with Researchers have agreed that communication between advanced
worse mental health outcomes and quality of life (Langer, cancer patients and their spouse caregivers is an important
Rudd, & Syrjala, 2007; Manne et al., 2007). mechanism for coping and, as such, it has been included as
Less caregiver dysphoric affect predicted more Stress a component to many interventions to improve quality of life
Burden (the emotional response to burden). Although, on for patients and caregivers. However, there is little consensus
its face, the finding that more caregiver-expressed sadness is about what communication should look like (Badr, 2017). This
related to lower emotional burden may be counterintuitive, in research suggests patient and caregiver communication patterns
the general population it has been shown that non-hostile that are predictive of lower burden and higher preparedness for
negative emotional expression may benefit relationship func- caregivers are marked by lower levels of caregiver and patient
tion (Campbell, Renshaw, & Klein, 2017). This type of emo- hostility, respectively, but also include caregiver expression of
tional expression can indicate a need for social support and dysphoric affect and patient constructive problem discussion.
may serve to elicit comfort and help from others (Clark, This study represents an important first step toward under-
Fitness, & Brissette, 2001; Clark, Pataki, & Carver, 1996); if standing the types of communication that are most beneficial
met with a positive response, this expression can also increase for patients and spouse caregivers when discussing cancer-
intimacy, which has been shown to improve relationship out- related concerns. Future interventions may benefit from speci-
comes and specifically adjustment to cancer (Manne & Badr, fically targeting expression of negativity (including dysphoria
2008; Reis & Franks, 1994). and hostility) in both patients and caregivers. However, addi-
tional research is needed to determine when these communica-
Limitations tion behaviors are most beneficial, as well as specific levels of
communication that are most effective.
Because of the cross-sectional nature of our data, we are
unable to determine the directionality of our results. For
example, it is possible that caregivers who naturally commu- Acknowledgments
nicate with more hostility during stressful situations are more The authors would like to thank the patient and caregiver participants
prone to perceived burden; alternatively, caregivers who are who contributed to this work.
experiencing higher levels of burden may lack emotional
regulation and thus express more hostility in their commu-
nication. Our sample was also relatively homogeneous. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest
Further, our findings represent a single audiotaped conver- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
sation in a structured environment. As noted earlier, the con-
versations contained a large proportion of more emotionally-
neutral constructive problem discussion behavior. The lack of Data availability statement
video may have limited identification of non-verbal cues. The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
Couples may also tend to have more emotionally-charged con- corresponding author, MR, upon reasonable request.
versations during more transitional times, such as cancer diag-
nosis, progression, or response to treatment. Unfortunately, we
did not have data on the length of time since the patient’s
diagnosis or the details of their treatment and we were not This work was supported by the American Cancer Society under ACS
able to explore this possibility. Whereas analogue discussions MRSG 13-234-01-PCSM (PI: Reblin).
are widely-used in research and communication patterns are
often are representative (Foster, Caplan, & Howe, 1997;
Heyman, 2001), using a single audiotaped discussion does
ignore the larger context of couples’ communication. It is pos- Amy K. Otto
sible that the preponderance of constructive problem discussion Dana Ketcher
Richard E. Heyman
was related to the prompted, somewhat artificial nature of the Susan T. Vadaparampil
conversation; for instance, being prompted to discuss a specific Lee Ellington
problem may have discouraged couples from sharing their Maija Reblin
emotions as much as they might during a typical conversation.
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tive problem discussion behaviors seen in the present study References
reflected a preexisting tendency to engage in avoidance of Archbold, P. G., Stewart, B. J., Greenlick, M. R., & Harvath, T. (1990).
more emotionally-charged discussion (Floyd & Rogers, 2004). Mutuality and preparedness as predictors of caregiver role strain.

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