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Answer 1

a. benefits of wireless network communication with a simple example

1. Wireless communication can be used for a variety of purposes such as communicating with
friends, family members and even for business purposes. The various types of wireless
communication include mainly voice, text, video, audio, voice, data and video communications, as
well as video and audio communications. [1]
2. Once you have a plan that defines how you want to add wireless networking to your office, you
can start to actually set up a wireless network. As the name suggests, a wired network uses cables
to connect to the system, while wireless networks do not and send data signals over the air during
connection. If you are in a rental building with an existing wireless network, setting up must be as
easy as punching a hole in the wall to install network cables. Only wireless adapters are required,
which significantly increases the accessibility of the network for potential hackers. 
3. For example, the cost of setting up a wireless network is relatively low, as the network requires
only a single access point and a small amount of equipment such as a router. Adding additional
users to your network does not increase costs as long as you provide wireless access to the access
points of the first users. Wireless networks are much easier to install than wired networks in an
office environment due to their simplicity and low cost.
4. So a wireless network solution gives you access to all the information you need to work and access
information in your office. Some companies implement wireless networks to enable employees
and guests visiting or working in the office to connect to the network quickly with little or no
5. D wireless networks are useful in a provisional nature where there is no built-in - in wireless
structure and there are no access points or routers within range. A wireless network is a wireless
network, because computers in the network are connected to radio waves via a wireless network
and can move anywhere. If you already have multiple computers connected in your home, you can
create a wireless network with a wireless access point. [2]

b. why wireless network communication is slower than wired network communication on most
Wireless networks are becoming more common and therefore more and more wireless transmissions
are being sent over the air. Wireless networks have become ubiquitous, and phones, baby phones and
wireless Internet are now standard features that use the same spectrum as wireless networks.

In a wireless network, there are many factors that can negatively affect the speed and strength of the
connection, including the placement of the router on walls, doors and furniture. The router can also
influence the connection speed, how old it is, how good its processor and antenna are, how well it
picks up wireless signals, or how many devices it uses. If you surf wirelessly, your Internet speed will
vary depending on the number of devices you use and the speed at which you cross them.  

Modern Ethernet connections can reach speeds of up to 5 gigabits per second, while Wi-Fi connections
are usually topped up with 1 gigabit per second. Under ideal conditions, most wireless networks are still
only able to measure 54 Mbps, while wired connections operate at 100 Mbps throughout. The more
bandwidth available, the faster you can expect your Internet connection to work, even if more devices are
running on the network. The Internet connection is faster and faster, but even with the same number of
devices it is still much slower. [3]

The speed of a wired network tends to be much faster than that of a wireless network, as it can affect
signal strength and bandwidth, as well as other factors such as the number of devices on the network (see
below). Wireless networks are less secure than wired networks because communication signals are
transmitted through the air and can run at much lower speeds without the effects of weather conditions,
network latency or any other factor that dampens the strength or bandwidth of the signals (e.g. power

The latency of a wireless network can be inconsistent with that of a wired network, and the bandwidth of
information tends to be much lower than that of its wired counterpart. One network may not be visible to
the other, which may affect the performance of the connection.

c. Wireless bridges are gaining popularity in connecting discrete campuses or business premises.
Members of the university community can use wireless connectivity just as they use wireless networks in
other areas of the campus. Users can access the Internet via portable devices connected to a 3G or 4G
network. These devices can choose any location and have access to the university's Wi-Fi network and
other wireless connections. This will make dormitory rooms more flexible and accessible from other
locations on campus where there is wireless coverage, and will have a positive impact on the quality of life
of students and faculty. 

If the selected bridge does not have an integrated antenna, you must now select one and select the radio
antenna. Indoor wireless bridges are cheaper, but you will need to buy a bit of LMR 400 cable to connect
to the outdoor antenna. Outdoor bridges can be placed directly next to an antenna, reducing the amount
of cable required. If it is difficult to connect an access point to a network via wire, it may be possible to
place the access points behind a repeater. 

The reason behind that is because a wired connection means that a device can only use a single network
socket, but if the device has a dual-band adapter, it can handle interference better, resulting in a faster
connection. Although many types of wireless adapters are successfully integrated into a wireless network,
we have found that dual-band adapters work best. USB adapters may seem more reliable, and if your
computer does not have a dual-band adapter, we recommend purchasing a WiFi-certified USB adapter for
the campuses.

Sometimes it is simply too difficult to lay new cables between buildings, and it is too expensive to connect
remote buildings on campus. However, the use of wireless bridges based on standards such as Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth and built-in WiFi opens up a new opportunity for customers to connect at high speed. Users can
access the Internet via portable devices connected to a 3G or 4G network. When you connect the building,
a lucky network administrator with a big budget will be able to either move fiber from building to building,
or perhaps even invest in a microwave or laser connection. 

The construction and erection of wireless bridges can be used to transmit information and images, provide
reliable Internet access, and support mobile users as a cost-effective extension of the central network. For
customers who want to connect to fixed or wireless networks in the long term, these bridges are an
attractive choice because they function as an external system that saves space inside and minimizes the
need for antenna adjustment. Wireless bridges are also ideal for connecting small businesses such as small
offices and small business parks, as they offer the same level of connectivity as traditional wired networks
at a fraction of the cost. [4]

Answer 2

a) Benefits of PSK over FSK

The antipodal signaling is binary PSK and it is chosen over FSK in digital and mobile communication. The
advantages of the BPSK (Binary) is that, over the FSK it has 3 db. As per as the techniques are considered
the better techniques are of the modulation of PSK when talking about bandwidth and the efficiency of PSK
is much better than FSK.

The adjacent channeling is better in FSK but the effective modulation is in PSK. The efficiency of carrying the
data over the Radio frequency signal is powerful and thus this modulation technique too when compared
to FSK.

b) Capabilities of Quadruple PSK

The quadrature Phase shifting key has many types like binary phase shift key, quadrature phase shift key,
8PSK, O-QPSK and other. The parallelization of the bit stream is done and on the single element the rate of
the bits is increased and enhanced.

The four signal elements are generated by adjusting and summing up the two phase keys. The immunity of
the noise is good enough and the QPSK or high order reduces the bandwidth to half. The bandwidth is
utilized fully and the circuit of the QPSK is complex. [5]

The popular modulation schemes in 2G and 3G modulation schemes were the high order PSK like 8-PSK.
Two bits are produced by high order PSK and are efficient. There are combinations based on amplitude
phase and the enhancement in bits can be done.

c) Difference between diffraction and refraction

When we have a medium like glass and the light bends while entering into it, this process is called
refraction and the daily example can prove this like when the light of sun through our atmosphere falls on
the pond and enters into it. Refraction takes place and Snell has given a law on refraction. We can see the
example by watching the light entering into the glass of water through the medium glass and it refracts
The light has seven colors and this is the combination of light and the property of wave that shows us these
seven colors is diffraction. This can be seen when the with the two slits at your home, u see light coming
and projecting on the surface and then on seeing the light at a distance the pattern will be visible. The
interference of lights lets us to see this pattern

Answer 3

a. Discuss the role(s) of scatternet in 5G technologies (consider redundancies).

As mobile devices and wireless technologies continue to improve and gain popularity, it is expected
that short-distance wireless technology will replace the devices connected by cables and wires and
replace and replace the traditional methods of connecting devices by cables and wires. As a result,
electronic devices consisting of several independent wireless devices are increasingly being created.
Advances in microelectronics have made individual electronic components much smaller and more
integrated, and it is becoming increasingly common for individual electronic components to require
wireless communication with multiple components within the device. The use of electronic composite
devices based on cooperation between significant quantities of nodes has become a hot topic and
must be done bilaterally to use both optical and wireless technologies.  [6]

In addition, it should be understood that the User Equipment (UE) described here can be configured
with the same protocols or with different protocols for multi-mode radio communication. Mesh
installation can benefit from these and other hardware technologies, [7] while there is also the option
to implement a gateway in the form of a mesh network with multiple wireless devices inside. If a
hybrid approach is preferred, there are advantages in both centralised and decentralised approaches,
depending on the size and network expansion character. In this scenario, the multimode UE can be
configured to favor LTE networks with higher data throughput than other 3-G networks with lower
data rates and throughputs. 

On the other hand, the paper shows that the new modalities proposed for the first use of BLE and
subsequent switch to Classic Bluetooth are almost 75% shorter and have an 18% lower energy
consumption. The energy model for the CC2530 chip is proposed and uses simulations of the four
above-mentioned protocols, which show that MPH has a significantly higher energy efficiency than the
current standard protocol (B LE). The simulation results show that all proposed protocols can be
significantly improved compared to the known energy efficient protocols. This conclusion suggests
that this seems to be the case for cell technology, despite the arguments that challenge economic
management in the context of technological innovation. 

This protocol can be used by Bluetooth, enabling applications that use Bluetooth radio and IrDA
technology. Bluetooth can be used for wireless communication between devices such as smartphones,
tablets and other mobile devices. It is equipped with the ability to mimic the performance of a high-
performance, low-latency wireless network and a low-latency network. 

In this implementation, role swapping in Block 414 can also include the exchange of the Media Access
Control (MAC) address with the link key assigned to both the first and second radio nodes, and
establish a new communication connection between master and slave by role swapping. The roller-
swapping technique can be implemented to optimize the radio channel conditions of the radio nodes
and optimize the battery life. During the implementation of this role exchange, the "first" and
"second" radio nodes can establish new communication connections with a master - slave. [8]

b. Critique use of WPAN in health monitoring

Mobile health technology has many applications and has spread to monitor a variety of health conditions
such as blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar and blood sugar levels. In addition, it is used to
continuously measure and observe the physiological parameters of the patient. Patient monitoring
systems are used not only to measure but also to display information about the health status of their
patients. The proliferation of user-friendly health applications has today led to a new health paradigm of
eHealth known as "m - m."

Apps for diabetes, migraine and asthma are generally designed to monitor these conditions, but users may
need different levels of monitoring. Some apps for monitoring patients are used continuously or very
frequently depending on the frequency of seizures, such as migraine or asthma. Those at risk of cardiac
ischemia may want their WBANs to function constantly, while others at risk of falling may only need to
monitor them as they walk or move. Many have informative stand-alone monitoring systems with
different types of monitors, and many have multiple monitors for different health conditions and use

The WPAN-based monitoring system uses measurements from one of the leading ECG sensors to diagnose
apnea episodes. The use of ECG brings plug-and-play capabilities into the ban: simply insert a sensor into
the human body, establish secure communication with the sensor, turn it on and the developed system
allows the measurement of vital signs. This allows healthcare professionals to take action, for example by
switching off or requesting certain information. In addition, monitoring systems with WPAN can also be
used to monitor heart rate and blood pressure. 

Medical applications include continuous collection of important information about a patient, such as
blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar levels and blood sugar levels. This includes the acquisition of heart
parameters that can be observed in real time with the help of electroencephalogram (ECG) or
electrocardiogram (ECG). [9]

In the health sector, for example, sensors are used to enable the Internet of Things - oriented health and
care monitoring systems. Their importance is growing and there is a need to develop mobile health
systems and to carry out outpatient monitoring by detecting abnormal events.

Answer 4

a. Rationalize why WPA2 was necessary over WPA

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is the most widely used WLAN security protocol in the world. To
prevent hackers from spying on your wireless data while it is being transmitted from your client to
your access point, the Wi- Fi Alliance has developed WPA2, a protocol that prevents hackers from
"snooping" on this data while it is being transmitted to the client's access point. The main difference
between Wep and W PA is that Wpa adds an additional security protocol to the RC4 cipher, known as
TKIP. WPI was introduced because it is based on the RC5 stream cipher, but it was vulnerable because
it is also based on the RC3 cipher and therefore vulnerable. 
The current wireless security protocol, dating back to 2004, is itself vulnerable to the so-called offline
dictionary attack that hackers use to guess passwords. This vulnerability may allow attackers to gain
access to network passwords regardless of whether WPA or W PA2 is used. It also means that
attackers can capture and decrypt other packets, even if the EPA protected access point is provided
free of charge in a public place, since its password is usually shared with everyone else on the
site. [10]

Stefan Viehbock revealed a more serious security vulnerability in December 2011 that affects wireless
routers, regardless of which encryption method is protected or used. This vulnerability is a legitimate
security risk, as the destruction of WPA or W PA2 secured networks that exploit this vulnerability
requires the use of a third-party encryption protocol such as AES or RSA. In addition to password
protection, the advanced encryption of WPPA3 for public networks also protects Wi-Fi users from
attacks they may not even have known existed. 

Additionally, it was shown that possessing GTK + allows attackers to inject traffic into the network and
decrypt unicast Internet traffic transmitted over wireless networks. WPA also contains an integrity
check text to prevent attackers from modifying or re-sending data packets. The only notable
vulnerability in W PA2 is that someone who has access to a network can attack other devices
connected to it, such as computers, mobile phones, and other wireless devices on the same network
as the wireless network. Both WPRI and WPI2 are designed to protect wireless Internet networks from
such calamity by protecting networks from unauthorized access. 

TIP uses a packet key system that differs from the fixed key systems used by WEP. TKIPs use a 64-bit or
128-bit key used in the Wep system, and the keys used for WPA are the same as the 64-bit and 128-bit
keys used on the WEP system. W EP uses a passphrase that can be entered as long as it has not been
changed. Steps have been taken to eliminate the potential for weak passphrases of choice by
encouraging the use of strong keys that are generated and distributed when a user adds a new
wireless adapter or device to the network. 

b. WEP introduced Dynamic WEP to overcome its weakness. Explain the difference(s) between
WEP is a standard encryption system implemented at the MAC level and supported by most wireless
solutions. WEP can be encrypted in a variety of ways, such as on a wireless router, a wireless network, or
even on wireless devices. 

WEP is also used to prevent unauthorized users from accessing a WLAN, i.e. to enable authentication.
Standard 64-bit WEP uses a 40-bit key (also known as Wep-40), which is chained to a 24-bit initialization
vector (IV) to form an RC4 key. After checking the result, the access point generates an RC4 random key
stream and appends the IV selected by the attacker to the secret key and encrypts the data frame. Besides
authentication and association, pre-defined W-EP keys are also used to encrypt data frames using RC3, but
such purposes are not explicitly specified in 802.11. This is considered an important feature of WEE and is
also used for authentication purposes, e.g. to prevent an unauthorized user from accessing a WLAN and to
ensure authentication (I.E. authentication). 

WEP is necessary to achieve a minimum of confidentiality and data integrity in an 802.11-based WLAN
system and to provide access controls for authentication. Without WEP, the network could be
compromised and a replacement needs to be developed to restore the security of the wireless network
itself. [11]

Wireless manufacturers expect improved encryption technologies such as RC4 and DYNAMIC WEP to
enable mobile computing to reach its full potential in a security-conscious environment. EPSO tunnel
methods and the use of WFP keys should lead to a more robust use of the WLAN in the company, as
security concerns are mitigated.

Finally, security experts point out that it is essential to use different secret keys for authentication when
encrypting. WPA-2 improves the flaws of WEP and provides companies with the encryption mechanism to
reduce the vulnerability that could be introduced in the hash function of the hashes function in WPRP and
TKIP. As a method of attacking an encryption key, the enemy needs an example of a suitable plaintext
ciphertext. Dynamic changes to this idea were made in 802.11i, such as the use of a different key for each
key type and the addition of different encryption keys. 

Answer 5
a) Difference between cold and warm hand off

The connection breaks when the connection is tried to move or switch from one cell to the other and this
happens in hard handoff. During switching, the links are broken and the next cell makes a link and the
policy used here is breaking before making.

The links are not broken completely in soft handoff, the links are added and removed but one is still there
just to follow the policy of making before it is broke. The breaking of the signals completely is not done in
soft handoff. [12]

The handoff in mobile communication is basically the process of switching the data or call to the other
network and has two types related to it.

b) Picocells and their benefits

The low power nodes are family and picocells and femtocells belong to this family. The environment
decides the better in terms of communication and for the indoor capacity and solution picocells are best
option. The network operator maintains the picocells and the installation is also done by the operator.

The installation cost is cheaper and not expensive, the standard base stations are expensive than these. The
capacity is more and the radiated power on giving the chance can be reduced too. Picocells are small cells
but when localization is considered, it can be used.

c) How 5G can give better through put than 4G

The speed will increase and this is the biggest thing first of all and the speed of the 5G network is 20 Gbps.
The 4G network that we are operating today has speed not this much faster. The speed is more than the
cable internet connections.

Speed is a matter of fact but not only speed is the factor for the throughput of 5G alone as the latency
reduction is also a factor. The devices supported by 5G would be more than 4G around 100. The energy
usage of 5G than 4G is efficient. And the change in the network will be forever.

Answer 6

a) EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) and steps involved in it

Multiple authentication is supported by Extensible Authentication Protocol. The flexibility is one of the
biggest advantage of this architecture and when the authenticator calls for information a specific way or
technique is chosen.
This protocol is used in wireless networks and the protocols and methods used by PPP are expanded via
EAP’s use. Token cards, smart cards and OTPs, are some of the authentication mechanisms that are held by
EAP and the public key encryption also.

The request for the wireless connection is made by user and through access point that information and
request is received and sent.

The unique identification is requested by the access control and the authenticated server receives the data.
The ID is asked as proof and that proof should be generated. The same thing is happening here in this
diagram too.

 The client gets a request from the authenticator.

 The valid information or request is sent.
 The peer gets an additional request from the authenticator and the reply in return in a response to
 Until and unless the client is authenticated, the conversation goes long.

b) Guest Wi-fi Access in network

On my router, the separate access point is called a guest access and it helps because all the things that one
wants to joint with that access point can be connected and moreover, the ones who are not from the
organization or from home and are outsiders can connect to the guest access.

The guest access set up defines the router type and the access of the guest can be done by accessing the
management console. The bottom of the router or with the help of web, the console management
interface can be accessed.

The login credentials will be prompted when you try to type of address of your Router. The default
passwords are set and can be found easily. The settings of the Guest network need to be changed
whenever wanting the Guest Access. The SSID is the next step and the name and password are created.

For the new Wifi-access guest network, the password should be set and under the network name this can
be done really well. For non-interception of the information over wifi setting of encryption type is
necessary. During the settings, the guests should be allowed for the access and the check should be done.

Answer 7

a) Wireless network security of data protection

The security solutions that can protect the data from breaching in wireless network are as follows:
 The default password should not be used again and again as the hacker may easily crack the open
wireless router or the password should be set. The wireless networks and the administrator should
be changed. The password should be complex and only then the campus network can be secured.
 The SSID should be switched off and the college should not let its router to announce the presence
everywhere, as the college students will be connected.
 Data should be encrypted fully and the SSID name should be something different than the default
name of the manufacturer.
 Network encryption increases the security to a huge level and the hackers cannot access the data.
 The default IP address should be changed completely and this can be done by console management
log in.
 The router should have the DHCP functionality off.
 The remote access should be disabled.
 The network should be updated.
 The wi-fi network can be secured with the help of fire wall.

The appropriate security solutions that should be adopted for future are that free router access should not
be given to the outsiders. A complex password should be set properly so that no one can use the free and
open access over the network. Open network is vulnerable to attacks and hackers can steal the data.

b) Ethical standards for storing credit card over a network

There are some ethical standards that should be followed and if the credit card is stored then the review is
must and a check and follow of the PCI DSS Requirement should be done. the e-storage of the credit card
data and PCI compliant is considered, the storage and encryption of the PAN should be done. The
encryption of the numbers in e-file is a must. [13]

The card holder and where the data has been transmitted and stored will be given the PCI control according
to PCI compliant. The security testing and the vulnerability scanning is a must to do when the card is stored.

The implementation of tokenization can be done as an alternate and with this the business processes can
be maintained still the requirements of the PCI_DSS has a set of guide that helps to guide the card holder
over a particular network.

The methods that are necessary for the protection, implementation of the card data processing should be
followed. The ethical standards need to be followed. The credit fraud and the growing threat needs to
follow these standards.

[1] D. Bourgeois, “Wireless communication can be used for a variety of purposes such as communicating
with friends, family members and even for business purposes. The various types of wireless
communication include mainly voice, text, video, audio, voice, data and video,”, 2014.

[2] M. BRAIN, “D wireless networks are useful in a provisional nature where there is no built-in - in
wireless structure and there are no access points or routers within range. A wireless network is a
wireless network, because computers in the network are connected t,”, 2020.

[3] M. Owen, “Modern Ethernet connections can reach speeds of up to 5 gigabits per second, while Wi-Fi
connections are usually topped up with 1 gigabit per second. Under ideal conditions, most wireless
networks are still only able to measure 54 Mbps, while wired connec,”
on-the-mac, 2020.

[4] T. Saarikko, “The construction and erection of wireless bridges can be used to transmit information
and images, provide reliable Internet access, and support mobile users as a cost-effective extension of
the central network. For customers who want to connect to fixed o,”, 2017.

[5] Z. Sheykholeslami, “The four signal elements are generated by adjusting and summing up the two
phase keys. The immunity of the noise is good enough and the QPSK or high order reduces the
bandwidth to half. The bandwidth is utilized fully and the circuit of the QPSK is compl,”, 2020.

[6] J. L. CHIENG, “The use of electronic composite devices based on cooperation between significant
quantities of nodes has become a hot topic and must be done bilaterally to use both optical and
wireless technologies.,”, 2016.

[7] J. L. CHIENG, “In addition, it should be understood that the User Equipment (UE) described here can
be configured with the same protocols or with different protocols for multi-mode radio
communication. Mesh installation can benefit from these and other hardware technolo,”, 2016.

[8] A. Beachy, “In this implementation, role swapping in Block 414 can also include the exchange of the
Media Access Control (MAC) address with the link key assigned to both the first and second radio
nodes, and establish a new communication connection between master and,”, 2015.

[9] D. Dias, “Medical applications include continuous collection of important information about a patient,
such as blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar levels and blood sugar levels. This includes the
acquisition of heart parameters that can be observed in real time,”, 2018.
[10] C. Kohlios, “The current wireless security protocol, dating back to 2004, is itself vulnerable to the so-
called offline dictionary attack that hackers use to guess passwords. This vulnerability may allow
attackers to gain access to network passwords regardless of whet,”
9292/7/11/284/pdf, 2018.

[11] O. Sarmiento, “WEP is necessary to achieve a minimum of confidentiality and data integrity in an
802.11-based WLAN system and to provide access controls for authentication. Without WEP, the
network could be compromised and a replacement needs to be developed to restore,”, 2008.

[12] A. Bhatji, “The links are not broken completely in soft handoff, the links are added and removed but
one is still there just to follow the policy of making before it is broke. The breaking of the signals
completely is not done in soft handoff.,”, 2004.

[13] J. Marsella, “There are some ethical standards that should be followed and if the credit card is stored
then the review is must and a check and follow of the PCI DSS Requirement should be done. the e-
storage of the credit card data and PCI compliant is considered, the,”, 2020.

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