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Received June 25, 2021, accepted July 23, 2021, date of publication July 28, 2021, date of current

version August 5, 2021.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3100561

Mathematical Model of Operation of a Cell of

a Mobile Communication Network With
Adaptive Modulation Schemes and
Handover of Mobile Users


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Sangji University, Wonju 26339, Republic of Korea
2 Department of Applied Probability and Informatics, RUDN University, 117198 Moscow, Russia
3 Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Belarusian State University, 220030 Minsk, Belarus

Corresponding author: Chesoong Kim (

This work was supported in part by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
funded by the Ministry of Education under Grant NRF-2020R1A2C1006999, and in part by Sangji University Grant 2019. The work of
Alexander Dudin was supported by the Russian People’s Friendship University (RUDN) Strategic Academic Leadership Program.

ABSTRACT A model of a cell of a communication network, divided into zones, with the dependence of the
users’ service time on the zone, in which they are located, is considered. The arrival flow of users is defined
by a marked Markovian process. The number of users that can receive service in a cell simultaneously is
finite. If the number of users reached the limit, then new users are lost, except the users that come to the cell
already during the service (handover users). For the short-term storage of such users, there is a buffer of a
finite capacity. Cell operation is modeled by a multi-server queueing system. The behavior of this system is
described by a multi-dimensional Markov chain. The algorithms for calculating the stationary distribution
of this chain and the main characteristics of the quality of service have been developed.

INDEX TERMS Cell of the mobile network, adaptive modulation, queuing system, mobile users.

I. INTRODUCTION obstacles to signal propagation, the level of existing noise,

Queuing systems and networks well describe the processes etc. When users move from one zone to another during
of resource allocation in telecommunication networks and service, the rate of their service changes. The number of users
continue to be a topical object of research. Relatively that can receive service in the cell simultaneously is finite.
recently, a study on the characteristics of the operation If at the moment of generating a new user the number of
of cells in mobile communication networks, in which users in the cell has already reached the limit, then this user
the service rate of a user (due to the use of various is lost. It is necessary to investigate the stationary behavior
modulation schemes) depends on the strength of the signal of the system to clarify the form of the dependence of the
received from the base station, has begun. For example, main characteristics of the quality of service of users on the
5G networks support four schemes: Quadrature Phase-Key parameters of the system. In particular, the dependence on
Shifting (QPSK), 16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation the number of channels available for service of users is of
(16-QAM), 64 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (64-QAM) interest.
and 256 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (256-QAM). It is
assumed that the cell is divided by signal strength into non- A. RELATED WORK
overlapping zones. This separation is determined by the The problem of construction and analysis of mathematical
distance to the base station, the presence of natural or artificial models of the operation of the cells of mobile communication
network is intensively addressed in the existing literature. The
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and specifics of our model consists of: (i) account of existing
approving it for publication was Adnan Shahid. in real networks possibility of changing the service rate of

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 9, 2021 106933
C. Kim et al.: Mathematical Model of Operation of Cell of Mobile Communication Network

the users depending on the current distance from the base and the service of handover users. The currently employed
station, and (ii) account of handover phenomenon. Similar to modulation and coding scheme depends on the strength of
our models of cell operation were considered, for example, the signal received by a user from the base station. In this
in [1]–[5]. Detailed survey of the relevant results is given model, we assume that the total number of users that can
in the paper [5]. In the paper [6], the known models were receive service in the cell simultaneously is restricted by the
substantially generalized aiming to more adequately describe predefined finite number N . The new users located in the cell
the arrival flow of users and take into account the possibility are not allowed to establish a connection when the number
of early termination of service. [6] assumes that the flow of users receiving service is equal to N . The handover users
generated by users within a cell is specified by a marked arriving at the cell in such a situation have the opportunity to
Markovian arrival process (MMAP), in which the type of user wait for service for a while in the specially designed finite
is determined by the number of the zone where the user is buffer if the buffer is not full. Otherwise, the service of a
generated. The MMAP is a fairly general model of the input handover user is terminated and the user is lost. This scenario
flow comparing to the popular in the literature superposition is realistic due to the existence of an overlapping area between
of stationary Poisson processes. The use of the MMAP allows cells. Therefore, the users arriving at a new cell have some
us to take into account the variance and the correlation of time slot during which they still keep the connection to the
the lengths of intervals between the arrival moments of users. base station of the cell from which they are departing. If this
This allows, as shown in [6], to avoid an overly optimistic slot expires before the user starts service in the new cell,
estimation of the quality of service of users and a significant the stay of the user in the network is terminated. The user
underestimation of the required resource. Advantages of the leaves the buffer and is lost. Under the fixed value of the
model analysed in [6] over the model from [5] are as follows: parameters defining the processes of service and movement
(a) Impatience of users is taken into account. The users of users, the quality of users’ service significantly depends on
may leave the cell before service completion either due to the control of the system operation. This control is realized
handover to another cell or due to dissatisfaction with the via the choice of the number of users that can obtain service
quality of the provided service. Account of this feature is very simultaneously and the buffer capacity. The results obtained
important because it is needed for an adequate description in this paper allow making the right choice. In contrast to
of users’ behavior in real-world networks. Additionally, the overwhelming majority of the existing papers, in which
as mentioned in [6], it is important from the perspective of usually the arrival processes are assumed to be stationary
applying the model to analyze 5G networks where cells have Poisson, in our model both arrival processes of ordinary
small sizes and handover often occurs; and handover users are quite general MMAP and Markov
(b) A possibility of transitions from any zone not only to arrival processes (MAP). This allows taking into account
the geographical neighboring zones. Due to multipath fading, the bursty behavior of arrival processes in modern wireless
radio interference, and the shadowing effect, the neighboring communication networks.
zones in the terms of the strength of the signal may be
different from neighboring in the geographical sense, see [4]. C. BYPRODUCT THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTION
Any assumption about the form of a zone is not imposed while OF THE PAPER
frequently it is assumed that zones form a regular or irregular The behavior of the considered queueing system is described
annulus and the intensity of the users’ activation in various by a multi-dimensional Markov chain. To analyze this
zones is directly proportional to the square of the zone; Markov chain, it is necessary to write down its generator.
(c) More flexible user admission strategy, for details To obtain the explicit form of the blocks of the generator,
see [6]; we propose a novel algorithm which is an important
(d) analysis of the model is presented in [6] for an arbitrary byproduct of our analysis. This algorithm is more efficient
number R of zones, while only the particular cases R = 2 and than the known in the existing literature, see, e.g., [7], [8]. It
R = 3 are analysed in [5]. can find wide applications for the analysis of many multi-
In this paper, we significantly generalize the model studied server reliable and non-reliable queues with moving users
in [6] to take into account the following inherent feature or phase-type distribution of the service time. In particular,
of real cellular networks. In addition to the users generated this algorithm is very useful when optimization problems
in a specific cell, the cell receives users arriving from other related to the optimal choice of the number of servers have
cells that are already in the service process (handover users). to be solved and sequential computation of the values of
For recent references where the importance of the account of performance measures of the system under a various number
existence of handover users is stressed see, e.g. [9]–[13]. of servers is required.


The main contribution of this paper is the construction and As it is already noted above, our paper has the theoret-
analytical analysis of the new mathematical model of mobile ical character, the main contribution of this paper is the
users service in a cell of a network. The model accounts for construction and exact analysis of the new mathematical
the possibility of varying modulation and coding schemes model of operation of a cell of a network. It is clear that

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C. Kim et al.: Mathematical Model of Operation of Cell of Mobile Communication Network

it would be perfect to supplement this analysis utilizing the information about timestamps of sessions beginning. The
application of the obtained results to some concrete cell average volume and the average fraction of the overhead
of a mobile network. However, unfortunately, we do not traffic are then calculated trivially. The share of the overhead
have close relations with any mobile operator and do not information in the total flow can be estimated based on the
have real data. The presented in the corresponding section results from [19].
below numerical results are just illustrative and we use the
parameters of the cell that are chosen from common sense 4) INFORMATION ABOUT THE MOBILITY OF THE USERS
reasonings. The problem of characterization of the mobility of users in
Nevertheless, in this subsection we briefly discuss the wireless networks is well known in the existing literature,
important problem of fitting the input data required for the see, e.g., [20]–[28]. The problem of describing the users’
use of the considered model. mobility was also discussed, e.g., in [29] and [30]. Besides,
this problem can be quite routinely solved using the statistical
methods based on the available for the operator information
By the global information, we mean the number R of various about the duration of a user stay in each zone and the sample
modulation and coding schemes supported by the operator in probabilities (frequencies) of transitions between the zones
the considered cell (as a rule, all or some of the four schemes inside the cell, departures of the user from the cell due to
for 5G network listed above in Introduction) and the exact the bad quality of the connection or due to the handover to
borders of zones where these modulation and coding schemes another cell.
should be applied. We assume that the potential consumer
of the presented mathematical results and corresponding 5) DEGREE OF ADEQUACY OF THE MODEL TO THE REAL
software is the operator of the considered cell. Therefore, this OBJECT AND DIFFICULTIES OF PARAMETERS FITTING
information is exhaustively known to him. The possibilities The success of the application of any mathematical model
of extracting the rest of information, which is required for of a real object to the investigation of this object depends
performance evaluation of the cell and optimal decision mainly on the two closely related factors. These factors are
making based on the model analysed in this paper, are briefly (i) the degree of the adequacy of the model to the real
listed below. object and (ii) the correctness of fitting the parameters of
2) PATTERN OF THE ARRIVAL PROCESS the model to the real object. The more adequate model takes
Information about the moments of starting sessions in the into account more inherent features of the real object and,
cell by the new and handover users (so-called timestamps) generally speaking, is more difficult for the study. Also, if the
is completely known for a provider. The problem of model is more adequate, then more parameters of this existing
constructing the models of the real-world arrival flows as the or creating object have to be estimated or forecasted, based
MMAP and MAP arrival processes, supposed in this paper, on the available data. Therefore, in the construction of the
is far from being trivial. Definitely, it is drastically more model, it is necessary to account for both the feasibility of its
complicated than the problem of fitting the real flow by the analytical and numerical study and the possibility to match
stationary Poisson process. However, the stationary Poisson the parameters of the model to the real object. Considered in
process assumes the constant arrival rate of the users while the this paper model seems to be the reasonable trade-off between
flows in the modern communication networks exhibit bursty the adequacy and feasibility of estimation of input data.
behavior. An approximation of them by the stationary Poisson
process may lead to extremely poor quality of prediction of
the values of the performance measures of the corresponding In section 2, the process of the operation of the cell under
queueing models and real systems. Models with the stationary study is described in terms of a multi-server queueing system
Poisson process very often give too optimistic forecasts. This with two user flows. One of them, defined by the MMAP,
is why the problem of constructing the MMAP and MAP describes the generation of the new users in different zones
models of a real flow based on the available timestamps has of the cell. Another, MAP, defines the process of users’
got a lot of attention in the literature, see e.g., [14]–[18] and arrival from other cells. A brief description of such flows
the references therein. is also given in Section 2. In Section 3, the behavior of
If the analyzed cell is still under design, the information the system is described by a multi-dimensional continuous-
about the arrival process can be obtained from the expert’s time Markov chain. The chain is constructed in such a way
predictions and experience of exploitation of other similar that the sizes of the blocks of the generator are as small as
cells. possible. This allows the implementation of the developed
algorithms for calculating the stationary distribution of the
3) VOLUME OF THE DATA TRANSMITTED TO THE USER states of this chain on a computer not only for small
LOCATED AT EACH ZONE DURING A SESSION AND THE values of the number of servers. Formulas for calculating
FRACTION OF SERVICE (OVERHEAD) TRAFFIC the main characteristics of the quality of users’ service
This information is completely stored by the provider, through the obtained probability distribution are presented in
at least for solving billing issues, simultaneously with the Section 4. Some numerical results are presented in Section 5.

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C. Kim et al.: Mathematical Model of Operation of Cell of Mobile Communication Network

These results illustrate the dependencies of the performance defined as

characteristics on the number of users that can obtain service R
simultaneously and the capacity of the buffer for handover λ= λr .
users. Information about these dependencies can be useful r=1
to a service provider from the point of view of managerial The squared coefficient of variation cvar of the inter-
goals and the optimal choice of the number of users that vals between successive arrivals is given by cvar =
can obtain service simultaneously and the buffer capacity. 2λθ(−D0 )−1 e − 1.
Section 6 concludes the paper. The coefficient of correlation ccor of two succes-
sive intervals between arrivals is given by ccor =
II. MATHEMATICAL MODEL (λθ(−D0 )−1 D(−D0 )−1 e − 1)/cvar .
We consider a cell consisting of R (1 < R < ∞) non- The process of handover users’ arrival is described by
intersecting zones. The signal strength and, hence, the service the MAP defined as follows. Let vt , t ≥ 0, be an
rate of any user depends on the zone in the cell in which the irreducible continuous-time Markov chain with finite state
user is located. The zones are enumerated in the order of the space {1, 2, . . . , V }. The transition intensities of this Markov
decrease of the strength of the signal, i.e. the signal is the chain are determined by the generator H . The H matrix is
strongest in zone 1 and the weakest in zone R. defined as the sum of the square matrices Hl , l = 0, 1, of
As a model of the cell operation, we consider a queuing size V . The elements of the nonnegative matrix H1 determine
system consisting of N identical servers and a finite buffer of the transition intensities of the Markov chain vt which are
capacity K . Arriving users are divided into two types: users accompanied by the arrival of a handover user. Non-diagonal
that are generated within this cell (ordinary or new users), elements in the matrix H0 determine the transition intensities
and users that enter this cell from other cells during service of the Markov chain vt which are not accompanied by the
(handover users). We divide all users into R types. We assume arrival of a handover user. Moduli of the negative diagonal
that a user served or arriving in the r-th zone is the user of the elements of the matrix H0 determine the parameters of the
r-th type, r = 1, R. Here, notation r = 1, R means that the exponential distribution of the sojourn time of the Markov
parameter r takes values from the set {1, 2, . . . , R}. chain vt in the corresponding states.
The process of activating new users in the cell is described The average intensity λh of handover users arrival is
by a MMAP, see [31], defined as follows. Let νt , t ≥ 0, be calculated as
an irreducible continuous-time Markov chain with the finite
λh = ζ H1 e,
state space {1, 2, . . . , W }. The transition intensities of this
Markov chain are determined by the generator D. The matrix where ζ is the row vector of the stationary probabilities of the
D is decomposed into square matrices Dr , r = 0, R, of size Markov chain vt , defined as the unique solution to the system
Dr . Elements of the non-negative matrix Dr ζ H = 0, ζ e = 1.
W as D =
r = 1, R, determine the transition intensities of the Markov We suggest that the handover user that arrives when all the
chain νt , which are accompanied by the activation of a new servers are busy is sent to the buffer. If the buffer is full,
user in the r-th zone. The non-diagonal elements in the matrix then the handover user is lost. Handover users are chosen
D0 determine the transition intensities of the Markov chain νt , from the buffer to service as the servers become idle in the
which are not accompanied by the activation of new users. order of their arrival. Handover users staying in the buffer are
Moduli of the negative diagonal elements of the matrix D0 impatient. This suggestion is true in real systems because,
determine the parameters of the exponential distribution of if a handover user does not succeed to start service before
the sojourn time of the Markov chain νt in the corresponding leaving the coverage area of the old cell, the connection is
states. dropped and the handover user is lost. We assume that the
The average intensity (fundamental rate) λr , r = 1, R, of patience time of an arbitrary handover user has an exponential
users activation in the r-th zone is given by the formula distribution with the parameter α, α > 0. After this time
expires, the handover user leaves the system forever.
If the handover user starts service, we assume that further
λr = θDr e,
it is treated as the ordinary user of type R. This is because
handover users come from outside, as a rule, to the border
where θ is the row vector of the stationary probabilities of the part of the cell coverage area (zone) farthest from the base
Markov chain νt , defined as the unique solution to the system station.
Ordinary users cannot be buffered. If all servers are busy
θD = 0, θe = 1. at an arbitrary ordinary user arrival moment, the user leaves
the system without service (is lost). If some servers are idle,
Here, 0 is a row vector of appropriate size consisting of the user occupies one of them and starts service.
zeroes and e is a column vector of appropriate size consisting Let us consider in detail the process of servicing a user
of 10 s. The total intensity λ of users activation in a cell is that establishes a connection in the r-th zone or moves to

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this zone from another one during an established connection. non-diagonal elements of the sub-generator
We assume that the sojourn time of a user in the r-th zone has
s1,3 . . . s1,R
 
−s1 s1,2
an exponential distribution with the intensity sr , r = 1, R.  s2,1 −s2 s2,3 . . . s2,R 
This time is defined mainly by the volume of information that S= . .. .. ..  .
 
the user receives or sends during the stay in this zone and the  .. . . . . 
service rate in this zone predefined by the used modulation sR,1 sR,2 sR,3 ... −sR
scheme (among the mentioned above). This time ends if the
The diagonal elements of the sub-generator S specify, up to
user either:
the sign, the intensity of the exit from the corresponding state
a) successfully completes service (the probability of this
of the chain ηt .
event will be denoted as qr,serv , and the corresponding
We assume that the transitions of the Markov chain ηt to
intensity as sr,serv = qr,serv sr );
the absorbing states R + 1, R + 2, and R + 3 correspond to
b) goes to another zone (the probability of the transition to
the successful completion of the service, departure of the user
zone l is denoted as qr,l , and the corresponding intensity as
from the cell due to the service interruption, and departure of
sr,l = qr,l sr , r 6 = l);
the user from the cell due to handover, correspondingly.
c) stops service due to dissatisfaction with the quality of
The intensities of the process ηt transition into the
communication or failure (the probability of termination of
absorbing state R + 1 are determined by the components of
service due to dissatisfaction with the quality of communica-
the vector Sserv = (s1,serv , s2,serv , . . . , sR,serv ).
tion or failure will be denoted as qr,out , and the corresponding
The intensities of the process ηt transition into the
intensity as sr,out = qr,out sr );
absorbing state R + 2 are determined by the components of
d) terminates the service in the zone due to departing
the vector Sout = (s1,out , s2,out , . . . , sR,out ).
to another cell (the probability of departing from the cell
The intensities of the process ηt transition into the
is denoted as qr,hand , and the corresponding intensity as
absorbing state R + 3 are determined by the components of
sr,hand = qr,hand sr ).
the vector Shand = (s1,hand , s2,hand , . . . , sR,hand ).
It is clear that the following equality holds true
The processes of users’ arrival and service are completely
defined and we can study the described queueing system.
sr = sr,serv + sr,l + sr,out + sr,hand
The behavior of the system under study can be described by
the continuous-time Markov chain
for any value of r, r = 1, R.
(1) (R)
Since a user can move through the zones of the cell without ζt = {nt , νt , vt , ηt , . . . , ηt }, t ≥ 0,
restrictions, the total time spent by the user in the cell consists,
generally speaking, of several times having an exponential where, during the epoch t,
distribution with parameters depending on the zones visited nt is the number of users in the system, nt = 0, N + K ;
by the user. νt is the state of the underlying process of the MMAP
To characterize the distribution of this total time, let us defining the arrival process of the ordinary users, νt = 1, W ;
consider a continuous-time Markov chain ηt , t ≥ 0, having vt is the state of the underlying process of the MAP defining
R transient states 1, 2, . . . , R and three absorbing states R + the arrival process of the handover users, vt = 1, V ;
1, R + 2 and R + 3. We will define the total service time of an ηt is the number of servers providing the service which
arbitrary user in a cell as the time during which the Markov are at the r-th phase (the number of users currently serviced in
chain ηt , t ≥ 0, reaches one of the absorbing states. (r)
the r-th zone), ηt = 0, min{nt , N },
ηt = min{nt , N },
The initial state of the chain ηt is selected at the time of r=1
the beginning a user service and is defined by the type of this r = 1, R.
user. At the moment when a type r user begins service in the Remark 1: Consideration of the processes ηt , r = 1, R,
cell, the chain ηt starts transitions from the state r, r = 1, R. instead of the separate monitoring the current zone of each
In other words, the initial state of the chain ηt for such a user user allows to significantly reduce the size of the state space
is chosen with the probabilities defined by the components of of the Markov chain ζt . The reduction is especially essential if
the vector β (r) = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0), r = 1, R. the number of zones R is relatively small while the number N
| {z } | {z } of users, which can obtain service in the cell simultaneously,
r−1 R−r
We assume that, during a user service, the residence of is large. This size is very important from the point of view
the underlying service process ηt in the state is r means of the feasibility and the speed of the computation of the
provisioning of service to this user in the r-th zone, r = 1, R. stationary distribution of the chain ζt on the computer. The
The moments when the user changes the zone correspond idea of using such processes to describe the dynamics of
to the moments of transitions of the chain ηt to another a Markov chain defining the operation of a multi-server
transient state. The transition intensities of the process queueing system with a phase distribution of service times
ηt between the transient states are determined by the was proposed in the paper [7].

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C. Kim et al.: Mathematical Model of Operation of Cell of Mobile Communication Network

The Markov chain ζt , t ≥ 0, is regular irreducible and depend not only on the current number n of users receiving
has a finite state space. Therefore, the stationary (invariant) service in the system but also on the number N of the maximal
probabilities of the states of the chain number of users that can receive service simultaneously. This
disadvantage of the algorithms from [7] is not essential if one
π(n, ν, v, η(1) , . . . , η(R) ) needs to make computations only for one fixed value of N and
(1) (R)
= lim P{nt = n, νt = ν, vt = v, ηt = η(1) , . . . , ηt = η(R) } n = 1, N . But it becomes quite essential, e.g., if the problem
of the optimal, for a certain cost criterion, choice of the
exist for any values of the parameters of the queuing system value of N should be solved. To solve such an optimization
under consideration. problem, one has to have an opportunity to compare the
Let us form the row vectors π n , n = 0, N + K , of these values of the cost criterion for various values of N , say, N1 and
probabilities enumerated in the reverse lexicographic order N2 (N2 > N1 ). Using the analogs of our formulas given in [7],
(1) (R)
of the components ηt , . . . , ηt and the direct lexicographic one has to make computation of the respective matrices and,
order of the components νt and vt . then, of the stationary distribution of the system states first for
It is well known that the probability vectors π n , N = N1 and n = 1, N1 , and, then, for N = N2 and n = 1, N2 .
n = 0, N + K , satisfy the following system of linear Using our formulas presented below, one needs to compute
algebraic equations (Chapman-Kolmogorov equations or first the matrices Ln (S̃) and An (S) for n = 1, N1 , and, then,
equilibrium equations): to compute additionally these matrices for n = N1 + 1, N2 .
(π 0 , π 1 , . . . , π N +K )Q = 0, (π 0 , π 1 , . . . , π N +K )e = 1, If, during the optimization process, it is required to make
a computation of the stationary distribution of the system
states and the value of the cost criterion for many different
where Q is the infinitesimal generator of the Markov chain values of N , the advantage of our algorithm becomes very
ζt , t ≥ 0. significant.
To compute the vectors of the stationary probabilities of Note also that the analogs of the matrices Ln (S̃), introduced
the system states, we have to obtain the generator Q. in [7], take into account the transitions of the underlying
To this end, let us first consider the dynamics of the process to a single absorbing state. In the model we are con-
(1) (R)
R-dimensional random process ηt = {ηt , . . . , ηt }. sidering here, there are three absorbing states, the transitions
To describe the transition intensities of this process, to which correspond to the different reasons for ending the
conditional that there are n users receiving service in the service. Correspondingly, we need to compute three kinds of
system at the moment t, we need the following matrices: matrices Ln (S̃) for S̃ ∈ {Sserv , Sout , Shand }.
a) the matrix Ln (S̃), S̃ ∈ {Sserv , Sout , Shand }, defines the The proposed algorithm for calculation of the matrices
transition intensities of the process ηt at the moment An (S), n = 1, N , consists of the following steps:
when one of the service processes transits to the 1. Calculate the matrices τ (k) (S), k = 0, R − 1, by
corresponding absorbing state R + l, l = 1, 2, 3, removing the first k rows and columns from the
n = 1, N ; matrix S.
b) the matrix An (S) determines the transition intensities 2. Calculate the matrices Tj = τ (R−2−j) (S), j = 1, R − 2,
of the process ηt at the moment when one of the users j
and let tk,l be the (k, l)-th element of the matrix Tj , and
transits to another zone, n = 1, N ; rj be the number of rows of the matrix Tj .
c) the matrix Pn (β (r) ) defines the transition probabilities of (w)
3. Calculate the matrices Zn,j using recursive formulas:
the process ηt at the moment when a type-r user begins
service, r = 1, R, n = 0, N − 1;
d) The diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix 1n (0)
Zn,j = ntrj ,1 , n = 1, N , j = 1, R − 2,
determine the rates of the exit of the process ηt from the  j 
corresponding state. ntrj −w,1 I O ··· O
When the matrices Ln (S̃), S̃ ∈ {Sserv , Sout , Shand }, and  (w−1)
 Z1,j j
(n − 1)trj −w,1 I · · · O 

An (S) are computed, the matrices 1n are computed by 

O Z2,j ··· O 
 
formula (w)

Zn,j =  .. .. .. .. ,
 
1(n) = −diag{An (S)e + Ln (Sserv )e + Ln (Sout )e 
 . . . . 

+Ln (Shand )e}, n = 1, N ,
 

 O O · · · trj −w,1 I 

where diag{. . . } denotes the diagonal matrix with the O O · · · Zn,j
diagonal entries given by the vector presenting in the
brackets. w = 1, rj − 2, n = 1, N , j = 1, R − 2.
Remark 2: The analogs of the matrices Ln (S̃) and An (S)
were introduced in [7] and the algorithms for calculation of Here, I is the identity matrix and O is a zero matrix of
these analogs are presented there. However, these analogs an appropriate dimension.

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C. Kim et al.: Mathematical Model of Operation of Cell of Mobile Communication Network

4. Calculate the matrices Un,j using recursive formulas: The algorithm for calculating the matrices Pn (β (r) ) can be
(0) j
found in the paper [8]. For the convenience of the reader,
Un,j = t1,rj , n = 0, N − 1, j = 1, R − 2, we present this algorithm. As follows from [8], the matrices
Pn (β), n = 0, N − 1, where β = (β1 , . . . , βR ), β ∈
j (w−1)

t1,rj −w I U0,j O ··· O O
{β (1) , β (2) , . . . , β (R) }, can be found as follows:
 O tj (w−1)
 
(w) 1,rj −w I U1,j ··· O O  (j)
Un,j =  . , 1. Calculate the matrices Pn of size (n + 1) × (n + 2),
.. .. .. .. 
 
 .. ..
 . . . . . 
 n = 1, N − 1, as:
j (w−1)
O O O · · · t1,rj −w I Un,j 
βR−1 βR 0 · · · 0 0

w = 1, rj − 2, n = 0, N − 1, j = 1, R − 2.  0 βR−1 βR · · · 0 0 
n =  .. .. .. . . .. ..  ,
 
(r −2)  . . . . . . 
5. Calculate the matrices Zn,j = Zn,jj , n = 1, N , and
(r −2) 0 0 0 · · · βR−1 βR
Un,j = Un,jj ,
n = 0, N − 1, j = 1, R − 2.
β̂j z (j)
 
(w) (w) 0 0 ··· 0 0
6. Calculate the matrices An = An (S) using recursive  0T β̂ I P(j−1) O · · · O O 
j 1
formulas:  
 0 O β̂j I P(j−1)
 T
P(j) ,

= · · · O O
0 nσR+ 2
 
0 ··· 0 0 n
 .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 
 
σ − +  . . . . . . . 
 R 0− (n − 1)σR · · · 0 0 

 0 2σ
R 0 ··· 0 0  0T O O O · · · β̂j I Pn
n =  .. .. .. .. .. ..  ,
 
 .
 . . . . . 
 j = 1, R − 2,
 0 0 0 ··· 0 σ+  R
where β̂j = βR−j−1 and the vectors z(j) are defined as
0 0 0 · · · nσR− 0
n = 1, N , z(j) = (βR−j , βR−j+1 , . . . , βR ), j = 1, R − 2.
where σR− = sR,R−1 , σR+ = sR−1,R , 2. Calculate Pn (β) as
 
O nU0,j O ··· O O
(j−1) P0 (β) = β, Pn (β) = P(R−2)
n , n = 1, N − 1.
 Z1,j A
 1 (n − 1)U1,j · · · O O  
 O Z
2,j A2 ··· O O  Having the matrices that describe the service process of
A(j) ,
 
n =  .. .. .. .. .. .. users ηt been computed, we can prove the following assertion.

 . . . . . .

 (j−1)

 Theorem 1: The infinitesimal generator Q of Markov
 O O O · · · An−1 1 Un−1,j  chain ζt , t ≥ 0, has the following block-tridiagonal
O O O · · · Zn,j An structure:
n = 1, N , j = 1, R − 2. 
Q0,0 Q0,1 O . . . O O

 Q1,0 Q1,1 Q1,2 . . . O O
7. Calculate the matrices An (S) as

 O Q2,1 Q2,2 . . .
 
Q= O O .

An (S) = A(R−2)
n , n = 1, N .  .. .. .. . . .. ..
 . . . . . .

The algorithm for calculation of the matrices Ln (S̃), S̃ ∈ O O O . . . QN +K ,N +K −1 QN +K ,N +K
{Sserv , Sout , Shand }, S̃ = (S̃1 , . . . S̃R ), n = 1, N , consists of (2)
the following steps:
1. Compute the matrices Ln (S̃), n = 1, N , from The non-zero generator blocks are defined as follows:
Q0,0 = D0 ⊕ H0 ,
Ln(0) (S̃) = nS̃R , Qn,n = D0 ⊕ H0 ⊕ (An (S) + 1n ), n = 1, N − 1,
 
nS̃R−w I O ··· O Qn,n = D0 ⊕ H0 ⊕ (AN (S) + 1N ) + (D − D0 ) ⊗ IVJN
 L (w−1) (S̃) (n − 1)S̃ ···
R−w I O 
 1
 −(n − N )αIWVJN , n = N , N + K − 1,
O L2 (S̃) ··· O
 
Ln(w) (S̃) =  , QN +K ,N +K = D0 ⊕ H0 ⊕ (AN (S) + 1N ) + (D − D0 ) ⊗ IVJN
 
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
 

 +IW ⊗ H1 ⊗ IJN − K αIWVJN ,
 O O · · · S̃R−w I 
(w−1) Qn,n−1 = IWV ⊗ (Ln (Sserv ) + Ln (Sout )
O O · · · Ln (S̃)
+Ln (Shand )), n = 1, N ,
w = 1, R − 1, n = 1, N .
Qn,n−1 = IWV ⊗ ((LN (Sserv ) + LN (Sout ) + LN (Shand ))
2. Calculate the matrices Ln (S̃), as ×PN −1 (β R )) + (n − N )αIWVJN ,
Ln (S̃) = Ln(R−1) (S̃), n = 1, N . n = N + 1, N + K ,

VOLUME 9, 2021 106939

C. Kim et al.: Mathematical Model of Operation of Cell of Mobile Communication Network

X of these transitions are the non-diagonal entries of the matrix
Qn,n+1 = Dr ⊗ IV ⊗ Pn (β r )
H0 ;
c) The arrival of an ordinary user when N users are
+IW ⊗ H1 ⊗ Pn (β R ), n = 0, N − 1, servicing in the system. In this case, the arriving user leaves
Qn,n+1 = IW ⊗ H1 ⊗ IJN , n = N , N + K − 1, the system. The corresponding intensities are given by the
entries of the matrix (D − D0 ) ⊗ IVJN ;
where d) The arrival of a handover user when K handover users


(n + R − 1)! are staying in the buffer. In this case, the arriving user also
Jn = = . leaves the system, and the corresponding intensities are given
R−1 n!(R − 1)!
by the entries of the matrix IW ⊗ H1 ⊗ IJN .
Here ⊗ and ⊕ are the symbols of the Kronecker product and e) Some user (if any) transits to another zone. The
the sum of matrices, see [32], which are very helpful in the transition intensities are given by the entries of the matrix
description of joint transitions of several independent Markov IWV ⊗ An (S) if the current number of users in service is
chains. n, n = 1, N .
Proof: The proof of the theorem is implemented by the Taking into account all these reasonings we obtain the form
analysis of all possible transitions of the Markov chain ζt of the blocks Qn,n , n = 0, N + K .
during an interval of infinitesimal length and rewriting the The entries of the matrices Qn,n−1 , n = 1, N + K , define
intensities of such transitions in the block matrix form. the transition intensities of the components of the Markov
Since we assume that users arrive and can be serviced only chain ζt that are accompanied by the decrease of the number
one by one, the probability that more than one user will arrive of users in the system n by one. The corresponding transitions
or be served in the system during a time of infinitely small are the following:
length tends to zero. Thus, all the matrices Qn,n0 = O for n a) Some user leaves the cell due to (i) successful service
and n0 such as |n − n0 | > 1. So, the generator Q has a block- completion, (ii) dissatisfaction of the quality of service,
tridiagonal form. and (iii) handover. In the case, if there are n users in service
The diagonal entries of the matrices Qn,n , n = 0, N + K , and the buffer is empty, the corresponding intensities are
are negative and the modulus of such entries gives the total given as the entries of the matrices IWV ⊗ Ln (Sserv ), IWV ⊗
intensity of the exit from the corresponding state. The Markov Ln (Sout ), and IWV ⊗ Ln (Shand ), respectively. If the buffer is
chain ζt can leave its state due to the following reasons: not empty, the intensities are given by the entries of the
a) The exit of the underlying arrival process of ordinary matrices IWV ⊗Ln (Sserv )PN −1 (β R ), IWV ⊗Ln (Sout )PN −1 (β R ),
users from the current state. The intensities of the exits are and IWV ⊗ Ln (Shand )PN −1 (β R ).
given by the modulus of the corresponding diagonal entries b) A handover user (if any) leaves the buffer due to
of the matrix D0 ; impatience. The intensities of such transitions are given by
b) The exit of the underlying arrival process of handover the entries of the matrix kαIWVJN if k users stay in the buffer.
users from the current state. The intensities of the exits are Taking into account these reasonings, we obtain the
given by the modulus of the corresponding diagonal entries presented above form of the blocks Qn,n−1 , n = 1, N + K .
of the matrix H0 ; The entries of the matrices Qn,n+1 , n = 0, N + K − 1,
c) The change of the state of the service process of one define the transition intensities of the components of the
of the users (if there are users in the system). In the case if Markov chain ζt that are accompanied by the increase of the
n users are serviced in the system, the intensities of these number of users in the system n by one. The corresponding
transitions are given by the modulus of the corresponding transitions are the following:
diagonal entries of the matrix 1n ; a) An ordinary user of any type is admitted to the system.
d) One of the handover users (if any) leaves the buffer The corresponding intensities are given by the entries of the
due to impatience. If k handover users stay in the buffer, PR
matrix Dr ⊗ IV ⊗ Pn (β r ), n = 0, N − 1.
the intensities of these transitions are defined by the diagonal r=1
entries of the matrix kαIWVJN . b) A handover user is admitted to the system. The
The non-diagonal entries of the matrices Qn,n define the corresponding intensities are given by the entries of the
transition intensities of the components of the Markov chain matrix IW ⊗ H1 ⊗ Pn (β R ), n = 0, N − 1, if the accepted user
ζt that are not accompanied by the change of the number of starts service upon arrival, and by the entries of the matrix
users in the system n, n = 0, N + K . The corresponding IW ⊗ H1 ⊗ IJN otherwise.
transitions are the following: Taking into account these reasonings, it is easy to obtain
a) The change of the state of the underlying arrival process the form of the blocks Qn,n+1 , n = 0, N + K − 1.
of ordinary users without the arrival of a user (the intensities The size of the square matrix Q defined by formula (2)
of these transitions are the non-diagonal entries of the
Jn + KJN ) = WV ( N R+R + K N R−1 +R−1
is equal to WV ( )
matrix D0 ); n=0
b) The change of the state of the underlying arrival process and can be large. Therefore, to solve system (1) of the linear
of handover users without the arrival of a user. The intensities algebraic equations with this matrix, it is necessary to use

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C. Kim et al.: Mathematical Model of Operation of Cell of Mobile Communication Network

some effective algorithms that exploit the sparse structure The loss probability of an arbitrary handover user upon
of the generator Q. In particular, the algorithm from [33] arrival due to the presence of K other handover users in the
can be recommended to find the stationary probability buffer is calculated as
distribution of the Markov chain and the queueing system
under consideration. Pent−loss
hand = λ−1
h π N +K (IW ⊗ H1 ⊗ IJN )e.

The probability of the departure of an arbitrary user from

IV. PERFORMANCE MEASURES the considered cell to another cell is calculated as
After calculation of the probability vectors π n , n = sh
0, N + K , we can compute the values of various performance Phand = .
λ + λh
indicators of the considered queuing system.
The average number of users receiving service in a cell is The probability of a forced departure of an arbitrary user
calculated by the formula due to dissatisfaction with the quality of service is calculated
NX s−
Nuser = min{n, N }π n e. Pdiss−loss = .
λ + λh
The loss probability of a handover user from the buffer due
The average number of handover users in the buffer is to impatience is calculated as
calculated using the formula
imp−loss αNhand
NX Phand = .
Nhand = (n − N )π n e.
n=N +1
The loss probability of a handover user is calculated as
The average number of users in the system is calculated by Ploss ent−loss
hand = Phand + Phand .
the formula
The loss probability of an arbitrary user is calculated as
L = Nuser + Nhand . s+ + sh
Ploss = 1 − .
λ + λh
The intensity of the output flow of successfully served
users is calculated as The probability of successful service of an arbitrary user in
the cell is calculated as Psucc = 1 − Ploss .
s+ = π n (IWV ⊗ Lmin{n,N } (Sserv ))e.
In the previous sections, we successfully implemented the
The intensity of the output flow of users who are forced to analytical study of the formulated model. In this section,
stop serving due to unsatisfactory service is calculated as we demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed algorithms for
NX the evaluation of various performance measures of the model.
s− = π n (IWV ⊗ Lmin{n,N } (Sout ))e. Also, we briefly show the effect of varying the number of
n=1 servers N and capacity K of the buffer for temporarily storing
the handover users.
The output flow rate of users who leave the system due to In the numerical example we consider a cell consisting of
handover is calculated as R = 3 zones. Let the MMAP of new users be determined by
NX the matrices:
sh = π n (IWV ⊗ Lmin{n,N } (Shand ))e. 
−10 0
9.16 0.04

n=1 D0 = , D1 = ,
0 −2 0.012 0.404
The loss probability of an arbitrary ordinary user upon 
0.16 0.2
0.4 0.04

arrival due to the presence of N users in the cell is calculated D2 = , D3 = .
0.024 1.16 0 0.4
This flow has the intensity λ equal to 2.91139. The
intensities of users activation in various zones are equal
Pent−loss = λ−1 π n ((D − D0 ) ⊗ IVJN )e.
new to λ1 = 1.4167, λ2 = 1.09013, λ3 = 0.404557,
correspondingly. The coefficient of correlation of inter-arrival
The loss probability of an arbitrary ordinary user of the times is ccor = 0.187215, and the coefficient of their
r-th type upon arrival due to the presence of N users in the variation cvar is 1.64605. Let us note that λ1 > λ2 > λ3 .
cell is calculated as This ordering of arrival rates in descending order corresponds
NX to assuming that the location of a base station in the cell
r = λ−1
r π n (Dr ⊗ IVJN )e, r = 1, R. is chosen well. The station is located in the zone where the
n=N users’ arrival rate is maximal.

VOLUME 9, 2021 106941

C. Kim et al.: Mathematical Model of Operation of Cell of Mobile Communication Network

The MAP of handover users is defined by matrices:

−0.3 0.05 0.245 0.005
H0 = , H1 = .
0.01 −0.05 0 0.04
This flow has the intensity λh equal to 0.0723077. The
coefficient of correlation is ccor = 0.146962, and the
coefficient of variation cvar is 1.76956. The stationary
probability vector ζ of the underlying Markov chain of the
flow of handover users is (0.1538, 0.8462) and the user arrival
rate is essentially higher when the underlying Markov chain
has the state 1. Such a choice of parameters looks fine, e.g.,
for modeling the cell within the business center of the city.
During the main part of the working day mobility of the FIGURE 1. Dependence of the average number of users in the system on
N and K .
officers can be quite low. While during a relatively small time
(around beginning and ending the working day, lunchtime)
the mobility becomes much higher.
The user service in the cell is specified using the sub-
generator S, of the form
 
−0.5 0.05 0.001
S =  0.025 −0.3 0.03  ,
0.001 0.01 −0.1
and the vectors
Sserv = (0.446, 0.234, 0.064),
ent −loss on N and K .
FIGURE 2. Dependence of the probability Phand
Sout = (0.003, 0.006, 0.01),
Shand = (0, 0.005, 0.015).
Figure 2 shows the dependence of the loss probability
This choice of data fits well assumptions that the rate of Pent−loss
hand of an arbitrary handover user on arrival due to the
successful service is higher in the zones closer to the base presence of K other handover users in the buffer on the
station, rate of service termination due to dissatisfaction with values of the parameters N and K . It can be seen that
the quality of service increases when the number of a zone the probability Pent−loss
hand significantly decreases as the values
(with the distance to the base station) increases, handover of the parameters N and K grow. When N is not large and
may occur only in border zones of the cell. the buffer capacity K is small, the loss probability Pent−loss
The value of the parameter α, which specifies the intensity can be huge. Therefore, the arrangement of even a small
of the impatience of handover users staying in the buffer, buffer for temporarily storing the arriving handover users
is α = 0.2. drastically decreases the probability of the loss of such users.
Let us investigate the dependence of the main performance When N grows, the servers succeed to provide service to
characteristics of the system on the values of the parameters practically all users. The probability that the handover user
N , defining the maximum number of users that can be will not succeed to enter service immediately upon arrival is
served in the cell simultaneously, and K , defining the buffer low. Correspondingly, the loss probability Pent−loss
hand becomes
capacity for handover users. To this end, we vary the negligible and independent of the size of the buffer.
parameter N in the interval [1, 50], and the parameter K in the Figure 3 shows the dependence of the probability Phand
interval [0, 10]. of loss of a handover user from the buffer due to impatience
Figure 1 shows the dependence of the average number L of in the buffer on the values of the parameters N and K . This
users in the system on the values of the parameters N and K . probability decreases with an increase in the number of N
It can be seen that the average number L of users in the system and increases with an increase in the capacity of the buffer
increases with an increase in the values of the parameters N K . When N becomes sufficiently large, practically all users
and K . Most essential is the impact of the maximal number of succeed to enter service immediately upon arrival. Therefore,
users N that can receive service simultaneously. The increase only a few handover users join the buffer and wait for the
of N implies the decrease of the loss probabilities and the service there during the more essential time. However, when
decrease of the share of users that do not receive service. N is relatively small, many handover users join the buffer and
More week impact of the buffer size is explained by the fact wait there. With growth of K , the number of handover users
that the rate of new users arrival is more than 40 times higher in the buffer increases what triggers the increase of the loss
than the rate of handover users. Therefore, the change of the probability of a handover user due to impatience.
parameter K varies the average number L of users in the Figure 4 shows the dependence of the loss probability
system insignificantly. Ploss
hand of a handover user on the values of the parameters N

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C. Kim et al.: Mathematical Model of Operation of Cell of Mobile Communication Network

imp−loss FIGURE 6. Dependence of the probability P2ent −loss on N and K .

FIGURE 3. Dependence of the probability Phand on N and K .

loss on N and K .
FIGURE 7. Dependence of the probability P3ent −loss on N and K .
FIGURE 4. Dependence of the probability of Phand

the buffer capacity, a smaller number of handover users are

lost and, therefore, a larger number of these users compete
with new users generated inside the cell, which leads to
an increase in the loss probability at the entrance to the
system for users of the r-th type, r = 1, 2, 3. It should be
noted that for the same values of the parameters N and K ,
the loss probability of the first type users at the entrance of
the system is significantly higher than the loss probability of
users of the second and third types. This is because the input
flow of the first type users has the largest intensity among
FIGURE 5. Dependence of the probability P1ent −loss on N and K .
other flows and is much more correlated: the coefficient
of correlation of intervals between type-1 users arrival is
cor1 = 0.352748. While the other coefficients of correlation
and K . The probability Plosshand is the sum of the probabilities are cor2 = 0.0361307, and cor3 = −0.000040108.
hand and P hand presented in Figures 2 and 3. The dependence of the loss probability of Pent−loss
new of a
Therefore, explanation of the form of the surface presented new user upon arrival due to the presence of N users in
in Figure 4 follows from the corresponding explanations the cell on the values of N and K , is shown in Figure 8.
given above for Figures 2 and 3. This probability is the weighted sum of loss probabilities
Figures 5-7 show the dependence of the probabilities Pent−loss
r , k = r, 2, 3. Hence, the behavior of the surface
r , r = 1, 2, 3, of loss of an arbitrary r-th type user presented in Figure 8 easily is explained by analogy with the
at the entrance to the system due to the presence of N users explanation of Figures 5 - 7.
in the cell on the values of the parameters N and K . The dependence of the probability Pdiss−loss of a user
It is worth noting that most of the presented dependencies departure due to dissatisfaction with the quality of service on
(in terms of the trend) are qualitatively clear and not the values of N and K , is shown in Figure 9.
surprising. The value of the presented figures consists of the As it can be seen from Figure 9, the probability Pdiss−loss
fact that they characterize these dependencies quantitatively grows with the number of channels N . This can be explained
what is important for the managerial insights. by the fact that with an increase of N the loss probability
As it can be seen from Figures 5-7, the loss probability Pent−loss
new of a new user upon arrival due to the presence
of an arbitrary user of each type significantly decreases with of N users in the cell illustrated on Figure 8 decreases.
an increase in the number N of servers and increases with Correspondingly, more ordinary users are accepted to the
an increase in the buffer capacity for handover users. This system and can depart from the system due to dissatisfaction
growth can be explained by the fact that with an increase in with the quality of service. The probability Pdiss−loss is

VOLUME 9, 2021 106943

C. Kim et al.: Mathematical Model of Operation of Cell of Mobile Communication Network

over new users, which increases the average service time per
user. This leads to an increase in the probability of losing an
arbitrary user.
To build the presented surfaces, we made computations for
550 combinations of N and K (N ∈ {1, 50}, K ∈ {0, 10}).
The computations were implemented on a PC with
an Intel Core i7-10750H CPU (2.60 GHz), 16GB RAM,
Wolfram Mathematica 11.0. The total computation time for
550 combinations was 173 minutes (on average, 20 seconds
per combination). The computation time can be essentially
ent −loss on N and K .
FIGURE 8. Dependence of the probability Pnew reduced via the use of a more advanced PC or workstation.
Having carried out a numerical study of the system
parameters, it is possible to solve various optimization
problems. Let, for example, the problem is to determine the
minimum number N of servers and the buffer capacity K , for
which: (i) the loss probability of an arbitrary handover user
would not exceed 10−5 , and (ii) the loss probability of an
arbitrary user would be less than 0.05. It can be found in the
data used for drawing Figures 4 and 10, that the minimum
values of N and K , for which both conditions (i) and (ii) are
satisfied, are equal to 39 and 3, respectively.

FIGURE 9. Dependence of the probability P diss−loss on N and K . In this paper, a model of a queuing system, which describes
the operation of a cell of a mobile communication network,
is formulated and investigated. The cell is divided into R
zones that differ in the speed of user service. This system
is a generalization of the model studied in the paper [6]
because it takes into account the presence of an additional
flow of handover users. The treatment of this flow differs
from handling all other flows of users. If a handover user
arrives from another cell when all servers are busy, then
this user is not immediately lost, as the users of all other
flows do in such a situation. The arriving user is placed into
some buffer of a finite capacity if it is not full. The time
the user resides in the buffer is assumed to be limited by a
FIGURE 10. Dependence of the probability P loss on N and K .
random variable having an exponential distribution. After this
time expires, the handover user is lost. The advantage of this
practically insensitive with respect to the variation of the generalization is the greater adequacy of the mathematical
buffer capacity K due to the mentioned above a small share model to the operation of real cellular networks, in which a
of handover users in the total flow of arriving users. handover user arriving at the cell when all channels in this
Figure 10 shows the dependence of the loss probability cell are busy can continue service in the cell, from which it is
Ploss of an arbitrary user on parameters N and K . moving until it leaves the area where the cells overlap.
As can be seen from Figure 10, the loss probability Ploss A multi-dimensional Markov chain that describes the oper-
of an arbitrary user decreases with an increase in the number ation of this queuing system is constructed. Its infinitesimal
of channels N . At the same time, for small values of N , this generator is obtained. During the derivation of the generator,
probability grows with an increase in K . For example, for simpler than those known in the existing literature algorithms
N = 1 and K = 0, the probability Ploss = 0.943082, for calculating some typical blocks of the generator are
while at N = 1 and K = 10 the probability is proposed. This opens up the possibility of calculating the
Ploss = 0.950498. This, at the first glance, the paradoxical stationary probabilities of the queuing system states, the main
effect can be explained as follows. By default, we assume characteristics of the quality of user service, and numerically
that handover users come to the outermost areas of the cell analyzing the dependence of these characteristics on the
with the worst signal strength. In other words, we assume that system parameters to further search for the optimal values of
handover users, when accepted for service, become users of these parameters.
the R-th type, which have the longest service time. As the Possible generalizations of the model, which are of interest
buffer capacity increases, handover users take precedence from a practical point of view, include taking into account

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VOLUME 9, 2021 106945

C. Kim et al.: Mathematical Model of Operation of Cell of Mobile Communication Network

ALEXANDER DUDIN received the Ph.D. degree OLGA DUDINA graduated from Belarusian State
in probability theory and mathematical statistics University, in 2007. She received the Ph.D. degree
from Vilnius University, in 1982, and the Doctor in probability theory and mathematical statistics
of Science degree from Tomsk University, in 1992. from Belarusian State University, in 2010. Her
He is currently the Head of the Laboratory of Ph.D. dissertation got award as the Best Disser-
Applied Probabilistic Analysis, a Professor with tation of the Year in the Republic of Belarus
the Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics in Natural Sciences. She currently works as a
Department, Belarusian State University, and the Leading Scientific Researcher with the Research
Director of the Center of Applied Probabilistic Laboratory of Applied Probabilistic Analysis,
Analysis, Applied Mathematics and Communica- Belarusian State University. She published the
tions Technology Institute, RUDN University, Moscow. He was invited for monograph and over 90 articles, including 53 articles cited in Scopus. Her
lecturing and research to USA, U.K., Germany, France, The Netherlands, research interests include queueing tandem queueing models with correlated
Japan, South Korea, India, Russia, China, Italy, and Sweden. He is the arrival flows and non-Markovian queueing systems.
author of more than 400 publications, including five books and more than
120 articles in top-level journals, such as Journal of Applied Probabil-
ity, Queueing Systems, Performance Evaluation, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
of Operations Research, Computers and Operations Research, Computer
Networks, and IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. He serves as a member for
the IPC of several international conferences. He got Scopus Award Belarus
in Mathematics, in 2013. He has been the Chairman of the IPC of Belarusian
Winter Workshops in Queueing Theory, since 1985, and the Chairman of the
IPC of the conference named after A. F. Terpugov, since 2014.

SERGEI DUDIN graduated from Belarusian State

University, in 2007. He received the Ph.D. degree
in system analysis, control and information pro-
cessing from Belarusian State University, in 2010.
He currently works as a Leading Scientific
Researcher with the Research Laboratory of
Applied Probabilistic Analysis, Belarusian State
University. He published the monograph and over
100 articles, including 59 articles cited in Scopus.
His research interests include queueing systems
with correlated arrival flows and controlled tandem models.

106946 VOLUME 9, 2021

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