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Experiment Title : Lab 2- Bipolar Junction Transistor

Course : UEEA1313 Basic Electronics

Name of Student Signature Student ID Group Programme Year &

number Trimester

P13 201805

P13 201805

Date of Experiment: 26/7/2018

Name of Supervising
Lecturer(s) : Mr. Ng Choon Boon

Submit to: Mr. Ng Choon Boon FE4(3) email:

Received by:-

Date :


The purpose of this laboratory is to become familiar with the D. C. operation of the bipolar junction
transistor (BJT), and a basic D. C. circuit using BJT.

Results and Discussion

Part 2.1: Determine the common emitter current gain, β

Results of Part 2.1

a. What are the measured resistance values of RB and RC.

Parameter Measured value

RB 993kΩ
RC 2.65kΩ
(1 mark)

b. What are the measured values of VBE and VRC.

Parameter Measured value

VBE 0.67V
VRC 9.30V
(1 mark)

c. Calculate IB and IC. You are required to show all the workings to obtain full marks.
(6 marks)
Loop 1
-20 + 993kIB + VBE = 0
-20 + 993kIB + 0.67 = 0
IB = 1.947 x 10-5 A

9.30 = IC (2.65k)
IC = 3.51 x 10-3 A

d. Calculate β. You are required to show all the workings to obtain full marks. (2 marks)

β = I C / IB
= 3.51 x 10-3 / 1.947 x 10-5
= 180

e. Record the β value obtained and compared the value with other group (at least two other group)

Current gain, β Calculated value

Your group 180
Group 1 167
Group 2 216
(1 mark)

Discussions of Part 2.1 and additional questions

f. Suggest two possible reasons on why the current gain, β you obtained in section (e) is different
from the other 2 groups.

The measured values of VBE and VRC are different. Besides that, the the change in the temperature
of the transistor during the practical will also affects the value of β.
(2 marks)

g. Is it desirable to have a larger or smaller current gain, β ? Briefly explain your answer.

A larger current gain is more desirable. This is because when the current gain is large, the
transistor can be used as an amplifying device when used in its active region as Ib provides the
input and Ic provides the output. Whereas a smaller current gain will cause the transistor to
become a switch by using its cut-off region which is operating conditions are zero input base
current ( IB ), zero output collector current ( IC ), resulting in a large depletion layer and no current
flowing through the device.
(2 marks)

[Total: 15

Part 2.2: Determine the DC operating point, Q-point of a BJT

Results of Part 2.2

a. What are the measured resistance of R1, R2 , RC and RE ? (2 marks)

Parameter Measured value

R1 32.3kΩ
R2 9.79kΩ
RC 2.96kΩ
RE 0.99kΩ

b. What are the measured values of VR1, VR2, VRC and VRE ? (2 marks)

Parameter Measured value

VR1 7.77V
VR2 2.22V
VRC 4.63V
VRE 1.55V
c. Determine the calculated values of VB, VC, VE, VBE and VCE. (5 marks)

Loop 1
-VR2 + VBE + VRE = 0
-2.22 + VBE + 1.55 = 0
VBE = 0.67V

Loop 2
-10 + 4.63 + VCE + 1.55 = 0
VCE = 3.82V

VC = 10 – 4.63
= 5.37V

3.82 = 5.37 - VE
VE = 1.55V

0.67 = VB – 5.37
VB = 6.04V

d. Determine the calculated values of IE and IC. (2 marks)

IE = V E / R E
= 1.55 / 0.987k
= 1.57 mA

IC = V C / R C
= 5.37 / 2.99k
= 1.79 mA

e. Using β and VBE obtained in Part 2.1 and measured resistors in Step a of Part 2.2, calculate the
theoretical values of VB, VC, VE, VCE, IE and IC. You are required to show all the workings to
obtain full marks. (10 marks)

1 / RTH = (1 / 32.3k) + (1 / 9.79k)

RTH = 7.513 kΩ

VTH = [9790 / (32300 + 9790)] x 10

= 2.33 V

α = β / (β+1)
= 180 /181
= 0.994

Loop 1
-2.32 + 7.513kIB + VBE + 0.99kIE = 0
-2.33 + 7.513k (IC/ β) + 0.67 + 0.99k (IC/ α) = 0
-2.33 + 7.513k(IC/180) + 0.67 + 0.99k(IC/0.994) = 0
IC =1.60 mA

IE = I C / α
= 1.60m / 0.994
= 1.61 mA

= 1.61m x 990
= 1.60 V

0.67 = VB – 1.60
VB = 2.27 V

= 1.60m x 2.96k
= 4.74 V

= 4.74 – 1.60
= 3.14 V

Discussions of Part 2.2 and additional questions

f. Calculate the percentage difference between the experimental values and theoretical values for
VCE and IC . Explain a possible reason why these differences arise.

Percentage Difference of VCE = (|VCE(EXP) – VCE(THEO)| / VCE(THEO) ) X 100%

=( | 3.82 – 3.14 | / 3.14 ) X 100%
= 21.65 %

Percentage Difference of IC = (|IC(EXP) – IC(THEO)| / IC(THEO) ) X 100%

=( | 1.79 X 10-3 – 1.60 X 10-3 | / 1.62 X 10-3 ) X 100%
= 11.73 %
The possible reason that cause the differences is the presence of resistor at the emitter of the
transistor which makes the Ic less affected by β and the circuit has better bias stability.

(6 marks)

g. The β of BJT varies with temperature. Due to the change of operating temperature, the β of the
BJT circuit in part (d) change from 100 to 200 in a step of 50. Assuming VBE is 0.7 V, calculate IC
for each value of β. Tabulate your results in Table 1. You are required to show all the workings to
obtain full marks.

Loop 1
-2.33 + 7.513kIB + VBE + 0.99kIE = 0
-2.33 + 7.513k (IC/ β) + 0.7 + 0.99k (IC/ α) = 0

β = 100 -2.33 + 7.513k (IC/ 100) + 0.7 + 0.99k (IC/ 0.990) = 0

α = β / (β+1) Ic = 1.516mA
= 100 /101
= 0.990

β = 150 -2.33 + 7.513k (IC/ 150) + 0.7 + 0.99k (IC/ (150/151)) = 0

α = β / (β+1) Ic = 1.557mA

= 150 /151

β = 200 -2.33 + 7.513k (IC/ 200) + 0.7 + 0.99k (IC/ 0.995) = 0

α = β / (β+1) Ic = 1.579mA
= 200 /201
= 0.995

Table 1
Current gain, β Calculated IC
100 1.516mA
150 1.557mA
200 1.579mA
(6 marks)

h. The RE = 1kΩ of the BJT circuit is removed. Repeat your calculation in section (h). Tabulate your
results in Table 2. You are required to show all the workings to obtain full marks.

Loop 1
-2.33 + 7.496kIB + VBE = 0
-2.33 + 7.496k (IC/ β) + 0.7 = 0

β = 100 -2.33 + 7.496k (IC/ 100) + 0.7 = 0

Ic = 21.7mA

β = 150 -2.33 + 7.496k (IC/ 150) + 0.7 = 0

Ic = 32.6mA

β = 200 -2.33 + 7.496k (IC/ 200) + 0.7 = 0

Ic = 43.5mA

Table 2
Current gain, β Calculated IC
100 21.7 mA
150 32.6 mA
200 43.5 mA
(6 marks)

i. From above, explain a possible reason why we include RE into the BJT circuit?

RE is included into the BJT circuit to stabilize the amplifier voltage. Emitter resistor provides the
required amount of automatic biasing needed to stabilize the DC biased input voltage to the amplifier.
Therefore, it only amplify the required AC signal. The addition of this emitter resistor causes the
emitter terminal not to be grounded or 0. It also help in regulating the transistor base bias using
negative feedback which negates any attempted changed in collector current with an opposing change
in the base bias voltage and so the circuit tends to be stabilized at a fixed level.
(6 marks)

[Total: 45

Part 2.3: Determine the small signal voltage gain, Av = Vout/Vsig
Results of Part 2.3

a. Sketch the input waveform (Vsig) and the output waveform (Vout) together. Label your waveform
clearly in order to obtain full marks. (6 marks)

b. Calculate the small signal voltage gain using Vsig and Vout. You are required to show all the
workings to obtain full marks. (2

Av = -Vout / Vsig
= -4.4 / 30m
= -146.67

c. Calculate the theoretical values of small signal voltage gain. You are required to show all the
workings to obtain full marks. (10 marks)

From part 2.2 (e),

gm = IC / VT
= 1.60m / 0.026
= 0.062

gmrπ = β
rπ = 180 / 0.062
= 2903.23

vo = - gmvπ x 2990
= - 0.062vπ x 2960
= - 185 vπ

vi = vπ(rπ +RB) / rπ
RB = 0,
vi = vπ(rπ) / rπ
vi = vπ

Av = vo / vi
= -185 vπ / vπ
= -185

Discussions of Part 2.3 and additional questions

d. What causes the difference of the small signal voltage gain you obtained experimentally compared
to the theoretical value?

Causes of the difference of the small signal voltage are the presence of an emitter resistor at the
emitter terminal and a bypass capacitor which is connected in parallel with the emitter resistor.

(2 marks)

e. Describe your observations of the output waveform (Vout)

A sine wave input signal is supplied and produce an output sine waveform which is amplified.
Both time division of the input and output signal are 0.1ms/div. However, for the voltage division
of the input signal is 5mV/div whereas for the output signal is 1V/div.

(3 marks)

f. Using the small signal voltage gain that you have obtained experimentally, sketch the input
waveform and output waveform for the following conditions:

i. Input signal – sinusoid signal with frequency 2 kHz and peak-to-peak voltage of 15 mV

Input waveform:

Output waveform:

ii. Input signal - sinusoid signal with frequency 1 kHz and peak voltage of 25 mV

Input waveform:

Output waveform:

Label your graph clearly in order to obtain full marks. (8 marks)

A. Conclusion
In less than 200 words, write a conclusion. This should address the following but not limited to the
objective of the lab – What did you accomplish? What were the results? Do your results support the
theory? If not, why?

A common emitter amplifier is constructed using a bipolar junction transistor (BJT). For part 2.1, a
simple BJT is constructed to obtain the common emitter current gain, β which is 216. β can be
calculated by using the formula β = Ic / IB.

For part 2.2, more resistor and an emitter resistor is added to obtain the DC operating point, Q-
point. The VCE and IC calculated from the experiment are 3.63V and 1.73mA with percentage
difference of 12.3% and 6.79% respectively.

For part 2.3, the BJT in part 2.2 is constructed again with an AC input signal of 20mV at 1kHz,
capacitors and also a bypass capacitor which is connected in parallel with the emitter resistor. The
small signal voltage gain, A is determined by the formula Av = Vout / Vsig which is -160. An
amplified sine waveform is observed as output waveform (Vout) when a sine wave input waveform is
(9 marks)
[Total: 40 marks]


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